As Su Nuo blurted out "Qi Kuo", the minds of Hisato Hisato, Fushiguro Megumi and Kugizaki Wild Rose instantly exploded, and a memory suddenly surfaced.

That was the memory of when the three of them went to the Children's Palace to exorcise special curse spirits a long time ago.

In their original memory, they encountered a first-level curse spirit. Although their efforts were wasted, there were no twists and turns, but now another memory has surfaced.

Kensuo shook Su Nuo's fingers in his hand and showed a gentle smile.

"Long time no see, Su Nuo."

The mouth on Huzhang's cheek opened slightly, "It's been almost a thousand years, Kensuo."

"I can come and talk to you while Clepsydra is messing around in the high school, so it's better to hurry up." Kensuo's voice was gentle, but he spoke very quickly.

"The body you chose for me is weird. I can't suppress the will of his container."

Su Nuo rolled his eyes, looking very cold, "What are you planning?"

"This is not what I expected. I specially found the reincarnation of your brother's child in Polygonum Weed, just to be able to match your strength to the maximum extent. His body is extremely compatible with your soul. I am doing it all for your own good. ”

The authenticity of Kensuo's gentle answer can be ignored.

Su Nuo understood that Ken Suo was deliberately guarding him, and Ken Suo also knew that Su Nuo's questioning was just to increase the bargaining chip. The two old guys knew each other well.

"I don't want such a mediocre person without any skills. The body of the guy next to me is barely worthy of mine."

Su Nuo looked at Fushiguro Hui with possessiveness in his eyes.

"Tokage? This is a high-end product that can rival the lowest limit. I can give it to you as compensation, but now I don't have the conditions to prepare a 'bath' ritual for you. Fushiguro Megumi's soul is also very stable, so you need to wait for the opportunity."

Kensuo nodded in agreement, and the two of them treated the three of them like fish to be slaughtered and commented casually.

Tiger stick and Kugisaki wanted to take action but were stopped by Megumi Fushiguro, who warned his companions with cold sweat on his face.

"This person is the defected super magician Xia Youjie. We have no chance of winning."

The word "super" silenced the two of them, and the three of them could only look at Xia Youjie warily and make preparations to escape.

"Before that, I will set up a restraint for you so that you will not have too much self-awareness and control in the future. In return, you can accumulate strength and gain a certain amount of initiative. Then you can act according to the situation. ”


Su Nuo agreed concisely and concisely, the restraint was established, and the eyes and mouth on Huzhang's face fell into silence at the same time.

Only then did Kensuo turn his attention to the three of them and spoke with a smile.

"Three of you, as a hostile party, I can definitely kill you, but I can give you a chance to live and establish an oath with me."

"When you hear Su Nuo say 'Qi Kuo', the tiger stick will switch its body to Su Nuo for a minute, and Fushiguro Hui will attack the partner closest to you, ah... Of course, except for the tiger stick, it is Su Nuo after all. container."

"As for you..." Kensuo glanced at Kugizaki Wild Rose, who seemed to have been accidentally involved in the storm, "As long as you don't resist."

"How about it? Do you agree?"

"I won't agree!" Knotweed resolutely resisted, but the next moment a curse spirit appeared. Kugizaki's arm was torn apart by the curse spirit in an instant, and blood spurted out and spread on the ground.

Kugisaki looked pale and gritted his teeth without complaining of pain, but just made a "squeak" sound.

Megumi Fushiguro shook his head at the knotweed with a solemn expression, "We have no choice."

"I believe Mr. Gojo and Mr. Lu Ke, they will be able to turn the situation around."

Gojo Satoru's figure shuttled through the crowd at high speed, and the number of deformed cyborgs dropped rapidly. He did not stop panting until the target was cleared.


After receiving the notice and arriving here, he was trapped by a solid "tent". The other party probably established quite harsh conditions, and the interference of the aberrant people delayed him for a while.

After taking a few breaths, he rushed towards the tent non-stop, intending to break through with force.

After this incident, he has determined that there must be a mole in the top management. This is to divert the tiger away from the mountain. It is estimated that Lu Ke is in the same situation. The only reason why Curse Spirit Fang went through so much trouble is to get Liang Miansu Nuo out of trouble.

The black curtain disintegrated under the impact of the curse, running at an unlimited high speed. Gojo Satoru rushed out non-stop, and immediately saw a scene that shocked him.

"Man Elephant!"

Fushiguro Megumi cast the Ten Shadows Curse with dull eyes. The huge elephant-shaped shikigami descended from the sky and was about to press on Kugizaki Wild Rose. The opponent did not dodge but stopped protecting the curse.

A dark and ominous spell appeared on the body of Knotweed Yourito, and his cruel eyes were filled with joy. He was holding a cloth bag in his hand, and he was quickly swallowing the fingers tied to it.

There was no time to hesitate, he immediately stepped forward to stop Manxiang's attack.


A soft call made his body freeze in the air. Even if he was warned, hearing his best friend's voice again stirred up turmoil in his heart.

It was at this moment of stagnation that Manshou pressed Kugisaki's body down, causing a strong gust of wind and dust.


When Fushiguro Megumi woke up, his eyes were splitting, and he let out a scream. Killing his teammates with his own hands made him fall into a desperate situation, and his soul suffered huge turmoil.

That's it now!

Su Nuo, who was possessed by the tiger stick, ate the last finger, and then rushed towards Fushiguro Megumi. He wanted to take advantage of Fushiguro Megumi's mental shock to transfer to him and obtain the Ten Shadows Technique!

"I won't let you succeed."

Gojo Satoru, whose face was filled with murderous intent, raised his hand and used Ao at full power. Because of a moment of negligence, the student died. At this moment, in addition to blaming himself, he was filled with infinite anger towards the enemy.

The huge attraction centers on him and pulls all enemies towards his position, whether they are Zhenren, Huayu, Li Mei or Su Nuo.

"The realm unfolds - the womb is hidden everywhere!"

The same type of non-sealing barrier as Su Nuo came, and on top of the numerous Jingguan that resembled the corpses of babies, Kang Suo, wearing Xia Youjie's skin, showed a wanton smile, and the gravity spell interfered with the suction.

He stopped Gojo Satoru and waved to him gently.

"Satoru, don't be so impatient, just play with me."

"Don't use Jay's body to talk to me." Gojo Satoru's eyes were cold, and the technique reversal and technique reversal were activated at the same time.

The violent energy fluctuations made Kensuo's eyelids twitch. He thought about someone even more outrageous before he bit the bullet and blocked it.

At the same time, the real person riding on Hua Yu's shoulder suddenly spoke.



Hua Yu couldn't realize what the real person meant for a moment. Shouldn't they help Su Nuo defeat Gojo Satoru?

"Run quickly, Hua Yu."

Seeing the Kensuo who had opened the domain and tried his best to delay Gojo Satoru, the real person said with a sullen face, "When the two sides are unsealed, our mission is completed. Don't look back, hide our aura and run away."

"I was born from the evil thoughts of humans towards humans, so I can understand the thoughts of Kensuo and the magic of magic. Haha, Kensuo never thought of treating us as companions, but wanted to eat both of us!"

Huayu is not good at fighting, and he was in a weak state because his clone was destroyed. If he gets involved in a fight, he will die. Even if the battle is won, Kensuo will not let them go, so leaving now is the best choice.

"Don't go back to the Shengde realm that was built with magic power. Kensuo already knows about it. Find a new place."

"I see."

Compared to Kang Suo, who had sent them to death several times and also killed Doliang and Clepsydra, the real person as the leader of the natural disaster was naturally more credible. She wrapped the two of them and sneaked into the ground.

After leaving the battlefield, the two did not return to the surface.

"It should be safe here."

Feeling the breath of the forest, Hua Yu breathed a sigh of relief. This was her ideal environment.

The real person nodded, "Hide your aura, and then use this as your base. I will create a clone to explore the battlefield."

"Wait a minute, Master, someone broke into the forest."

"Are you approaching us or wandering?"

"No, it's teleportation."

Not far away, facing Su Nuo who was rushing towards Fushiguro Megumi again, Nanami Kento took a deep breath and stopped between the two without thinking about it.

Ryoken Sunuo is the King of Curses, and he is just a first-level conjurer. He cannot stop Sunuo, and he cannot protect Fushiguro Megumi. He understands this.

But Fushiguro Megumi was a student, a fifteen-year-old child, and he was an adult.

Only when people face death can they truly understand themselves.

Malaysia, seaside, house, bookstore, ignore the heavy and busy work, stroll on the beach, read leisurely under the light...

Scenes of scenes flashed through his mind like a lantern, and finally settled on the bakery clerk who smiled and thanked him after he successfully removed the curse.

Although boring, my life is somewhat meaningful.

Nanami Kento waved the machete in his hand resolutely, and the ten-stroke curse marked the three-seven line on the body of the cursed king, and the black curse light emerged from his blade.

Black flash!

Su Nuo sneered. The strength of the Cursed King with nineteen fingers was not comparable to Qihai's. Even if he fired the black flash, it would be of no avail. The hand knife with the slashing technique easily cut the machete cursed tool in half, and then castrated it. The loss will cross Nanami's body.

In the pupils, the sharp knife kept enlarging.

Nanami Kento's eyesight dimmed and brightened, and he suddenly felt the touch of sand and gravel under his feet. He looked around in astonishment.

The boundless blue seaside, the gorgeous scenery is particularly pleasant, and the sky is as clear as sapphire.

"Is this, heaven?"

Nanami Kento's poker face collapsed, and he breathed out tiredly, feeling comfortable from the inside out.

"Finally free?"

Finally free from the heavy life...

But what should Fushiguro Megumi do? The opponent is Su Nuo on both sides. Can Gojo Satoru alone deal with Su Nuo and so many powerful enemies? Why hasn't Luke received reinforcements yet? Is it the vegetative spirit that blocks the aura?

Shaking his head, Nanami Kento suppressed these worries in his heart.

"They're already dead, so let's enjoy it."

He looked around, his body suddenly stiffened, looking at the embarrassed girl, and asked with squirming lips.

"Kugizaki, when were you listening?"

"Well...I've been here since you asked if this is heaven."

Nanami Kento: "...So is this paradise?"

"I don't think so."

Kugisaki pointed somewhere, where there was a palace that was incompatible with the surrounding beautiful natural seascape.

The palace is splendid and magnificently decorated, with a couplet of dragons and phoenixes dancing in front of the gate.

First line: I fished the year before last, I fished last year, I will fish this year too.

Second line: Fish this year, fish next year, and fish again the year after that.

Hengpi: There are fish every year.

Kugisaki/Nanami: ...This style of painting feels very familiar.

Su Nuo paused briefly as he waved the sword in the air.

"Space spell, tsk, is there anyone among modern conjurers who can inherit such a troublesome thing?"

Looking back and forth with his four eyes, Su Nuo soon saw a boy with aqua-blue hair stopping at the edge of the battlefield, watching the battle leisurely.

If you dare to transfer Fushiguro Megumi, kill him first!

He continued to run towards the absent-minded Fushiguro Megumi. It would be more difficult to suppress the soul after the other party calmed down. He needed to take the initiative.

But the moment the two were about to come into contact, a sharp flying kick knocked him away.

Su Nuo narrowed his eyes and stared at the blond woman who appeared, with murderous intent boiling over him.

"Are you the legendary two-faced Su Nuo?" The blonde woman said slowly with a hint of inquiry on her face.

"What type of woman do you like?"

Special level magician——Ninety-nine Yuki.

"A woman like you should taste good."

Su Nuo licked his lips and was about to tear the woman in front of him into pieces. The taste he was referring to obviously meant something else.

At this time, the woman who was blocking him suddenly disappeared, and then appeared next to the boy with aqua-blue hair.

"Hey, hey, hey! I'm rescuing people, brat, what are you causing trouble?"

The boy rolled his eyes, "Shut up, stay quiet and watch the show!"

You're a side character that doesn't matter if you delete it.

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What does it mean to keep one's word? Tactical retreat.jpg

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