Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 228: Esdeath surrenders, the whole world goes crazy, how can we continue playing this game?

Chapter 228 - Esdeath surrendered, the whole world went crazy, how can this be fun?

Bai Ye raised his hand and grabbed Esdeath's chin, and grabbed Esdeath's right hand with his right hand. The strong force made Esdeath unable to resist at all for a moment.

Her hand was already grabbed by Bai Ye, and she would not sit still and wait for death. She kicked her right foot directly towards Bai Ye's most precious place.

As long as the kick hits, she feels that the situation will be reversed.

"it's useless."

Bai Ye raised his foot to directly step on Esdeath's kick.

"You lost, you lost to me in the Teigu, you lost to me in physical skills, surrender to me."

Esdeath lowered her head and listened to Bai Ye's words. No one saw her expression.

After Bai Ye said these words, the atmosphere instantly became weird.

Behind him, Liwa was also sweating profusely.

No one had ever dared to say such a thing to Esdeath, but when Bai Ye said it, he even thought it made sense.

Definitely lost.

For those who lose, all excuses are made.

"I agreed!"

Esdeath raised her head and looked at Bai Ye, the expression on her face was completely different from before.

She agreed! ! ! ?

Levi looked at Esdeath with wide eyes and disbelief.

Isn't it?

I originally thought Esdeath would refuse.

No one has ever dared to say such things to Esdeath.

"You actually surrendered like that? There won't be any problem, right?"

Enqi, who was observing from the side, had a strange look in his eyes.

I also felt a little surprised by Esdeath's sudden agreement.

Would she agree so simply?

"Very surprised?"

"No surprise, because I know you will surrender to me!"

Bai Ye shook his head. Although Esdeath's decision was somewhat unexpected, it was within his expectations.

It can be said that after defeating Esdeath, she will indeed choose to surrender directly to a certain extent.

Hasn't her tribe been like this since she was a child?

Follow the strong!

In fact, some clues can be seen from Esdeath's mate selection criteria.

If she wants to target the general for training, of course she prefers to be able to control him.

"I will kill you at any time!"

Esdeath looked at Bai Ye seriously and said.

Although, as a loser, saying these things at this time may fall into Bai Ye's eyes, there is not much difference between himself and the clown.

But she also felt that she could just settle it with Bai Ye directly.

It seemed that he really wanted to kill him, after all, he was a person worth killing.

"What good will it do you to kill me?"

Bai Ye stroked his forehead, always feeling like everyone he met was trying to kill him.

Before ascending to the throne, each brother wanted to kill himself.

Before Esdeath surrendered, she also wanted to kill herself.

Now that I have surrendered, I will kill myself.

Speaking of which, why can't everyone talk properly and have to be here shouting and killing every day?

"You are a target worth killing. At least killing you will prove that I am stronger!"

Esdeath directly expressed her inner thoughts without any concealment.

In her opinion, Bai Ye is an opponent worth killing.

"Then if you kill me, will you ever meet someone who fights you again?"


Esdeath was stunned for a moment, she did not expect that Bai Ye would actually say such a sentence.

What does it mean that after killing him, will she be able to meet the person who fought her again?

"Have you not had an opponent for a long time? To really become stronger and to truly enjoy fighting is to have an opponent. If I die, is there anyone in this world who can fight you?"

Bai Ye shook his head, feeling that wouldn't it be better for Esdeath to be alive?

Why kill him?

And this also stunned Esdeath.


If Bai Ye lives, it seems that he will have someone to fight with him in the future.

Esdeath originally had great interest in dealing with the northern aliens this time.

It was only after fighting in the past that I realized how rubbish those guys really were.

Especially the alien prince made Esdeath realize how rubbish those guys were.

Even she didn't know why the Revolutionary Army chose to cooperate with these garbage.

She went to the north just because of the cooperation between the revolutionary army and the alien race, in order to let the alien race put pressure on the empire.

As long as the empire is under pressure, they may be able to take advantage of it.

So after getting this information, Esdeath took the initiative to ask for help.

"So are you afraid that I will kill you?"

Esdeath felt that Bai Ye might be afraid that she would grow up.

So I was afraid that I would kill him one day, so I said this.

"Want to kill me? You can try."

"whispering sound!"

Although Esdeath was a little unhappy, she couldn't find a reason to refute.

It seems that I really can't beat Bai Ye now, so what will happen no matter how much I say?

"Don't worry, the future is yours."

Bai Ye patted Esdeath on the shoulder. Just this sentence made Esdeath feel that Bai Ye was a pretty good person.

After all, he had already promised to kill Bai Ye.

As a result, Bai Ye not only wasn't angry, but actually told her that the future belonged to her.

"Is this really okay, Your Majesty?"

Watching Bai Ye put down Esdeath, Bai Ye turned around and left.

Enqi stepped forward and asked in a low voice. He was actually not sure whether Bai Ye's behavior was a good thing.

After all, Esdeath should be considered a time bomb.

Just like what she just said, she might counterattack Bai Ye at any time, and she might be ready to kill Bai Ye in the next second.

So in Enqi's view, this kind of time bomb really wouldn't dare to stay by Bai Ye's side.

But Bai Ye didn't seem to care at all.

For a moment, he didn't know what happened, but judging from the previous conversations and expressions between Bai Ye and Esdeath, it seemed that something had happened.

"Strong people are actually very similar. They are like a sharp knife. It can help you kill the enemy, but it may also hurt yourself. The key is to see how the person holding the knife uses it. It’s up.”

Bai Ye didn't care whether the knife would hurt him, what he wanted was whether the knife was sharp.

And Esdeath obviously met his requirements.

"Your Majesty, what should we do with her and those people?"

Although Esdeath's surrender seemed a bit unexpected.

But how to arrange her now?

The other end.

Levi looked at Esdeath and wanted to ask something, but didn't dare to ask.

"You want to know why I chose to surrender, right?"

Esdeath actually saw the confusion on the faces of the three beast warriors.

In fact, Esdeath had thought about it before, but after thinking about it, she just followed her own heart.

"That's right, Esdeath-sama, why did it only fail once?"

Niu looked at Esdeath excitedly.

He didn't understand why Esdeath chose to surrender after only failing once.

This was different from the Esdeath she knew.

"The Empire has lost."

Esdeath looked at Niu seriously. If it were anyone else, she wouldn't have explained it, but the three beastmen had been following her for a while.

So she patiently explained.

"Is the Empire going to lose?"

Levi was stunned for a moment. Although he had not spoken before, he had been waiting for Esdeath's explanation.

But I didn't expect to receive such an explanation in the end.

Esdeath said the empire was going to lose?

Although it was a bit absurd, it felt reasonable to him.

"I can't beat him. He's stronger than me. Although Enqi's strength is weaker than mine, it's about the same as Bude. So there's no way within the empire to deal with them."

Esdeath has seen the empire's defeat.

Just because she cooperates with the minister doesn't mean she is a fool.

Of course, Esdeath also saw what the empire was like after the minister's disaster.

There are still unresolved revolutionary forces in the country, and Bai Ye and others can directly cross the empire's defense lines and enter the empire. There is no need to think about what happened to the empire.

Therefore, if he loses, it actually means the empire loses.

She also hopes to have an opponent, and Bai Ye is that opponent. This is how the tribe is, and they used to be like this, the strong is respected!

She doesn't have much affiliation with the empire. She once joined the empire just to find a rival.

The relationship with the minister is cooperation, so why should she betray him?

It was the empire that wanted to keep her, not that she needed the empire!

"I understand, I'm sorry Lord Esdeath!"

Before, they were still questioning why Esdeath surrendered.

I understand now.

It's just that I have seen the gap between the two sides.

"Untie the soldiers behind me, they are following me!"

Esdeath looked at Bai Ye, and then pointed at the ice sculptures behind him. These soldiers followed him through life and death.

Naturally, Esdeath didn't want any accidents to happen to them.

Although she is cruel, she is definitely a good general.

What makes her wonder is that it is also Bing's ability, why she can't unlock Bai Ye's ability.

"Well, when will you come over to our place?"

Bai Ye unlocked the ability to freeze, then looked at Esdeath and asked.

The moment the soldiers were unfrozen, all the soldiers immediately got into a fighting stance, and the next second after Esdeath waved them to put down their weapons, they felt a little strange.

Didn't it look like they were preparing to fight before?

Why do you want them to stop?

"The war is over, now let's start choosing!"

Esdeath glanced at them and gave two choices at this moment.

One left with her and went to the Hailan Empire, and the other stayed in the empire. If they wanted to stay in the empire, she would not do anything and let them leave.

And after hearing Esdeath's words, everyone present was stunned? !

what happened?

Why are you surrendering now?

"Choose, it's not your mother-in-law's!"

Esdeath looked at the group of soldiers and now gave them a chance to choose.

Immediately, all the soldiers began to make their choices, and those with family backgrounds were basically ready to return to the empire.

They were also entangled in their hearts, but when they thought about their families in the imperial capital, if they left with Esdeath, their families would definitely die, so they had to go back.

Those without family members naturally chose to leave with Esdeath.

[Ding! Change Esdeath's fate and get a chance to win a lottery. ]

What about the others?

Bai Ye was a little surprised. Obviously, Esdeath was involved in many people, so why didn't he give himself a reward?

There were also people who died because of the hunters she formed later, and many members of the Night Raid were also related to Esdeath.

It seems that he needs to contact the empire himself, that is, he must completely defeat the empire and the revolutionary army before he can end it all?

Anyway, he is not in a hurry now.

"Then let's go."

He looked at it and found that in addition to the three beast warriors, there were probably more than 10,000 soldiers willing to leave with him.

Everyone else was ready to go back to the imperial capital.

Looking at the group of soldiers in front of him, Esdeath's eyes flashed with disappointment. He thought they would all leave with him. It seems that these guys are not loyal to him.

Although he was a little disappointed in his heart, since they were unwilling to leave with him, then forget it, Esdeath didn't care.

"What did you say!? Esdeath betrayed the empire!!!"

After hearing this information, Minister Ernest felt bad instantly.

This is really the worst news he has heard since waking up today or even in this period of time! ?

Isn't it? !

Is Esdeath sick?

According to the report of the returning soldiers, Minister Ernest also understood why Esdeath would not come back.

She was defeated by someone, so she chose not to come back and chose to surrender to the other party.

"It's like this, Esdeath has left with the emperor of the Hailan Empire, and according to the information, it seems that the emperor of the Hailan Empire defeated her!"

The subordinates continued to report, and according to the information, this is the case.

"In other words, the emperor of the Hailan Empire has power beyond Esdeath?"

I really surrendered.

Why is this guy so strong!

And what should I do without Esdeath?

The minister now has only one idea, to quickly go into the palace to win over Bud, but Bud doesn't care about him at all.

Then he can only start with the little emperor.

The little emperor must be tied up!

"By the way, let someone talk to the emperor of the Hailan Empire. We can give him conditions for whatever he wants!!"

Ernest Dacheng had to admit that he had no way to deal with him now!

He could only pray that Bai Ye would not launch a general attack on the empire, although he felt that this was basically impossible.

Anyway, now he just had to stabilize the other party. The minister did not want to lose everything he had.

What he hated most now was Esdeath.

He gave Esdeath so many things, even her imperial tool, but Esdeath gave him back like this.

I originally wanted to wait for Esdeath to come back and help me deal with the night attack.

But in the end, he was intercepted on the way back?

"I understand!"

As he said, the subordinate was about to leave, and the minister waved his hand to stop him again and asked, "How did the other party get here?"

The border defense of their empire seemed to have not discovered that the people of the Hailan Empire were coming.

But how did Bai Ye get here?

"The border guards said they didn't see anything, but tens of thousands of people from the Hailan Empire came!"

According to the description of the soldiers who came back, there were tens of thousands of people on their side.

How could tens of thousands of people come directly to the interior without telling so many outposts?

"Forget it, I'm going to the palace first, you keep an eye on the night attack!"

Now that Esdeath is not coming back, then I can only find Budd.

Arrived at the palace.

The minister went directly to the little emperor.

At this moment, the little emperor was also a little panicked.

"Minister Ernest, is General Esdeath really not coming back?"

Even in the palace, the little emperor heard the news about Esdeath.

She actually left like this.

"Well, Esdeath has betrayed the empire." Ernest said, looking into the depths of the palace, and asked: "Isn't General Budd coming out yet?"

The empire is now in a precarious situation. Without Budd, he really dare not think about it.

"Haha, do you know how urgent it is now?"

Budd walked out of the shadows and looked at the minister, with a sneer in his eyes.

If he could not intervene in other matters, he would have wanted to kill Ernest long ago.

This guy has been causing trouble for the empire. After the manipulation of the ministers, the empire, which was originally in danger, is now on the verge of collapse.

Originally, they thought that there was Esdeath outside and themselves inside, even if there were ministers, they should be able to suppress it.

But they did not expect Esdeath's rebellion, and at the same time, the rise of the Hailan Empire is also a problem that cannot be ignored.

At the beginning, their idea was to get rid of the aliens. The aliens have been cooperating with the revolutionary army. The revolutionary army gave various conditions for the aliens to restrain the empire for themselves, so Esdeath went.

At that time, because the Hailan Empire was fighting for the throne, it was impossible to directly intervene in the affairs of the empire.

As a result, who could have thought that such a pervert would appear in the Hailan Empire.

Could it be that the empire is really going to perish this time?

There are pig teammates inside and strong enemies outside.

"General Bude, now is not the time to make sarcastic remarks. If this continues, I think everyone will be doomed, right?"

At this time, the minister obviously had no intention of continuing to argue with Bude.

After all, if we continue talking, everyone will probably die.

"Tell me, what do you want from me?"

Bude also understood the current situation and did not continue to argue with the minister.

He wanted to see what Ernest's purpose was in finding him.

"To deal with the revolutionary army, we will first deal with the revolutionary army. Then I will negotiate with the emperor of the Hailan Empire to see if we can give him some conditions so that he will not go to war with us first, and wait until we deal with the revolutionary army internally. Let’s consider the Hailan Empire again.

There is no need to worry about what Esdeath said. When the time comes, I can use the Teigu to neutralize her Teigu. We can also use this opportunity to get rid of Esdeath. Of course, we can first see if we can Esdeath was persuaded to come back.

But no matter what we do, the most important thing we need to do now is to get rid of the revolutionary army first! "

Although the minister is usually dim, he can still give advice when problems need to be solved.

"It's impossible for me to deal with the revolutionary army alone. There's no way I can leave here!"

Bude refused.

He knew that this was the optimal solution, but it was impossible for him to leave at this time.

His responsibility is to protect the palace and the little emperor.

"I know, but I hope Bude can use your name to form a team, a team composed of Teigu users and various elites to deal with night attacks. In the Revolutionary Army, we still have elite soldiers who can deal with them, but at night We have no one to deal with!"

Although I don't want to admit it, this matter has become a very difficult thing to deal with after Esdeath left.

So he could only let Bude organize it. If he did it, no one would be willing to join.

The existence of night raids is no longer just for me, but even for many nobles who are frightened.

Originally, Ernest was going to let Esdeath form it this time when Esdeath came back.

After all, he was also afraid of being assassinated by a night attack one day.

"I will directly command this group of people, and I will be the one to select them!"

If it was such an elite force, then he would naturally not allow this elite force to fall into the hands of the minister.

As for Bude's request, the minister nodded and agreed directly. He had no reason to refuse, and he didn't want to in the first place.

Even if Bude gets this right, he won't do anything to himself. He has done such evil before, and Bude still hasn't done anything. Doesn't that explain everything?

"Okay, I will send someone to collect them for you."

"Okay, if you don't have anything to do, just leave."

Bude nodded. Even though Esdeath rebelled, the empire would not collapse.

Just like what the minister said, he has the Imperial Equipment that can disable the Imperial Equipment. At the same time, the young emperor also has the Supreme Imperial Equipment. Now it seems that the young emperor must be arranged to try to use the Supreme Imperial Equipment.

With the existence of the Supreme Imperial Arms, other Imperial Arms simply cannot compare to it.

"Then I'll leave it to you to form an elite team. I will collect news about the revolutionary army and night attacks!"

Ernest didn't have much to say about Bude's attitude. Although he felt a little unhappy in his heart, he knew very well that he had to rely on the other person.

Then let’s deal with the night attack first!

The other end.

The members of Night Raid were gathering at the headquarters. After they learned about Esdeath's rebellion, they were all very surprised. They did not expect that Esdeath would actually choose to leave the empire.

"Chief, if there is no Esdeath in the imperial capital now, wouldn't we be able to take action?"

Ma Yin felt that all this was benefiting them.

Now that Esdeath is no longer in the imperial capital, there is no one who can stop them.

If we don’t take action now, then when will we wait?

"Esdeath actually rebelled and went to the Hailan Empire."

Compared to Ma Yin, Najiexitan thought more.

Mainly because she went to the Hailan Empire to negotiate terms with Bai Ye.

It's just that everything that followed was a bit unsatisfactory.

Now, Esdeath's departure seems to be a benefit to their revolutionary army, but Najexitan also knows that there is a real problem for them now.

"Esdeath went to the Hailan Empire. What if the Hailan Empire launches a general attack here?"

Brand has also served in the empire, so he naturally knows the twists and turns.

The emperor of the Hailan Empire personally led an army to intercept Esdeath and took Esdeath away.

The person who can make Esdeath surrender must be someone much stronger than her.

The ambitions of the Hailan Empire are clearly revealed.

"I went to Hailan Empire to negotiate terms with them before."

Najexitan took a deep breath and then decided to confess all this.

He went to the Hailan Empire to negotiate terms for the revolutionary army and Bai Ye.

"Have you been there, chief?"

"Well, just recently, either the headquarters called me back or asked me to negotiate terms with the Hailan Empire. In fact, our revolutionary army has always had the support of the other party!"

Najesita nodded and said, and after hearing her, a trace of joy flashed across his face and asked, "Doesn't that mean we will definitely win in the future?"


It turned out to be an ally!

That didn't seem to worry much.

However, after he finished speaking, everyone else looked at him with a weird look.

"What's wrong? Am I wrong?"

They even took Esdeath away, so isn't that creating opportunities for the Revolutionary Army?

"No, in fact, the other party has always had the ambition to unify the continent, and supporting us is just to let us consume the empire, so as to achieve the effect of the snipe and the clam fighting and the fisherman gaining the benefit."

Najesita shook her head and a bitter smile flashed across her face.

Although she was reluctant to admit it, their effect was actually to consume the empire.

Originally, she was a little hesitant about whether to agree to Bai Ye's request. Just like what she said before, is Ye Xi willing to bear this betrayal?

Will you?

In fact, no one wants to be betrayed.

But she was unwilling to agree to Bai Ye's request, so after returning, Najeshitan kept it a secret and didn't tell us what happened before.

"Boss, are you hiding something from us?"

Chi Tong looked at Najeshitan, she knew Najeshitan.

Najeshitan's current state seemed to indicate that she had something to hide.

"Chi Tong, in fact, he recruited me at the beginning. No. To be precise, he recruited us for the Night Raid, wanting us to join them and overthrow the empire together!"

Najeshitan hesitated for a while, and finally sighed. She decided to tell them the words.

Maybe the right to choose should not be in her hands, but should be given to them.

Maybe they don't want their future fate to be arranged by themselves or by the Revolutionary Army.

"Recruited us for the Night Raid?!"

Marin was stunned. In that case, the Hailan Empire actually had the ambition to annex them?

"Then boss, you didn't agree, did you?"

An unnatural smile flashed across Rabbock's face.

They are the pillars of the revolutionary army. They won't really agree to betray, right?

"I didn't agree."

After hearing what Najeshitan said, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

"Then what should we do now? The other party wants to provide us with resources. If they have ambitions..."

Leone frowned. She had never thought that her resources had always been provided by the Hailan Empire.

If we look at it this way, if they don't agree or the other party is ready to attack the empire, then the other party will definitely not provide supplies.

Then, their ending will probably not be too good, right?

"Before that, I have a question to ask you!!"

Najshitan did not answer Leone's question directly, but looked at the few people seriously. What she was going to say next would be the question that would determine everyone's fate.

This was also the first step for her to decide not to be so selfish and leave their own fate to them.

She wanted to see what the people in the night raid would choose in the end!

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