Simultaneous time travel: Starting from the inherently evil Uchiha

Chapter 74 Third generation, Danzo's reputation is completely ruined, I will give you a decent

Chapter 74 - Third generation, Danzo's reputation is completely ruined, give you a decent death!

After Bai Ye said these things, Sarutobi Hiruzen realized that it was going to be bad.

Sarutobi Hiruzen had no way to explain these two things, because if you say it has nothing to do with you, who would believe it?

The death of Kakashi's father was fueled by Danzo in the village at that time. He actually felt a little threatened. He originally wanted to strike at the prestige of White Fang and make White Fang's reputation in the village have some shortcomings, so that there would be no need to worry about White Fang's competition for Hokage.

But he didn't expect that this would be messed up directly.

White Fang committed suicide directly, which instantly made Konoha lose a strong fighting force, otherwise it would not be so passive during the Third Ninja World War.

As for Naruto, he did agree, but he also didn't do it.

Seeing Sarutobi Hiruzen kept silent, Kakashi and Naruto's hearts became heavier and heavier.

Maybe it's really the same as Bai Ye said?

"Since Lord Hokage doesn't want to talk about it, let me tell you. Is it the same as the rumors in our Uchiha village now that your father was rumored and Naruto is a demon fox? They are all from our Lord Danzo. But Lord Hokage, if you dare to say that you don't know anything, then I really have to look up to you for your shamelessness!"

Such means are exactly the same, and it has always been like this.

"Why is this happening? Grandpa Sanda, please explain it quickly!!"

Naruto's face flashed with an inexplicable collapse. Even Sasuke, who was standing by, reacted at this moment, and looked at the Sanda and Naruto with some surprise.

I didn't expect that the Sanda, who usually looks so kind, would do such a thing.

And the demon fox in the village, the last in the ninja school, is actually the son of the Fourth Hokage Minato Namikaze?

"I'm sorry Naruto, I did hide the fact that you are the child of the Fourth Hokage, but this is to protect your safety. Your father has offended too many people in the past. Once the ninjas from other villages know that you are his child, you will definitely be in danger!"

With so many people here, Sarutobi Hiruzen naturally has no way to explain too much, and can only tell Naruto the truth of the matter honestly.

But later, Sarutobi Hiruzen still added a sentence.

"What a joke? Everyone knows that the Nine-Tails needs the Uzumaki clan to seal it, and the Uzumaki clan has been exterminated long ago. There are only two Uzumaki clan members in Konoha, one is Uzumaki Kushina, and the other is her child. She is the wife of the Fourth Hokage. Don't other people know about this? At the beginning, Kumogakure came to the village to kidnap Uzumaki Kushina. You don't want to say that other ninja villages don't know this information?"

Bai Ye now even seriously suspects that Konoha has a shadow in Uzumaki Kushina's affairs.

After all, as the Nine-Tails Jinchuriki, he was rejected by the people of Konoha when he first came here. If it were according to the personalities of Sarutobi Hiruzen and Danzo, they might have wanted to create a bond.

Just like the incident with Tsunade, it might have been arranged by both parties.

In Bai Ye's opinion, many things are simply unacceptable if you don't explain them with conspiracy theories.

After listening to Bai Ye's words, Sarutobi Hiruzen's face immediately changed.

Because he was really prepared to explain it this way before, but how could Bai Ye even know about this? !

The bond between Minato and Uzumaki Kushina is actually known to very few people in Konoha!

"Aren't you just afraid that you won't be able to control Naruto in the future? Haven't you noticed? After you came to power, you have already started to treat Konoha as your own property. You need to control everything. You need to control the unpredictable Naruto. You are afraid that the Uchiha clan is too strong and you can't control it, so you want to destroy it."

"At the beginning, in order to crack down on the Hyuga clan, you directly asked the Hyuga clan to hand over Hyuga Hiashi, and finally Hyuga Hizashi took over. Third generation, look at Konoha when you were in power. It has been compromising, and it has always been submissive to the outside world, but you are hitting hard at home."

"And your will of fire is what makes me sick the most. The first generation of Hokage fought with Uchiha Madara in the Valley of the End for the village, and the second generation of Hokage chose to sacrifice himself for the next generation of Konoha. Protect you. If the second generation wants to leave at that time, his Flying Thunder God will definitely be able to leave, but you will definitely die here!

What about you?

In the Second Ninja World War, you commanded in the rear, and the front line relied on Konoha White Fang, the three ninjas, and other families such as Uchiha and Hyuga.

In the Third Ninja World War, you still commanded in the rear, and the front line still relied on us, with at most one more Namikaze Minato, and what about you? Let the children go to the battlefield and let them graduate early. What is the will of fire? It is to sacrifice yourself to protect others, and how did you do it? You sacrificed others to protect yourself! "

Bai Ye said coldly, and any word made Sarutobi Hiruzen sweat.

After Bai Ye brought these practices to the table one by one.

Even the Hokage's ally Ino Shikacho and the Anbu who obeyed the Hokage's orders were now somewhat doubtful about what their purpose was in following Sarutobi Hiruzen.

I didn't think so much before, but just thought that Sarutobi Hiruzen did manage the village in an orderly manner.

But after Bai Ye said this, they realized that under this peaceful Konoha, there was such a dirty side!

"During the Second Ninja World War, the people in the village were in turmoil, and I needed to calm them down. In the Third Ninja World War, we were the ones who were attacked. In order to avoid other ninjas attacking the village, I chose to stay in the village, and this was also to protect the villagers!

In addition, I am sorry about the matter of Hiashi. At that time, Konoha could not afford a war. If we went to war, Konoha would lose more. I could only compromise. As for controlling Naruto, that was even more impossible. I didn't think about destroying the Uchiha clan. I always wanted to solve the problem peacefully!"

Sarutobi Hiruzen directly cleared up all these problems. Although his excuses were a bit pale, for now he also thought that he at least needed to explain himself.

Listening to his excuses, Bai Ye's mouth flashed a smile. If he didn't make an excuse, Bai Ye would feel a little boring.

"Third generation, don't you think it's ridiculous? Everyone knows what Naruto's life is like. You said there was no abuse. Did you give Naruto money every once in a while? Can he buy things with money? All expired milk and instant noodles. Look at Naruto's height. He is the shortest in the village. He is a member of the Uzumaki clan!"

"Also, how did you force White Fang to death? Why were the internal organs of Senju Nawaki hollowed out after his death? Don't tell me that Tsunade agreed to you doing this. And why did Konoha remain indifferent when the Uzumaki clan, which was an ally of Konoha, was destroyed?"

"In addition, Danzo did so many things, why did you still allow him to continue to be the assistant of the Hokage? Even Orochimaru, you let him go? Why are you so double-standard in treating them and us? Why did the three ninjas leave? Don't you have any idea in your mind? ? "

"And your Uchiha clan extermination plan, isn't it to find that Uchiha Itachi the traitor to be the insider? I deliberately revealed this rebellion to him today. As I guessed, he will tell you the news. At first, he wanted to use Itachi to destroy the Uchiha clan, and then let Itachi defect, so that you don't need to bear any infamy and can destroy the Uchiha, right? "

"And your four families, the Sarutobi and Shimura families were originally considered medium-sized families, as for the Mitomon and Tateshina, they are not even small families, but look at your four families now, they have become so fat, and you have used your power for personal gain over the years, right? Didn't you swallow up our Uchiha clan's land at the beginning? "

"And your useless son Sarutobi Hiruzen, didn't he leave the village without saying goodbye and was a traitor? It's simply despicable!"

Bai Ye listed all the sins of Sarutobi Hiruzen one by one.

He knew very well how many disgusting things these people had done with the power in their hands.

Listening to Bai Ye's list, many people shuddered.

"My father did die because of rumors. At that time, that teammate gave up the mission. I remember that teammate didn't say anything at that time, but later he suddenly spread the word that the mission failed because of my father. It was all my father's fault."

Kakashi lowered his head and murmured. He actually looked for that person at the beginning.

But he didn't ask anything, and not long after, that person died in the mission.

He didn't understand. At the beginning, that teammate was grateful to his father, but after a while, he suddenly turned against him.

Now think about it, maybe it's the same as Bai Ye said. At the beginning, his father's death was also planned by Danzo, and Sarutobi Hiruzen didn't stop it. And all these years, he has been working for the enemy who killed his father.

For a while, Kakashi couldn't help but feel a little complicated.

"There is a question about the rope tree. In fact, there seems to be such a saying."

Shikaku whispered, and he actually heard about this at the beginning.

And actually everyone was quite confused at that time. The internal organs of a corpse were all emptied. What on earth was he trying to do?

"We Hyuga have never forgotten about Hizashi. In fact, we always asked for a war, but the third generation always avoided this topic, saying that Konoha's strength was not enough. But at that time, it was not just us, Uchiha was also willing to go to war. No one wanted to compromise. When we were deadlocked, Hizashi chose to commit suicide and hand himself over. In fact, I didn't understand it at the beginning. We were all attacked by the opponent. Why should we tolerate it? Konoha didn't have much strength, and didn't Kumogakure suffer a lot of losses in the Third Ninja World War?"

At that time, many people actually preferred to go to war. Although Uchiha and Hyuga didn't get along, they were not cowards.

Who would be willing to tolerate it when someone was riding on their heads and shitting on them?

In order to avoid embarrassing Hiashi, Hizashi also chose to commit suicide.

"Regarding the matter of Orochimaru, I watched him leave with my own eyes."

"Asuma, I remember, seemed to have a conflict with the Hokage, and then he left in a rage, right? But those who leave the village without saying anything and violate the rules will basically be labeled as traitors."

Even Tsunade and Jiraiya said they were leaving before they left. Even if Sarutobi Hiruzen disagreed, they said they were leaving.

But Asuma was much more powerful than them, and he ran away overnight. If he had to change to another ninja village, or if his father was not Hokage, he had already rebelled against the ninja. How could he still protect the twelve ninjas at this time?

"The Whirlpool Clan could actually go over and rescue them at that time. Their message for help came very early, and they have been insisting on it. If we go over there, although the other party will still suffer heavy losses, we will definitely be able to save a lot!"

"Indeed, these families are now much better off than our family. We worked desperately on the battlefield, but they only had to be responsible for logistics and rarely sent their own elites. Although they did not deal with Uchiha, Uchiha Bo indeed sent many elite ninjas to the battlefield!"

"I think we should leave it to the children. Many people in our clan died because of the war. They were only about ten years old at that time. Too many children died during that period. They were not suitable to go to the battlefield at that period. of!"

"Isn't it too cruel to let the members of their clan do it themselves and then exterminate the clan?"

As they began to confirm these things one by one, everyone discovered a very surprising thing. It turned out that Bai Ye had not made it up.

Moreover, these things are simply not something that humans can do.

Although they didn't deal with Uchiha, they never thought about annihilating Uchiha!

"Haha, it's not you Uchiha who are born evil. Without you Uchiha, Konoha wouldn't be like this at all. It was Uchiha Madara who came back to kill the first generation, otherwise Konoha wouldn't be like this now! !”

Danzo said sternly, if it weren't for their Uchiha, how could this happen?

After saying this, a glimmer of hope flashed in Sarutobi Hiruzen's heart.

He couldn't find any reason to refute what he just said.

But he didn't want to give up just like that.

Even if he, Sarutobi Hiruzen, has problems, are you Uchiha really not at all wrong?

"Speaking of this, you really need to think carefully about what your teacher, the Second Hokage, did. If I remember correctly, the first Hokage was Senju Hashirama. Originally, Senju Hashirama was planning to turn Naruto into a master. The position is given to Uchiha Madara.

It's just that most people in the village think Hashirama is better, and Madara thinks so too, so Hashirama became the first Hokage, and then Hashirama and Madara had said that they wanted him to become the second generation.

In the second generation, Senju Tobirama suddenly said that the village's Kage needs to be chosen by everyone, not designated, so Madara lost the election.

The results of it? "

At this point, Byakuya suddenly laughed wildly, then calmed down, looked at Sarutobi Hiruzen and said: "Are you chosen by everyone or Senju Tobirama? He is as hypocritical as you, Madara is going to become When he was Hokage, he chose to vote, and when you wanted to become Hokage, he chose to appoint. You learned your double standards from him, right?"

The second generation Hokage was actually quite hypocritical. He didn't want Madara to become Hokage, so he held a vote and then directly appointed himself if he wanted Hiruzen Sarutobi to be Hokage.

"That's right! When you Sarutobi Hiruzen became Hokage, didn't we help you get there?"

"Indeed, if it hadn't been for us back then, you wouldn't have been recognized by Konoha at all!"

When Bai Ye said this, others also agreed very much.

If it hadn't been for them, it would have been impossible for Hiruzen Sarutobi to rise to power. Now that I think about it, it seems understandable that Madara did this.

What does it matter if all the words that have been said have not been fulfilled? !

"Everyone, today is the grudge between us Uchiha and the four of them. Come on Sarutobi Hiruzen, don't think about living, let me give you a decent death!"

PS: Do you want to add all the rules?

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