Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 45 Art is explosion! (Please read it later, 4K)

Chapter 45 - Art is explosion! (Qiu Zhui Reading, 4K)

"How's it going? Did you find anything?"

Nakamori Ginsan stared at the surveillance camera with his eyes fixed.

The bell rings at 11:30 midnight, and the Phantom Thieves will take away the Queen's Tears before twelve o'clock.

During this half hour, everyone's hearts were almost in their throats.

"Please, can you calm down?"

Mumu Shisan looked at each other helplessly. Before that, he noticed that each of the three seemed more anxious than the other.

It's just a matter of catching a few thieves. Is this necessary?

"Of course it's necessary, they are world-famous thieves!"

"Is it possible that you are not capable enough?"

Mumu Shisan said in his heart that it was indeed the first time for him to take over this kind of thing. In his opinion, they were just a few thieves. If they couldn't catch them, where could he put his face?

Today he must catch these thieves.

But he didn't say this. Although he was confident, if he didn't catch it by then, at least he would have left himself a way out.

"Conan, what are you looking at?"

Xiaolan curiously approached Conan and looked at Conan who was staring at the monitor screen intently. She followed his gaze and looked over.

"I wonder how they're going to get in!"

Conan looked at Xiaolan innocently, but deep down he was still thinking about how the other party would come in under this situation.

This was his first contact with the Phantom Thieves. Although he had heard of them before, he was still a little unfamiliar with these things.

The surroundings have been controlled, and no one is allowed to come inside. There are also surveillance cameras monitoring everything inside. Any clues will be discovered immediately. In this case, how will the other party sneak in?

"Haha, don't think about it, you little devil. If you, a little devil, find out, how can the other party be a big thief for so long without being caught? Only my famous detective Mouri Kogoro can take action!"

Mouri Kogoro laughed proudly, today is the day when he, Moori Kogoro, will become famous!

"You're a fool if you can catch this stupid detective!"

Conan opened his dead eyes and complained in his heart.

If they could really be caught by Mouri Kogoro, every one of them would have been caught by the police long ago.

"Sister, we now have a rough idea of ​​the situation inside. Do we need to take action?"

Inside the museum.

The three Maoyan sisters, who had already sneaked in and escaped the police search, were in a small room, waiting for the opportunity.

On a small electronic screen, it was the Queen's Tears that was being monitored.

Not only did the police place surveillance cameras here, they also placed them in advance.

"How are things going with Kaitou Kidd and Lupine the Third?"

Laisheng Lei thought for a while, shook his head and said: "Everyone is watching now. The one who acts first will probably fail. Kaitou Kidd and the others are most likely waiting, so let's wait first."

"Just wait and see, it doesn't belong to whoever gets it first."

Afterlife Hitomi echoed.

"Don't let me down, you bastard!"

Not far from the art gallery, in a building, a woman was holding a telescope and staring intently at the gems in the art gallery.

Mine Fujiko had already thought about it. When Lupine III got this thing, he would swallow it up for himself!

All the information about this place was provided by himself. As for betraying Lupine III, wasn't that done casually?

At the same time, Kidd was also ready. Looking at the clock on his wrist, he was also ready to wait until the time he set before taking action.

Before that, he would wait and see.

"Not ready yet?"

"Are you coming or not? The time has come!"

on the square.

Many people looked at the big screen with some disappointment. After five minutes, the interior of the art museum was still safe and sound, without any movement. This made people who were originally planning to watch the chase between robbers and robbers, and the robbers and the police a little bit a little nervous. of boredom.

"What do you think, my next book will be inspired by Kaitou Girl?"

Kasumigaoka Shiyu tapped her feet on the ground unconsciously, turned her head and looked at Bai Ye and asked.

"Huh? Do you want me to give you my opinion?"

"But when I wrote novels in the past, didn't Bai Ye-kun always give me advice? Otherwise, how could my book be called the most stomach-churning novel? I really didn't expect that a boy like Bai Ye-kun would be so... There are so many plots, it’s obvious that I came first, whether it’s kissing, hugging, or falling in love with that guy, it’s the first time I have someone I like, and I have someone I can be a lifelong friend with.”

Kasumigaoka Shiyu's eyes flashed with thoughtfulness: "Have you ever experienced this before, Mr. Byakuya?"

"Hmph, that guy also taught me how to draw comics. Has he also experienced this?"

Yinglili interrupted Kasumigaoka Shiyu's words unconvinced.


Don’t think that you two are the only ones with a bond!

She has it too!

"Hey, Byakuya-kun, who are you fantasizing about when you think about this kind of thing? Me? Or Megumi? Or maybe Sakurajima or that woman from Yukinoshita?" As he said this, he noticed Eiriri's murderous eyes, and Kasumi Zhiqiu Shiyu added exaggeratedly: "It can't be Yinglili, right?"

"Ah!!! You bastard!! What do you mean it can't be me? What's wrong with me?"

Eiriri waved her fists angrily to give Kasumigaoka Shiyu a good look.

But what's a little funny is that her hands seem to be a little short. After Kasumigaoka Shiyu's hand touches her forehead, she looks like she is punching the air with her fist.

"It's about to begin."

"Eh? Did Bai Yejun say anything?"

Kato Megumi, who was next to Bai Ye, turned her head to look at Bai Ye in confusion. She seemed to have heard Bai Ye's murmur just now, but she didn't hear clearly what Bai Ye said specifically.

By the way, he should have spoken just now, right?

Before Bai Ye could answer, a burst of violent exclamations erupted from the surroundings: "Here he is! Finally taking action!"

"Won't you get caught? And who is this?"

It is different from the impression of Maoyan, Lupine III and Kaitou Kidd.

And the people who appeared on the big screen were completely different from the ones they knew.

"I'm here uninvited, thank you all Haihan. I'm not the three you were expecting, but I will take away the Queen's Tears tonight."

On the screen, a man wearing an orange spiral mask and a black and red cloud coat from the Akatsuki Organization waved at the screen.

He stretched out a finger and lightly touched the tempered glass.


The glass shattered instantly, and the Queen's Tears was held in his hand.

"Sister, what should I do?"

"Let's take action!"

In the room, Lai Sheng Ai and Lai Sheng Tong exchanged a look, and then prepared to take action.

Such a good opportunity, I believe those two guys will not let it go, and they just use this unknown guy to attract firepower. I was still thinking about how to infiltrate, but now, this guy has acted as a shield for their infiltration. It’s not that difficult anymore.

"Tell me, where did that guy come from!!?"

no? !

In the monitoring room, everyone stared at the incredible scene in front of them in stunned silence.

Surrounding surveillance can confirm that it is not broken at all.

How could the other party come here without knowing it?

"Conan, where are you going?"

"Hurry over there, that person is gone!"

Conan was the first to react and rushed out of the control room and ran towards the location of the Queen's Tears.

After hearing Conan's words, the others immediately reacted and followed him.

When I came to the art museum, that person had already disappeared, and the Queen's Tears were no longer there.

"No way?"

Mumu Shisan wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, was it just gone?

"Haha, what kind of monster thief is this? They're just rubbish. If you steal a fake piece, you're still called a big thief?"

A trace of disdain flashed across the face of the museum director.

"It seems. He seems to know."

Conan took out a gem from a corner with a piece of paper on it, and this gem was obviously the gem that had been taken away by the man in the orange mask.

[Although I know it's fake, I still want to show you that I'm not any worse than the other Phantom Thieves, right? Besides, if it’s true, I’ll take it! 】

Looking at the writing on the note, the librarian's face instantly turned ugly, and then he ran towards the basement without stopping.

When he received the notification letter, he put it in the basement as soon as possible.

He didn't tell anyone!

All the way to the basement, looking at the door that had been opened and the back of the last person leaving in a hurry, everyone followed suit, and this road was obviously leading to the rooftop.

On the rooftop.

The three Cat Eye sisters, Lupine the Third, Kaitou Kidd and Byakuya stand in four directions respectively.

"Put your hands up, let's catch you without mercy!"

The silence was broken by the sudden intrusion of people from the Metropolitan Police Department.

The door to the rooftop has been closed. Nakamori Ginzo looked at the few people with some pride. Today, even if the King of Heaven comes, he will not be able to escape.

"Ah, this is really troublesome. You clearly know this is the rooftop, why are you bringing gems here?"

Kidd looked at Bai Ye with some distress.

In fact, all five of them knew the true location of the gem, but none of them took any action.

Later, I originally wanted to take advantage of the chaos created by Bai Ye to get the gem.

As a result, they were one step slower than Bai Ye. After Bai Ye took it away, they immediately followed, and they followed all the way to the rooftop.

But fortunately, I can leave by relying on the hang glider.

Is Bai Ye also a hang glider?

"Because the stage has been set up and without the audience, this performance will be a failure. Only the performance will make me at the top."

In the basement, you can take the gems and leave.

But just leaving like this always felt like something was missing. He longed for attention.

Perhaps because he lives in a peaceful era, he actually pursues something different from other Bai Ye. He likes to be sought after by others, and he also enjoys the look of admiration in his eyes.

"Stage? Prison is your stage. You guys who are pretending to be gods and ghosts, I will take off your masks one by one!"

Nakamori Ginzo looked like he was sure of victory. After watching the TV station flying a helicopter and broadcasting the live broadcast from the air, he felt extremely proud at the moment.

Aoko, look at it, dad finally caught Kaitou Kidd this time!

"Everyone is wearing a mask, a moment of joy before the curtain opens, please remember me, this is my beginning, I am resurrected from filth and mud, I am a burning green lotus, I am the only beauty."

Bai Ye whispered softly, accompanied by a thunder in the sky.

Bai Ye clapped his hands and shouted: "Art is explosion!!"

Bang! !

The clone suddenly exploded, and a cloud of smoke instantly spread around and instantly covered the sight of others.

After the smoke dissipated, Bai Ye's figure had long disappeared.

In the square, looking at the various people on the big screen, everyone's unbelievable eyes, even Kaito Kidd has run to the edge of the building to look for the glider, Bai Ye lowered his head, and stroked the Queen's Tears in his pocket with his left hand.

"Let's go, it's over."

Bai Ye took a last look at the screen, then looked at Kasumigaoka Utaha and the other two, turned around and left.

There is nothing to see anymore.

"Hey! I feel like you're a good fit for this thief. How about I write a love story between a thief and a writing girl based on you?"

Kasumigaoka Utaha quickly followed Bai Ye. In the scene just now, she was inspired. She substituted Bai Ye into the thief just now, and then substituted herself into the writing girl.

Since the readers of the previous book said that it was too good, I'll use Bai Ye and myself as the blueprint for this book and write a sweet love story!

"Bai Ye is not a thief!"

Eri retorted, looking at Bai Ye's back and muttered.

Don't run away here!

"Bai Ye-kun's words are quite suitable."

Kato Megumi covered her mouth and laughed. The three of them quickly followed Bai Ye and quickly occupied his left and right sides.

"Just run away like this?"

"What to do?"

"Let's go!"

Raisei Lei, Raisei Hitomi, and Raisei Ai looked at each other, and then the three of them jumped directly from the building.

The thief Kidd on the side was not to be outdone and ran with him.

This time, it was really embarrassing.

He sent out the invitation letter, but not only did he not get it, but someone else took it away. Before he left, he was even treated with a face by the other party!

"Lupin, don't try to run away!"

"If you don't run away, you're a fool, right?"

Lupin III threw a smoke bomb on the ground, and then ran away with the glider.

Today was really a bad start!

The Queen's Tears, if he got it, he would make a lot of money again. Thinking that it was taken away by that person, Lupin also remembered Bai Ye in his heart.

Next time, he will definitely get back at him!

"Just ran away like this?! Huh?"

Megure Jusan turned his head blankly. He went out on his own, but didn't even catch a single person.

"Officer Megure, we will probably be on the front page tomorrow. All the police, Kaito Kid, Cat's Eye and Lupin III will all become the background of that guy."

Shiratori Renzaburo stroked his forehead, feeling that tomorrow's news will be very explosive.

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