Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 179 Who do you think I am? Pull the boat over to me!!

Chapter 179 -Who do you think I am? Bring the boat closer to me! !

"Have you thought about where to go next?"

Now that we have the pure gold locator, the most important thing now is to get the pure gold. As for Barrett, although he has joined his own pirate group, he is still a time bomb at the moment.

There is a high probability that this guy will give in to him now. If he comes into contact with Captain John and others, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

"You don't want to go to sea?"

A trace of surprise flashed in Barrett's eyes, and then he continued: "I want to cultivate for a while, so let's stay here."

The battle with Bai Ye just now had broken all the bones in his body.

If it weren't for Haki's protection, it felt like Bai Ye's last punch could have killed him directly.


If Barrett chooses to stay here, Bai Ye will naturally be happy to see it happen.

He actually wanted Barrett to stay here.

Arranging Barrett here, when Bai Ye found Tianyue, after seeing that he had fainted, he secretly thought to himself, "Poor baby," was once again stunned by the domineering aura of the Overlord.

"Wake up."

Bai Ye patted Tianyue's cheek, and felt a little helpless when she saw that she didn't seem to wake up at all.

It seems that he still needs to practice hard. Although Tianyueshi's fruit ability is biased towards assistance, this ability is an ability and it is itself. At least it cannot be so weak.

He could only carry Tian Yue Shi away, and it wasn't the first time anyway.

After leaving Kamui Space, Bai Ye immediately took out a pure gold detector, similar to the radar in Dragon Ball.

There is a point and direction on this detector. The flashing point is where the pure gold is currently, but this point is constantly moving.

It seems that the lantern fish that swallowed this island is constantly moving, and it seems that it is not an easy task to find each other.

"Damn it, if it really looks like this, how am I going to find this damn thing!"

He can go into the sea because he used the devil fruit side effects to eliminate the scroll before, so he has no side effects.

But the sea pressure in the deep sea is not that if you don't pay attention to it, you will die.

Moreover, this fish is still moving. Through this detector, Bai Ye probably knows that this lantern fish should be in the first half of the great route.

"Lord Byakuya?"

Just as Bai Ye was thinking about what to do next, Tian Yue Shi's voice whispered in his ear.

She woke up, and then looked at Bai Ye with a resentful look. It was obvious that she had never forgotten what happened just now.

He was stunned again by Bai Ye's domineering aura.

"Sorry, I just thought it wouldn't affect you because of the distance."

Looking at the resentful eyes, Bai Ye coughed slightly in embarrassment and then explained.

"It's okay, just let me know in advance next time."

What a gentle group!

A trace of surprise flashed in Bai Ye's eyes, which also caused some of the explanations he had prepared to be stopped for an instant.

I always feel like I feel sorry for Tianyue.

"Where's that guy?"

Tianyue Shi did not struggle with this issue, and turned to look at Bai Ye's side. The person who challenged Bai Ye before seemed to be no longer here.

Could it be said that he has left?

"Did Mr. Baiye lose?"

"No, that guy is lying down now. It's over. We are looking for something. Once we find it, we can go back."


Tianyueshi asked curiously, feeling a little reluctant in his heart.

Watching the sea with Bai Ye these days, she also discovered the vast charm of the sea.

She couldn't imagine what the future would be like after the founding of Wano Country. She was also full of longing for the future.

Although she still wanted to continue the adventure, since Bai Ye had said so, Na Yueshi would not refuse, but she was a little curious about what Bai Ye said she was looking for.

Speaking of which, did Byakuya choose to come out of Wano Country because of this?

"Pure gold, a thing that can make people immortal."

"Does this really exist?"

Tianyueshi's eyes lit up, no woman could refuse this temptation.

Even for myself, although I can travel through time and space to the future, I can't stop myself from growing naturally.

And like the pure gold Bai Ye said, does it really exist in this world?

"Well, I came out this time just to look for it."

That wasn't the purpose at the beginning, but it was later on.

And judging from the locator of this lantern fish.

Bai Ye found that this point seemed to be coming towards him.

Has the overlord's luck come into play?

I always feel that Bucky’s overlord luck is more mysterious than the previous rewards, but it’s also much more powerful.

After all, relying on this luck, Baki directly became a Shichibukai, opened a company and prospered, and then directly became a Yonko.

All I can say is that he is indeed Bucky!

"Sir Baiye, is this our legendary adventure?"

To search for pure gold is to search for treasure.

This also made Tian Yue Shi realize that he seemed to be taking an adventure with Bai Ye.

This is something she has never experienced before. After growing up, since she ate the time fruit, Tianyue Shi realized her mission and kept shuttling in the time tunnel, just to find the right time.

Although hundreds of years have passed, she is still the age of a little girl now.

She is still very interested in adventure.

"I guess so. Let's go there according to the location first."

Bai Ye looked at the location of the location. It was in the deep sea, so if you want to go there, you must use a coated ship.

Pirate Bai Ye: [Can you get me a submarine? I have to get pure gold! ]

The fish is in the deep sea, and it will definitely be much better if there is a submarine.

She is not afraid of the weakness of the sea water, but Tianyue Shi is afraid. She can also throw her in the Shenwei space, but seeing Tianyue Shi's eyes shining, it is obvious that she does not want to be thrown here by Bai Ye. She wants to go on an adventure with Bai Ye.

In addition, the previous domineering color incident caused Bai Ye to feel a little guilty about Tianyue Shi.

So after thinking about it, Bai Ye decided to get a submarine from another world.

Daily White Night: [Wait a minute, I'll ask Gin to give me one! ]

Both parties are in the honeymoon period, and he is not afraid that Gin will not give him a submarine.

Although it is outrageous, it is hard to understand Bai Ye's operation of land, sea and air. Gin even thought that Bai Ye wanted to start a war that is crazier than his own.

If he is given another land, sea and air strike group, he might be able to destroy the small country directly.

Although he doesn't understand and is greatly shocked, Gin really got a military submarine for Bai Ye.

On the other side, Shuichi Akai fell into deep thought after learning about what Gin had recently purchased.

Daily White Night: [Wait a minute, it will be delivered soon! ]

Pirate White Night: [OK! ]

After waiting for three days, the submarine was finally delivered.

Barrett, who had been recovering in the Shenwei space, was also bandaged and looked at the submarine in front of him with curiosity.

He had seen submarines before, but this kind of submarine was the first time he had seen one.

The complexity is far beyond what he had experienced before, and the depth of diving is also greater. At the same time, these precision operations and missiles that can attack underwater are much more powerful than what he had seen before.

"Where did you get this submarine? The World Government doesn't have one as powerful as you, right?"

Barrett was touching these instruments while getting familiar with them.

He was like a person who was born to control weapons. Although it was the first time to use this kind of submarine, he soon knew what to do and controlled the submarine to dive. This operation was much simpler than he imagined.

"Very good, you can do military industry in the future."

Bai Ye always felt that some people in the pirate world seemed to have some crooked skill points.

But having someone who can quickly familiarize himself is simply a blessing.

He didn't want to teach Kaido's group of idiots. It can be imagined that if it was Kaido, they really didn't know if they could teach him.

"Do you have this kind of thing?"

"There are more fun ones."

Not at the moment, but there will be in the future.

"Okay, let me see it later." Barrett did not refuse. These things had a fatal temptation to him. As he said that, he suddenly thought of something and looked at Bai Ye and asked, "Where are we going, Captain?"

"Deep sea, follow the position of this radar."

Bai Ye pointed to the punctuation on the pure gold radar, and Barrett just glanced at it, and then he was a little surprised.

It's high-tech again, it looks like a locator, this guy has so many secrets.

Barrett thought in his heart, but he didn't take it to heart. For him, these don't matter. He joined this pirate group not for these technologies, but to defeat Bai Ye.

"Lord Bai Ye, that seems to be getting closer and closer to us!"

Tian Yueshi observed the cursor above, getting closer and closer to them, as if it was coming towards them.

"No, it's still a certain distance away from us. It will probably take a long time to dive. Treasure? The three of us are all devil fruit ability users and there is no way to get it, right?"

Barrett observed the position of the cursor and roughly estimated the distance between them. This is already in the deep sea.

It is impossible for the three of them to get this treasure, three Devil Fruit users.

"Who said that?"

"Is there someone else on this submarine?"

Barrett was a little surprised. There was no fourth person in his observation Haki. Could it be a master of observation Haki?

That doesn't make sense.

If there is, why doesn't he come out?

While Barrett was controlling the submarine to dive, he was watching the cursor getting closer and closer. He couldn't see anything in the deep sea, but his observation Haki could sense that a huge sea king was approaching.


As it approached, the deep sea seemed to be illuminated.

Lantern fish!!

"Barrett, control the submarine, I'm going out."

"Oh, wait, you're going out?!"

Barrett stared at Bai Ye with wide eyes in disbelief, even Tian Yueshi hurriedly grabbed Bai Ye.

Are you kidding!

Isn't it a death sentence for Devil Fruits to enter the deep sea?

"I'm not afraid of the sea water."

Bai Ye looked at the two people seriously, and then left the submarine directly under their confused eyes.

Through the submarine, Barrett's observation Haki could sense that Bai Ye was rushing towards the lantern fish, which made him embarrassed for a moment.

So he can really do it?

Then he is not a power user! ?

Barrett was messy in an instant.

In front of him, the lantern fish was rushing towards Bai Ye, and it seemed that something was chasing it behind it.

"Just in time."

Bai Ye felt the pressure on his body, and for a moment he felt that he seemed to have a little pressure in his chest.

But soon he also adapted to the pressure on the seabed, covered his whole body with armed Haki, and punched the lantern fish directly.

He originally wanted to take the pure gold back, but now he changed his mind and wanted to take the lantern fish with him. The characteristic of the lantern fish is that it will swallow all the luminous things, and this can also help it find more treasures.

"Even the sea is shaking. He can actually punch so hard on the bottom of the sea. The gap between him and me seems to have widened again!"

Barrett in the submarine felt the unstable cabin and was a little shocked.

He was already shocked that the devil fruit user could be on the bottom of the sea. He didn't expect that he could punch so hard on the bottom of the sea. The bottom of the sea is different from the land!

And the lantern fish was only punched, his eyes rolled up, and then he fainted.


When did such a powerful guy come to the sea!

"Pure gold harvest is complete!"

Bai Ye sucked the lantern fish and part of the sea water into the Shenwei space, and was about to leave.

Just as he was about to leave, a surprised voice came into his ears: "Master Bai Ye?!"


The mermaid who was rescued in the Sabaody Archipelago was actually met again?

"Master Bai Ye, it's me!"

Lilia looked at Bai Ye with a blushing face, and then looked at Bai Ye excitedly and asked: "Master Bai Ye, I have grown up, can you take me away?"

She was very happy in Fishman Island, but she hoped to go on an adventure with Bai Ye.

Bai Ye rejected her once in the Sabaody Archipelago.

After being rejected that time, she was more or less disappointed in her heart, and she was looking forward to meeting Bai Ye again after returning.

Now that she has seen him, she naturally cannot give up this opportunity.


When she rejected Lilia, on the one hand, she didn't want to ruin her thoughts of mermaids with her age, and on the other hand, she was in the Rocks Pirates at that time, and it was impossible to take Lilia with her, so after considering it, Bai Ye chose to refuse.

Now Bai Ye has no reason to refuse Lilia's joining.

"So, are you so casual about inviting people?"

Barrett looked at the mermaid in front of him and complained. He didn't expect that Bai Ye would bring back a mermaid after going out. When he looked at Tianyue beside him, Barrett hesitated.

He wanted to remind Bai Ye not to indulge in beauty.

Otherwise, his own strength would be affected. He didn't want his opponent to become weaker because of beauty.

But he didn't know what reason he should use to stop it.

Aren't these the reasons why pirates go out to sea?

Is there anyone who is just pursuing power like himself?

"I don't invite people based on who is useful or stronger. I don't invite people based on how powerful they are. Anyway, none of them are as powerful as me!"


Although the words were very arrogant, Barrett couldn't find a reason to refute.

Bai Ye was ready to contact the two people in the lantern fish later. After finishing the things here, Bai Ye took the three people back to Wano Country.

After coming back, he saw Kaido and the little girl hiding behind him.

You have a daughter after all these years of sailing! ! ?

Kaido, you are really not righteous!

Although I guessed that Kaido's daughter was born in these years, it was really unexpected to see it this time.

And not only Yamato, but also the Three Calamities were found by Kaido, but the current King of Ships seems to be still a child, and he doesn't have the domineering power when he appeared in the previous anime. After all, he dared to sail over to face Sengoku, Crane and Fujitora!

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