Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 325 You still say you are Zhong Fabai?

Chapter 325 -You still say you are Zhong Fabai?

"The formations are exactly the same, what's your relationship with that witch from Jiuju's faction?"

Bai Ye was quite curious. He had killed a Jiuju faction, but he didn't expect to be remembered like this.

These people seem to have a lot of connections with Jiuju's group.

The younger ones were beaten, and the older ones came.

"The Jiuju sect belongs to the same cultivation world as our Great Sakura. You are very strong. Do you want to cooperate? There is no future for you to stay here."

The warlock instinctively wanted to win over the other party.

Since the other party can get rid of the zombies and find this place through the zombies.

Warlocks believe that Bai Ye is indeed powerful, and they have been working hard to attract cultivators here.

In fact, to be able to come here, isn't it also possible to have help from internal people?

If it weren't for the help of someone inside, it would still be difficult for them to come here.

In fact, for those who dig here, they have always been happy to do so.

"A loser is still here talking about his future."

Bai Ye curled his lips and was not ready to say anything more to the warlock.

It seems that this guy is very likely to remain stubborn, so there is no need to continue talking.

There is a high probability that this guy will not reveal anything to himself. Even if he wants to reveal something, it will not be now.

Generally speaking, if you want to use mouth dodge, you must do one thing well, and that is to make the opponent subdued.

Otherwise, if you don't convince the other party, the so-called lip-syncing will be a complete joke.

Of course, Bai Ye didn't want to persuade the other party to surrender, he just wanted to know something.

"I have been destroyed by you several times before. If your master knew that his disciple was dead, he would be fine."

The warlock saw that Bai Ye seemed to have the idea of ​​killing him.

He simply stopped hiding his thoughts.

On the one hand, he felt that Bai Ye was a talented person, so he wanted to try to win over Bai Ye.

But after Bai Ye said these words and revealed his murderous intent, the warlock no longer wanted to win over Bai Ye.

In his opinion, Bai Ye is powerful, but he doesn't let himself lower his body and keep pulling him in. If Zhong Fabai is here, it feels like he can give it a try.

After all, their plans failed several times because of Zhong Fa's white hair.

In their opinion, Zhong Fabai should be the strongest Taoist priest in Hong Kong Island.

"You can try."

Bai Ye was not in a hurry. He first observed the surrounding situation. On the premise of ensuring that the opponent could not escape, Bai Ye had to catch the opponent with one move.

Although most of the warlock's tricks come from their side, after modification there, they will also derive all kinds of messy abilities.

So Bai Ye will not be careless.

Two boys plus this one sorcerer? !

The surrounding zombies gathered towards Bai Ye one by one, and he also knew why there were so many zombies here.

The reason is here, this guy has been controlling the zombies.

"This formation of yours is really magical, but it's a pity that your opponent is me."

Bai Ye muttered, and then began to rub the lightning with his hands.

Bai Ye had seen this formation before when he came here, that is, when Dasha shot at the zombies.

At that time, Bai Ye saw it in his eyes, and he knew very well that the zombie was actually hit by Dasha's gun and was injured.

These zombies are different from their zombies here.

It's impossible for bullets to damage the zombies here.

But these zombies need to rely on formations.

If I guessed correctly, these zombies would most likely not die as long as this formation was maintained.

So this sect is good at fighting with formations? !

Those formations that appeared from the beginning.

"It looks like you are in that building, the military side, and now here, including the police station. You guys are probably not from Jiuju's group."

Bai Ye expressed his guess. In his opinion, this matter should most likely be like this.

Formations appeared in the previous places.

But when dealing with the demon girl from Jiuju's faction, there didn't seem to be many formations on the opponent's side. Even if there were, they would definitely not be the same as the current formations.

Jiuju's faction is not good at formations.

"Well, all our plans were disrupted by you. It's a pity, Colonel Miyake."

After Issey Miyake died in that place, it was actually their arrangement.

At that time, they were no longer prepared to retreat, but they had no chance of making a comeback alive.

Ever since, they found their own sect, the super zombies that his master's master helped create, and the Ghost Club.

It was just that the Taoist priest discovered it just after the production was successful.

They were no match at the time, so they had no choice but to run away in despair, but the Hellboy Club had already figured it out.

The Taoist priest had no choice but to seal the place.

He also put forward his own opinions with the government to build a police station above to suppress the evil spirits below.

However, they also found an opportunity later. They originally thought that they could release Issey Miyake and all the guys from the Hellraiser Club.

Unexpectedly, Issey Miyake and most of the ghosts in the Hellraiser Club were all eliminated.

Only a few escaped.

And that building, they've been setting it up there for a long time.

Nine people die every year, and these nine people will be reincarnated again and again.

It can be said that this is an excellent way to harvest those souls, but in the end there is none.

What happened after that was just recently, everything was destroyed by these two masters and apprentices and their ghost catching company.

In fact, he has never understood why the intelligence capabilities of this ghost-catching company are so poor.

After all, many newspapers have been bribed, and even the government will not allow them to report on it to avoid causing panic.

But it seems that as long as they take action, they will inevitably fail, and they have no idea where the other party's intelligence source comes from.

"Then I understand, you can go die!"

Bai Ye didn't expect that the warlock would say it so easily.

I originally thought I would ask about it later.

Now that he was sure that what happened here was done by them, Bai Ye was not prepared to ask any more questions.

Mainly because it feels completely unnecessary.

Just want to know what sect the other party is?

There are only a few sects on Sakura's side, and only a handful of them are good at formations. You don't have to guess.

"These zombies are not for you to kill."

A trace of solemnity flashed in the warlock's eyes. He naturally knew that the thunder and lightning in the white night could restrain these zombies very well.

But he gathered so many zombies here.

They were definitely not waiting to be killed one by one by Bai Ye.

Isn't this just giving people away? !

He gathered these zombies here just to kill Bai Ye with corpse poison.

He knew that Bai Ye's lightning was very powerful.

But if you let yourself be strong, you won’t still have a tortoise shell, right?

Thinking of this, the warlock directly controlled the zombies and started to explode.

Because he already knew Bai Ye's ability.

Then he will also use some other means, such as making the zombies explode directly.

These zombies are specially made.

As long as it explodes, the air will be filled with strong corpse poison.

Moreover, once the corpse poison produced by the corpse explosion is contaminated, it will kill half of the other party's life in an instant.

That's why he dared to say a few words to Bai Ye when he had such a killer move.

The main purpose is to attract Bai Ye's attention and not let Bai Ye's attention focus on other places.

This also makes it easier to do it yourself.

As he finished speaking, the zombies around Bai Ye also exploded collectively.

Corpse poison and corpse energy spread instantly.

The two Taoist boys following the warlock were also attacked by corpse poison.

After the corpse poison came into contact with their skin, the two of them began to wail loudly.

Facing the corpse poison and the endless corpse energy around him.

The two Taoist boys felt like they couldn't breathe, as if they would die in the next second.

"Master, save us!!"

"I don't want to die, Master"

The two Taoist boys howled in pain and couldn't help but look in the direction of their teacher.

Just because of the obstruction of the corpse energy, the view from them was somewhat blurry.

But they can feel that they seem to be abandoned.

All the traces of unwillingness in his heart turned into resentment.

Why should they give up on them? !

"Your role is now."

The warlock glanced at the two disciples. He just thought about this sentence silently in his heart, but did not say it directly.

In his opinion, these two disciples were just people he was ready to abandon at any time.


After seeing that his master seemed to have no intention of saving him.

At this moment, the two disciples also couldn't understand why the master chose to give up so quickly.


This shouldn't be like this!

My teacher is so kind to me.

They used to believe in the teacher so much, thinking that the teacher would never give up on them.

But this time it was his teacher who killed him with his own hands.

If he took action to save them, even if he didn't do it in the end, they wouldn't think much about it.

But the teacher kept watching.

"Be resentful, a resentful soul is the best"

The warlock didn't want to take action at this time.

He has been raising these two Taoist boys since they were children.

On the surface, he gave all his best to the two Taoists.

But only he knew deep down that he was just cultivating extremely evil ghosts.

They used to be at the bottom of society, living without enough to eat every day, and no one knew whether they would die the next day.

At this time, he appeared and gave them light and everything.

Let them think that they are the luckiest in the world.

Originally, I planned to raise it first.

The main thing is that I feel that there is not enough time, but now that I have to use that move, I can only abandon the opponent.

Be resentful.

The more resentful they become, the more likely they will bring out those legendary evil spirits after they turn into ghosts.

So he wanted to give it a try.

"It's a pity, but it's not bad to kill this guy and get two brats."

The warlock murmured silently in his heart, and thought that this matter seemed to be heading in the direction he had imagined.

Although the little devil may not be particularly perfect.

"What gave you the illusion that I'm dead?!"

Bai Ye looked at the sorcerer who was muttering to himself, and walked out of the corpse poison and corpse gas.

"How is it possible?"

The sorcerer looked at Bai Ye in disbelief, how could this happen?

He had only one thought in his mind, this is impossible!

It is clear that Bai Ye did not use anything to resist.

There was not even a bit of corpse poison on his body.

He controlled the zombies to explode next to him.

Then no matter how you look at it, it is impossible that there is no corpse poison at all, right?

And this corpse gas.

I have received professional training and I am not afraid of this thing.

But Bai Ye is different.

"Nothing is impossible. Your tricks have no effect on me, but mine is different!"

After saying that, Bai Ye directly pierced the opponent's eyebrows with a bolt of lightning.

This thing is useless to me. If it were an ordinary Taoist priest, he would definitely die.

But Bai Ye is different.

"So, that Taoist priest is you."

The soul of the sorcerer was filled with a trace of certainty. He was killed by Bai Ye.

I didn't expect that he would kill me in one move.

There's no need to think about it. The guy from the Jiuju sect died in Bai Ye's hands.

"If I die, your information will also be known to the master, you can't hide it!"

Although the warlock didn't know why Bai Ye concealed his identity.

Everything he did was given to Zhong Fabai.

He didn't know why he did this.

But the warlock knew very well that when he died, the scene here would also appear in the master's door.

Then Bai Ye's concealment would definitely not work.

"Alas, you can't cover up the fact that you are a loser even if you say so much."

After saying that, Bai Ye made up a thunder.

Directly beat his soul to ashes.

"And you."

The two little ghosts still wanted to hide.

These two guys have been raised by the warlock, so naturally they have the means to become ghosts.

Originally, I thought Bai Ye wouldn't notice me, but from the current situation, it seems that I have been noticed.

"Don't think I won't kill you just because you look pitiful."

After Bai Ye finished speaking, he cleaned up everything here.

At the same time, he also realized that he seemed to have caused a lot of trouble for Zhong Fabai.

After all, this group of people always thought that it was Zhong Fabai who solved so many problems.

So logically speaking, if they really need to find a powerful person to deal with the matter against them this time, the other party must go to Zhong Fabai first.

Judging from the puppets here, it seems that it is not just the zombie that he solved.

It’s just a pity that the range of perception in this formation is relatively small, and the intricate space folding also limits this perception.

So from this point of view, Zhong Fabai seems to be in danger now.

Don’t die at the hands of Issey Miyake, but die because of your own pretense.

Then it’s reincarnation!

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