Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 310 Taoist priest, aren’t you also a pawn being used?

Chapter 310 - Taoist priest, aren't you also a pawn being used?

Because Chu Renmei died unjustly, she wanted to protect her husband's reputation before she died.

So she chose to bear all this.

This was also a tragedy of that era.

Later, after learning the truth from Xiaoqiang.

How could Chu Renmei tolerate such a thing.

It turned out that everything was done by her husband to get rid of her.

He had already found a new buyer.

But she was burdened with this stigma, and in the end she was killed like this.

In order to support her husband, she tried everything.

But in return, she got all kinds of things.

How could Chu Renmei accept this? !

Once this kind of ghost becomes a ghost, it will definitely kill people.

It was only because of Xiaoqiang's existence that she let go of her resentment after that time.

In essence, Chu Renmei's resentment was suppressed after that time.

But she didn't expect that after so many years, her bones were dug out, and the bracelet that suppressed resentment was finally gone.

Chu Renmei was resurrected again, and naturally her resentment was heavier than before.

"Does it involve the situation that the longer you live, the heavier your resentment is?"

Famao asked curiously.

In his previous studies, he had thought about whether ghosts, such creatures, are more vicious as they live longer.

But there was no way to verify it before.

"Not necessarily, but most of them are. Some ghosts are good ghosts, but they are very, very few. Most of them are evil ghosts. The longer they live and the more happiness they experience, the more they hate reality!"

Bai Ye did not say it so absolutely.

In fact, many ghosts are not necessarily bad, but most of them are bad.

"Why? Shouldn't you let go of hatred when you see happiness?"

"Sure enough, you are really naive."

Sometimes women are inexplicably more saintly.

Especially the heroines in Hong Kong ghost movies, Bai Ye sometimes had a cerebral hemorrhage when watching them.

Can people say such words?

CISSY's idea almost made him laugh.

So you think you will let go of hatred when you see happiness.

No wonder you have to kill saints first in troubled times.

If I don't kill the Virgin Mary first, I feel like I will be killed by her.

"This is just your wishful thinking. What if this happiness doesn't belong to me?"

Indeed, happiness can make people let go of hatred.


this happiness doesn't belong to her, how can she let it go.

It will only make people hate more.

After all, she is so miserable, while others can be so happy.

For them, it is natural to want to destroy the happiness of this moment with their own hands.

"Well, then according to what you said, won't these ghosts keep killing?"

CISSY pursed her lips, knowing that her thoughts were too naive.

But if it is really according to what Bai Ye said, does it mean that these ghosts will keep killing?

If so.

It is really terrifying.

These ghosts really have no humanity at all.

Is killing the only thing in their minds?

"Yes, their misfortune will also be transmitted to others, and they will also make others equally miserable!"

Bai Ye did not deny it.

After hearing what Bai Ye said, several people were speechless.

It seems that this ghost is not kind at all.

Can't stand seeing others doing well.

"Master, what do you think about ghosts?!"

Fa Mao continued to ask.

He wanted to know what attitude he or someone else should have if they encountered a ghost.

Just like Bai Ye said before, ghosts are actually divided into good ghosts and bad ghosts.

"No opinion, what can you think about meeting a ghost, you meet a ghost and run away quickly or ask a Taoist priest for help."


This is really impossible to refute.

Fa Mao had imagined many answers from Bai Ye in his heart.

But he didn't expect Bai Ye to give such an answer.

But Fa Mao felt that Bai Ye was right.

If they met a ghost, the best way was to run away quickly.

They didn't have much power to resist ghosts.

What else could they do if they didn't run?

Bai Ye's words made Fa Mao more determined to join the ghost hunting training camp.

Because in addition to studying these paranormal studies, he actually paid attention to some paranormal events every day.

Originally, he didn't believe that there were ghosts in this world.

Although he was very interested, he also knew that these things were impossible.

Until what happened recently, and after getting affirmation from Bai Ye.

This also made Fa Mao understand that the world seems not as simple as he thought.

For the dream of the first half of his life, and to protect CISSY in the future.

He also wants to join this ghost hunting training camp.

He also knows CISSY's character very well. This time, Bai Ye is here, otherwise he will definitely find out these things.

If he doesn't have any real skills.

It seems that he really can't protect her.

"It's good for you to ask the Taoist priest for help. If you rely on yourself, who knows if you will die in the end."

Bai Ye can know what's going on without looking at their expressions.

If they listen to him, it's okay. If they don't listen to him, then Bai Ye has no choice.

Nowadays, young people like to die.

So in the face of this, Bai Ye only gave some advice.

"Then how do we lure out Chu Renmei, Taoist priest?"

Bai Ye was right, and the other people actually agreed.

So at this time, we also need to know how to lure out Chu Renmei.

Xiao Ming and CISSY have both drunk this water.

Xiao Ming has also seen the horror of Chu Renmei. If he doesn't get rid of Chu Renmei as soon as possible, he won't be able to sleep.

Since he has come with Bai Ye.

Then naturally he wants to get rid of Chu Renmei as soon as possible.

"It's very simple, just go to her body."

In fact, Bai Ye has already felt the breath of Chu Renmei.

The resentment is really heavy.

But the other party seems to be a little restrained. Did he feel that he was coming?

Who said that ghosts only know how to kill?

In fact, after all, ghosts will only come because they see that you are easy to bully.

Why don't some ghosts dare to seek revenge on those who killed them in their lifetime? !

In fact, it's all because of bullying the weak and fearing the strong.

I'm still considering it here.

If I wasn't here, Chu Renmei would have appeared long ago.

At the edge of the pool.

Chu Renmei's body has sunk to the bottom of the lake.

Bai Ye can also sense the strong resentment here.

"The body is at the bottom of the lake."

"You don't want us to go down and fish it out, do you?"

Xiao Ming's legs were weak when he heard Bai Ye's muttering.

He knew how scary this female ghost was.

Now Bai Ye said that the body of this female ghost was at the bottom of the lake. According to the routine of horror movies, it seems that he needs to go down at this time.

"Not really, in fact, she is watching us now."


It would be better if you didn't say it, but it seems even more terrifying when you say it.

After being said by Bai Ye, the three looked at each other, and for a moment they didn't know what to say.

"Come out, what's the point of hiding all the time? Are you scared? Where is the evil ghost who killed 66 people in three days?"

As soon as Bai Ye finished speaking.

The pool of lake water began to bubble.

This situation frightened CISSY and Xiao Ming so much that they hid behind unconsciously.

"Taoist priest, this is none of your business!"

"Are you sick?"

Bai Ye curled her lips. What do you mean this is none of your business?

Has this ghost been in the water for so long?

So her mind is a little unclear.

She even said this matter is none of her business.

So you can kill people at will?

"I am a Taoist priest. I don't care if you kill people?"

"Are those people not wrong? Is it because these things didn't happen to you?"

Chu Renmei's face began to twist as she spoke.

For her, reason was gradually suppressed by madness.

"You have killed 66 people, so is killing people now also revenge? What do you say to these innocent people who died in vain?!

You can stand here and chat with me calmly now, is it because you are kind?


You think I am very strong, so you dare not attack me easily.

That's why you say that. If I were weaker than you, would you still chat with me calmly?"

Bai Ye looked at Chu Renmei's twisted face, shook his head, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

It seems that she has been completely blinded by hatred.

But it's strange to say that she is already in this state.

In the end, Chu Renmei actually let CISSY go and was furious.

It seems that Chu Renmei still has a little yearning for beautiful feelings in her heart.

But now she doesn't have that kind of feelings.

In addition, there is no need to do these things.

"Chu Renmei, I'll give you two choices now. First, I'll send you to the underworld. Of course, you'll definitely suffer in the underworld. Second, I'll beat you to death."

Chu Renmei will definitely suffer in the underworld for what she did.

It's impossible to reincarnate now. Bai Ye is not in a hurry. Chu Renmei's resentment is actually not important at all.

If she doesn't accept it, then he can only beat her to death.


Chu Renmei rolled her eyes and looked at Bai Ye, and her face under her hair directly scared others.

This terrifying ghost face

"It seems that you have made a choice."

Bai Ye looked at Chu Renmei and couldn't help sighing.

Although she was very miserable when she was alive, she now seems to have been occupied by killing.

Bai Ye also knew that Chu Renmei would never give up killing.

From the back of the movie, although she let CISSY and Fa Mao go, she still took Jack away.

It can be said that the reason why Chu Renmei let these two people go is because they love each other.

She will continue to kill later.

You were judged in life, don't you want to be judged again after death?

Bai Ye muttered in his heart.

He respected Chu Renmei's choice.

Summing up a thunderbolt, Bai Ye looked at Chu Renmei and said slowly: "I will fish out your body later, and burn it and bury it for you."

Although Chu Renmei's soul was scattered.

But she will get the body up by herself.

After all, people are still pitiful.

There was thunder in the sky, and Chu Renmei seemed to feel it. Looking at the sky, she felt a little sad at the moment.

Why didn't Bai Ye show up when he was in trouble.

He wanted revenge and justice for the world, but he showed up again.

"Taoist, everything you did today was just a pawn of others!"

Chu Renmei looked at Bai Ye angrily. She could feel that she seemed to have been locked by Bai Ye.

That was thunder from the sky.

The Taoist in front of her could actually control thunder from the sky.

Chu Renmei knew very well that her previous intuition was correct.

It was impossible for her to dodge it.

As a Taoist who could control thunder, Chu Renmei knew very well that she could use illusions to kill people.

First of all, that person wanted to drink the water that her body had been soaked in.

But Bai Ye didn't drink it.

It was like hairy. He couldn't see himself. He didn't drink the water, but Bai Ye could see him, but he didn't use other Taoist magic, which means he had yin and yang eyes.

A Taoist with yin and yang eyes can use thunder magic.

Chu Renmei couldn't see any possibility that she could win.

Seeing that Bai Ye had not spoken, Chu Renmei continued to speak: "Do you think my body was so easy to get out?"

Chu Renmei had been out for some time.

During this period, she also knew some things, although she was a little unhappy that she was being used.

But she didn't care, after all, she also wanted to kill.

Over the years, because of the bracelet, she let go of her resentment and waited for the construction team to dig her out.

Then she threw it into the lake casually, and the bracelet fell from her hand, and her resentment could not be suppressed at all.

"I know there are many villains in this world, and I also know that your appearance is not an accident. Just like I will deal with you, I will also deal with those guys."

Bai Ye knew very well that Chu Renmei's information was given by those guys.

Combined with the construction team being able to dig out only Chu Renmei's bones by chance.

If it wasn't instructed by someone, Bai Ye would be a little reluctant to believe it.

But it doesn't matter.

He will take action later.

Accompanied by a thunder in the sky, Chu Renmei turned into ashes directly.

[Ding! Solve the old corpse plot in the mountain village and get a chance to win a prize. 】

It seems that horror movies like this need to be solved at one time.

After all, horror movies where the protagonist may die, it seems that it really can't be counted as saving many people.

"Dead dead?!"

Xiao Ming swallowed his saliva. The scary female ghost just now was destroyed by Bai Ye's lightning?

"Well, you go and fish out her body."

"Ah?! I fish?!"

Xiao Ming pointed at himself. He was originally glad that Bai Ye solved it.

Now Bai Ye actually asked him to fish out the body.

Although the ghost is dead.

But when he thought of that, Xiao Ming really didn't dare to go down to fish out the body.

"Or do you want me to do it?"

Bai Ye narrowed his eyes and looked at Xiao Ming.

This soft egg.

The ghost has been killed by himself, but he still doesn't dare to go down.

No wonder he had hope of survival before, but was killed by Chu Renmei in the end.

At that time, Chu Renmei possessed Xiao Ming's girlfriend.

As long as he hugs CISSY like Fa Mao did, and can overcome his fear of Chu Renmei.

Then Chu Renmei will not pester him and his girlfriend anymore.

It's a pity that this guy is afraid of himself.

Now there are no ghosts, so why is he so afraid of corpses?

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