Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 302: He took both the food and the money. You are at a huge loss, sister!

Chapter 302 - If you eat and drink with him, sister, you will suffer a big loss!

"What's wrong, eldest sister?!"

"Did the gem fall?"

The action of "Tearing in the Next Life" is obviously looking for something.

The only thing that could make her look for it like this was the gems she had stolen before.

I almost died there in tears.

If the gems are gone, doesn't that mean there was no action today?

"The gem is gone."

Laisheng said helplessly with tears, and his mind began to unconsciously recall what had happened before.

The moment he landed, Lai Sheng subconsciously touched the gem.

It was definitely still in my hands at that time.

But then it suddenly disappeared.

In other words, on the way back after landing.

"Did it fall?"

"I don't know, but it's so strange. It was obviously still there before, but did it really fall off the road?!"

Lai Sheng muttered.

She also thought of Bai Ye, but in the end she didn't doubt him.

Mainly because I felt that Bai Ye shouldn't have reacted at that time.

How could he get the gem?

"Forget it, sister, just hope you're fine."

Although it is a pity that Hitomi did not get the gem in the next life, for the three sisters, the most important thing is that nothing happens to them.

As for the rest, it's not that important.

Turn on the TV casually, I guess it will be on the news again tonight.

After each theft, they read the news reports.

Although the eldest sister threw away the gem.


Before Hitomi thought too much about the next life, the voice coming from the TV was Suzuki Jirokichi boasting happily: "Both Maoyan and Kidd failed today, but we successfully kept this gem!"

This is really all thanks to Brother Bai Ye, if it weren’t for Brother Bai Ye.”

After the next words, Hitomi didn't have much thought to continue listening.

Her mind was a little empty.

"It seems that I underestimated this brat!"

My teeth will itch with tears in my next life.

She was still defending Bai Ye just now, and she felt regretful for her mistake.

As a result, the news I got on TV is indeed very painful and makes me cry in the next life.

When Hezhu just kissed her, he was still thinking about stealing the gem?

This inevitably makes the next life tearful a little bit disappointing.

Is it true that I am too old to be attracted to young people like this?

Otherwise, this doesn't seem to explain why Bai Ye could do such a stubborn thing when kissing himself!


The two sisters, Love in the Next Life and Pupil in the Next Life, turned their heads to look at each other in tears.


It turns out that it didn't fall on the road, it seems that it met a master.

If she hadn't been watching TV, she probably wouldn't have noticed that the gem was taken away by Bai Ye.

That gem is real.

They knew everything about their father's artwork.

"Sister, what happened to you!?"

Love in the Next Life Although I have always thought that there is a high probability that a hero saves the beauty between the eldest sister and Bai Ye.

Then the scene where my sister ran away.

But now it seems that there is some discrepancy with what I thought.

"Nothing, just a little surprised. Under that situation, that kid actually had the intention to steal the gem. It seems that I underestimated him!"

I have to say that before I burst into tears, I did feel that I was a little impulsive.

She reacted after she calmed down.

Up here!

But I'm still grateful.

But now, the tears in the next life are a little dissatisfied.

"Sister, what happened between you and him?"

"Well, I was rescued by him before. How do you feel about that? Anyway, I didn't think too much at that time, so I just kissed him. Unexpectedly, the kid actually took advantage of that moment to steal the gem!"

There is no intention to hide the tears in the next life.

Now that I have done it, I can say it openly, not to mention that they are all my sisters.

I didn’t say it before just because I felt it was unnecessary.

But now that the atmosphere has reached this point, if he still hides it, they probably won't believe it either.

"Sister, are you playing so wildly?"

Afterlife Ai's excited hands couldn't stop trembling, and then he quickly continued to ask: "Then what!? Then what?!"

She wanted to know what else happened next.

In short, she finally understood what it means that young people like them have more fun.

Even for middle-aged people, don’t older people also have a lot of fun?

Before co-writing, you actually still had such a journey after you were saved.

But when I thought about it, it seemed normal to have love in the next life.

Would you have done the same thing yourself?

After all, Bai Ye didn't even risk his own life before to save his eldest sister.

She had only seen this kind of situation in romance movies.

Now the movie is reflected in reality.

She felt that everything the eldest sister did seemed normal.

"Then the gem was stolen by this kid."

In the next life, she pouted her lips in tears. She didn't want to talk about this matter.

Shame on you!

It's so embarrassing!

If I didn't have such random guesses before.

Then she wouldn't be so embarrassed. In this situation, she was really embarrassed.

"Sister, so you wanted to seduce her at first, but in the end, she even took food from you?"

He was kissed and the gems were taken.

It feels like the eldest sister is at a loss.

It would be better not to talk about love in the next life. After saying this, I burst into tears and felt that the only difference between me and the clown was that I didn’t have a red nose.

"At least it's good that the gems haven't been taken away by others."

Afterlife Tong silently made up for it.

The knives stabbed Lai Sheng Lei one after another, making her feel a little dizzy.

"It's interesting. What school does that kid go to?"

Afterlife Tears suddenly wanted to try it.

She wanted to see if this guy could really accomplish all four things.

When they kissed before, Bai Ye had closed his eyes. If he opened his eyes and looked at her, she wouldn't believe that Bai Ye's eyes were empty.

"Sister, aren't you?!"

Afterlife Ai looked at the eldest sister strangely.

The eldest sister was really hit by Bai Ye. Has she decided to take action now?

"I just think it's interesting. I'd like to try it out."

On the one hand, Tears of the Next Life wants to understand Bai Ye.

After this failure, perhaps their next actions will encounter Bai Ye.

Because it failed this time, it will be possible next time.

So I chose to go there and get in touch with Bai Ye in order to know myself and the enemy.

Secondly, there is some dissatisfaction.

She originally thought this was a sexy trap.

Although her brain was controlled by emotions at that time, she was still teasing Bai Ye's thoughts.

After all, if it hadn't been for him, it wouldn't have been so tortuous.

So, at that moment, I wanted to flirt with him. He was a handsome brother, and he saved his life.

The follow-up is to run away after flirting.

Even if it is some 'small punishment' for Bai Ye

Bad women have always been very good at playing tricks on little boys.

But I didn't expect that I actually failed.

The bad woman refuses to accept it.

She decided to launch a brief attack on Bai Ye.

When the time comes, she must take a good look to see if Bai Ye's eyes are really empty.

"I'll take a look then."

The eldest sister shouldn't involve herself in it, right?

The thought of love in the next life passed away in a flash, and she was not prepared to ask about it.

Tears should have their own ideas in the next life.

It would seem a little strange to have a brother-in-law who is similar to yourself.

She planned to find Bai Ye's information for the next life of tears.

"Sister, what should I do with this gem next?"

They want to collect their father's collection.

As a result, he was disturbed by Bai Ye again.

Afterlife Hitomi really wanted to know what to do next.

"Let's wait for now"

Laisheng Lei was silent for a while, and then gave his answer.

It is obviously not that simple to regain the gem now.

She decided to contact Bai Ye first.

If you don't even understand Bai Ye, you may fail many times in the future.


That kid really seemed to make me want to get closer.

"Belmod, so you brought back a stone?"

A mocking smile flashed across Gin's lips.

At that time, when Belmode took out the gem, he almost stopped laughing.

If they bring back a piece of broken stone together, do they treat it as stolen?

"I was tricked by that brat, but how on earth did it happen?!"

Belmode made no excuses, and she also understood that her disguise had been seen through by Bai Ye.

But what she didn't understand was Bai Ye's method.

It was clear that what I got before was a gem, but why did it turn into an ordinary stone that could not be ordinary?

"It seems like this woman isn't that reliable either."

Gin lowered his head and smoked a cigarette, speaking lightly.

"Oh, it did fail this time."

Belmode stood up and prepared to leave.

I was in a bad mood and went racing.

She couldn't figure out what tactics Bai Ye used.

For her, the most uncomfortable thing was not being laughed at by Gin.

After all, this matter itself did fail.

What makes her uncomfortable is that she doesn't know the other party's methods.

Even now it has not been explored.

It's like being played by someone, but you don't know how the other person is playing with you.

"Brother, that woman"

Watching Belmode leave, Vodka was about to say something, but was stopped by Gin.

"Professional matters should be left to professionals. That's it. That woman from Belmode was actually teased by a detective."

"Okay big brother."

As the younger brother of Vodka, why is Gin always taking him with him?

Isn't that just because of obedience?

He actually heard what Gin meant.

In fact, Vodka also understood that Belmode failed and was played by a detective.

Maybe this was caused by her own carelessness?

But no matter what, the other party did it, and it was not their business.

So I am not qualified to talk about Belmode at this time.

On the motorcycle.

Belmode felt the wind hitting him.

At this moment, her mind was unconsciously empty.

She was thinking about Bai Ye's methods.

But it was obvious that he had not made a mistake.

own disguise.

Subconsciously, Belmode drove back to the building.

At this moment, Bai Ye, who had just finished the interview, wiped the sweat from his face.

"What a trouble."

Bai Ye originally thought that he would just say a few words, just like the library murder case.

But he didn't expect that Suzuki Jirokichi really respected him.

This interview was arranged a lot, and it was likely to create a star.

In the crowd, a girl with burgundy hair glanced at Bai Ye, then turned and left.

Kidd actually failed.

In Koizumi Hongzi's divination, it was clearly Kidd who would steal the gem, but he was stopped by this detective.

Obviously, her divination did not seem to be wrong.

But that guy seemed to be an accident.

The reason why her divination failed was probably because of Bai Ye?

She needed to go back and do a divination quickly to see what went wrong, whether it was because of Bai Ye.

"The more dazzling this guy is now, the uglier I am!"

Vermouth looked at Bai Ye who ran out of the crowd.

At this moment, she also had an inexplicable feeling in her heart.

Bai Ye ran towards her, and Vermouth took off his helmet subconsciously: "Brother, do you want me to give you a ride?"

Vermouth? !

Bai Ye was a little surprised, and turned around to see Vermouth.

Hasn't this guy left yet?

"What? Don't you need it?"

If you don't need it, then I'll leave.

In fact, the reason why I brought up this matter was just a question that was made by some strange ghost.

After saying this, Vermouth was actually a little bit expectant, but also a little regretful.

What she expected was that if Bai Ye got on the car later, she might be able to learn from him why the previous trick was like this.

What she regretted was her rash behavior of inviting Bai Ye.

In fact, she didn't really want to.


Bai Ye didn't refuse, and then got on Vermouth's motorcycle.

Maori Kogoro, who came out with him to get an interview, was stunned when he saw this scene.

"No! !? What's going on? This kid actually has a beautiful woman to pick him up?!"

Maori Kogoro was so jealous.

How come this person is more different from a human than a pig?

Originally, he was a little jealous because Bai Ye had been in the spotlight today.

He followed Bai Ye to get on camera, and at that time, he boasted a lot, but Bai Ye didn't mean to expose him.

This made Maori Kogoro's impression of Bai Ye rise to a higher level.

So, after coming out, he was also going to ask Bai Ye how he was going to go back.

He could just leave him a contact number and send him back.

But he left before he even said anything? !

"It's over. My love is going to end in vain again."

Sonoko had a sad face, and at this moment she looked like she wanted to cry but had no tears.

She was found and woken up by Xiaolan after being knocked unconscious by Kid.

After waking up, she was still ready to perform well.

Her previous opportunity was completely wasted.

And she didn't even see such a handsome scene at that time.

Just from Xiaolan's description, Sonoko and her own imagination could think of it.

The more I think about it, the angrier I get!

Such a good thing, but I was knocked unconscious!

Why did you knock yourself unconscious? ! !

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