Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 232: The founding of Wano Country, the appearance of Hades shocked the world, and Bai Ye’s g

Chapter 232 - The founding of the country of Wano, Pluto’s appearance shocked the world, and Byakuya’s grand plan!

"The country of Wano is about to be founded."

The country of peace.

The Dawn Pirates, who have been here for many years, have also completed the transformation of Wano Country.

Pluto buried deep under the sea has already been found. Only after the founding of the Kingdom, Pluto will be able to reappear from the underground of the ancient Wano Kingdom.

"We have had a lot of contact with the World Government in recent years. If the country is founded, there is a high probability that they will quickly plant spies in Wano Country."

Kaido is not afraid, in fact he is more inclined to found a country.

Because the new world is very noisy now.

He really wanted to participate.

The King of the New World!

This suddenly appeared name, the original legendary pirate Whitebeard Newgate and Charlotte Lingling of the Big Mom Pirates have been called the kings among them.

As a crew member, Kaido will naturally not fight for this. In recent years, he has been unable to defeat him, and the little cotton-padded jacket was completely abducted by Bai Ye.

Now Kaido really has no intention of usurping the throne, but in the eyes of people in Wano Country who don't know the truth, Kaido is the king of Wano Country.

This was also arranged by Zeng Baiye.

"It doesn't matter. Now we don't need to worry about the World Government at all, but we still need to prevent their ultimate weapons!"

Sea levels will rise and engulf all the islands.

Is this the King of World Government?

Bai Ye actually doesn't know very well. He wants to change the world, but if he directly fights with the world government and they also have that weapon, then the world will be destroyed directly.

Then he has changed a lot!

Therefore, he will also investigate everything before taking action, including the truth about Rafdru.

Over the years, Bai Ye has also probably investigated Ravdru. There is a high probability that Ravdru is not an island on the sea level, but may be in a whirlpool on the seabed.

It needs to be calculated through the text of the road sign. The four pieces of text of the road sign can be used to calculate at which time and place where the submarine vortex with Ravdru Island will appear.

And this also requires a powerful navigator, so next I need to find a powerful navigator.

If his guess was correct, it would also explain why no one had found Rafdru for so many years.

After all, the world is so big and it is always on the sea level. No matter how much you move, you are still likely to be encountered, right?

But what if Raff Drew is at the bottom of the sea?

Just like the island that was once directly flattened by Im using the King's ability, Rafdru fell directly into the bottom of the sea with that cannon. All this can be explained clearly.

And this cannon also caused the sea level to rise. This seems to mean that the World Government or Im holds that weapon, so the Holy Land is built at such a high place.

Even if the sea level rises, it will not threaten them. Just like the current Wano Country, isn't it because of the rise in sea levels that the new Wano Country was established?

The ability to destroy the world

Bai Ye rubbed his chin, looking at it from the looks of it, he seemed to have no choice but to start the country directly.

Moreover, he also has to welcome his new crew, and since he has been staying here all these years, he is now eager to leave the country of Wano.

"The ultimate weapon? Does the World Government also have ancient weapons?"

Nico Robin asked curiously. After she became an adult, she was also recruited into the pirate group by Byakuya to train with Yamato and others.

Bai Ye also considered that he would bring archaeologists with him when he went to sea in the future, but compared to those people, his strength was too weak, and Robin was a ready-made potential stock that could be cultivated. He could fight and also interpret historical texts.

In the anime, Robin was hunted for the first half of his life, wasting many opportunities to practice and become stronger.

The country of Wano has the top domineering teacher Kaido, and there is no need to waste time on escaping. In addition to learning knowledge, Robin has been practicing with various teachers here over the past few years.

After judging that the opponent was strong enough to join, Byakuya also asked Robin to join the pirate group.

"Based on the history we have studied before, the World Government seems to have mastered ancient weapons and used them in the original Great Kingdom War. It's just a bit strange that the ancient weapons should belong to the Great Kingdom."

Dr. Clover said with a frown, and then looked at Bai Ye. He hoped that after the founding of the country, O'Hara would be allowed to continue exploring the sea.

Compared with before, after encountering a demon-slaying order, the people of O'Hara also realized that blindly studying history would only bring misfortune to the people around them.

Therefore, they have been hiding in the country of Wano these years to study the known history, and have also divided some people to study energy and technology issues. Olvia has also transitioned from historical research to technology research.

"Because someone betrayed the huge kingdom and Joyboy lost, those technologies were either destroyed or controlled by the world government. Disappearing for a hundred years is actually going backwards."

The ancient kingdom had such strong technology. Compared with today's technology and that of eight hundred years ago, it is not even a bit worse.

I also thought about this Baiye very seriously, and later realized that maybe the world government did not allow the existence of these things.

Joyboy's ideals are in conflict with world government.

It can be seen from the actions of the Tianlong people. What the Tianlong people want is to be above everyone. This corresponds to Yi Mu and Wulao Xing. They do not want to have the so-called peace, so they would rather put these high-level people Technology is all destroyed.

It can be seen from the technology on Egghead Island that Vegapunk has always been replicating ancient technology.

Since he is a brain fruit user with a powerful brain, there is no reason why he didn't exist in the ancient kingdom. After all, devil fruits may also be other people's technology.

"So I thought."

"No, you don't!"

Bai Ye shook his head, not wanting O'Hara's people to leave.

"You are too weak."

"But there's nothing left to study now."

Dr. Clover knows that he and others are a burden, but there is no other research now.

Let them be idle and idle.

"No, you can continue to study technology and energy. If you want to return the whole world to the state of a huge kingdom, then energy must be obtained. And I will go out next, and I will take Robin out to interpret the text of history. , which is what I promised you before

Compared to you, she is not on the Navy's wanted list, so she will naturally not attract the attention of others. No one will associate Robin with O'Hara. "

Because he has not experienced the Demon-Slaying Order, no one knows Robin's current identity. Everyone who knows is here.


A hint of surprise flashed across Robin's face. She didn't expect Bai Ye to leave with her.

"Then Lord Baiye, can you take me to sea with you?!"

Yamato looked at Bai Ye with expectation in her eyes, and she also wanted to go to sea with Bai Ye.

Kaido on the side felt very hurt when he saw his daughter like this. In order to win back his daughter's heart, he, an old father, also offered to take Yamato to sea. In the end, Yamato directly refused, saying that it was his first time to go to sea and wanted to go with him. Go out together during the night.

At that time, Kaido went directly to Bai Ye to fight, but he was beaten up by Bai Ye again.

"This trip is not for a trip. I want to bring back the people who belong to our kingdom!"


Golden Lion was a little curious. Are there any other crew members outside?

How powerful the kingdom is now, he even feels that it has surpassed the Rocks Pirates back then.

The world's greatest swordsman, Hawkeye, Kaido of the Beasts, Bear, Ginny who ate the hurricane fruit, Old John, Yisheng, Barrett, and some other pirates similar to the three plagues.

It can be said that once the strength of the entire pirate group is exposed, let alone the emperor of the new world, even the original Roger Pirates and even the current Navy Headquarters cannot be their opponent.

"Is it the most beautiful woman in the world, Boya Hancock?"

Sheng Sheng took a sip of noodle soup and then raised his head to look at Bai Ye, although his eyes were full of whites.

"Bai Ye, Bai Ye, it seems I was wrong about you. I thought you liked men at first!"

Old John smiled obscenely. The Golden Lion already had his own children after settling in Wano Country. Because he put down his ambition, he decided to build a world similar to a huge kingdom with Bai Ye.

So he is no longer alone, he also has a family.

And he likes treasures. Having treasures in this life is enough. Hawkeye is obsessed with kendo. Bear and Ginny got married in front of everyone. Barrett is still obsessed with challenging Bai Ye, so he is there day and night. Practice.

Everyone has their own pursuits, like Bai Ye, who really doesn’t know what he is doing. He eats and sleeps every day, eats after sleeping, and then practices and cultivates. He has not gone anywhere in these years.

If Wano Country hadn't been changing with Byakuya's will, everyone would have thought that Byakuya was lying flat.

There were so many women around him, but he really wasn't moved at all.

At Tentsuki, Yamato, Robin, the mermaid Lilia and various beauties from Wano.

Even going back to the Rocks Pirates, a first-class beauty like Charlotte Lingling was interested in him, but he had no intention of taking action.

Now it seems that people like this tune.

Why don’t you like being the best in the world?

"Does Lord Baiye have someone you like?"

Yamato looked at Byakuya curiously, feeling a little more curious about Hancock in her heart. This made her want to leave Wano Country with Byakuya to see him.

"It's up to you to explain it in your lifetime!"

He didn't even know what he had with Hancock. He obviously just went to pick Hancock up as agreed back then.

Ever since Hancock became the empress of Amazon Lily, she has said more than once that she will fulfill her promise. If I remember correctly, I would have known that all my life, right?

"When we returned to Wano Country, we rescued three little girls who were kidnapped by human traffickers. One of them was Empress Boya Hancock. The little girl wanted to follow us, but at that time Bai Ye said I will pick her up when she becomes strong enough to become the emperor of that country.”

Yisheng drank the last soup base in one gulp, and then explained the incident to Bai Ye.

However, this is not the answer they want.

"Hey! That's the most beautiful woman in the world. Don't you have any other ideas?"

"What do you think I should think about?"

"Please, we have pure gold. Don't you know the efficacy of that thing?"

"Old Lion, I didn't expect you to become like this after you had a wife and children!"

If Golden Lion had said this back then, he would have thought that Golden Lion was a time traveler.

Golden Lion has indeed changed a lot over the years.

"So you take our partners back, and then what?"

Old John asked.

"The historical text, and investigate some things about the World Government."

The immortality of the Five Elders, the ability to communicate with each other, the ability to teleport, and the so-called concept erasure of Im?

In short, there are so many things that need to be explored by yourself.

"Okay, then, will Wano Country open up now according to your wishes?"

Others didn't have any opinions, and it seemed that Bai Ye was ready to act.

Before, Bai Ye had made a plan, and the navy might not necessarily become their enemy, and many navy could be won over.

When the guilt of the World Government is presented to everyone one day, there will be a rift between the World Government and the Navy, but Bai Ye doesn't have much expectation for this. After all, can those high-ranking navy officials in the anime not know what the World Government has done?

"Let's start a country. We need to take out Pluto. I will find some suitable seedlings and then we will start a war with the navy!"

Bai Ye stood up and looked into the distance. As a supporter of the World Government, the Navy must first solve the World Government if it wants to solve the World Government.

At the same time, he also wants to bring the fishmen from Fishman Island here, which is also something he promised Lilia.

At the beginning, after Lilia came to Wano Country, she accidentally heard Tian Yueshi say that Bai Ye was Joy Boyi, so she also had a little expectation for Bai Ye in her heart.

Because according to the legend, Joy Boyi wanted to change the relationship between fishmen and humans so that fishmen can live on land, but Joy Boyi failed for some reasons.

"Wano Country has finally started a country. It's just as I thought. Bai Ye, you are Joy Boyi!"

Tian Yueshi's eyes lit up. According to the prophecy of Wano Country, Joy Boyi will help him start a country!

Although he was mistaken for Joy Boy, Bai Ye had no intention of explaining. Joy Boy could change the world, so why couldn't he?

"Kaido, you will still be responsible for the founding of the country. After the founding of the country, many pirates will probably come in, so... compete for an emperor!"

The pirate world is very cruel. Becoming a member of the World Government has privileges and can enjoy the protection of the navy, but it requires a high amount of Tianshangjin.

If you don't become a member of the World Government, then this country will become a lawless place and a paradise for pirates.

This seems to be what the World Government wants to see.

Wano Country was protected by the terrain at the beginning, so no one came, but once Wano Country was founded, it was not certain.


Kaido pointed at himself. When he heard Bai Ye say that he wanted him to compete for an emperor, he was completely confused.

No? !

Are you the captain or am I the captain?

Is the emperor also going to be me?

Then why not just let me become the captain of the Dawn Pirates.

There was not even a moment to mourn for the Dawn Pirates, and the next to rush to the battlefield was the Beast Pirates!

"Who else do you want?"

Bai Ye pointed at the people present.

There are quite a few candidates, Golden Lion is OK, Hawkeye is OK, Life is OK, Barrett is OK.

Others are not qualified, because only a few of them have the strength to compete for the Emperor Group.

"Your strength is qualified to become the Emperor, plus your Three Calamities and Flying Six are enough, we don't need to make a move."

"Where is Yamato?"

Kaido nodded, then pointed at Yamato. He always felt that Bai Ye deliberately didn't say Yamato because he had his own conspiracy.

"Yamato? She wants to leave with me!"

Fuck me!!!

Kaido knew it!

And looking at Yamato's expectant expression, how could Kaido not know that even if he wanted to stop it, it would probably be useless.

After all, Yamato seemed to have made up his mind to leave with Bai Ye.

"Bai Ye, tell me the truth. Did I offend you in the Rocks Pirates?"

Kaido looked at Bai Ye with gloomy eyes. At the same time, he was also thinking whether he had offended Bai Ye in the Rocks Pirates.

Otherwise, he really couldn't understand Bai Ye's actions at all!

No? !

Why did he keep kidnapping his daughter?

"No, I just think Yamato is cute, so I like to take her with me. You know I don't have a daughter."


Thinking of how he and Bai Ye showed off at the beginning, and Bai Ye's words again, Kaido now seriously suspected that Bai Ye remembered this matter from that time.

"Humph, Yamato, remember my words!"

"I know, dad, you are so annoying!"


The yellow-haired man took his daughter away and said that he was annoying. Kaido didn't know what to say for a while.

"Robin, then I'll leave the history to you!"

Dr. Clover looked at Robin seriously. The history had been studied almost, and now only some information about the historical text was missing, so the next journey would be left to Robin.

They really need to do some practical research.

If we want to recreate the great kingdom, we must have their power.

"Lilia, please come with me too. We can go to Fish-Man Island just in time."

One of the significance of taking away the three of them is that Lilia's relationship with Fish-Man Island allows him to coordinate better.

Robin was responsible for translating historical texts and recording them for Wano Country.

Yamato wanted to see Kaido's frustrated expression, and he had promised Yamato to take her with him if he wanted to go to sea, so it was naturally impossible to leave Yamato here at this time.

With Bai Ye's order, Wano Country began to operate.

However, in order to found the country of Wano, in the anime, it actually requires the destructive power of the elephant master. After all, those are underwater.

But now, Byakuya used Susanoo to cut it off underwater.

The barrier blocking Wano Country began to break with Susanoo's slashes.

on this day.

The country of Wano was founded!

Pluto, who was buried deep in the ancient Wano Kingdom, also came to light at this moment. They looked at the legendary ship that could destroy an island with one shot, and Byakuya moved it to the interior of Wano Country for repairs.

At the same time, the news of the founding of Wano also spread throughout the New World with Big Morgan's newspapers.

"Gla la la la la, the country of Wano has actually been founded, and the leader is actually that idiot Kaido?"

Whitebeard looked at the news newspaper in his hand, a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

Wano Country, a country that has been almost closed for so many years, will one day be opened to the public!

And is this something Kaido would do?

"My father, Wano, seems to be in the new world. Will he also compete for the position of the emperor when he comes out now?"

Now the new world has begun to faintly compete around the emperor.

Marco felt that Kaido seemed to have such thoughts when he appeared at this time.

Fighting for the emperor?

Whitebeard's thoughts were flowing, and it felt like it was true, but he was Whitebeard. Since that kid Kaido was willing to come out, it seemed to add a lot of fun.

At the same time, after receiving the news of Kaido's appearance, Charlotte Lingling unconsciously flashed Bai Ye's figure in her heart.

If that bastard Kaido hadn't promised him and then failed to do it, he would have had several children with Bai Ye, and then he could have even surpassed Whitebeard!

It's all that bastard Kaido's fault. If you think so, Kaido owes him a big favor!

Although she still has thoughts in her heart, with her current condition, whether Bai Ye will have sex with her is a question.

Time is really a butcher's knife

"That guy Kaido has appeared. It seems that the new world is exactly what we expected!"

Holy place.

The five old stars who have designed all this are gathering together to discuss.

They are also fueling the fight for the throne in the New World.

With the beginning of the Great Pirate Age, Roger's influence was so great that they were almost unable to suppress the world's rampage.

There are fewer and fewer new generations in the navy, but various talents emerge from time to time in the pirates.

Under such circumstances, they knew that they had to do something.

Otherwise, if we continue to let the situation go on, maybe the situation we least want to see will happen, right?

"Just let them bite dogs. After all, doesn't the emperor of the new world have to be in the new world? If they are in the new world, then there will be a steady stream of pirates to challenge them!"

This is better than One Piece. The emperor of the new world can be obtained by killing the opponent.

"It's a pity that there is no news about that guy."

They had been tracking down the news about Bai Ye, but he just disappeared like before.

"Originally this news was meant to make him appear!"

Saint Satan was a little helpless. He originally thought that Bai Ye would come out to fight for it, but in the end, no one showed up at all.

"Take your time and take a look at it. By the way, this is about the King's Shichibukai."

"Cooperating with pirates? Then we will be completely embarrassed!"

"But wouldn't it be better to let them pirates fight themselves?"

"That's right, let the navy do it!"

If that's the case, let's embarrass the navy.

It's just that to become a Shichibukai, you must have strength. There don't seem to be many people who have the strength and are willing to become a Shichibukai now, right?

But given so many privileges, they didn't believe that no one would surrender.

"What about Wano? That idiot Kaido founded the country!"

"Let the spies be!"

The country of Wano used to suffer from a difficult past, but it is better now. Since you took the initiative to found the country, the World Government must have a hand.

"That's it Stussy."

In a few words, a few people decided all these things.

The new world also started a new round of bloodshed with Kaido's participation in the battle for the imperial group.

At the same time, the defected female navy and the world's number one female swordsman, Peach Rabbit, who were sailing boredly in the new world, were thinking about their future with some worry.

Three years after three years, three years after three years, and I haven't met Bai Ye yet. When can I return to the navy?

Since receiving the secret mission, she defected from the navy in order to join Bai Ye's forces. As a result, she has been traveling on the sea for so long, and her strength has improved by an unknown amount, and she hasn't met Bai Ye yet!

PS: My waist hurts so much, I’ll take a rest today QAQ

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