Simultaneous Travel: Becoming a Legend in the Heavens

Chapter 103 Some things are meaningful only in front of the victim

"So, in order to save you, this young man ate Liangmian Sunuo's finger, and after the crisis was resolved, he won the competition with Sunuo's will and found himself... that's what it means."

Gojo Satoru thought for a moment, then spread his hands to Fushiguro Megumi, "This sounds as outrageous as Naruto's victory over Kyuubi during the ninja school. Why don't you go tell the people above yourself and see if they believe it? "

It is just possible to survive the curse on one's finger. It is impossible to win a tug-of-war between the will and the King of Curses.

Although the knotweed Youren is back to normal now, no one knows when Su Nuo will run out. The best way to deal with it is to kill the person on the spot.

If another magician were to handle it, the magic counterattack could be completed directly, but that's probably why Gojo Satoru came here.

"Anyway, please think of a way. I owe him my life."

Fushiguro Megumi held her forehead, her tone a little unnatural.

He really couldn't do it to receive favors from others and then execute them in turn. Anyway, Gojo Goho had more than one or two aliens, so it wouldn't hurt to have one more.

"Well, it's a rare request from a student. It's okay for me to say it, but there is another person present."

Gojo Satoru waggled his fingers and directed his gaze towards Luke.

When Fushiguro Megumi looked over, his eyes flashed with confusion. He had long wanted to ask who this person was.

"This is the first time we meet. I'm the new assistant coach Fujiwara Luke. Just call me assistant coach Luke."

Luke smiled and greeted his students.

"Generally speaking, the surname plus professional title is used."

Fushiguro Megumi looked at this man in rags and didn't bother about such a trivial matter, and politely called him "teacher" in return.

"Hello, Teacher Lu Ke, what are you doing dressed like this?"

Luke's eyes widened with surprise on his face: "What? How do you know that I just fought a super-level curse spirit that can expand its domain and won?"

Fushiguro Hui: "..."

The number of crooked teachers has increased.

However, a special-level curse spirit that can expand its domain? Guys of this level are not kittens or puppies. Once they appear, it means something big has happened.

"Did you let him run away?"

Gojo Satoru's eyes were also attracted, and he looked more serious.

Luke touched his belly with his hand, with a drunken expression on his face, "No, I removed it by stir-frying meat with ginger."

"What does stir-fried meat with ginger mean?" Fushiguro Megumi was a little confused.

"I know this question. The method used by the protagonist Denji in the manga "Chainsaw Man" to deal with the boss Makima."

Gojo Satoru, who is well-informed about anime, raised his right hand to answer, holding his chest out confidently.

"Because Makima can be resurrected indefinitely due to malicious attacks, so Denci made people into ginger-fried meat and ate them out of love. By the way, you are a bit hungry after eating all the cursed spirits."

"As expected of Kakashi, he knows a lot!"

Lu Ke gave him a thumbs up. As expected, the fun of making jokes is only when someone who understands the jokes is present.

"It's Go-jou-Satoru!"

"I understand, Kun Wu."

"What the hell is Kun Wu? Although I don't understand, I still feel that I am being provoked. You are a person. If you are not a friendly force, I will use my ultimate move to hit you."


The person who weakly interrupted the conversation between the two was Hishito the Japanese knotweed who had been left alone for a long time.

"Honestly, I'm a little cold right now and I want to put on some clothes. Besides, Fushiguro Megumi looks like this. Don't you need to deal with it? It's better to go to the hospital as soon as possible."

He still doesn't quite understand his situation and makes suggestions.

"Ah, I'm sorry, I forgot about business all of a sudden, so what is your decision, Luke?"

Gojo Satoru clasped his hands together in a sign of supplication, "After all, it's a request from a lovely student. You won't refuse to agree, right?"

"I'm the kind of person who doesn't know how to do homework during the winter and summer vacations, so I always expect that the teacher won't collect the homework and check it."

Luke turned around and said, "Hui, summon your jade dog."

Not knowing why, Megumi Fushiguro obediently summoned two dogs, one black and one white. The next second, she saw the two dogs being held in the arms of the new teacher with a look of intoxication.

"The fur is smooth and shiny, and as a shikigami, there's no dirt on it. It's really the best."

Luke buried his head in the dog's fur and rubbed it, and his hands began to rub uncontrollably. The only way he could relieve stress while working was to pet the dog. The cat was too delicate and couldn't help it, so he didn't like it very much.

The two dogs, who had always been summoned to fight and could only tolerate pain, had never experienced such a battle. They could not resist the feeling of their fur being caressed by gentle hands, and they whimpered.

They looked at their master Fushiguro Megumi for help, and the begging boy turned his head guiltily. In order to save his savior's life, he could only let the shikigami betray his lust.

Soon the dogs were paralyzed by the skillful grooming techniques, and fell limply to the ground, lying on their backs with their bellies exposed, sticking out their tongues and acting coquettishly. There was no place for their masters in their eyes.

"Then I'll take care of this matter."

After glancing at Luke who was addicted to playing with the dog, Gojo Satoru moved his body and spoke to Japanese knotweed Hishito.

"You can control your body now."

It is necessary to determine the stability of the container of knotweed and the strength of the King of Curses, so that he can determine various ways to deal with Hisahito.

"It should problem."

Hisuhito replied that although this special spell sounds powerful, he can indeed act according to his own consciousness.

"For ten seconds, give your body to Su Nuo, and then change it back after ten seconds."

Looking at the hesitant Japanese knotweed, Gojo Satoru smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, I'm the strongest."

Probably infected by the confidence contained in this sentence, Knotweed settled down and closed his eyes, relaxing the control of his body. After a few seconds, the black lines and the strong curse breath appeared again.

The invisible sharp slash struck at Gojo Satoru, and after hitting the target, it directly cut off a corner of another teaching building not far away. The heavy building crashed to the ground, kicking up dust flying in the sky.

Su Nuo's technique is [Slash], which is the ordinary [Resolution] and [Eight] adjusted according to the magic power. The latter can kill with one slash, but unless the field of use is expanded, the target must be touched at the physical level. release.

There is a huge gap between the upper and lower limits of this technique. Whether it can be cut off is obviously determined by the user's ability. It is simple and full of violence.

Su Nuo showed a ferocious smile and rushed towards Gojo Satoru, without the slightest intention to communicate. Although the power of the curse was only one-twentieth of its heyday, its strength had exceeded that of a first-level curse spirit. Combined with Su Nuo's powerful fighting consciousness and skills , he is not weak among special-level spell spirits.

The huge movement disturbed several people on the side. Fushiguro Megumi retreated violently and wanted to call the shikigami over to protect him. Then he saw the enjoying dogs suddenly woke up and protected Lu Ke with bared teeth.

"Yo Xi Yo Xi, what a good dog."

Luke rubbed Jade Dog's head and felt his heart soften.

Fushiguro Hui: "..."

Seeing this scene, he felt inexplicably uncomfortable.

The attacked Gojo Satoru walked leisurely to avoid Su Nuo's fists and kicks. Su Nuo with one finger was not even powerful enough to expand the spell in the domain, and was like a toy to him.

"Really, magicians are so annoying no matter what era they are in."

Su Nuo, who was calmer, began to fight around Gojo Satoru, trying to find his flaws, but the six eyes were able to observe all directions without blind spots. He rushed forward and attacked from behind, but in turn, Gojo Satoru grabbed his arm and hit him. toward the ground.

Su Nuo, who was vomiting blood, raised the corners of his mouth, condensing it to the extreme, and struck Gojo Satoru with a slash that would kill an ordinary magician.


The smile froze as soon as it bloomed. Gojo Satoru reacted instantly, but instead of avoiding it, he stretched out his fingers and moved closer to slash like a caress.

Something strange happened, the slashing became slower and slower as if it was stuck in a quagmire. It was clearly within reach but it seemed like the other side could never be reached.

This is Gojo Satoru's [No Lower Limit], which brings the convergent infinite series in the magical Achilles "Paradox" to reality, and can interfere with atomic-level matter and dominate space.

"This distance can be infinitely reduced."

Unlimited techniques can realize this concept in a certain space of reality, so the slash that attacks Gojo Satoru becomes the pursuer of Zeno Oogway, and can never catch up with him.

This technique requires extremely careful manipulation of magic power, so only six-eyed holders can use it. Others cannot use it even if they inherit the technique.


The previous slash continued to be sluggish, but the latter one resumed its original speed. The two collided, and the force spreading outward was wrapped in the curse, crushed and disappeared.

"Well, is this probably the case?"

Gojo Satoru held his chin, acting nonchalantly.

Su Nuo looked at Gojo Satoru coldly, feeling the pressure, but before he could think of how to break this move, his brain felt dizzy again.

"Damn it, I'm going to be suppressed again. What's going on with this kid?"

The King of Curses glared at Gojo Satoru unwillingly and lost consciousness.

The eyes and mouth on the cheeks were closed, and the black lines retracted into the body. The tiger stick's body swayed for a moment, and he stood upright again just as he was about to fall to the ground. His expression changed from fierce to stunned.

"Oh, I really changed back."

Seeing this situation, Gojo Satoru stepped forward and gently tapped the knotweed between his eyebrows. The spell's power acted on his brain and made him faint.

"Teacher Gojo!"

Fushiguro Megumi was a little excited.

"Don't worry, I'm just letting him sleep for a while. If he can still maintain self-awareness when he wakes up, then there will be no problem."

Gojo Satoru sighed and decided to help the students bear this trouble. The so-called debt is too heavy to bear. Anyway, he did not go against the wishes of the higher-ups once or twice.

Things turned out well, and Fushiguro Megumi finally breathed a sigh of relief. He walked up to Luke, who was still petting the dog, with a straight face.

"Teacher Lu Ke, I want to take back the shikigami."

"Make a price, I want these two dogs."

Luke's face was full of reluctance, and he grabbed the shikigami and refused to let go. The two dogs also grabbed him and licked the backs of his hands to show their support. Here, they gained happiness that they could not experience with Fushiguro Megumi.

"The Jade Dog is a shikigami in [Ten Shadow Spells]. It can't be given out at all, okay!"

And he himself is not willing to give it.

"You don't have to take Xiaobai and Xiaohei back, just keep maintaining the technique and treat it as training."

Why do you give my shikigami such an ugly name?

Maintaining the technique all the time, is this human language?

Fushiguro Megumi shook his head with a dark face, "Forgive me for refusing."

"Then I'm going to report it."

Lu Ke changed his face in an instant, switching from an ordinary office worker who lives in peace with the world to a gangster Yangko star.

Gojo Satoru leaned his head and asked curiously, "What do you want to report?"

"Fushiguro Hui and Su Nuo container have an affair, which has defiled the world of cursing. The crime must not be punished!"

The monthly ticket list is finally back to normal.

Although it has nothing to do with a rubbish like me who has just started writing books, as an old reader, I still hope that the gold content on the list will be more normal.

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