Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 271 Lei Ying! Uncle Jiu is shocked. Is this how everyone in the Shenxiao Sect plays?

Chapter 271 - Lei Ying! Uncle Jiu is numb, are all the Shenxiao sect doing this?

"Get the zombie teeth as we told you before, and you won't turn into a zombie. Besides, your dad's ashes are still there, so you don't have to hold them and cry all the time."

Bai Ye gave the order, looking speechless at the commander who was still holding the urn in pain.

He was the one who had been killed by him just now, and he was the one who was suffering now.

"Taoist Priest, I really won't turn into a zombie, right?"

The commander asked quickly. He had seen his father's miserable condition.

I can't imagine that if I become a zombie, Bai Ye will also chop myself into ashes.

He felt like he was really walking on thin ice in his life.

"As I said before, nothing will happen if you follow this, but I have to remind you, you'd better do more good deeds, otherwise what happened to you will continue to happen."

Why do monsters and ghosts not want to get close to a righteous person?

It's not because getting close to others may not hurt them. On the contrary, something may happen to you. But monsters like big dragons like them the most.

"Don't worry, Taoist Master, I will definitely do more good deeds in the future!"

The commander promised, but Bai Ye didn't care so much.

Whether he will do good things is still the same as before. In fact, Bai Ye doesn't really care about it.

Good words can't persuade the devil to die.

I have already said that if he is still not interested, it can only be his own problem.


After Bai Ye finished speaking, he walked out of the Marshal's Mansion.

Subconsciously looking at Uncle Jiu behind him, Bai Ye shook his head. This was really a deep-rooted love.

Speaking of love, Bai Yueguang is the one who is really missed.

"Let's go, old ghost!"

He shook his head numbly, and then gently patted Uncle Jiu on the shoulder.

"Mei Lian. Then I'm leaving."

Looking at each other speechless.

Uncle Jiu left the Marshal's Mansion in a daze.

For Uncle Jiu, even though so much time has passed, there is still no way to let go.

"Master, why don't you just snatch the master's wife over here!"

Awei had a bad idea on the side.

As soon as he finished speaking, Uncle Jiu punched him out with a fist.

After receiving a solid punch, Ah Wei felt a little uncomfortable in his heart at the moment.

Isn't this for Uncle Jiu's sake?

Why did Uncle Jiu just hit him with a punch when he arrived?

But he didn't dare to say anything now.

After all, Uncle Jiu's fist will not show any mercy.

"I've told you before, those who practice Taoism should take cultivation as their main goal, and don't keep thinking about love and love in your mind!"

Uncle Jiu said this, which also made the disciples on the side have a little more respect for Uncle Jiu.

He is worthy of being his master!

It's really a thorough look.

I didn’t expect to let it go so easily, I admire it!

Just looking at their expressions, Uncle Jiu's heart was bleeding.

The fact that he was able to say this was not due to how thoroughly he saw it.

If only I could really see it so clearly.

Uncle Jiu just felt that he really didn't need it anymore. They were already married and had children, so what did he do?

"Fellow Taoist, this is actually good."

Bai Ye said with relief: "Think about it, you embark on cultivating immortality, but she is still a mortal. I am afraid she will go faster than fellow Taoists in the future, so this can actually reduce the pain for both parties."

In fact, the biggest problem when falling in love with a mortal is life span.

Mortals only live a mere hundred years, but those who practice Taoism will live longer than mortals anyway.

Not to mention that once a cultivator encounters danger, there is a high probability that the white-haired person will send the black-haired person to him.

Therefore, they usually form Taoist couples, and everyone is a Taoist.

Things like being with ordinary people are actually rare.

"makes sense."

Uncle Jiu sighed, and could only comfort himself with these words. Only he knew the various feelings.

"This matter has passed. Let's go to Tengteng Town now!"


After Uncle Jiu finished speaking, everyone tacitly agreed not to mention these things any more.

"Hey, is that guy going to come in handy?"

"Teng Teng Town?"

"That's right, you can try the super evil things we made!"

A group of evil spirits are gathering together, and there is a piece of dead dragon vein below Tengteng Town. As of now, it is no secret in the world of immortality. Anyone who is interested can know it as long as they investigate.

But they know it, but no one dares to go there. The main reason is that there are too many zombies. If there is only one zombie king, they still have ways to deal with it.

But the zombie king plus a large group of zombies, how to solve this?

"That guy is a little out of control now."

Yes, you can, but that thing is not so easy to control now.

Mainly because they seem to be filled with thoughts of revenge.

But because they used coercive means to control him, they kept this guy in this situation.

"It's because it's difficult to control, so we have to get rid of him quickly. Let's use him to get us the dead dragon vein this time. If we continue to delay like this, I'm afraid it will be really uncontrollable!"

In fact, the reason why this guy needs to be released is because it becomes harder to control him as he gets to the back?

They might suffer a loss later, so it's better to take advantage of this opportunity and send them inside.

"By the way, those guys also went to Tengteng Town."

There have always been people from them in Renjia Town, but they are just businessmen seeking information.

Bai Ye arrived here with great fanfare, and Uncle Jiu and others left together. The direction they left was towards Tengteng Town.

Most likely, he went there because of things over there.

Wasn't this evil thing created just to deal with Bai Ye?

"Try then?"

Hearing that Bai Ye and the others were going there, those who were still hesitant at first couldn't help but feel moved.

If he could use the evil object made by Ahao to kill Bai Ye, it would feel like he had made a profit.

"Okay, the poison on that guy is more terrifying than the zombie poison. As long as he touches it a little, it is basically the same as death. Kill the one who uses electricity first, otherwise it will interfere with Our chance!”

Bai Ye must be killed.

That ability is their nemesis.

In addition, Ahao has become increasingly out of their control.

So as soon as everyone gathered together and hit it off, they decided to send Ah Hao there.

If he could kill Bai Ye and also get the dead dragon vein, it would be a double blessing.

"Then who will go there?"

Ahao needs to be controlled.

What's more, if you just let a Hao pass by, I'm afraid he may not be the opponent's opponent.

"I'll go. It just so happens that we still have some unresolved grievances."

A skinny old man walked out of the crowd.

This time it’s better to go over and resolve some of the grievances first.

Tengteng Town.

It was already dark and gloomy here during the day, and there were no living creatures around.

At night, it's even scarier here.

Howling sounds can be heard from time to time.

"Master, why don't we go in during the day?"

Ren Tingting asked a little strangely. She didn't understand. Since she was looking for dragon veins, why did she choose to go in late at night?

During the day, the zombies hide in coffins. No matter how powerful the zombies in Tengteng Town are, they are still afraid of the sun.

"Because the zombies in Tengteng Town must be eliminated, otherwise it will only bring disaster to one party."

Of course he understands this.

The reason why they didn't move during the day was just setting up formations.

They want to surround Tengteng Town and make sure that no zombies run out of Tengteng Town when they kill zombies.

After all, once the zombies here escape, they will have a big impact on living creatures, even a few.

"Oh, alright."

Ren Tingting nodded in response. It turned out that she wanted to eliminate all the zombies here.

"Taoist Master Bai Ye, isn't there a zombie king here?"

Ah Wei swallowed his saliva, he actually had to deal with the Zombie King?

Is it really possible?

The howls were coming one after another. Even if Ah Wei didn't see any zombies, he probably estimated that there were at least hundreds of zombies inside, right?

If he really went in, he would probably die without even knowing how.

"Of course, there is not only the zombie king, but also thousands of zombies."

Everyone in the town has turned into zombies. The number of zombies can be imagined. This is why the Taoist priests dare not come here.

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Ah Wei's feet went weak and he felt that his whole body was not good.

"Fellow Taoist, shall we work together to deal with the Zombie King later?"

Uncle Jiu ignored the changes in his disciple's expressions. Not only Awei, but also Wen Cai also looked scared at this moment.

He actually feels normal. This time is not the same as when he met Mr. Ren before. No matter how powerful Mr. Ren is, there is no danger to Tengteng Town. Even taking out some zombies alone may be able to deal with Mr. Ren. .

Therefore, Uncle Jiu also understood the danger of this trip. He and Bai Ye proposed that the zombie king should be dealt with first.

This will make it better to deal with other zombies.

"No, I have already arranged it before. When the time comes, just ask Brother Dao to watch a gorgeous fireworks."

"Is it set up?!"

Uncle Jiu murmured, his eyes flickering with doubts. The confusion in his heart prompted him to quickly turn his head to look at Bai Ye and ask, "Fellow Taoist, just tell the truth!"

He was really a little anxious.

I don't understand what Bai Ye is talking about at all.

"Look at the sky."

Bai Ye pointed to the sky.

While arranging the formation, Bai Ye had been arranging another thing.

"What happened to the sky?"

The clouds are gathering.

Moreover, the clouds seemed a bit thick, and he could vaguely see traces of thunder snakes swimming in the clouds.

"It is going to rain?"

"Isn't the ink fountain useless?"

The ink fountain in Uncle Jiu's hand was a little weak at the moment. The ink fountain was very useful against zombies.

But if it rains, it’s really the end of the road!

Why did Taoist Master Qianhe have such difficulty when dealing with royal zombies?

On the one hand, it's because the royal zombies are really powerful, and on the other hand, it's because of Mo Dou!

On a rainy day, the ink pipe is useless at all, but the ink pipe and glutinous rice are the best ways to deal with zombies. Other than that, they are powerful.

"There's no need to use the ink fountain. Let's go to a higher place."

Bai Ye took the lead. Although the others didn't understand what Bai Ye wanted to do, they could only follow Bai Ye and take a closer look.

On the city wall of Tengteng Town, standing at this high point, they also saw all the zombies.

A group of zombies are surrounding a coffin.

"The one in the middle should be the Zombie King."

"It seems we have been discovered."

The Zombie King's coffin was suddenly lifted ninety degrees from the ground, and the coffin boards immediately fell.

At the moment when he came out of the coffin, the zombie king howled into the sky, and the zombies on the side also howled along with him.

Such a scene instantly made Qiu Sheng and others feel horrified.

What a magnificent scene with so many zombies howling under the moon.

But before Qiu Sheng and others could think about it, the zombies instantly turned around and looked towards them.

There was no reason why they couldn't detect the scent of so many strangers.

There are no living creatures around Tengteng Town. Now that there are living people here, the zombies are naturally extremely excited.

"Fellow Taoist, what exactly are you preparing for?"

Momadi also drew the peach wood sword at this time, although she didn't know what kind of medicine was sold in Baiye Gourd.

But seeing the zombies getting closer and closer to them, Mamadi couldn't bear it anymore, and he was going to take action.

"Fellow Taoist, don't tell me you just want us to see how the zombies come here?"

Uncle Jiu looked strange. In his impression, Bai Ye was very reliable.

You shouldn't do such nonsense, right?

He really didn't know what Bai Ye was going to do anyway.

But now, if you want to take action, you should do it earlier.

If they continue to wait, zombies will surround them, and they may be really doomed.

"Taoist Master."

Xuehua blinked and looked at Bai Ye. She didn't question Bai Ye. Anyway, she believed in Bai Ye unconditionally.

It's just that Xuehua doesn't know what Bai Ye wants to do specifically.

"That's enough. Stand next to me and don't move."

Bai Ye said, then he raised his left hand, and a bolt of lightning from his left hand flew straight towards the dark clouds in the sky.

Immediately afterwards, the clouds seemed to be pulled by something, and the Razer in the clouds became even more violent.

"Lei Ying."

Enelu's move that once destroyed Sky Island.

During the day, Bai Ye is also ready. This trick cannot be used at any time, and preparations are needed before using it.

As the huge thunderball fell straight down through the clouds, Uncle Jiu and others looked at the scene in front of them with their mouths wide open in disbelief.

Now Uncle Jiu finally knows what it means to treat yourself to a fireworks show!

If this thunder ball falls, the zombies below will probably turn into ashes in just an instant, right? !


What did I just question Bai Ye do? !

Uncle Jiu felt a little restless now.

Damn it!

Didn't you tell me earlier that you had this trick?

They are all ready to fight hard.

Then you told me that you directly summoned thunder and lightning? OK OK! This is what the Shenxiao sect does, right?

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