Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 239 It’s nothing but a mirage, Bai Ye: Goodbye, cage!

Chapter 239 - It’s just a mirror, white night: Farewell, cage!

"War has been declared!! The World Government has also declared war on Byakuya at the same time, and has also decided to shrink the navy's strength in response to Byakuya's attack!"

"Then what should we do? Pirates will invade us!"

"It's all Bai Ye's fault! Obviously we have already paid heavenly gold!"

all around the world.

At this moment, everyone saw the newspaper news controlled and distributed by the world government.

After reading the above content, it was said that the World Government decided to shrink its front in order to cope with Byakuya's challenge. Because the three generals, Garp and other high-level combat forces were captured by Byakuya, the navy was already showing signs of weakness.

Although Bai Ye's words are included in it, many people can't stand it because they can't survive on their own and come here with the mentality of trying to go to sea.

For a moment, the sea seemed to be plunged into unprecedented chaos.

Some people blame Bai Ye for this incident, because if it weren't for Bai Ye, the more violent and violent situation would not have occurred.

Of course, more people also have the intention not to hand over the heavenly gold, because Bai Ye is right, the heavenly gold of the Tianlong people will only crush a country, and they want to pin their hopes on Baiye.

"Lord Shah Crocodile, do you really want to leave Alabasta?"

Facing Crocodile's departure, the people of the desert empire Alabasta also tried to persuade him to stay.

At this moment, as the patron saint of this country, many people are unwilling to see him leave.

"Sorry, I have some things of my own that need to be done!"

Crocodile narrowed his eyes slightly, and then said lightly.

He only stayed here because of Hades.

Because of a battle with Whitebeard, one of his arms was cut off by Whitebeard. From then on, he also realized the weakness of individual strength, so he set his sights on the destroying battleship that could directly destroy an island with one shot. superior.

And he also got the news from somewhere that Hades was in Alabasta, so he decided to come here to look for it.

Just because of his status as a Shichibukai, Crocodile was regarded as a hero by the civilians and the king after he eliminated the pirates who invaded the Kingdom of Alabasta.

It’s just that he knows that he can’t understand the historical text, and he still lacks something that can do things for him, so he plans to form an organization to help him do things.

But now the change in the situation has also made Crocodile realize that he does not have much time.

He is going to the New World.

Although he didn't know exactly where Bai Ye was, Crocodile guessed that it was most likely in the New World.

He wants to go find White Night, not only because he has many questions and ambitions in his heart, but also for the sake of archaeologists.

In the O'Hara incident, Bai Ye took away all the archaeologists. Now if he wants to get news about Pluto, he must find Bai Ye, because he is the only one with archaeologists around.

"BOSS, are you really going to leave like this?"

Daz Bonis followed Crocodile all the way here, so he naturally knew that Crocodile didn't come here just to deal with a group of pirates and then leave.

"Let's go. Actually, I suddenly feel like it's not necessary."

Crocodile took one last look at the person who was watching him leave reluctantly.

There was something unspeakable about him.

He always thought that he was a cold-blooded person and would not be shaken by these little things.

It seems that his arrival is a good thing for them, but if he chooses to stay, it will not be a good thing.

After all, he had relied too much on external forces. After watching Bai Ye, the three generals, and Garp's live broadcast, Crocodile also regained his original intention.

It turns out that the truly powerful one should be himself, his domineering energy, rather than relying on the so-called Pluto.

He also knew that even if he took Pluto to find Whitebeard, the final result would still be failure, so there was no need for him to stay here and play the ridiculous lurking game.


Crocodile turned around and left here without hesitation, as if he had never been to Alabasta.

【Ding! Change Crocodile's fate and be rewarded with a lottery chance! 】

Crocodile? !

Bai Ye was a little surprised. He didn't expect that even his fate would change without even touching him.

"white night?"


Bai Ye shook his head and looked at the others. He was still saying something just now, but suddenly paused. Kaido and others were also a little strange.


【Ding! Use a lottery opportunity and congratulations on getting: Bloodline Factor Technology. 】

Useful for hair.

Even if I have the technology, I still don’t know how to use it.

It seems that Vegapunk must be included, or should Clover and the others give it a try?

However, Bai Ye didn't have much hope for Clover and the others.

etc! ?

Why don't you give it a try to yourself in the biochemical world?

But isn’t this just DNA technology?

Bai Ye felt that he could take it and try it, but it would probably be better if he found Vegapunk.

After coming back to his senses, Bai Ye glanced at the impatient Golden Lion, and said helplessly: "If you go there like this, then I really won't let them show up."

Originally, Bai Ye wanted to leave a few hostages, but what he didn't expect was that Golden Lion and others were very interested in meeting Garp and Cyborg.

Mainly because I want to watch the excitement.

If they saw the person, Bai Ye would not let him go, and Kizaru's idea of ​​going to work for him could only be put aside for the time being.

"What are you afraid of? Can they catch pirates faster than you? Besides, don't forget that the pirate navy outside the new world still has strength at this time!"

As long as they don't come to the New World, it feels like they can be dealt with, not to mention that these things should be a headache for the World Government first.

They also saw the news that the world government was shrinking its combat capabilities.

Isn't that because Bai Ye said before that he would deal with pirates, so they just let Bai Ye come, and they just had to deal with Bai Ye first.

"You guys are really going to find trouble for me!"

Bai Ye stroked his forehead, but also agreed to their request, after taking them to the divine space.

After coming in again, Cyborg Kong and others were all numb.

no! ?

Are you all in the same group?

"No wonder you dare to go against the World Government."

This is already a new or even transcendent Rocks Pirates, right?

Even the Shichibukai, who were recruited by their navy to deal with the emperor, are here.

"How scary!"

Kizaru grinned, he was in trouble anyway.

Kaido, the current emperor of the sea, the golden lion of the four legendary pirates, the world's greatest swordsman, the pirate empress, and the descendant of the devil, Barrett.

How about playing?

Is this lineup more terrifying than the original Rocks Pirates?

Now these people are all at peak combat effectiveness.

There are also some people they don't know very well, but judging from the aura on them, they are not weak at all!

"Hey, isn't this Garp? Why haven't you seen him acting like this in a few days?"

The golden lion grinned and laughed. Although Garp was mainly chasing Roger.

But he still remembered that Garp seemed to be causing trouble for him.

I haven’t seen you for a few days, so I’m really nervous!

"You bastard, you have the ability to challenge me alone!"

How can Garp stand this anger? If he can't beat Bai Ye, he can't beat you, the Golden Lion?

But before he could take action, He stood up and grabbed him: "Garp, don't be impulsive!"

Not to mention that this is their territory, let's just say that this situation is not the time to take action.

Once they take action, they may not be able to defeat Bai Ye if he doesn't take action. The people here are really too strong.

At the same time, He glanced at Gion vaguely. At this moment, she also had a vague illusion in her heart. Maybe Gion had completely fallen in love with Byakuya?

"Bai Ye, I want to know what you know!"


Cyborg Kong quickly turned to look at He. This was taboo. As the navy, they couldn't take the initiative to understand these things!

Regarding He's question, a smile flashed across Bai Ye's lips, just because He was afraid He wouldn't ask.

"Eight hundred years of reincarnation."


He was a little confused, and Dr. Clover, who was beside Bai Ye, began to explain under Bai Ye's instruction: "There was a huge flood eight hundred years ago, and there is a reincarnation every eight hundred years. Maybe it has something to do with the stars. Anyway, Eight hundred years are coming soon.

The closer you get to the Holy Land, the more they all turn into islands. In fact, the ground was connected into one piece at that time. In order to avoid the flood, the people in the Holy Land dug up all the surrounding land to fill in Mariejoia. This is why The reason why Mariejoia blocks two seas.

People in the World Government don't care about the lives of other people at all, because when a disaster strikes, except for the people in the Holy Land, basically everyone will die in the flood.

The Noah's Ark built by Joyboy was to prevent everyone from this situation, but he later broke the promise because the world government won. "

Although it was a bit bizarre, Dr. Clover actually felt that it was correct after learning about this history.

Otherwise, there is no reason to explain why the Holy Land and the World Government have been building the Kingdom on the Bridge seven hundred years ago. The Celestial Dragons already knew these things at that time.

"Actually, it can be corrected. Maybe what the twenty kings did at the beginning was right. But at that time, no one was allowed on the empty throne, which meant that no dictator was allowed to appear. But now the fruits of victory on this throne have been stolen. That’s why the Tianlong people appear now!”

Does it match the Bible?

The Great Flood and Noah's Ark, from this point of view, everything seems to be correct.

"So I am going to rebuild Noah's Ark, or transfer everyone to the Red Earth Continent. Everyone has the right to live, but the world government will not agree. What the Tianlong people need is their own dictatorial rule. This is me I don’t insist on whether you believe it or not.”

The farther you get from the Red Earth Continent, the more islands there are, and there is no longer even a single piece of land.

What this shows is self-evident. For example, Alabasta, which is relatively far away from the Red Earth Continent, has a large continent.

"So the world will be submerged by sea water?"

He lowered her head and pondered. She was actually a little surprised by the news. She didn't expect that the world had so many secrets.

"So we protected the Celestial Dragons but caused more deaths?"

Aokiji had a headache. If it was true as Bai Ye said, then he could foresee what would happen to those countries that were not part of the World Government and were abandoned by the World Government.

A reincarnation once every eight hundred years?

"Whatever you want to think, do you want to see the world destroyed and the world nobles watching this scene with a smile, or do you want to change all this? Think about it yourself!"

Having said that, Bai Ye stopped talking. Everyone is entitled to know these truths.

Pirate Bai Ye: [Is there anyone who can help research the bloodline factor technology? ]

Biochemical Bai Ye: [You can give it to me, I can research it! ]

Super God Bai Ye: [I can also research it here, but I have to wait and see, I can't research it now! ]

Hokage Bai Ye: [Are you still in the laboratory? ]

Aren't you able to break free?

Why are you still in the laboratory?

Super God Bai Ye: [Didn't you say that there will be rewards for changes? I plan to find an opportunity to take Kaisha and He Xi away. This should give me rewards, right? ]

King of Fighters Bai Ye: [Are you trying to change the plot to get rewards? I don't even want to expose your thoughts! ]

You keep saying that you want to change, who doesn't know your thoughts?

Pirate Bai Ye: [Everyone wants to kill Grandpa Hua, but everyone wants to be Grandpa Hua! ]

Super God Bai Ye: [Not really, not really. The main thing is that He Xi is quite talented in research. I have received the information and will find her to study it later. By the way, is your work over? ]

The main thing is that I feel that I have been arrested and put in prison. If I hadn't joined the chat group, I would probably be studied.

If I don't do something, I feel a little sorry for myself.

Pirate Bai Ye: [The navy's problems have been solved for the most part. When I am ready, I can go to war with the World Government! ]

He still needs some time to prepare. When I am completely ready, I can go to war with the World Government.

American Terrorist Bai Ye: [Then you can create your ideal country after you solve the World Government. I have investigated and I really have Death here. I am numb, but I have to do something after a while. ]

If there were only Freddy and Nailhead, I might be able to comfort myself.

Now even the Grim Reaper has come, I really have to be careful at all times in the future. Once I am targeted by the Grim Reaper, I am afraid I will be finished.

Monster White Night: [Are you going to kill Freddy? ]

American Horror White Night: [No, remember the Murder House? ]

Hong Kong Ghost White Night: [American Horror Story? ]

American Horror White Night: [Yes! That's it! ]

The Murder Thing in the first season of American Horror Story is also the entrance connecting the human world and hell.

Valoran White Night: [Awesome, then your necromancy is invincible in it? ]

If it is just the story of the first season of American Horror Story, it seems that there are not many powerful people in this season.

American Horror White Night: [That's exaggerated, just don't drag me into hell. ]

Valoran White Night: [I really still need to be careful. I was actually targeted by Draven in the arena! ]

Inside the Valoran Noxus Arena.

Draven dropped a sword from the air, then jumped down from the main seat, spinning his flying axe and looking at Bai Ye with a frivolous look.

This arena is managed by him, and he has noticed Bai Ye these days.

He has never lost since he came on the field. Originally, Draven thought that Bai Ye might be another opponent and would not be enough to make him feel pressured.

Later, the opponents arranged for Bai Ye became stronger and stronger. The only person who could win in the arena like this was the current Debon General Zhao Xin.

Of course, there was a woman who walked out of here before, but she didn't win as many games as Zhao Xin.

Draven was very happy to watch the people fighting here.

"Come on, if you beat me, I will allow you to leave this arena!"

Draven waved his double axes. He didn't think Bai Ye could beat him. Riven, who defeated him and left, had already made him lose face. This time he would not allow this to happen.

"I'll start on the count of three, two, one." Draven saw that Bai Ye had been staring at him without saying anything and didn't care. He grinned and said lightly: "Start at three!!"

Dreven swung the axe in his hand directly at Bai Ye.

Noxus doesn't care about the so-called oath. If Bai Ye died because of carelessness, it has nothing to do with him.

Thinking of this, Draven's eyes flashed with a trace of malice, but that trace of malice also dissipated the moment Bai Ye blocked his axe calmly.

"Interesting, you little brat, I thought you would wait for me to shout one!"

Dreven threw another axe at Bai Ye, and then the axe that was blocked by Bai Ye before returned to Draven's hand in an instant.

As Draven's axe continued to swing, it seemed that countless axe phantoms flashed in the air.

But Draven moved for a long time, and Bai Ye's sword dance blocked in front of him, dissolving his attacks one by one.

Dreven threw his flying axe!

Even though all the attacks were blocked by Bai Ye, Draven did not feel discouraged, but became more excited.

"Keep going, show your stronger strength!"

The strength continued to increase, and the speed became faster and faster.

"A bit weak"

Bai Ye evaluated Draven's strength in his heart. Compared with his brother, his strength was not a little bit worse.

At the same time, the world of Valoran is also a very strange world. Weak heroes are really weak, and strong heroes can destroy the world at will.

Back in the Noxus Arena, Bai Ye always thought that he was dead. Even if he could escape from here, he might die in an incident at any time.

However, after joining the chat group, Bai Ye also thought about whether to leave directly, but after thinking about it, he gave up, mainly because he wanted to test his abilities here first.

With his current strength, if he encounters those demigods or protoss, Ryze, Kindred, Widow, etc., he is afraid that he will suffer. Even Bai Ye feels that Galio may be stronger than him.

Completely immune to magic attacks, many of his abilities are directly judged as magic here, and his space abilities cannot be used because he cannot break through space.

Overall world power is still too high.

However, when facing someone like Draven, Bai Ye still felt that there wasn't much of a problem.

"Step forward and chop!"

A ray of breeze passed by, and Delevingne felt a slight chill on his neck. He subconsciously raised his hand to touch his neck. He was a little shocked by the moist feeling. He put his hand in front of his eyes and saw a trace of scarlet.

"you lose."

Byakuya planted the knife on the ground, then turned and left the Noxus Arena.

I can't stay here any longer.

Looking at Bai Ye's leaving figure, a general next to Delevingne also immediately came up and asked, "Does Sir Delevingne want to take action?!"

As he spoke, he made a gesture of wiping his neck.

Another person walking out of the arena!

Doesn't this mean to everyone that the arena doesn't seem to be that powerful?

Riven just left here. If Bai Ye is allowed to leave like this, more people will be ready to take action, and this time Draven will lose.

"You think I can't afford to lose?"

Draven narrowed his eyes and looked at the subordinates beside him. When he heard that he was going to kill Bai Ye, he immediately felt unhappy in his heart.

What's the meaning? !

If Bai Ye wins against him, will he kill him?

Are you someone who cannot afford to lose?

"no no."

The subordinate said angrily.

He had seen that look in Draven's eyes before, when he was killing people.

Following Draven always feels like my life is short.

I also want to protect Draven. Noxus itself advocates force. Draven's repeated defeats will definitely attract the attention of others.

But he didn't want to take action himself, so forget it. Who said the other party had a good brother?

"It's a pity. I shouldn't have promised if I had known earlier."

Draven touched his mustache, with a hint of helplessness in his eyes.

If he had known that he would lose, he would not have said that condition, leaving Bai Ye here so that he could challenge at any time. But now Bai Ye has left because of his promise, and it is unknown where he will go next.

Outside the arena.

After leaving inside, Bai Ye looked around blankly. Strictly speaking, he could only be regarded as a foreigner here.

It seemed that after leaving the arena, I suddenly found that it was more familiar inside.

"Brother, if you don't know where to go, do you have any ideas about going for a drink with me?"


"I just saw my performance in the arena. I feel that you are very strong. Do you want to join the army? I heard that Noxus is preparing to go to war with Ionia. If you join the army, , maybe you can get into a high position in Noxus soon!"

That person was familiar to him. Facing Bai Ye's doubtful eyes, he didn't shy away from talking about his purpose of finding Bai Ye.

War between Noxus and Ionia?

"Why fight?"

Ionia and Noxus seem to be at war twice.

"What else can it be? Expansion."

The man curled his lips. Isn't this how Noxus always launches wars?



no! ?

Don't you have anything to ask?

The man didn't expect Bai Ye to answer him.

He's not interested in this?

Bai Ye ignored him and walked away. It seemed that it should be the first war between Noxus and Ionia. Swain had not yet obtained the demonic power in the Immortal Fortress.

In fact, Bai Ye did not want to participate in the invasion of Ionia.

After all, once he does this, he will offend the whole of Ionia. Of course, if he accidentally encounters someone like Syndra, he may not even know how he died.

"Brother, don't leave, I'll buy you a drink!"

"No, I don't want to drink with someone who doesn't dare to show his true face."

Bai Ye refused without hesitation and bluntly pointed out the disguise of the person in front of him.

"Has it been seen?"

A trace of surprise flashed through the man's heart. He originally thought that Bai Ye was just slightly better than guys like Draven, and that the other party couldn't see through his disguise at all.

So she didn't bother to use magic to disguise herself, but she didn't expect that because of her underestimation of the enemy, she seemed to be discovered by the opponent.

"Wait a minute, do you want to think about it? I can give you a high official, a rich salary and a beautiful woman, if you are willing."

Seeing that Bai Ye had found out, the man simply stopped pretending.

He just took a fancy to Bai Ye's fighting ability.

Just now, the battle between Bai Ye and Draven seemed to be a back-and-forth fight, but he saw clearly that Bai Ye's strength was definitely overwhelming Draven.

"Your identity."

"Black Rose."

Bai Ye stopped, turned around and looked at the man behind him, and suddenly had an illusion in his heart.

He is Leblanc?

The world only knows that Noxus is controlled by Bron Darkwill.

But he also ascended to the position of Noxus emperor with the help of Black Rose.

It was also because he refused to cooperate with Black Rose after ascending the throne and refused the person selected by Leblanc to enter the parliament.

So he was directly poisoned by Leblanc and gradually became crazy, and completely became a puppet.

Black Rose is the power behind Noxus.

And this seems to be another choice for Bai Ye.

"Well, you don't need to make a decision now, we can slowly get in touch."

He didn't care whether Bai Ye would agree to this matter immediately, because cooperation would come slowly.

"I heard that you lost again in the duel today?"

Darius frowned, looking at Draven's carefree appearance, he was also a little unhappy.

Draven lost once last time, and now he's here again?

"That guy is really powerful, and his swordsmanship is the same as that woman's, also the wind swordsmanship"

Last time, he was defeated by the wind swordsmanship, and this time it was the same.

Draven was a little distressed, is he born to be restrained by that guy?

"Recruit that guy into the army, the war with Ionia is about to begin!"

"If he is very strong, you can summon him here, Demacia needs more!"

Darius glanced at Swain and said without giving in.

He hopes to recruit Bai Ye to his side.

After all, the battlefield of Demacia is more important than the battlefield of Noxus.

"You can't find the people, and you are still arguing about this here?"

Draven muttered, these two people are still arguing?

"So why did you let him go?"


No? !

Are you two crazy?

Can I blame you for this?

Draven opened his mouth, but the words got stuck in his throat and he didn't know what to say for a moment.

He wanted to see Swain and Darius quarrel about this matter.

But they turned their attention and began to question why he didn't stop Bai Ye from leaving.


That guy almost killed him just now, did he dare to stop him?

He thought about it before and felt that he was really in danger at that time, as if he had really walked through the gates of hell, which also made Draven realize the gap between himself and Bai Ye.

How can he blame himself for this?

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