Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 360 The strange changes in the hotel are all ghosts!

Chapter 360 - The changes in the hotel are all ghosts!

As expected

Bai Ye knew after Old Andy said this, this is really in the world view of The Shining.

Bai Ye was actually thinking when Old Andy said it before.

Why does this feel familiar? Later, when I came to this snowy land, I thought of the movie I had watched before.

Doesn’t it seem to be the Overlook Hotel in The Shining?

Heavy snow closed the mountain

But in the movie, the owner here didn’t find anyone to exorcise the demons.

Maybe in the movie of The Shining, people only have the ability of The Shining, but there is no exorcism or other things.

But after integrating the movie, everything here has indeed become different.

Whether The Shining has ghosts, in fact, there are many interpretations of this matter.

For Bai Ye, he didn’t dwell on this matter, as long as he got over it. The reason why he asked Old Andy before was to see if it was the same as what he thought.

“Do you know this hotel? Then you know what happened in this hotel?”

Old Andy’s business ability is still beyond reproach.

Before coming here, I also searched for some issues related to that place, which were some bizarre things that happened in a hotel.

In fact, it seems to be similar to the murder house they solved before.

After just understanding it, Old Andy originally wanted to tell Bai Ye about it, but he didn't expect Bai Ye to ask suddenly.

After hearing what Bai Ye said, he also realized that maybe Bai Ye already knew it?

This is just some information given to them by the customer, which cannot be sent out, after all, the hotel still needs to make money.

Although there is still news on the Internet, isn't it that the other party has been suppressing it.

In other words, seeing that they are almost there, they also told them about the situation there.

In fact, the customer is probably afraid that Bai Ye and others will regret it.

If they don't dare to go there because of hearing this.

Then won't they be able to solve the problem?

However, Bai Ye and Old Andy thought about it when they accepted the task before.

Even if it is given before coming, it means that they are about to arrive. If there is danger, they must leave.

No one will joke with their own life.

At least Bai Ye will not play with the capitalists with his life.

At worst, he can just take some other tasks after not solving this.

It's not that he has to accept this matter here, even if he loses his reputation, so what?

When his strength is strong enough, even if he is already notorious, there will still be people willing to pay a high price to find him.

On the contrary, if he dies, then there will be nothing.

"I know something, that hotel may be because of ghosts, or it may not be ghosts, anyway, you have to go there"

Regarding the haunted hotel, Bai Ye has actually read the analysis before.

There may be ghosts in The Shining, or there may not be ghosts.

Everything comes down to the male protagonist Jack.

One explanation is that Jack is a weak person in society. After coming to the hotel, he and his wife and children became weak, and he became a strong person.

He enjoyed the rights of this powerful person.

In the outside world, he is a weak person, but in the hotel, he became a strong person and could control the fate of his wife and children.

This feeling of power made Jack addicted.

He felt his authority here.

Then he also wanted to show his authority in front of his wife and children.

So when Jack knew that his wife wanted to challenge his authority, he gradually fell into madness.

He didn't want to leave the hotel, because if he left the hotel, he would lose everything.

So when he knew that his wife wanted to leave, he went crazy.

In addition, after his wife saw that he had been pretending to work hard, he was just faking it, so Jack completely stopped pretending.

He already hated his wife and children.

At the bar in the hotel, he used extremely insulting words to describe his wife.

So, at that time, Jack was actually crazy.

All this is based on Jack's madness, and this is not the explanation of the ghost.

As for another one, it is that this place is built on a cemetery.

So, when people are vulnerable, you can see ghosts.

Similarly, people with the ability of flashing can actually sense the danger here.

And Jack, who came here, was the first to be bewitched by the ghost.

After all, Jack was the most vulnerable at that time.

He is a writer, but he can't write anything. For Jack, he knows that this is at least a death sentence for himself.

He also realized that he could not write in a different environment.

So Jack's mind is the most fragile among these people.

Then Jack's son saw those pictures.

It's not that he is more fragile, but that he has the Shining.

Then, in the end, Wendy was scared by Jack and almost collapsed, so she could see ghosts.

These ghosts have been living in the hotel and living a very luxurious life.

In the end, Jack also became one of the ghosts and appeared in this photo.

Similarly, watching Jack kill people is what these ghosts want to see.

This is actually interpreting the Shining from two aspects, one is from the supernatural aspect, and the other is from the class struggle.

"Sure, the ghosts there shouldn't be any more powerful than the ghosts in the murder house, right?"

When Old Andy saw Bai Ye, he couldn't explain why, or he wasn't prepared to explain too much to himself.

He simply stopped asking so many questions. In short, it was normal for Bai Ye not to know about this matter. He would check it out over there.

"There may not be a ghost. If there is no ghost, we will make a lot of money this time."

Bai Ye shrugged and didn't explain much about the matter.

As for whether ghosts exist, Bai Ye is not very sure.

The key is that if there is no ghost, then just fool him.

But if ghosts exist, then this hotel is full of ghosts, and there is one more crucial point, and that is this hotel.

There may be some secrets in this hotel.

Therefore, Bai Ye felt that this still needed to be seen.

"You're right, why do I keep thinking about ghosts! If there are no ghosts, can't we just get the money by doing a few things in the future?!"

When Old Andy heard what Bai Ye said, he patted his head and instantly understood what Bai Ye meant.

Why does he still have the same mentality as before to get money for doing things?

Why do you have sympathy with capitalists?

Although I was a capitalist before, isn’t it now?

So old Andy felt that there was no need to empathize with these capitalists.

Anyway, I just want to take money from the other party's pocket.

"So I'm just saying, old Andy, what do you want to do?"

"You really integrated my ideas, which is very good!"

In the past, Bai Ye still had a bit of youthful energy.

At least in Old Andy's opinion, he was somewhat reckless sometimes.

Now I finally know how the old man should fish and swim.

The snowmobile soon arrived at the entrance of the Overlook Hotel.

When they arrived near the hotel, Bai Ye felt a strange smell here.

It seems that the worst situation has occurred.

In fact, Bai Ye still hoped there would be no ghosts before, but Jack was crazy.

But this explanation is a bit far-fetched. After all, in the world of horror movies, if this is just explained as a person going crazy, Bai Ye feels that this is really unclear.

"How about it?"

Old Andy looked at Bai Ye seriously and asked.

Already at the door of the hotel, he actually couldn't see anything at all. The main thing was to see Bai Ye.

"There are ghosts, and there are many of them, even stronger than the ghosts in the murder house!"

The ghosts in the murder house are actually within the range that normal people can deal with.

After all, although they are ghosts, they have no special abilities.

But the ghosts here have special abilities.

At the same time, it’s not just as simple as having a ghost.

“This hotel is not simple either.”

This hotel has been a mistake since its inception.

It is very likely that most of the ghosts here are actually because of this hotel.

One problem can be seen from the follow-up, that is, people here seem to be added to these photos after they die.

This photo did not originally include these people.

So they all died here later, that is, the hotel left these people's souls here.

But usually they don't show up very often, maybe they just wait until this time?

like jack

It was because of some reasons that he should have killed his wife and children, and then committed suicide himself.

As a result, an accident happened, and his son had the ability of the Shining. Finally, someone came to save him, otherwise the two of them would most likely die here.

In the end, Jack died and his soul was trapped here.

This is also one of the joys of ghosts, which is to watch people kill people and then become one of them.

Just like when Jack first asked the former administrator if he remembered that his wife and children were killed by him, the former administrator said that he did not remember.

Judging from the other party's tone and expression, it seemed that he was not lying at all.

In other words, this hotel seems to have performed some memory erasure on these ghosts?

This is definitely not something that those ghosts can do, it can only be done by this hotel.

Is it just to keep all these ghosts in the hotel?

I don’t know why this hotel keeps ghosts here.

"Is there a ghost?"

Old Andy's heart tightened.

The most ideal situation is that there are no ghosts, and then they can get a lot of money by pretending to be ghosts.

But he understood what Bai Ye said and it couldn't be solved so easily.

"Yes, let's talk to the employer first."

Now that we're here, it's not just as simple as getting rid of Jack.

Jack was still a human being at this time, and as his previous employer said, their purpose of coming here was to solve the problem of the hotel being haunted.


Make an agreement before you come and say something to the other person after you arrive.

And the entire process needs to be recorded.

Originally, if there was no ghost, according to Bai Ye and Old Andy's opinion, it would be just pretending to be a ghost.

But since there are real ghosts, there is no need to pretend to be ghosts. Next, they will just get rid of the ghosts here.

Anyway, if you see something wrong, run away.

"We have arrived. Yes, there is indeed a ghost here. We have confirmed it. We will solve the problem in this place later, but the current problem still needs to be looked at. It is very troublesome here.

Add money?

It’s not a matter of money, it’s just that there is a problem with your hotel. Don’t worry, we will definitely do our best. After all, after accepting this order, we must do it! "

Old Andy was chatting with his employer about the hotel. He also greatly exaggerated the matter, but he felt that he was still very conscientious. After all, there was indeed a ghost here.

In fact, there is no need for Old Andy to talk about the hotel's problems.

The people over there also knew that this hotel was actually very problematic. In his mind, what Old Andy said was that he wanted to increase money.

This is naturally no problem for him, as long as it can help him solve the problem here.

Then this money is just trivial to him.

Why is this hotel unable to accept guests for several months?

On the one hand, it is because it snows here all year round and it will be sealed here.

Therefore, whether it is the supplies here or the bad weather, it will affect the guests coming and going.

Another aspect is because of ghosts.

These ghosts appear every winter. They have been open before. In that winter, the hotel almost lost his pants, which he did not have to pay for.

Fortunately, that matter was also suppressed.

Therefore, it will not be opened here in the future.

The first point can actually be solved no matter how you think about it.

After all, they could build a snow country hotel where there would be snowmobiles and transportation would be nothing.

This is a few months' money, how could they be willing to give it up?

So after a series of careful consideration, they also decided to find someone to deal with the ghost here, and then they turned it into a winter snow country hotel.

You can definitely make a lot of money!

So they naturally agreed to Old Andy's suggestion of increasing money, but correspondingly, all they wanted was to get rid of the ghost in this hotel.

As for the solution, they don't care.

After the conversation was over, Old Andy put away the phone and immediately revealed a long-lost smile: "Bai Ye, we have already negotiated the money, and it will be more than what we discussed before."

Old Andy rubbed his fingers. With the money in place, he naturally became motivated.

"Go in, record a video and follow me. Remember not to leave me. This hotel is very weird and may affect people's emotions. If you separate from me, it may be difficult for me to find you in the future. The hotel is full of people. ghost."

It is not yet known whether these ghosts will attack people, although in the movie the ghosts just watch and have no intention of taking action.

But this time they come to get rid of ghosts, there is no guarantee that these ghosts will jump over the wall in a hurry, and rabbits will bite people when they are anxious, let alone ghosts?

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