Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 193 Mai Shiranui: My boyfriend is going to have a girlfriend? !

Chapter 193 - Mai Shiranui: My boyfriend is going to have a girlfriend? !

"It can't be said that he can't participate. It's just that at the moment, he seems to have encountered something."

Seeing Kagura Chizuru's eyes getting more and more strange, Byakuya felt that she had to explain herself.

Are you afraid that you will be misunderstood that you did this on purpose?

Byakuya had thought about Jotaro's matter, maybe it was just recently. The reason why he still wanted to get close to him was actually because he wanted to participate in the plot of JOJO. Since they happened to meet him, and according to the timeline, it would take a month to finish Dio. time.

The KOF competition also starts exactly one month later. If it is resolved early, we can still rush over for the competition in advance.

"Well, do you need to find another teammate?"

Kagura Chizuru nodded thoughtfully. She always felt that Byakuya didn't have a teammate at all. She deliberately made up a teammate. After she was deceived, she would go to other fighters to complain.

So, do you want to recommend a teammate to him later?

Since she agreed to Mai Shiranui's help in forming a team for Byakuya, she felt that she was a good person and had done it to the end.

What's more, joining this KOF competition as a contestant is more suitable for observing the other two successors of the Three Artifacts.

The appearance of Goenitz, after killing Kagura Mangetsu, also broke the seal of Orochi. Although it is impossible for Orochi to emerge from the seal, his seal has been loosened.

The reason why she held the KOF competition this time was to find Kusanagi Kyo and Iori Yagami, tell them about the current situation, and then they would work together to kill Gonitz to prevent Orochi's resurrection.

"It's not necessary yet. At least my teammates should be able to solve their problems before this KOF competition. If they can't be solved for the time being, I will take action!"


Although what Bai Ye meant was that he would help his teammates, which was something that no one could complain about, Bai Ye's last words gave Chizuru the feeling that the other party was showing off.

I really want to slap him on the face that needs a slap.

Forget it, it hurts my heart to be slapped by this handsome face. Although it has nothing to do with me, it’s better not to destroy beautiful things easily.

"Let's do this. If the other party can't come then, just tell me and we'll look for teammates again, but we have to tell you in advance. If we search temporarily, we may not be able to find other teammates."

Kagura Chizuru was silent for a while, and finally recovered from the previous aura, and then gave Bai Ye a warning.

"Okay, then our team won't be training, right?"

Although Kagura Chizuru felt a little inappropriate about Byakuya's proposal, she finally agreed.

She did not participate in this fighting competition to win any rankings. Since Bai Ye said she would not train, there seemed to be no need to train.

What's more, Bai Ye also said before that another teammate seemed to have encountered some problems. Maybe Bai Ye did this because he wanted to help another teammate, right?

After thinking about this, Kagura Chizuru also had a slightly better view of Byakuya. She seemed to be a captain who could be relied on, at least as a teammate, and not someone who would be abandoned whenever there was a problem.

When she said she wanted to find a new teammate for Bai Ye, she actually thought that if Bai Ye agreed immediately, it seemed that this person was not worth getting to know deeply.

Teammates just thought of changing teammates because something happened temporarily.

"I have no problem, do you need my help?"

After hesitating for a moment, Kagura Chizuru knew that it had nothing to do with her and had never met that teammate, but she felt that maybe as a teammate who would participate in the KOF competition together next, she should stand up and say something. .

"No, we can solve it. Besides, you should have your own things to deal with, right?"

Bai Ye shook his head and had no intention of agreeing to Kagura Chizuru's initiative.

Even he had just met Kagura Chizuru, so how could he ask her to help? Besides, it was not his fault, and Jotaro had no intention of asking him for help.

Although Jotaro may be waiting for Er Qiao to come over, in fact, with Jotaro's character, he may not want to trouble him.

"how do you know?"

Kagura Chizuru was a little surprised. Did she just show something?

But she had been like this and never showed anything. How could he see it?

"If you want to check the organizer of the KOF competition, you can still find it. After all, you didn't hide too much."

Byakuya said, placing the phone in front of Kagura Chizuru. On it was the name of the organizer of this KOF competition, Kagura Chizuru.

"So that's it. Do you need me to use my identity as the organizer to open a backdoor for you to directly enter the finals!?"

After seeing the name above, Kagura Chizuru also knew why Bai Ye knew about it. She also teased Bai Ye in turn, but she didn't feel much embarrassment.

Although as the organizer, there is no need to be known by the fighters, but now it seems that Bai Ye is the only one he knows who is investigating him.

Even when Mai Shiranui approached me to invite her to join Byakuya's team, she didn't seem to realize that the organizer of this session was herself.

"It's not impossible!"

"Why don't you refuse?"

Listening to Byakuya's direct agreement, Kagura Chizuru's face was a little embarrassed. She originally thought that Byakuya would sternly refuse, and then just let it go.

What I didn't expect was that Bai Ye actually agreed like this?

"After all, if you have the privilege, wouldn't you be a fool to not want it?"

Although he knew that Kagura Chizuru would not agree, Bai Ye realized that this woman was a bit naughty when she said this, so he would not just let it go. Since you have said that you will give privileges , then why don’t you want it?

And this also made Kagura Chizuru not know what to say.

Do you regret it yourself?

"I'm wrong. I'll treat you to dinner later. Did you think I didn't say that just now?"

Kagura Chizuru admitted her mistake after hesitating for a moment.

She didn't have to be stubborn here. Since she was the one who made fun of the other party, and the other party followed this up, and she couldn't give it to her, she could only admit her mistake.

"No problem, can we go have hot pot?"

"You also like spicy food?"

Kagura Chizuru has never eaten hot pot, but she has heard that it is very spicy, and it suits her taste very well. She likes to eat this kind of spicy and sour food, which has a strong taste.

"Quite like."

He really likes spicy food, especially hot pot, but he eats less after his rebirth. Because the tastes of Hanzo Shiranui and Mai Shiranui in the Shiranui Dojo are relatively mild, so he often eats them together when they are in the mountains. The food is very light, and I only occasionally eat something with strong flavors when going down the mountain.

"Then let's go eat hot pot."

Kagura Chizuru was quite satisfied with the food Bai Ye chose. The two chose a hot pot restaurant. As soon as they entered, they felt the heat on their faces. Kagura Chizuru suddenly realized something, and then took out her mobile phone and asked: " Do you want to call Xiao Wu over?"

"Okay, don't they happen to be here too?"

Bai Ye didn't care at all. After seeing Bai Ye agreed, Kagura Chizuru couldn't help but nodded, and then dialed Mai Shiranui's number.

She felt that it was a little too weird for her to have dinner with Bai Ye.

So I wanted to call Mai Shiranui over, just so that the two of them wouldn't be embarrassed.

After the call was answered, Mai Shiranui was wiping the foam on her body on the other end of the phone. She was also a little hesitant about Kagura Chizuru's invitation.

She just finished the meal, not to mention she took a shower after practicing. I heard that the hot pot smelled very strong. If she passed it, she would probably have wasted the shower. Besides, she didn't like to eat heavy-flavored food, and this hot pot was one of them. one.

But Bai Ye is also here. She actually wants to see Bai Ye. She recently practiced with Qiong and the others. She was very happy at first. After all, Bai Ye, the monster, is finally gone, but later she misses Bai Ye a little bit.

"Otherwise I won't go."

After hesitating for a while, Mai Shiranui finally chose to give up. After refusing, Mai Shiranui also quickly added: "Let's make an appointment next time. Since your team has a meal to get acquainted with each other, I won't go there. Chizuru, you can do it later." You can come to me!”

Mai Shiranui felt that she had been a little weird in the past. She didn't get involved in their team's affairs. It just so happened that she didn't like hot pot either.

"That's okay."

Kagura Chizuru hesitated for a moment, but finally agreed. After hanging up the phone, she looked at Bai Ye strangely. When she looked at her with this look, Bai Ye also asked strangely: "Is she here? ?”

"No, she said she can't come over, just let us eat."

"Oh, then we can just eat it ourselves. Why do you look at me like this?"

Byakuya was a little strange. Since Shiranui couldn't dance, they had eaten and went home to rest.

After Er Qiao came over in a day or two, Bai Ye had already made up his mind and went directly to find Dio with Jotaro.

This time he didn't need to walk all the way to fight monsters. He also knew Dio's location, so he could just take him there.

"Okay, I don't want to talk about either of you!"

Kagura Chizuru also figured it out. Maybe others didn't think so much at all, but she thought the most.

That’s why Mai Shiranui has such a big heart and just lets her partner go to dinner alone with the opposite sex.

Although something will definitely happen when you eat, does your reaction mean you trust yourself too much?

You don’t remember the words “fire protection, theft protection, best friend protection” at all.

"Can you eat extra spicy food?"


Kagura Chizuru nodded, chose a few of her favorite dishes, and then gave the menu to Bai Ye. The two of them chose some dishes together. They were a little cautious at first, but as they chatted later, Kagura Chizuru became aware. It seems that Bai Ye is such a carefree person.

At the same time, he is also very talkative. He can chat with him about anything. When the conversation is interesting, he can also learn some things about the three artifacts from Bai Ye's mouth. This also makes Kagura Chizuru a little surprised that Bai Ye actually understands. so many.

"Do you know about the big snake?"

Kagura Chizuru didn't want to ask at first, but after holding it in for a long time, she started talking about the three artifact families and some past things. In the end, she really couldn't bear it anymore.

So he opened his mouth and asked directly.

"The Will of the Earth."

Although it is only half of the will.

"You are not from the Three Artifacts Family."

"I'm not from Orochi either."

Byakuya knew exactly what Kagura Chizuru meant when she looked at him.

Doesn't this mean that he belongs to the serpent?

"That's it."

Kagura Chizuru nodded and did not ask why again. She knew that asking like this would only make the other party bored.

What's more, no matter how much he asks, he won't tell himself the truth if he doesn't want to.

"Speaking of which, your purpose of holding this event is to prevent the resurrection of the big snake!"

Thinking about it this way, Bai Ye felt that it would be better to tell the truth to Kagura Chizuru directly.

After all, it's not a bad thing to know about this matter, not to mention that after you tell it, it will be easier for you to participate in it in the future.

His attitude towards the big snake will naturally not be good.

What's going on with the big snake?

The big snake wants to wipe out all humans on the earth, including himself.

As one of the wills of the earth, after humans began to destroy nature, he also began to create natural disasters to curb the development of humans. At the same time, as humans began to destroy nature more and more, he also decided to destroy all humans.

Once Orochi is resurrected, he will also die, so Bai Ye is not stupid enough to help the Eight Masters resurrect Orochi.

"It seems like you really know a lot of secrets!"

Picking up a piece of meat, Kagura Chizuru also knew that since Byakuya knew that he was the organizer and also understood the grudges between the three artifacts and Orochi, he would know why he held this KOF competition.

Is he from Shiranui Dojo?

But Mai Shiranui didn't know about this at all before. In other words, Bai Ye investigated all of this by himself.

"Secrets are there just waiting to be discovered."

"Indeed, the secret will be known sooner or later. The reason why I organized this KOF competition is to find the other two people and then deal with the person who killed my sister. If the big snake comes out of the seal, then this will be a disaster for everyone. disaster."

Now that Bai Ye knows everything, there is no need to hide it from Bai Ye anymore. Besides, once Orochi appears later, Bai Ye may need help. Although in dealing with Orochi, other fighters are not the opponent of Orochi. Three artifacts are needed to seal it.

But there are also Orochi's helpers and others.

Of course, she didn't mean that she had to help Bai Ye or anything like that.

Seeing whether Byakuya was happy or not, Kagura Chizuru still took this very lightly.

"It's a disaster for everyone, but actually there's nothing wrong with Orochi standing on the earth's side."

Bai Ye can understand Orochi. After all, they are enemies, but their positions are different. From Orochi's perspective, humans have caused damage to nature, which naturally arouses Orochi's disgust.

He also wants to destroy humans, and humans will naturally resist in order to survive.

"Is that right?"

Kagura Chizuru lowered her head in thought. She thought about what Bai Ye said carefully and suddenly realized that Bai Ye's words seemed to be correct.

Was the snake wrong?

It seems that there is nothing wrong. She just sealed the big snake for the mission inherited by the three artifact families.

But am I at fault? I’m not wrong either. Once the big snake comes out, humans will be gone.

"Just stand on your own side and fight. I just think your feeling of being burdened with fate is a bit unnecessary."

Byakuya's words did not tell Kagura Chizuru to stop dealing with Orochi.

But let Kagura Chizuru understand that she wants to deal with Orochi for herself, not for the mission that has been passed down. The feeling of carrying a mission is very heavy.

"So you're comforting me?"

Kagura Chizuru raised her head and glanced at Bai Ye, and then asked slowly.

Is he doing this to comfort himself?

But she doesn't seem to need comfort at all, right?

"No, I'm just trying to enlighten you. I don't want anyone to get confused in life."

Byakuya shook his head. He just wanted to get a chance to win the lottery. Although he didn't know what it would take to change Kagura Chizuru's fate, he felt that he could start from the fate that his family had been carrying all these years.

"Thank you very much."

Kagura Chizuru didn't say anything more, and the two of them finished the hot pot in silence.

After leaving the hot pot restaurant, Kagura Chizuru threw a motorcycle helmet and a key to Bai Ye and asked, "Can you ride a motorcycle?"


"If you don't, just walk back."

It's really indifferent.

"know a bit."

"Then follow up and help me ride the bike to a certain position, please!"

Kagura Chizuru put on her motorcycle helmet, then glanced at Byakuya, and saw that he had also put on his helmet and started the motorcycle. The roar of the motorcycle filled the whole street.

Both of them shuttled back and forth at extremely fast speeds, and then passed through the traffic to a place with fewer and fewer cars. Kagura Chizuru's speed suddenly increased. She glanced behind her, and she was a little surprised. She didn't expect it. It was Bai Ye who was able to keep up with him.

She has beaten other players in competitions.

Originally she just wanted Bai Ye to help her ride this motorcycle back, but now she had the urge to compete with Bai Ye.

She began to deviate from the original route, and then drove towards a winding mountain road with no people.

Kagura Chizuru's hair was swaying messily with the speed of the wind.

Seeing Bai Ye getting closer and closer to her, she vaguely heard Bai Ye's voice: "Hey, you're not asking me to compete with you, are you?"

"I'm going to speed up."

Kagura Chizuru didn't say much, bit her lip, and then turned the throttle to the bottom. She finally met an opponent, so she naturally wanted to compete with Bai Ye.

"This woman really treats me as an opponent!"

For this chance to win the lottery, she sacrificed a lot!

Motorcycles are not difficult to drive. He can drive a motorcycle. He will learn it later.

Looking at the shadow of the motorcycle that was gradually going away, Bai Ye shook his head helplessly, and then turned the throttle to the bottom, and whispered: "I want to speed up too!"

Two extremely fast shadows were speeding on the winding mountain road.

The top of the mountain.

Kagura Chizuru took off the motorcycle helmet, shook off the sweat on her face, and looked at Bai Ye with some surprise: "What is your last trick?"

Actually surpassed herself in such a moment, Kagura Chizuru was convinced by Bai Ye's skills.

"Haven't you learned how to turn a drainage ditch?"

"No, I'll leave the motorcycle here with you. I originally wanted you to help drive it back, but you're so good at it, so I'll leave the motorcycle with you for now. I'll compete with you again after the fighting competition is over. Bye!"

Just left like that.

This woman is really resolute!

Bai Ye shook his head and glanced at the motorcycle next to him. He had another motorcycle opponent for no reason?

But it seems pretty good. No man can refuse a motorcycle.

Before, Bai Ye just wanted to try it. After driving, the feeling of the wind hitting his ears and the instant acceleration also made Bai Ye's adrenaline soar.


After parting with Bai Ye, Kagura Chizuru came to Mai Shiranui.

"Chizuru, what are you doing?"

Does it take so long to eat a hot pot?

Mai Shiranui was a little confused.

"I just went racing with Bai Ye. Your boyfriend is really good at racing."

Kagura Chizuru was not stingy in praising Bai Ye.

She just lost, just that one turn, she lost the game even though she was in an advantage.

Turning the drainage ditch?

She will learn it next time.

"Racing? Why didn't I know Bai Ye could race? And can Bai Ye eat hot pot if you guys eat it?"

"Well, he suggested eating it, and it's quite spicy. I didn't think about racing at first, but I just wanted to try it because he was a good driver, and then I found this!"

Kagura Chizuru was a little surprised. As a girlfriend, didn't Mai Shiranui know that Bai Ye could race and eat spicy food?

Looking at her eyes, for some reason, Mai Shiranui had an inexplicable feeling.

Did Bai Ye always accommodate her taste in the Shiranui Dojo before?

In fact, she didn't know what Bai Ye liked at all? !

And Kagura Chizuru and Bai Ye are so compatible.

Wait! ! ?

My boyfriend is going to have a girlfriend? ? ?

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