Chapter 368 - IT!

"According to what you said, if it is only spread among children, maybe it is just a joke or a lie of children? You know, children are easy to tell some lies to attract attention."

Old Andy put the steak into his mouth with a fork, chewing the beef while asking.

If you just choose to believe it with such an outrageous reason, it seems that the hotel owner seems to believe it a little outrageous.

After all, children seem to be innocent.

But Old Andy knows very well that some children are really bad, but they are just disguised as children.

Besides, if such children spread it, will anyone really believe it?

"No, I didn't believe it at first, but I had to believe it after what happened in the hotel!"

The hotel owner shook his head. He also thought about whether the incident was false.

But he saw the incident in the hotel.

You don't know until you see it. It was really shocking to him.

These ghosts are actually in groups. The boss had been to the hotel at the beginning.

Now thinking about it, it was a miracle that I didn't die in that hotel.

"The hotel incident may be an exception. Of course, if you think there is a problem, you can ask us to investigate, but the money needs to be calculated separately!"

Old Andy stopped talking when he saw this. After all, this was another opportunity to make money for him.

So when the boss insisted on doing this, he would definitely not refuse.

Who would refuse an opportunity to make money?

Isn't there someone who came to give money?

"Of course money is not a problem. After all, this is where I am running for election, and I don't want any accidents to happen when I take office!"

The boss also said hurriedly when he saw this. For him, money is definitely not a problem.

As long as Bai Ye and the others can help me solve this problem, there will definitely be money.

After all, I am going to be an official.

I can't let the supernatural events cause me to make some mistakes here.

"Then please tell me about the situation there, and the name of the town you are running for election."

Judging horror movies by their names is a habit for Bai Ye.

After all, there are many virtual places in American Horror Story. Even if they are not virtual, they can be easily judged.

"Derry Town."

After the hotel owner told Bai Ye about the town where he was going to run for mayor, Bai Ye remembered what legend there was.


This town is the town that appeared in IT.

Then this legend should be true, why only children know it?

Because the clown seems to have an ability to make adults not remember him.

For the clown, only children are the most innocent.

The fear of children is the purest, and the fear of adults is too complicated.

So the clown does not like to eat this kind of soul.

Every time the clown wants to eat the other party, he will scare the other party several times first, and then start to eat the other party after scaring the other party.

The main purpose is that in the eyes of the clown, only the soul of fear is the most delicious.

Regardless of whether it is the clown's bad taste, Bai Ye is now considering IT 1 or IT 2.

There is still a slight difference between these two movies. One is the useless alliance composed of children, and the other is the adult version.

But I think it should be IT 2.

After all, so many years have passed in this timeline. If it is 2, then the clown will come back for revenge again.

This time the clown is stronger.

But in Bai Ye's opinion, the setting of the clown seems to be a bit weak.

As long as you are not afraid of it, it will be pitifully weak. The clown relies on the opponent's fear.

The more they fear the clown, the stronger the clown's power will be.

So this may be the reason why the clown chooses children as the target, because compared with adults, children are actually more afraid.

Sometimes adults may not be afraid of clowns, but they will affect clowns.

So the clown basically only attacks children, of course there are exceptions, such as the useless alliance.

So, when the hotel owner said that he wanted to run for the mayor of Derry Town, Bai Ye realized that the legend of this guy was not wrong.

Because the legend of the clown is only spread among children, and the memory of the clown will be erased from adults, so they can't see the clown.

"It's a common name, what do you think, Bai Ye?"

Old Andy actually doesn't understand it at all. No matter what the hotel owner says, he himself says he doesn't know it at all.

But he still needs to pretend.

Although he doesn't understand it, Bai Ye knows it.

So even if he pretends, Bai Ye will cover for him, right?

In fact, Old Andy has always been very clear about what role he should play.

"Tell me more about it."

The time for the clown to return is 27 years.

If it hasn't arrived, then it's useless to go there at this time, because the clown is not there at all.

So Bai Ye needs to confirm how long it has been there.

If it is confirmed that the clown has returned, then it is indeed possible to go there.

If even a group of people without special abilities can get rid of the clown, then the clown is not really a big deal for Bai Ye.

After all, the clown's special abilities are only possessed by ordinary ghosts, not to mention that he needs to be feared by other people.

"Okay, there are rumors about the town of De Rui, which is about the clown.

These are circulated among children, and they are also circulated among the children in the town.

In fact, when I got these news at the beginning, I didn't believe it very much.

After all, this thing doesn't have much impact on me. After all, I asked the adults there, and no one knew anything about the clown.

So I was actually skeptical at that time, but the hotel incident did change my mind.

I thought about asking you two to come and help me see if there is really no problem in the town, so that I can rest assured.

For this, I will also prepare money. As long as you two go over and take a look, if there is a ghost and get rid of it, then I am willing to pay 5 million US dollars. If there is no ghost, you two just go over and take a look, I will also give 2 million US dollars."

Two million US dollars is just to make friends.

After all, this money is nothing to the hotel owner.

But if there really is a ghost, then it would be too important for me.

In fact, the hotel owner didn't think about doing this at the beginning.

After all, this matter will not affect adults at all.

After so many years, only children will see clowns, and the legend of clowns has always been circulated among children.

In fact, the hotel owner also thought about it at that time.

Maybe there is no need to do this at all.

But after seeing the ghost in the hotel later, the boss was a little scared.

Although it seems that there is not much problem for me for the time being.

But the boss feels that if this problem can be solved with money.

Then it's better to spend money on this matter.

"Ahem, no problem, no problem, we will go over to take a look at this matter!"

Damn it!

This guy is really rich.

He really gave money directly when he said he would give money.

Just to go over and take a look, there will be two million US dollars, and if there is a ghost, it will be five million US dollars.

This money, plus the money earned this time, is enough for me to be free and unrestrained for many days.

"We can deal with the problem over there. The clown should exist. Since you have a need, we can go there. However, to solve the clown, we don't need too many people to go there, and I need intelligence.

You should have heard the legend over there after investigation. The clown should take some time to appear, right?"


Bai Ye can go there, but he must know whether it has appeared now.

Otherwise, he will not get anything if he goes there. Then he can just go there and take the money and leave, although it is a bit unprofessional.

But the clown has not appeared, and he has no way to kill the clown.

"Twenty-seven years, according to rumors, it is twenty-seven years, and this year is exactly the twenty-seventh year!"

The hotel owner hurriedly said when he saw this, and at the same time he was a little unsure in his heart.

Bai Ye has already asked this question, does it mean that Bai Ye knows about this matter?

Does it mean that there are really ghosts?

No, it should be clowns.

Thinking of this, the hotel owner also felt that his life was really on thin ice.

Why did all these ghosts come to him?

This hotel is full of ghosts, and there are clowns in the town being elected at this time.

If he hadn't already decided on this town, he really didn't want to go there.

"That's about right. I'll go there to help you solve it. Of course, the premise is that the information you provide is correct. If it's wrong, you need to give me the full money!"

Bai Ye looked at the hotel owner very seriously. This was the information provided by the other party to him.

He didn't go there for two million US dollars. Money is something that Bai Ye can earn at any time now.

But the clown thing can't be missed.

He doesn't want the other party to provide him with false information, so the money is not two million.

"No problem, as long as the problem of the clown can be solved, then the money is not a problem!"

The boss also said hurriedly when he saw this.

He doesn't care about this little money. As long as he takes office as the mayor, all the money can be earned back later.

Capitalists here can run for election.

And after the election, they can actually support their own industries secretly, or even be more shameless and support them directly in public.

So, he doesn't worry about money at all.

It's almost settled there.

In fact, campaigning is all about spending money. As long as you spend a lot of money, you can find the media and do all kinds of things to promote yourself.

Then you can get promoted.

In this society, you can do whatever you want if you have money.

"Okay, then you just give Andy all the information you have investigated, and we will go there later."

Derry Town.

After Bai Ye finished eating, he went upstairs to rest under the boss's arrangement.

They will set off again tomorrow during the day, and decided to rest here tonight.

In the room.

Old Andy found Bai Ye, and he had already read the information given there.

At this time, he also came to talk to Bai Ye about those things.

"Do you know that clown?"

Old Andy asked.

Regarding the clown, for Westerners, many people think he is very funny and some people like him.

Similarly, because of the appearance of the clown, the uncanny valley effect will also make many people very afraid of the existence of the clown.

Old Andy doesn't have much emotion for the clown, mainly because he is too old, so he is not so afraid of the clown.

However, for this clown with extraordinary abilities, Old Andy still wants to ask Bai Ye what he thinks about this matter.

"That clown can be very strong or very weak, the key is to look at himself."

When the clown is weak, even a child can kill him. If he is strong, he can even kill himself.

So the key to this clown is to look at the person he is facing.

"What do you mean? Don't say that the two of us will die if we go there. If we die, we won't make money!"

Old Andy is not a person who wants money but not life, so when Bai Ye said this, he was a little discouraged.

"That won't happen. I'm just reminding you that the more you fear the clown, the stronger it will be.

The power of this clown comes from your fear. The less you fear him, the weaker he will be. Even a child can kill him."

Bai Ye's words also surprised Old Andy.

Are you kidding?

You can kill even a child?

"If I'm not afraid of him, will he still be killed by me? Then I, Old Andy, will have to take action!"

Seeing this, Old Andy felt that he was fine again.

If the clown is really as Bai Ye said, then he is not afraid of him!

"The clown actually appeared once, but it was 27 years ago, so I asked the boss at that time, it's a matter of time now.

In fact, it's because the clown only appears once every 27 years, and after that time, the clown fell asleep.

The clown that time was solved by a group of children, because they didn't know how to solve the clown, so the clown came back this time."

The heart of the clown.

As long as the heart is crushed, the clown will die completely.

This time, it is most likely that the adult version of the Loser Alliance will go over.

But Bai Ye doesn't need them, he can completely deal with this clown.

"You said that, the clown's power comes from fear, so if I don't go over, can't you just solve it?!"

That's right!

Old Andy still has some self-knowledge about himself.

Although he was talking nonsense just now, Old Andy is very clear that if he goes over, it seems a little unlikely that you really are not afraid of the clown at all.

If he doesn't go over, and lets Bai Ye go over by himself, can't he solve it by himself? !

If he goes over, he might cause trouble for Bai Ye.

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