Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 341: The Demon Slayer Corps' response!

Chapter 341 -The Demon Slayer Squad’s reaction!

"Father, you are back."

When Uyashiki Yaoya came back, Uyashiki Teriya knew that what his father said had most likely been completed.

When Ubuyashiki Yōya spoke to himself in a solitary tone.

Ubuyashiki Teriya also knew very well at that time what kind of mentality his father had in passing. It was impossible for him not to worry. Now that he can see his father back, he finally let go of the sigh he was holding.

"Well, everyone from the Demon Slayer Squad is here, right?"

Originally, Ubuyashiki Yaoya was planning to propose something.

But in the end I gave up because there didn’t seem to be much to bring up in these matters.

No matter how you look at it, now is not the time to talk about irrelevant topics.

"Yes, how is the situation over there, Father?"

Although Uyashiki Yōya didn't say anything, Uyashiki Teriya clearly had an idea of ​​what was going on over there.

After coming back, his father seemed to be a lot more relaxed, and Ubuyashiki Teriya could naturally feel it.

So in Ubuyashiki Teriya's opinion, his father must have gotten the good news he wanted after going there? !

Although it is just a guess, it can be considered confirmed.

"It's over. Ask the Demon Slayer Squad to come over for the next details. I will tell you the details then."

There was a sense of relaxation in Uyashiki Yōya's tone, but at this time he had not thought of telling Uyashiki Teriya directly.

Because after this, other people will still come to ask me, and this matter is too relevant.

So not only the Demon Slayers, but also some generals in the kingdom need to know.

Otherwise, it might cause unexpected problems when Bai Ye comes.

Once a misunderstanding occurs and a fight breaks out between the two parties, the situation will be beyond your control.

This is also the reason why he came back early. Maybe Bai Ye also thought of it, so he agreed to come back.

Regarding Byakuya, Ubuyashiki Yaoya actually admires her very much.

At least when he first met Bai Ye, he understood that if he was a monarch like Bai Ye, he would definitely unify the entire continent in the future.

His existence has already made Uyashiki Yoshiya understand why this empire can defeat another empire.

"Okay, Father."

Ubuyashiki Teriya nodded. He didn't talk too much and was about to go over there to bring the news to the Demon Slayer Corps.

The Demon Slayer Squad has been here for a long time.

Before Uyashiki Yōya came back, Uyashiki Teriya had already notified the Demon Slayer Squad members to come over.

Because this matter is also related to the future destiny of this country.

Before leaving, Ubuyashiki Yaoya also told himself these things.

So when Ubuyashiki Yaoya was about to come back, Ubuyashiki Teriya had already started preparations for this matter.

Everyone from the Demon Slayer Squad is waiting here.

When they saw the arrival of Ubuyashiki Teriya, Purgatory Anjuro looked at him eagerly and asked: "What are you planning to do by recruiting all of us?! Is it a decisive battle with ghosts?"

All members of the Demon Slayer Corps were summoned.

This was obviously going to be a big deal, but I didn't see Uyashiki Yoshiya when I came here.

Uyashiki Yōya is not here, but Uyashiki Teriya is there, and Uyashiki Teriya says he needs to wait for a while.

Because of this, as time continues to pass, this also makes the members of the Demon Slayer Corps feel a little strange.

Why would the Lord summon them all, but then they never show up.

However, no one gave them an answer to this matter.

Now that they saw Uyashiki Teriya again, they were naturally eager to know the problem.

"Father has come back and is waiting for you. Father will answer your questions when the time comes. Please come with me."

Ubuyashiki Teriya pursed his lips. He could also see that others wanted to know, not only the Demon Slayer Team, but he also wanted to know what his father was talking about there.


"Let's go."

Although they were full of doubts, they didn't say anything else.

Perhaps only by meeting Uyashiki Yoshiya can he know the answer he wants.

When everyone came here, everyone was a little excited after seeing Uyashiki Yoshiya.

Everyone recognized the lord. This time they were summoned and saw Uyashiki Yōya again. They were all very anxious and seemed to want to ask something.

But before these words could be said, Uyashiki Yōya raised his hand to stop him.

He also knew about the current situation. Everyone had many things they wanted to ask themselves. Of course, it boiled down to one point: why they were all called together.

Before that, Ubuyashiki Yaoya also thought about how to tell them.

There is no need to deceive. I have already accepted it, so they should be able to do it too, right? !

In fact, Uyashiki Yaoya was not so sure about this matter at this time.

He couldn't understand other people's thoughts at all, so he could only tell them truthfully. In fact, he didn't know how to face whether the Demon Slayer Squad would accept it in the future.

If he was the kind of person who made a decision without caring about anything, he wouldn't have thought so much.

Unfortunately, he didn't belong to that kind either.

Ubuyashiki Amane on the side reached out to comfort Ubuyashiki Yoya, who seemed a little uneasy.

"Everyone, I called you here this time because I actually have something to tell you. Forgive me for being self-willed."

Ubuyashiki Yoya lowered his head, not daring to look at the members of the Demon Slayer Corps.

But then he felt that he was not sincere enough, and then he raised his face and looked at the people of the Demon Slayer Corps.

Since he had made a decision, all this could not be solved by some guilt.

Since everyone else was called here this time, of course, this matter had to be told to everyone.

"My lord, what is it?"

Butterfly Kanae raised her head with a hint of doubt in her eyes. Ubuyashiki Yoya was not like this before.

Why does it feel like he seems to have a little guilt towards himself and others?

It seems that during the time he was away, what did he do?

Although Ubuyashiki Teriya had never said what Ubuyashiki Yoya was doing before.

But many members of the Demon Slayer Corps actually speculated that Ubuyashiki Yoshiya was not here during this period.

He left for other places, and now he came back with an unspeakable feeling.

This also cast a shadow on the hearts of the Demon Slayer Corps.

"My Lord, do you have something to do with Muzan?!"

Rengoku Kyojuro asked.

The only person he could think of at the moment was Muzan.

The King of Demons.

Is it because the Lord left during this period and met Muzan? !

That's not right.

If he met, he wouldn't have summoned them in advance. Is there news about Muzan?

"It's not news about Muzan. You should know about the war between the two empires before, right?!"

The war between the two empires, one empire annexed the other empire. Although Ubuyashiki Yoshiya didn't mention such a big thing to the Demon Slayer Corps.

Their duties are not to be responsible for such things, but they have heard about it to some extent.

After Ubuyashiki Yoshiya said this, although they were a little surprised why the Lord wanted to talk about this matter, it seemed that it had little to do with demons, but they also nodded and responded that they knew about it.

The quick-witted people even began to speculate that the matter raised by Ubuyashiki Yoshiya was the reason for his disappearance during this period of time?

Otherwise, there was no need for Ubuyashiki Yoshiya to put this sentence on the table.

During the time he was away, he went to that empire? !

"Yes, perhaps some of you should have guessed that I went to the empire."

Looking at the faces of many people below, Ubuyashiki Yoshiya also understood that they probably guessed what he wanted to say.

"Go to the empire?!"

Uzui Tengen was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Ubuyashiki Yoshiya actually went to the empire.

"My lord, did the empire invite you there?"

Tomioka Giyu guessed that Ubuyashiki Yoshiya probably wanted to say something.

It should be something that happened when he went to the empire, right?

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but feel depressed. If he was invited by the empire.

Coupled with the lord's solemn expression, Tomioka Giyu also guessed that the empire was likely to talk to Ubuyashiki Yoshiya about some things related to the country.

Did the other party decide to take action against them? !

"So, are we going to go to war with the empire now?!"

There was a hint of surprise on Shinobu Kocho's face. If we were to go to war with that empire, it would not be good news at the moment.

After all, their internal situation has not been completely resolved yet.

There are still a group of ghosts, and after destroying another empire, the other side's strength has greatly increased.

And according to that rumor, Shinobu Kocho feels that the other side's combat power should be stronger than theirs, right?

But it doesn't matter.

If the other side wants to start a war, in order to protect their country, then they can also die in battle!

"Fight, we are not soft persimmons!"

"Sorry, although it is a bit discouraging to say it now, but we really don't need to fight."

For this matter, he suddenly thought of something.

We are about to fight to the death, why did His Majesty surrender?

"No need to fight? What conditions did the lord and them reach?"

Tomioka Giyuu didn't understand at this moment that both parties must have reached some conditions.

And the conditions that can be reached at present seem to be only.

Although he had guessed it, he was unwilling to continue thinking about it.

If that's the case, then their country.

"I'm going to hand this country over to the other party."

Ubuyashiki Yoya was not going to hide this matter.

He definitely couldn't keep this country, since the other party had already proposed it, and he had agreed to it.

There was actually not much difference between keeping this country in his hands and in Bai Ye's hands, as long as he could treat this country well.

"Why?! My lord, is the other party threatening with war?"

Rengoku Kyojuro clenched his fists. Facing this situation, he suddenly felt powerless.

I didn't expect that they hadn't even solved the ghost yet, and now they have to face external pressure.

If that empire sends troops over, they don't know how many people will die in their country.

He was not afraid of death, but when he thought about how many people would die here, he hated himself for not having enough strength.

"There was no threat of war. The other party gave me two exchange conditions, one of which was to resolve this matter peacefully.

In exchange, our country can still be the same as before, and everyone just changed a lord. At the same time, the Demon Slayer Corps can continue to exist, and you can stay in the Demon Slayer Corps or go to other places.

Including the matter of Muzan, they will help us solve it thoroughly, so I thought about it and finally chose to agree.

I don't want the war to hurt the people, and I don't want to see everyone die in the war. They are very strong and we can't resist them at all.

Combining all aspects, I decided to agree to the other party's conditions. I'm sorry that I made a decision without discussing this matter with you."

Although it is somewhat useless to say these at this time.

But Ubuyashiki Kakuya is also very self-blaming at this moment. His face is on the ground, as if he is admitting his mistakes.

He made a decision about this matter.

In fact, he is not afraid of death. From the animation, he can directly drag Muzan to death. It can be seen that he is not afraid of such things.

I just feel that there is no need to bring my people to the brink of death.

They are innocent.

If Bai Ye just wants to unify this continent, what's wrong with helping him?

He won't do worse than me.

"Lord, we"

The members of the Demon Slayer Corps looked at the scene in front of them, and at this moment they also had an indescribable feeling.

They can solve the ghosts, but after so many years, the ghosts still exist.

It is a bit puzzling to say that it is because of their lack of ability that led to Ubuyashiki Yoya to make such a decision.

So now, they don't even know how to tell Ubuyashiki Yoya.

"I've been to their side, it's actually pretty good. I also heard that the original empire is now living well after being defeated by them. He didn't force me, but just asked me to think about it. I thought about it, it's good for everyone, and it can be regarded as our family's atonement!"

There is actually a blood relationship between their family and Muzan.

So, when Muzan became a demon, they began this curse that lasted for thousands of years.

In the past thousand years, countless civilians have died because of Muzan. Since their family cannot protect the people here, they can only find others to protect them.

He does not want others to have great psychological pressure, which is not what they should think about.

This matter should also be the responsibility of their family. If they can find an opportunity to help deal with Muzan, he also thinks it is worth it for him to do so.

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