Chapter 330 - Well done, kids!

The willow branches are covered with Yin Qi, so they can't be burned by ordinary flames.

The loach king took out a lighter and tried to light it, but the flame was blown out by a gust of Yin wind as soon as it was born.

And this flame can't burn the willow branches at all.

It looks just like what Fa Mao said.

There's something strange about this willow branch!

"It can't burn!"

The loach king put away the lighter and turned to look at the few people.

This scene made him have no idea what to do.

It would be fine if Fa Mao didn't say it.

But now the loach king knows that there is something wrong with this willow branch.

I can't just go over there, right?

"That's right, if we go over there, these willow branches are likely to have this possibility!"

Fa Mao picked up the willow branch that was burned by the loach king before and took a look.

It was already certain that this was absolutely as he said.

Then the question that needs to be considered now is also very simple.

That is how to go over there.

If you have to go over, you must cross this willow forest.

"It can't be burned, and these bullets can't hit this willow tree."

The loach king couldn't help but mutter.

Could Meng Chao be hanged here? !

If Meng Chao really ran here from the haunted house in this amusement park.

Doesn't this mean that this willow forest has already hanged Meng Chao? !

But after thinking about it just now, the loach king finally shook his head and suppressed this idea.

Before seeing Meng Chao, it's better not to think so much.

"Not necessarily."

"What do you mean by not necessarily?!"

The loach king looked at the somewhat excited Fa Mao, and then asked hurriedly.

As he was talking, why did he suddenly get so excited?

What is not necessarily? Just say it directly!

"Didn't you just say that bullets can't hit these willow trees?!"

Fa Mao looked at the loach king, and then he also said what he had said before.

Hearing what Fa Mao said, the Loach King nodded in confusion and asked, "I said so, but are you a little too excited?!"

The Loach King didn't understand.

Why was Fa Mao so excited about this matter?

Is Fa Mao not going to save Meng Chao? !

Wouldn't this be bad?

Although the Loach King also wanted to retreat, but no one said to leave, so he couldn't say it either.

Originally, he was one of the people who was rescued just now.

If he said this, how would others see him!

He was rescued, so he didn't care about Meng Chao's life or death?

So of course the Loach King couldn't say to leave.

In fact, even if Fa Mao said to leave, he wouldn't agree.

The main reason is that even if he, the Loach King, is disloyal.

But he can't just think of running away when he encounters danger, right?

With so many people watching, he still has to have some face.

"You are wrong. Do you really think that the effect of these bullets is only used to deal with ghosts and zombies?!"

Fa Mao saw that everyone did not react and did not know what was going on.

He probably understood now. It is likely that they did not know what was going on at the moment? !

In this case, he felt that he still needed to explain it to the other party.

"Why don't you just say it?!"

Seeing that Fa Mao spoke in paragraphs, Li Guoqiang and others were also a little confused.

Of course, the main reason was that they really thought so.

In their cognition, these bullets were not used to deal with zombies and ghosts?

Are there other options?

"You are wrong. This bullet was made by Master Bai. Don't you know that there is a talisman engraved on this bullet?!"

Seeing that they did not seem to understand.

Fa Mao also hurriedly explained.

Perhaps others did not realize the problem at all, but just asked subconsciously.

Unlike them, Fa Mao likes to study all kinds of things.

Fa Mao did not think so much at the beginning.

Later, he was a little bored, so he began to study these bullets.

He looked carefully at the words on the bullets.

Although it looked a little obscure, with his own research, Fa Mao also roughly knew what was on it.

When dealing with these ghosts and zombies later, Fa Mao was always observing.

After the bullet hit, the effect of the talisman was reflected.

This talisman bullet is even more powerful than those talismans.

First of all, the speed of the talisman bullet is very fast. Generally speaking, ghosts and zombies may not react in time before they are hit.

Secondly, there is no need to get close to the opponent.

Generally speaking, people who don’t have much cultivation can’t cast talismans at all, and can only stick the talisman close to them.

In this case, they may also put themselves in danger.

And the most important point is what Fa Mao discovered before.

"Although this is a bullet, it is essentially a talisman. When the talisman was made by Taoist Bai Ye, it was originally prepared to deal with evil things, so this thing is actually a restraint of evil things.

If you look at it this way, do you guys think it's the same as what I said, that these things can restrain willow trees? "

Fa Mao continued to explain his views on the bullet Bai Ye made.

In his opinion, this bullet is definitely very resistant to these things.

"This guy named Fa Mao is quite good. He has studied your bullet very deeply."

Zhong Fabai listened to Fa Mao's speculation behind him, and couldn't help but praise it on his face.

He didn't expect that Fa Mao would study this kind of thing so deeply.

Did Bai Ye teach him anything in particular before?

"It's normal. He has always been interested in this area, but he never had a way out before."

If you are worried, it is indeed very reassuring.

In horror movies, that can definitely be regarded as a godly teammate.

Others didn't pay attention to this kind of thing at all. On the contrary, Fa Mao looked at the talisman engraved on it very seriously.

These willow trees have indeed become spirits.

The resentment here is already deep enough.

Affected by the ghosts here, it is actually normal for the willow tree to look like this.

Originally, Bai Ye thought they couldn't find any other solution.

But now it seems that Fa Mao is really powerful, and there are studies on this.

Bai Ye had been very fond of Fa Mao before. When studying, Fa Mao was always the most serious.

And I will reflect on this issue later.

Sure enough, people who are eager to learn will know how to deal with what is going to happen next.

"So we don't need to take action for the time being."

Zhong Fabai also understood what Bai Ye meant. Although the competition this time was not very comparable.

But Zhong Fabai felt something was wrong.

Why do the people in my ghost-catching training camp seem to be scammers? !

Leon, Fa Mao, Li Guoqiang, Huang Yaozu and Jojo.

No matter how I look at these five people, they are more powerful than my own!

"Lao Deng, didn't I tell you before? Your team is not reliable at all! Can't you see it now?"

Bai Ye could tell from Zhong Fa's pale expression what he was thinking.

I have said it before, if this group of people did not cheat Zhong Fabai, it would be Zhong Fabai's luck.

After all, the plane is in trouble.

"It makes it look like you didn't trick me!!"

Speaking of this, Zhong Fabai couldn't help but glare at Bai Ye. Hearing what he said, he was even a little angry.

When he was targeted before, Zhong Fabai recalled all the people he had offended over the years in his mind.

But no matter how much I think about it, I feel like it has nothing to do with me.

At that time, Zhong Fabai kept thinking about who he had offended.

He really didn't put this matter on Bai Ye at all.

In the end, it was Bai Ye who was tricking him!

I almost fell down.

"Well, I just wanted to build a reputation for you. How could I have imagined that things would turn out like this?"

Listening to what Zhong Fabai said, a hint of embarrassment flashed across Bai Ye's face.

Although he said this to give Zhong Fabai a reputation, Bai Ye also knew very well that he just gave a name casually at that time.

Who would have thought that the people over there would actually know.

Originally, at that time, there were only witches from the Jiuju sect.

Who knew it would turn out like this? !

Fortunately, the matter was resolved in the end.

"Don't be poor. Is Meng Chao okay?"

Zhong Fabai didn't care about this matter. He just told Bai Ye not to forget that he had been cheated before.

Now Zhong Fabai is more concerned about Meng Chao's safety.

Although watching them continue to grow, they also know how to use their brains to deal with ghosts.

But Zhong Fabai didn't want to see this based on Meng Chao's death.

"Don't worry, I won't die for the time being, but I don't know what will happen next."

Although Meng Chao is in danger now, those ghosts don't seem to be in a hurry to kill Meng Chao.

So there is no problem for now.

Hearing what Bai Ye said, Zhong Fabai nodded. Since there was no problem, he wouldn't say anything more.

He also knew that Bai Ye had the ability to perceive, and now even Meng Chao knew where he was.

If there is any problem then, Bai Ye will go directly there.

"But we're going to pass after that."

"They can't solve it?"

"That bullet can't be solved at the moment. Those willow trees are not something they can solve."

Although they gave a good method.

But from Bai Ye's point of view, this willow tree was simply not something they could deal with.

The ways to deal with it now are pretty good.

So Bai Ye didn't force them, and the next thing was beyond their ability to handle.

Bai Ye and Zhong Fabai couldn't continue to watch.

The purpose of exercise has been achieved, there is no need to watch anymore.

Looking at it again, they are probably all dead.

So it's almost time to go out.

"It's really impossible to deal with it. Your bullet can only be temporarily sealed, right?"

Zhong Fabai also saw the clues.

In other words, it seems that Bai Ye's bullet can only temporarily seal the willow tree, but cannot directly kill the willow tree? !

"Well, you can't engrave too strong amulets on it, otherwise they may abuse it."

Bai Ye didn't want them to abuse this power, so he didn't carve too strong talismans on it.

Once this power is abused, it will be of no benefit to them.

"Indeed, it is better to do it step by step."

Zhong Fabai also agreed with Bai Ye's idea. In his opinion, it is better to do it step by step than to abuse it like this.

Since that's the case, we have to take action!

Looking at the willow forest.

Each of them fired a gun at the willow trees in front.

There are not many willow trees, which is because they have grown here for too long and are nourished by the yin energy.

So there seem to be many willow branches here, but there are not many willow trees.

After finding a way to deal with the willow branches, they also directly shot the bullets engraved with talismans at the willow trees.

In an instant, blood began to flow from the willow tree.

"Is that... black and red blood?! This willow tree actually bleeds black and red blood"

The loach king looked at the wound of the willow tree in shock. Under normal circumstances, the willow tree would not bleed at all, and there would be no such black and red blood.

Under the moonlight, the black and red blood left by the willow trees set off a bit of weirdness.

This is simply too scary.

"These willow trees have killed many people and absorbed human blood."

Fa Mao carefully observed the wounds on the willow trees. It seemed that if he got closer, he could hear some willow trees wailing.

These willow trees actually have life.

"The willow trees that have absorbed human blood are like this. These trees are not very useful for you to use these bullets. Although they can trap them, if you don't completely eliminate them, you can't get through at all. You have already angered them."

"Master Bai Ye?!"

Familiar voice, the loach king turned around and looked over. When he saw the man who was full of security, the loach king almost cried out.

Good, good!

Bai Ye is finally here!

All the worries of the loach king were gone in an instant.

Not only the loach king, but other people actually have the same idea as the loach king.

With Bai Ye, I feel very safe.

"Well, you have done a great job, kids."


No? !

Who are you talking about here, kids? !

Why does it feel weird when Bai Ye says this! ?

"Hey, can you be a little more normal?"

Zhong Fabai coughed lightly on the side, and reminded Bai Ye not to mess around here, can you be a little more normal?

They didn't come here to talk about this.

"Master Bai, you just said that this willow tree was not killed by us, but angered it. Could it be that the talisman can't suppress this willow tree?!"

Fa Mao was the first to react, and he didn't care about the strange things Bai Ye said before.

Instead, he focused on what Bai Ye said, that they had already angered these willow trees, and it was basically impossible to get through.

But these talismans have clearly been inserted.

How could it be ineffective? !

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