Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 248 The truth of the world, the demon-killing team is formed!

Chapter 248 - The truth of the world, the formation of the demon slaying team!

"The Jade of the Four Souls has two forms, one is good and the other is evil. But if it falls into the hands of people with evil intentions, the Jade of the Four Souls will be contaminated. And I am purifying it now. I can't put it away." here you are."

Kikyo didn't know the purpose of Bai Ye and herself in asking for the Four Souls Jade, but since she had agreed to purify the Four Souls Jade by the person who gave her the Four Souls Jade, she also regarded this as her mission.

After getting the Four Souls Jade, she also discovered that if the jade was not controlled, terrible things might happen.

This jade can evoke the desires that people try to hide deep in their hearts.

Therefore, once the Four Souls Jade falls into the hands of evil people, it will definitely bring disaster to the world.

"You are already a big monster, why do you care about the Shikon Tama?"

Kikyo's tone was slightly humble. Even though Bai Ye was not targeting herself, the aura that was faintly exuding from her body made Kikyo aware of the gap in strength between the two sides.

Facing an opponent that is simply impossible to defeat.

Kikyo could only use her own words to persuade Bai Ye to leave. Once she did, it would be impossible for her to protect the Shikon Tama.

"You don't understand the Four Souls Jade at all. You can't purify it."

Are you thinking about the Jade of Four Souls? !

It seems that Platycodon grandiflorum has not yet realized what the core of this jade is.

"Qingming, do you still want to stay in the jade and not show up? You are really a pathetic sewer rat. It's a pity. I told you at the beginning that the reason for your failure was that you met me."

Byakuya ignored Kikyo, he had already sensed Qingming's soul.

As expected, this guy is hiding in the Jade of Four Souls.

"Seimei? The legend of the Shikon Tama?"

Kikyo murmured, is the Shikon Tama really the fusion of Seimei's soul and the monster?

"The Four Souls Tama has been evil from the beginning. How can the Four Souls Tama, which was fused by the so-called strongest Onmyoji of the Heian era and a group of monsters, be purified?!"

The original Four Souls Jade was formed by Cuizi and monsters.

Cuizi is the good of the Four Souls Jade, and the monster is the evil of the Four Souls Jade. Such a composition can naturally be purified.

But now Seimei's soul is dominant. If Kikyo can purify it, then there is a ghost.

"Does that mean that legend is also true?"

"Is Seimei returning from hell?"

If there was a legend about the Shikon Jade, it would be impossible for Kikyo to ask. This matter had just been confirmed.

And this legend was not passed down by Bai Ye, but came from Heian Kyo.


"That's right, the door to the underworld will open, and Seimei, who returns again, will lead a hundred ghosts to rule the world!"

"Then I really can't purify this Jade of Four Souls."

Take out the Jade of Four Souls from a wooden box.

A wry smile flashed across Kikyo's face. What she originally thought could be done now seemed to be all her imagination.

"Are you just going to give up on what you promised?"

An idea suddenly appeared in Kikyo's mind, and she felt terrible.

"You are indeed hidden in the Jade of Four Souls!"

Kikyo realized that the man behind the words that could unconsciously appear in his mind was probably Seimei.

He seems to be influencing himself subtly.

"I have indeed lost to you again!"

Qingming appeared from the Four Souls Jade. After controlling the Four Souls Jade, it was relatively easy for him to appear.

I didn't expect Bai Ye to find herself so easily.

"Have you already been in contact with those guys on Gao Tianyuan?"

"Why do you think so?"

Qingming's face remained calm, as if she already knew Bai Ye would ask this question.

But he was also curious about why Bai Ye knew about this matter.

"I came here to look for the Shikon Jade, but I didn't tell anyone else, but the other monsters and even Kikyo already knew about it. Only those guys can do it, right? You seem to be still in the underworld, so it's naturally impossible."

Bai Ye had thought before that among the people he told, it was impossible to tell anyone else about his actions.

Then why do you know? !

There is only one possibility.

The god on Gao Tianyuan took action.

"You are very smart. I have underestimated you before, ever since the first time I met you."

Qingming admires Bai Ye's IQ. Even if she loses, losing to someone with such a high IQ makes Qingming not so frustrated. Instead, she feels that losing to such an opponent is fun.

"At the beginning, I only thought that you would be made into a satisfactory work by me."

Qingming added.

It seems that his plan really failed. Bai Ye not only failed to become a work, but part of his soul was trapped here.

"So based on this, it seems that the rumors of Heian Kyo were also spread by you? So from the beginning you were ready to make the Shikon Jade, then die, and finally return from the underworld?"

There are traces of what Qingming did.

He has been running for two things from the beginning, the first is to make the Four Souls Jade, and the second is to end his own life.

"Actually, my original intention is not to become the puppet of those guys in the sky."

Just like Bai Ye said, Qingming has his own plan.

Everything he did was done so that he could rule the world.

"So you already know about the Shenmu, right?"

Qingming said directly without hesitation, Yu Shenmu, I believe Bai Ye has already figured it out.

He didn't believe that Bai Ye had been searching for so many years, and the Four Souls Jade he had formed didn't come, so what was he doing?

It must be to investigate Yushenmu and other things.

These things are more important than himself, which gives Qingming time to develop, and also makes Qingming clearly know that Bai Ye is a smart person.

If he was just looking for the Four Souls Jade and himself, he would not even investigate the true truth of this world.

Then at most he can kill himself, but he will definitely be killed by another guy after many years.

"You know, seal the passage for people from the sky."

"Yeah, those guys always want to come back."

Qingming thought that it was exactly what he thought, Bai Ye had already investigated these things.

"Isn't it good to live in Takamagahara?"

Cuizi was a little confused, why did they have to come down?

"What do you think they are?"

Listening to Cuizi's words, Qingming chuckled.

This question requires understanding what Cuizi thinks of those people in her heart.

When he saw Cuizi's confused expression, Qingming continued to add: "God? Human? Demon? Or something?"

He gave a more specific choice.

"And you?"

Cuizi didn't seem to understand at all. Qingming changed the subject and directed the conversation to Bai Ye.

He wanted to see what Bai Ye thought of these people.

"Just like you."

After listening to Bai Ye's answer, Qingming was stunned for a moment, and then he burst into laughter with a rare gaffe.

I didn't expect Bai Ye to answer like this!

"Yeah, what's the difference between those guys and me!!?"

Qingming felt happy for no reason.

Don’t those guys want the same thing as you?

"Do they also want to rule the world?"

Qingming's gaffe made Cuizi think of what Bai Ye said before.

In other words, the purpose of those guys is to rule the world?

"My guess is this. Those guys said they were gods, but they just appeared earlier and got more resources, so they have everything they have now. They live on Gaotianyuan and are not willing to give up everything they have. share.

At the same time, they don't want others to gain the same power. Maybe they tried to stop it when there was no Godly Tree, and they even went to the extent of destroying it, but something seemed to have stopped it later. "

Bai Ye analyzed, where did these gods come from?

Doesn't it just rely on plundering place names or plundering everything to gain strength?

The gods here are not from cultivation.

Therefore, how did the other person become a god? Naturally, he is also afraid of those same people becoming gods.


They simply don't allow anyone to become a god anymore.

In fact, they are not gods at all.

"Yes, you are indeed the same guy as me."

Qingming felt increasingly satisfied with Bai Ye.

"So you chose to cooperate with those guys because I ruined your plan?"

Qingming's current situation is that she is forced to cooperate with the other party.

From his previous words, Bai Ye could hear the other party's disdain for those gods.

But if that's the case, why would they choose to cooperate?

As arrogant as Qingming, even in this situation, it is impossible to cooperate.

"Well, I learned some things after I died. Deep down in my heart, I was afraid of losing everything. I also failed."

There was a gap in Qingming's state of mind following that failure.

It was this flaw that caused Qingming to be found by those gods.

In the end, he had no choice but to cooperate with the other party.

"So you're afraid of me!"

"No need to put it so bluntly."

Qingming didn't deny that he had arranged it so perfectly, but in the end it was solved by Bai Ye, and he even died that time.

For Bai Ye, he also felt a little more fearful in his heart. Bai Ye was right, he was indeed afraid.

That's why I seek the cooperation of these people without dignity.

"But before I say this, I think we can actually choose to cooperate."

Qingming has indeed thought about this matter. Compared with cooperating with those gods, it is better to cooperate with Bai Ye. At least the other party is as smart as herself.

"We work together?"

Bai Ye smiled.

What on earth was this guy thinking?

I once wanted to kill myself.

Are you actually embarrassed to come to me now to seek cooperation?

Why would Qingming think that she would choose to cooperate with him?

"Yes, when I return from the underworld, we will rule this world together. When the time is right, we will kill Gao Tianyuan and seize the thrones of those gods!"

Qingming also exposed his ambition.

Instead of being a dog to those gods, he might as well cooperate with Byakuya, and given time, they can kill Takamagahara together, and then take away everything those guys have.

"Why do you think I need you to go up there with me? I am enough on my own. As for you, you can go to hell with those guys!"

"It's really surprising!"

Qingming shrugged and said nothing more.

Since Bai Ye chose not to cooperate in the end.

He couldn't beg Bai Ye in vain. He had already thrown away his dignity once, and he didn't want to lose it a second time.

At the same time, he said nothing more and returned directly to the Jade of Four Souls.

Since Bai Ye refused his cooperation, it would be impossible for him to leave.

I can only pray that Naraku can open the door to the underworld so that I can come out.

After Seimei's problem was solved, Byakuya looked directly at Kikyo and said: "Give me the Shikon Jade, this thing is beyond your ability to handle!"

Platycodon is very strong, but it is impossible to deal with these things.

This matter seems to be beyond the scope of Kikyo's handling.

From the conversation between the two people, Kikyo also understood what was going on.

"So it's everyone's business?"

Kikyo asked.

Although I know, maybe I am not able to participate in this matter based on my ability.

But she couldn't help but ask.

It seems that God does not love the world!

Thinking of this, Kikyo only hesitated for a moment, and finally decided to listen to Bai Ye's words and hand over the Jade of Four Souls to Bai Ye.

I simply cannot purify the Four Souls Jade.


Byakuya took the Jade of Four Souls from Kikyo, and immediately sealed Qingming in the Jade of Four Souls, never giving him a chance to appear again.

"So Qingming will finally lift the seal of the Godly Tree?"

"Well, he can't cooperate with me, so we can only lift the seal. After all, he is cooperating with those guys now. Those guys should have given him some benefits. Let's go to Qingming first!"

Cuizi listened to Bai Ye's answer and immediately prepared to leave and quickly deal with Qingming.

From what we said before, we can know that Qingming should be out soon.

"I want to work it out with you."


Bai Ye was a little surprised. Kikyo didn't seem to need to be with them, right?

"The Godly Tree is here in my village. Once Qingming plans to attack the Godly Tree, this place will definitely be affected, so I also hope to be able to help. Similarly, according to what you said before, I don't want the Godly Tree to be destroyed. ”

Kikyo simply stated the reason for her participation.

She has a kind heart, and she will not kill the monster if it is not a must-kill monster. Also, now that this is related to the safety of the world, she also hopes that she can do something.

Just like when she knew that the Four Souls Jade was a trouble, she still chose to accept the responsibility of guarding the jade without hesitation.

Even if she knows that she may not be able to help this time, or she may die in this matter, isn't this her duty as a miko to protect everyone?

"To take it or not to take it?"

Faced with this problem, Bai Ye fell into deep thought.

Subconsciously he glanced at Cuizi, but when he looked over, Cuizi was also observing Bai Ye. Seeing Bai Ye looking at him, Cuizi said indifferently: "You decide for yourself, don't worry about what I think. ”

Cuizi believes that Bai Ye can make his own decision about this matter, and there is no need to change anything because of himself.

If you want to bring it, bring it with you. If you don't want to, just refuse.

If you don’t have any other ideas in your mind, why should you look at yourself?

Kikyo's spiritual power is very strong. He is fighting at close range, but the bow and arrow carried on Kikyo's back should be able to support him from a distance.

Sometimes she can't help Bai Ye. If Kikyo joins, Cuizi thinks it might be better.

So she actually approved of Kikyo joining.

"I won't hold you back!"

"It's really strange. Why do you believe me, a monster, so much?"

Bai Ye was a little strange. She seemed to have only spoken a few words to Qingming, but judging from Kikyo's actions, she seemed to believe in her actions.

This also makes Bai Ye a little strange, why does Kikyo believe in herself so much?

"Because I can sense the good intentions and bad intentions of the other person."


As soon as Kikyo finished speaking, Bai Ye looked at Cuizi behind him in surprise. Is this what they miko like to say?

It seems that Cuizi told herself the same thing when they first met, right?

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