Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 70 Who can tell me where the Uchiha got three pairs of Mangekyō?

Chapter 70 - Who the hell can tell me, where did Uchiha get the three pairs of kaleidoscopes?

"Itachi, what's wrong with you?"


After meeting the masked man, Uchiha Itachi became more determined in the path he had taken before.

Although the entire Uchiha clan will be buried with him, this is all the result of Byakuya. Now it is not only Konoha who wants to take action, but also external forces. Everything that guy said is the Uchiha he does not understand. Bo's secrets, coupled with those weird abilities, and what he said about creating the Nine-Tails Rebellion.

He is a person who has experienced the Nine-Tails Rebellion. With such a powerful eye power, he can control the Nine-Tails. Only the legendary Uchiha Madara can do it, right?

In this regard, he is also more pessimistic.

Returning to the clan, Itachi raised his head and looked at Quan from Quan's concern, and asked: "How is Quan doing lately?"


It seems that they haven't seen each other or communicated with each other for a long time, right?

A fleeting look of disappointment flashed across Itachi's face, it seemed to him that this road was destined to be lonely.

"It's very good. I have been working with the clan leader to generate income for Uchiha recently. Now everyone's life is much better than before!"

Quan said, a hint of admiration flashed across her face. She was actually very grateful to Bai Ye, and at the same time, she understood Bai Ye better because of this incident.

When Byakuya first came to power, she only heard that Byakuya was a radical. Because of her interactions with Itachi, she naturally thought that this might make the Uchiha clan worse.

But he didn't expect that after Bai Ye came to power, he not only took back the territory that originally belonged to them, but also gave the clan an additional source of income.

This gave Izumi, who originally didn't really want to become a ninja, something else to do.

At the beginning, the Uchiha clan basically had few other things to do besides being ninjas. This also resulted in that if you did not become a ninja, or if you did not have a ninja in your family, you would live a very poor life.

And Izumi has always wanted to be a good wife and mother rather than a ninja.

Therefore, the appearance of Byakuya united Uchiha in a larger sense and gave some Uchiha a chance to survive. Not everyone wants to become a ninja, and not everyone has the talent to become a ninja.

"Quan, haven't you noticed that the clan and the village have become increasingly tense recently?"

Itachi looked at Izumi in disbelief. He was the one who analyzed the situation with Izumi. Why has she changed now?

"Itachi, actually this is not something we should think about. You always think too much, and even if you are getting nervous now, aren't everyone in the clan actually living a better life? Itachi. Baiye Clan Leader actually has a saying I think you are right, if a family gave birth to you and raised you, and when you grow up, you have to ask other people to help deal with your own family, is this also a kind of..."

Quan hesitated, glanced at Itachi, and then felt bad about continuing.

She was actually thinking at the beginning, maybe the clan should do what Itachi said, but they did what Itachi said and lost their original clan territory. The Uchiha clan's business was getting worse and worse, and they had to rely on themselves. Become a ninja to support your family.

They got nothing, but their lives got worse and worse. After Byakuya came to power, no matter how tense the relationship with Konoha was, it did not make the people in the clan feel a little wronged.

This is why they are all willing to support Bai Ye.

As for Itachi's false thoughts, Izumi gradually understood that Itachi was not as perfect as he thought.

And Bai Ye was right. How terrible would a person's heart be if he didn't even cherish his own family?

Itachi didn't grow up being abused. Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Mikoto were already very good to him, and the clansmen respected him in the past, but he always wanted to help Konoha deal with the Uchiha clan.

This also makes Quan a little bit unable to accept it. Does Konoha really have such great magic power?

She doesn't want to lose her current life, at least her tribe members are living well.

"Quan, but these are only temporary!"

Itachi's rare change in expression had already been through Shisui's incident. Last time he went to see Uchiha Fugaku, but Fugaku also said a lot of words towards Byakuya.

Can't they all see that the Uchiha clan has been led into the abyss by him?

"Itachi, even if it's temporary, at least everyone has it, instead of living in misery like before, and Itachi. I think we should leave it like this for the time being, I'm afraid that the Byakuya clan leader will misunderstand."

Quan said apologetically, then turned and left.

Now she is in charge of the financial issues of the Uchiha clan, which is a relatively sensitive position. Coupled with Itachi's current situation, she is also afraid that Byakuya will misunderstand her and leak the information.

For this, she could only say sorry, at least now she believed that everything Bai Ye did was more worthy of trust than everything Itachi did.

Looking at Quan's back, Itachi opened his mouth to say something, but in the end he swallowed all the words.

It seems like another once-close friend has left me.

Itachi didn't know how he got back home, but after returning home and seeing Sasuke, the haze in his heart dissipated a lot at this moment. At least with Sasuke, that was enough.

Others don't understand themselves, so it should be okay to believe in him!

"Sasuke, did you finish your exam today?"

Itachi asked gently, as if he hadn't spoken to Sasuke for a long time, and it seemed that he had indeed ignored him for too long.

"Hmm, Onii-chan, I'm a genin now!"

After saying that, Sasuke spread his hands and placed them in front of Itachi, with a trace of expectation in his eyes, and asked, "Have you prepared a gift for me, Onii-chan?"

After coming back today, Bai Ye and his parents prepared gifts for him. He also hoped in his heart that his brother would give him a gift. After all, Itachi came back so early today, so he should have prepared a gift, right? !

"Sorry Sasuke forgot today, can I give it to you tomorrow?"

Itachi's face was startled. He really hadn't prepared a gift. There were too many things going on recently, and he was approached by the masked man and Danzo on the way back today, which made him forget about this matter.

Thinking about it now, he felt a little regretful, but he thought it would be okay to make another one tomorrow, right?

After hearing Itachi's answer, Sasuke couldn't hide his disappointment.

"Is Onii-chan in the busy clan lately? But I heard that Hokage-sama has a lot of opinions on us recently. Why does Onii-chan continue to stay in ANBU? Why doesn't Onii-chan join our Uchiha Guard? Where’s the team?”

Sasuke asked curiously. He had actually heard too much about the gossip within the clan recently.

I also asked Byakuya, and he knew that it turned out that the relationship between Uchiha and the village was not very good now.

"Sasuke, who told you this?"

Itachi's heart sank, and his tone became much fiercer. Realizing that his tone seemed to scare Sasuke, Itachi quickly said warmly: "Sasuke, I will handle this matter, you don't have to worry about it."

Is it a white night?

It seems like there are only white nights.

I regret a little. Why didn't I stop Byakuya from accepting Sasuke as his disciple? If it hadn't happened, Sasuke wouldn't have asked such a thing, right?

"Onii-chan, actually the clan leader told me that since the winner is justice, we should protect the glory of the Uchiha clan."

Speaking of Sasuke, he can definitely be regarded as a staunch Uchiha Honor Party.

So this is why Byakuya's thoughts let Sasuke accept it so easily.

"Sasuke, you don't have to worry about this kind of thing. I'll give you a gift. Onii-chan is a little tired today, so he's going to rest first."

Uchiha Itachi touched Sasuke's hair, raised his head, and a flash of pain flashed across his face. Then the three magatama in his pupils began to spin crazily, and then a kaleidoscope appeared in Itachi's pupils.

Shisui turned his back on the path they had taken, and his parents didn't understand. Izumi also believed that Byakuya was a more correct path than his own, and even Sasuke was talking about the clan now.

He found that no one seemed to understand him now.

In this case, we can only completely eliminate this clan.

He wants to keep Sasuke. Sasuke is still young and may not know it clearly. When he grows up, he will definitely understand his good intentions!

And he

Now I have the ability to change all this.


He didn't expect it to be turned on at this time. If possible, Itachi hoped that he would never turn it on in his life. Now he just felt like he had been betrayed by the whole world.

"Bai Ye, do you really want to take action?"

"Elder Setsuna, did you always get high with your mouth before?"

In the conference room.

The elders of the three factions: Uchiha Jin, Uchiha Setsuna, and Uchiha Iron, plus the abdicated former clan leaders Uchiha Fugaku and Uchiha Shisui.

Bai Ye gathered the five people together to discuss the plan.

"I just feel like this might be too rushed?"

A trace of embarrassment flashed across Uchiha's face for a moment. In fact, he had been mostly oral before. Although he kept talking about rebellion, he didn't take many substantive actions.

Now that he heard what Bai Ye said, he was actually a little moved, but didn't this require a plan?

"We won't be too hasty. We have three pairs of kaleidoscopes. Win as you please."

"Huh?! When did we have three pairs of kaleidoscopes?"

no! ?

What the hell are you talking about?

Uchiha Jin was numb.

How come he didn't know they had three pairs of kaleidoscopes?

However, when the three of them saw that the three opposites had turned on their kaleidoscopes at the same time, and they seemed to see more complex patterns in Bai Ye's eyes, and the pupils were even stronger, the three elders were still a little dizzy.

"What the hell!? You all have kaleidoscopes!?"

"Are you still human? Are you still hiding this from us??"

"I take back what I said before, we are conservatives, but our conservatives think that radicals are too conservative and should be more radical!!!"

You guys have a kaleidoscope, and you also have three pairs of kaleidoscopes. Just tell me!

They have never fought such a rich battle!

I should have told you that we were divided into radicals, conservatives, and centrists back then!

They are the Uchiha faction!

"Actually, we centrists have always been on Uchiha's side!"

"What the hell are you talking about! Just fight! Don't prepare!"

Uchiha's old face turned red with excitement. He now wished he could just carry Sarutobi Hiruzen's head to the streets of Konoha!

Who the hell told me that the Uchiha clan has three pairs of kaleidoscopes!

"Then let me say something first. I have reached a cooperation with Hinata. In probably the next two days, I will take action against Sarutobi Hiruzen, Shimura Danzo, Koharu Koharu, and Mito Kadoen.

Then after this time, they will support me to become Hokage, but the interests of the other four families need to be distributed to the Hyuga clan as their benefits in helping us to block the other families, and they will also stand firmly on our side, but if they want to choose the Hokage next time, they need to support them.

In addition, when it comes to fighting, you should give priority to protecting ordinary people in the clan. You don't need to intervene in the battle. This time we are not going to fight Konoha in an all-out war, but fighting those four people and their followers. "

Bai Ye had no so-called plan from the beginning.

Because the strength has been completely crushed, at least the Eternal Mangekyō may not even be his opponent at this time, right?

"Okay, then what's there to be afraid of, just fight!"

"When will you start?"

"I think it can be tonight, I apply for a duel with Shimura Danzo! ”

I have been annoyed with Shimura Danzo for a long time.

Besides, even the Hyuga clan has been persuaded by Bai Ye, so what are we waiting for?

“Not today, protect the people in the clan first, and don’t leak this news. When we are ready, we will do it. I will not only get rid of them, but also tell them all the things they have done. I want to become Hokage, but I don’t want to be a Hokage with an illegitimate origin!”

Although he can become Hokage by relying on his own force, Bai Ye doesn’t want his process of becoming Hokage to be criticized.

Rebel and use powerful force to make everyone surrender.

So, what he actually wants to do is to make Sarutobi Hiruzen lose his reputation.

As long as their reputation plummets, then everything he does is just. In the eyes of others, he just overthrew a foolish Kage.

“That’s right, it’s the cheapest thing for them to let them die so easily!”

“Then let’s do as you say, Bai Ye, let’s make arrangements!! "

Listening to Bai Ye's words, several elders also thought he was right.

They had to ensure that the Uchiha clan would not die too many people because of this rebellion.

That's why Bai Ye asked them to prepare first.

Speaking of which, it seems that they are not rebelling, but the army of justice!

"I always feel like we are doing something extraordinary."

Fugaku sighed. He would not dare to think about this a few months ago.

Uchiha can actually become Hokage, so this time it should be successful, right?!

Inside the clan.

As the arrangements were made, many things were completed in an orderly manner.

And Itachi finally reached an agreement with Danzo and Obito to eliminate Uchiha in exchange for his brother's life.

The murderous atmosphere of Konoha seemed to be felt even by the civilians.

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