Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 318 She doesn’t look like a local zombie!

Chapter 318 - She doesn't look like a local zombie!

"But according to what Feng Lao Si said, these zombies seem..." Zhong Fabai hesitated for a while, but he himself couldn't be sure: "It seems that these zombies are indeed very similar to Issey Miyake!"

But he had clearly dealt with the zombies before he went out.

After Issey Miyake was resurrected, all the people who were bitten to death turned into zombies.

Then these zombies bit other people.

But they were still controllable, and they were all controlled by them later.

In theory, these zombies should be gone.

But recently, these zombies similar to Issey Miyake have appeared, and it is really hard not to doubt whether there are those people's means.

The main reason is that these zombies are different from ordinary zombies, and they are also somewhat different from the zombies here.

"Issey Miyake is left here by them. Although the haunted club was later destroyed, no one can guarantee whether many of those zombies have escaped."

Issey Miyake, who was brought out by the loach king, came from the haunted club.

All the ghosts there are from Sakura.

When we went to destroy the Ghost Club before, not all the ghosts were locked inside.

On the Ghost Festival, Meng Chao and Jin Maki's actions directly opened the seal of the Ghost Club.

It is unknown how many ghosts that have been sealed for decades are left.

Bai Ye had always wondered why Issey Miyake died.

But he did not show where the ghosts in the police station went.

These ghosts are even more terrifying than Issey Miyake.

But Bai Ye understood it after his own experience.

These ghosts broke the seal after Issey Miyake appeared.

"Do you suspect that this has something to do with those ghosts?!"

Zhong Fabai was stunned. After hearing what Bai Ye said, he immediately realized what Bai Ye guessed.

These ghosts.

Weren't they all solved when Bai Ye came before?

If it is really the problem of these ghosts that ran away.

Then they are also responsible.

"I'm not sure, because I don't know how many ghosts there are in the Haunted Club."

Bai Ye stroked his forehead, with an expression that he was defeated by Zhong Fabai.

He was not sure about this matter.

Because the seal there had been broken when he went there that time.

So in theory, Bai Ye didn't know whether there was a ghost running away.

"No matter if it was the last time, let's solve it this time."

Zhong Fabai rubbed his face in some distress, and he also realized that he seemed a little too radical.

No matter if there was a ghost running away last time, they must solve it this time.

"Then did you sense anything else below?!"

Zhong Fabai didn't continue to talk about the last thing.

Looking at Meng Chao and others who had already gone down, he still felt that he should be more concerned about what was underground.

"Last time I solved the haunted office, it was a similar formation."

Bai Ye still remembered that he had encountered such a similar thing when he dealt with the building before.

The big formation below was for sacrifice.

And here.

"They want to sacrifice the army here!"

Bai Ye seemed to have thought of something, and then he understood why the other party did this.

So it was to sacrifice the army here.

"But, if these are zombies, how to sacrifice?"

The sacrifice must be the soul.

But now all the zombies have appeared, and Zhong Fabai has not thought of a way to sacrifice.

"People who are bitten to death by zombies will not enter reincarnation, because their souls are absorbed by the zombies along with their blood.

Then their purpose is most likely this blood. If this blood is collected."

Bai Ye did not continue to say the following, but Zhong Fabai already understood what Bai Ye meant.

This is a more vicious method than sacrificing souls.

Because the building was haunted before, after all, there is still a slight possibility that the soul can be redeemed.

But if it is bitten to death by zombies, it is completely hopeless.

And you have to use this blood to do something. Zhong Fabai dare not think about it. If all the people in the entire army are sacrificed, what will happen.

"There are only two things you can do with this blood. The first is to create a super zombie, and the second is to use this blood to gather all the evil spirits around!"

There are only these two things that human blood can do.

One is to feed all this blood to a zombie, and this zombie cannot be an ordinary zombie.

It must even be stronger than Issey Miyake.

Or use this blood to attract those evil spirits.

Just like the ghosts in the Haunted Mansion, they use their own self-destruction as the price of not reincarnating, and anyone who is stained with their blood will be killed by the evil spirits around.

So, there are only two possibilities for collecting this blood.

"Which possibility do you think is more likely?"

"Which one is more beneficial to them, they will use it. In fact, I am not very clear about what they want to do with the souls they collected before."

Although the formation in the previous building was destroyed.

But people have died there for many years, and the souls of those people are not going to reincarnate.

The person who was killed by the ghost did not find a substitute.

In this way, the only one left was a chance to reincarnate by killing someone, so every ghost would stay here and choose to find a scapegoat.

But in the end, when their souls left, they did not go to the underworld.

Are you kidding!

You, a ghost, killed someone, and you want to reincarnate after finding a scapegoat. How could this be possible in the underworld?

The underworld will definitely check what you did before and after death to determine whether you need to be punished or something.

For those who find a scapegoat for reincarnation, unless he does not go to the underworld, he will be subject to a set of procedures if he goes to the underworld.

So the souls of these years have been taken away by the other party.

Souls, blood, ghosts and zombies.

These guys are really unscrupulous here.

"So these guys have been in the dark. It would be great if we could find a chance to catch them!"

This feeling really made Zhong Fabai feel a little aggrieved.

For the person who has been hiding behind you, you know where the other party came from.

But you can't find the other party.

"It's not just them, there are also sorcerers from those places, there have been a lot of them recently!"

This is a fusion of many Hong Kong ghost movies.

It's not just Sakura, there are sorcerers from other places who are also making trouble here.

Combined with the current background, they really all want to get a piece of the pie here.

"That Taoist Master Bai Ye, they have been down for so long, will they be okay?!"

Bai Ye and Zhong Fabai didn't hide these words from Jin Maji and others.

The result is that the more they listened, the more they felt that something was wrong.

It seems that there are not only zombies below, but also other forces involved, like Taoist priests or others?

Anyway, the more they listened, the more they felt that this matter involved too much.

Then Meng Chao and others who went down should be okay, right? !

"Don't worry, they should be okay now."

Bai Ye sensed their situation and was about to encounter zombies below.

If it was just the Loach King and Meng Chao down there, Bai Ye would still be a little worried.

But with Li Guoqiang and Huang Yaozu, it was more reliable.

These two were absolutely first-rate in terms of courage and ability.

In the first commandment, although they were wiped out by the ghost in the end, they also showed their outstanding ability.

If the ghost was not too unsolvable in the first commandment.

I feel that they would not have no ability to resist at all.

"I said, can you two stop hiding behind?"

Li Guoqiang looked at Meng Chao and the loach king who were holding flashlights and hiding behind them in a timid manner, and he couldn't help but remind them.

Not long after coming down, the two of them started hiding behind.

At first, they were only one or two steps behind them, but when they were behind, it was too much, and they were almost invisible.

From this point of view, it seems that they are ready to run away at any time.

"We are helping you to watch the back!"

Meng Chao said tremblingly, he would not admit that he was a little scared.

The main reason is that it is dark down there.

Although he had made some mental preparations before coming down.

But when Meng Chao really came down, he realized how ridiculous his mental preparations were.

So he didn't care about that much, and just hid behind Li Guoqiang and Huang Yaozu.

And the loach king who came down with him saw that Meng Chao actually hid behind.

So he just followed along.

"There are many connections below. If you fall too far behind, you will probably be caught by zombies."

Huang Yaozu reminded him that there are many connections below, and there is a possibility of being attacked from behind.

They have to be behind, Huang Yaozu has no objection, just want to remind them to watch the back.

"Ah?!" Meng Chao obviously didn't expect this. When he heard this, he hurriedly looked behind him.

Behind this dark back, Meng Chao originally thought that he could just hide behind it.

Unexpectedly, it is not possible now.

"See, this thing is lit!"

The thing Bai Ye gave them lit up. According to what Bai Ye told them before, when this ever-burning lamp gets brighter and brighter, it means that the evil things are getting closer and closer to them.

This ever-burning lamp has the function of attracting zombies.

"What should we do?!"

Meng Chao watched the lamp getting brighter and brighter. His legs were shaking and he wanted to run.

"Let's retreat. Taoist Bai said that this lamp can attract zombies. Since the zombies are getting closer and closer to us, there is no need for us to go in. Just go back along the original route!"

Huang Yaozu didn't hesitate too much and immediately thought of going out.

The zombies have been attracted by them, and there is no need to move forward.

No one knows where the zombies are exactly, and this lamp only says that they are roughly there.

If they continue to move forward at this time, it will only push them into a more dangerous position.

Meng Chao and the Loach King seem to be scared.

Huang Yaozu is actually afraid that the two of them will drag them down.

After he said this, Meng Chao and the Loach King nodded vigorously.

They really wanted to run!

"Let's go!"

Without any hesitation, the four of them ran.

They ran all the way to the exit.

Behind them, many zombies and two female zombies were rushing towards Meng Chao and others.

The breath of living people.

The female zombies haven't sucked blood for a long time.

And besides this, there were some things that attracted them.

"Help, Taoist priest!"

Before they ran out, Meng Chao and others' cries for help came.

Behind them, two female zombies were chasing them.

In addition to them, there were some zombies that moved more slowly, but looking at their clothes, they were all in military uniforms. Obviously, all the soldiers who had disappeared before were here.

"Didn't I give you a pistol?"

Bai Ye looked at Meng Chao and the loach king who were already panicking. He had already given them the pistol and the bullets that could restrain ghosts.


As soon as Bai Ye's voice fell, Li Guoqiang took out his pistol and fired a few shots at the back.

The environment was too dim before, so he was not prepared to fight these zombies underground.

Now, after coming up, he can see more clearly, and he picked up the pistol and shot directly.

"Don't let them get ahead!"

Jin Maki was more worried about the safety of Meng Chao and others before.

Now that he saw them appear, Jin Maki's first thought was to make a contribution.

With so many zombies, it was finally his turn to show his skills.

"Zombies. These soldiers haven't been dead for long."

Zhong Fabai saw from the slow movements of these soldiers that the other party didn't seem to have been dead for long.

If they were discovered earlier, maybe they wouldn't die at all.

"Those two female zombies are not the source zombies either. Look at their necks."

Bai Ye pointed to the necks of the two female zombies.

There were obviously bite marks there, although they were very faint.

But the yin energy there was obviously heavier.

But the two female zombies obviously have intelligence, which is definitely not comparable to those zombies.

Those zombies are completely based on instinct, but they have their own judgment.

"No, can zombies like them have intelligence?!"

Zhong Fabai was a little confused.

Zombies with this kind of power have it! ?

This is very similar to Issey Miyake, and it doesn't look like a local zombie.

"So these guys may be related to Issey Miyake."

Bai Ye clearly saw the mockery in the female zombie's eyes.

That was the disdain for the gun.

Obviously she knew that the gun had no effect on her.


she didn't seem to know that the bullet in this gun was no longer an ordinary bullet? !

When the bullet went straight through her body and the talisman engraved on the bullet began to take effect.

The female zombie suddenly found that she seemed to have lost control of this body, and her body began to collapse.

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