Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 152 The mysterious Miao girl, a man’s ultimate dream of flying with a sword!

Chapter 152 - The mysterious Miao girl, the ultimate dream of men flying with a sword!

[Ding! Use two lottery opportunities, congratulations on winning: Soul Summoning Banner, Shushan Sword Technique. ]

Ah! ?

Can this thing be given to yourself?

Bai Ye took a rough look at the Soul Summoning Banner. It is considered an equipment. As the name suggests, its function is to summon souls. At the same time, it can also imprison the soul in this banner, which has a very strong restraining power against evil spirits.

Bai Ye always felt that this seemed to have little to do with the righteous way. Playing with souls must be what the evil way likes.

But the Soul Summoning Banner is mainly about who has it.

It was the Shushan Sword Technique that surprised Bai Ye a little. This is from the Shushan in the world of The Legend of Sword and Fairy.

And the combat power of the Shushan in the game is completely different from that in the TV series.

There are only two moves for Li Xiaoyao and Jingtian, but the Shushan in the game has many moves.

He, a member of the Shenxiao Sect, actually gave the Shushan Sword Technique.

But it seems that it is not impossible to practice. No one stipulates that it is impossible. After all, the Shushan in this world has long disappeared, and I can be regarded as carrying forward the Shushan's skills.

The sword formula includes various moves developed by Li Xiaoyao in the later period, but it is a pity that the talismans, formations, and qi training of Shushan are not included.

"Master, you seem to be in a good mood?"

Ren Tingting was very sensitive to the fact that Bai Ye seemed to be in a good mood.

And it was the kind of mood that came out of nowhere.

"No, I just thought of something."

Although his apprentice had just died and he had been expelled from the sect, it seemed a bit too much to say that he was in a good mood at this time.

"Oh oh."

Ren Tingting also realized that she had said the wrong thing, and then she quickly stopped talking.

"Just bury Aqiang, so that he won't be exposed in the wilderness."

Although he had been expelled from the sect, Aqiang had followed him for a while, and his mother couldn't just watch Aqiang's body being thrown away on the roadside so casually.

After burying Aqiang, several people also set out on the road to leave.

Along the way, although Mamadi and Jiushu still quarreled with each other and disliked each other's behavior, their relationship was much more harmonious.

When talking about some things about the righteous way, they also made new progress about the evil way. Jiushu glanced at Bai Ye, then thought of something and asked: "Daoyou, do you want to go with me to take a look? It seems that there is news over there."

If the other party is not in a hurry, then we can go together.


Bai Ye thought about it and finally agreed.

A group of horse thieves used witchcraft to rob, burn, kill and plunder. Is it that female ghost?

The enemy has been in the dark, and I have been in the light. It seems that I really need to open a gap.

"By the way, can the guy who has been following us come out?"

"Is there anyone?"

Jiushu was surprised and looked behind him following Bai Ye's gaze, but there was nothing behind him.

Is it an illusion?

"Master, what is that?"

"A lot of bugs!"

"If you don't come out, I will burn all of them with fire!"

As he said that, Bai Ye raised his hand and a flame suddenly appeared in his hand.

"No, no, no, you are really too boring!"

In the forest behind him, a crisp voice came from the direction Bai Ye was looking at, followed by a series of bell sounds accompanied by light footsteps getting closer and closer to the few people.

At the moment when the other party pulled open the tree branch, what came into view was a beauty with oil paint painted from the corner of her eyes to the temple, beautiful cheeks, fair skin, and a red rope bell hanging on each hand and foot.


Uncle Jiu was stunned. He was knowledgeable and would occasionally walk around, and Simu would occasionally chat with him about things in other places.

When he saw the girl in front of him dressed up, combined with the bugs that just appeared, he also understood that the girl in front of him was a girl from the Miao ethnic group.

"Well, you are a Taoist priest from Maoshan, right?"

The girl nodded, then took out a jar, shook the bell in her hand, and all the poisonous insects were collected in the jar, muttering, "It's true that he is a nimble old Taoist priest. I just made a joke, but he actually wanted to burn all his poisonous insects."

But this guy is so good-looking, why is his mind so bad?

"Well, this is my junior brother Mamadi, and this is Bai Ye, the head of the Shenxiao Sect."

Uncle Jiu introduced them and prepared to leave.

There is really nothing to talk about with the little girl from Miaojiang.

Miaojiang is too mysterious for them, and no one wants to contact people from Miaojiang, even those who practice Taoism.

After all, the poisonous art of Miaojiang is very magical, and even a Taoist priest who has practiced Taoism may be affected.

And because Miaojiang has been relatively closed for generations, not many people really know it.

Although I don't know why this girl appeared here, Uncle Jiu decided to say goodbye to avoid trouble.

"Wait, I heard that you are going to deal with a horse thief named Wang Po, right?"

The girl stopped the way of several people, looked at their puzzled eyes, and introduced herself: "My name is Xuehua, and this time I came out to kill the traitor Wang Po from Miaojiang."

When she passed by here just now, she wanted to leave directly.

In the final analysis, Taoist people do not want to come into contact with Miao people, and Miao people naturally do not want to come into contact with Taoist people.

Just when she was about to run away, she heard something about the horse thief and Wang Po. Wasn't this exactly what she was looking for?

Therefore, after she hesitated for a moment, she immediately decided to come out and test the strength of these Taoist priests first.

As a result, she didn't expect that she had just decided to take action, and that person almost got angry. What Gu insects fear most is getting angry. She knew very well that if she didn't show up just now, the Gu insects that she had worked so hard to cultivate might be destroyed by Bai Ye's move. Eliminated.

"Miao traitor?"

Uncle Jiu muttered that Wang Po was from Miaojiang, but he had just found out.

And Wang Po did learn witchcraft from her, but she left the Miao territory after becoming a teacher, and then started burning, killing and looting outside.

Basically, the wizards in Miao Border will not leave Miao Border. Even if they want to leave, they will need permission. Wizards like Wang Po have left and even used witchcraft to cause harm to the world. .

Naturally, it also gave Miao Jiang the idea of ​​​​getting rid of the other party.

Miao Jiang will not participate in anything between the righteous or the evil path, but they will never allow anyone to use witchcraft to harm people. After all, it will only make Miao Jiang's reputation very bad in the eyes of the outside world.

And recently, the Miaojiang people have also discovered that evil spirits have been plotting against their Miaojiang treasure. After investigation, they also found out that the person who leaked the news was Wang Po.

Then of course they can't just ignore it.

Therefore, Xuehua became the person who completed the task of getting rid of Wang Po.

"what to do?"

His eyes flickered back and forth between Bai Ye and Uncle Jiu.

He is numb now.

Logically speaking, it seems that the other party does have the right to handle this matter, but this Miao girl is too mysterious, and he also wants to get in touch with Miao, which naturally makes him hesitate.

"Why don't you bring her with you? After all, Wang Po is considered a member of their Miao territory. It would also be good for us to have a Miao witch go with us."

After Uncle Jiu finished speaking, he turned his attention to Bai Ye. In fact, he had another meaning.

I want to test Miao Jiang’s attitude on the road.

In this battle between good and evil, Miao Jiang will still have no side. If they can win over Miao Jiang, they will definitely have the upper hand in dealing with evil in the future. Miao Jiang is a very strong fighting force.

"I'm casual. Uncle Jiu, do you know the specific location?"


Uncle Jiu nodded and said, it was not far from Renjia Town. Originally, he was planning to go there, but because of the problem in Mamadi, he came here first, and then asked Ah Wei to go there first.

"Then go directly."

As he spoke, a spell was pinched out, and the sword behind Bai Ye flew out directly, and then continued to expand.

"Is this the art of sword control?"

Uncle Jiu's eyes flickered, as if these were not the abilities of the Shenxiao Sect.

How much did Bai Ye learn secretly? !

Will they eventually be able to master Maoshan's skills?

"So cool!"

Ren Zhuzhu opened her mouth and looked at Bai Ye in disbelief. Before, she thought Bai Ye's Samadhi True Fire was very handsome, but now he is even more handsome when flying with a sword.

Snowflake was also surprised.

Is this Taoism?

This was her first time seeing Taoism, and she had her first impression of Taoism.

"Master, why do I feel that your sword is shaky?"

"Fellow Taoist, we won't fall, will we?"

"I just came out of Miaojiang, and I don't want to die yet, Taoist Master!"

In the air, everyone was excited at first. After all, it was the first time to fly in the air.

Uncle Jiu's face turned red even more. He heard that there is a thing called a camera in the West that can record things. Uncle Jiu now wants to take a camera and take a picture of himself.

But after everyone calmed down and returned to their senses, the shaky appearance of the sword also made everyone feel scared.

You're not going to fall down, are you?

If you fall from the sky, you might not really die and you don’t know how to die, right?

"Calm down. It's normal to fly with a sword for the first time. I just need to get used to it."

For Bai Ye, it was his first time flying with a sword, so it was normal that he couldn't control it at first.

"Fellow Taoist, you are trying to take advantage of our lives!"

Momadi burst into tears. She didn't die in the execution ground, but might have to die in Bai Ye's hands.

Are you a devil?

You just saved my life, now I'm paying you back!

This time, I don’t owe you anything!

Along the way, Bai Ye continued to adapt to controlling the flying sword. After adapting, he could occasionally rotate left and right. This feeling of flying with a sword made Bai Ye finally understand why cultivators like to play this way.

Really handsome!

"Fellow Taoist, I, Lin Jiu, swear that I will never take advantage of your flying sword again!"

Once upon a time, Uncle Jiu's dream of flying with a sword came true, but it also left Lin Jiu with some psychological shadow.

"Look, am I not stable now?"

Bai Ye scratched his chin with a bit of embarrassment on his face, as if he was indeed doing experiments on them.

But they were also very excited before.

"Can Taoist Master go a little faster? I think I've adapted to it!"

If Xuehua was scared at first, now she and the others no longer had the same idea. Everyone else wanted Bai Ye to be more stable, but she wanted to go faster.

This feeling that her heart was about to beat was something she had never experienced in Miao territory.

Women in the Miao Territory are fierce and adventurous, but because they are tied up in the Miao Territory most of the time, they have less contact with them. But after coming out this time, she felt that stopping Bai Ye was definitely the most difficult thing she had ever done in her life. Good decision.

After she goes back, she must tell all her friends in Miao Jiang about her experience of flying with a sword.

"Want to go faster?"

Bai Ye turned around and looked at Xue Hua in surprise. After seeing the other party nod, Bai Ye tentatively increased the speed of his flying sword.

Judging from her face, fear no longer existed at all, replaced by excitement. Xuehua opened her hands. At this moment, she felt the freest!

It seemed that they were also affected by the snowflakes, and the others who were still a little scared seemed to feel a lot more relaxed.

"Actually, the scenery along the way seems pretty good!"

Uncle Jiu nodded obediently, and Mamadi beside him couldn't help but say, "Some people seemed to be quite scared just now, right?"

Perhaps for people who have always lived on land, flying in the air is indeed an exciting and terrifying thing.

"I heard that there are things in the West that can make people fly into the air. Now it seems that compared with your sword flying, master, it pales into insignificance!"

Ren Tingting flattered her, but this was actually what Ren Tingting agreed with.


"Master knows?"

Ren Zhuzhu's eyes widened, thinking that Bai Ye and the others had been practicing Taoism and didn't understand the outside world at all.

"I understand a little bit."

Could he not know that he had traveled through time?

"Taoist Master, you Taoist priests are like this, can everyone fly with a sword?"

Xuehua asked curiously. After she asked this question, Uncle Jiu and Mamadi on the side felt bad.

What she said means that they are not Taoist priests?

"Of course not, this is just a magical technique, just like your Miao territory's Gu technique."

"Yeah, the Gu technique is indeed magical, but it doesn't feel as powerful as the Taoist priest!"

The education that Xuehua had received before was that Miao Jiang's voodoo skills were feared by everyone.

But she met Bai Ye just after she came out of Miao territory. She always felt that the other person's abilities were powerful, such as flying with a sword and controlling fire. This also made Xue Hua a little curious. Is this the case for everyone?

It’s not like he’s an experienced person.

No wonder many holy nuns in the past chose to leave Miaojiang to elope with Taoist priests or spend time together under the green lantern to miss their future generations.

If Bai Ye is used as a template, she seems to be able to understand.

"Each sect has its own strengths. Miao Jiang's strengths are not that. There is no need to belittle oneself. Well, here we are."

Bai Ye said, sensing the situation below, and probably knew that they had arrived.

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