Simultaneous Travel: Becoming a Legend in the Heavens

Chapter 131 God of Spells (End of Volume)

Six thousand meters, seven thousand meters, eight thousand meters...

The expansion of the domain did not slow down at all. Even Luke felt a little overwhelmed by the infusion of such a massive amount of mantra. He exhaled and felt that his body seemed to be undergoing a strange transformation.

Every inch of skin is glowing with radiant light, every component is undergoing the tiniest adjustments, the senses are indescribably sharp, and a massive amount of information is pouring in.

This feeling is a bit like being dragged into an infinite space. The only difference is that he can now process massive amounts of information easily. The essence of the curse spirit is still a spirit body. The energy contained is one aspect, and the nourishment of the soul is the other aspect.

Nine thousand meters, ten thousand meters, ten thousand...

The expansion of the domain continued, but the speed of the curse spirits pouring out began to slow down. When the number of curse spirits eaten reached 10 million, Luke was shocked.


The thoughts in his mind were suddenly magnified infinitely, and he felt that his soul had been sublimated, as if he had broken through some kind of bottleneck, and an indescribable feeling of relief swept over him.

The scope of the Wisdom Technique expanded and expanded, directly covering the entire Japan and nearby sea areas, and the radius of the field soared from 11,000 to 100,000 meters in this moment, and then stabilized and stopped changing.

The last few spells were also completely completed at the same time.

Naruto Luke's technique - [Mastery of all kinds]: Ninjutsu, taijutsu, illusion techniques, secret techniques, all kinds of techniques, all-encompassing, all the otherworldly techniques remembered by Luke can be used.

Death Luke's spell - [Death Eternal Life]: It can be transformed into a spirit body. During the spirit body, the spell power consumption is halved, the speed is accelerated, and the spell's damage to the spirit body is doubled.

Faded Luke's technique - [Data Visualization]: During use, both the enemy and ourselves will lose fatal injuries to their bodies. Killing a certain number of enemies will receive a slight increase.

His vision rose rapidly, and with a sudden movement of consciousness, he came to the pure white space again.

Hall of Creation, Between Truth, Crown of God

Or perhaps, the origin of the technique!

"We meet again."

The soft-looking boy with black eyes and long burgundy hair was half-lying on the quaint stone chair as leisurely as last time. He looked at Luke with a smile.

"It came faster than I thought, New God."

"I didn't expect to be here again so soon."

After hearing his name, Luke asked tentatively: "Am I already a god?"

Is it possible that he can chat with other Lukes in Versailles in the future?

Thanks for the invitation, the man is doing a spell and has just become a god!

"Well... you should also know that the definition of gods is different in each world. In some worlds, the gods will grow old, sick and die, in some worlds the gods will die if no one worships them, and in some worlds the gods are omnipotent. "The young man explained gently.

"According to this world, if the quality and quantity of energy in the body reaches the standard, you can be called a demigod. On this basis, the quality is improved again and you master a concept, or become the source of a concept, you can be regarded as a god. ”

"So, I'm a demigod now?" Luke calculated on his fingers.

"The quantity has reached the standard, and the quality has also improved greatly. Although it is still a little bit behind, you are already a quasi-god."

The young man raised his head slightly, smiled lightly at him, and then raised his palm slightly, the white and flawless space lit up, and countless light groups emerged in the air.

"Remember these light groups?"


Luke looked at the light group and said, "Each light group is a technique."

"Last time you didn't have enough permission to read it, but now you can. There are a total of thirteen thousand spells here. Once you master all these spells, you will be the 'God of Spells'."

"Thirteen thousand kinds..."

Lu Ke couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth. He had to learn this in years and years. He only has a dozen techniques in total now!

"Don't worry too much. Techniques are just like other knowledge. If you master one skill and know everything, you will learn it faster and faster."

The young man blinked at him and said, "No gods have been born in this world yet. If you ascend to the throne of God, you will be the only god in this world. Congratulations."

"do not you?"

He remembered that this young man called himself "God of Earth", which sounded more advanced than "God of Spells".

"I am not a god in this world, I am just asked to do my job."

Having said this, the young man stood up from his chair and stretched.

"Well, it's time to leave. If you have time after becoming a god, you can come over and visit me."

After waving to Luke at the end, the boy's figure slowly disappeared.

"Thirteen thousand kinds..."

Lu Ke looked at those light groups with a headache, as if he was seeing a three-year simulation of the five-year college entrance examination.

Anyway, let’s go back first, you can learn the technique anytime!

After returning to his body, Luke felt that the constraints on his body were swept away, and the whole world became particularly friendly. He didn't need to mobilize himself, and the magic power around him would actively cater to him.

After subduing the last few dozen special-grade curse spirits, or special-grade ingredients, with the spirit-binding generals, Lu Ke calmed down his breath and took back the precious light that appeared in his body.

"Woof! Woof!"

Several dogs barked, and the two dogs ran over with Nanami Kento, Kugizaki Wild Rose and Gojo Satoru behind them. They circled around Luke's legs diligently and rubbed their heads against his trouser legs.

Carrying Rimei's ninety-nine Yuki and Japanese knotweed also came over.


"Teacher Lu Ke, my curse hammer is broken."

"Explain to me, what happened to the slap on my face?"

"Stop, stop, stop."

Lu Ke raised his hand and pressed it, "Come one by one, deal with Su Nuo and the others first."

Liang Mian Su Nuo stopped his meaningless resistance, stared at Lu Ke with indifferent divinity in his eyes, and laughed at himself.

"Are you a god?"

At this moment, Luke, who had such an incredible performance, seemed to him to be a god on earth.

"Not yet, we are working on it."

Lu Ke answered sincerely. Thinking about those 13,000 light balls made his head hurt. He couldn't escape the fate of studying as an adult. It was also a headache.

"Why did you make me look like this?" Su Nuo obviously didn't believe what he said and stared at him and asked.

Two-faced and four-handed, ugly and deformed, but powerful.

"What does your genetic mutation have to do with me?"

Lu Ke didn't want to take the blame for no reason. Not to mention that he was not a god. Even if he was a god, he was not the god in charge of fertility. Moreover, Su Nuo was born a thousand years ago, so he shouldn't touch him no matter how hard he touches porcelain.

"Besides, you ate your brother when he was still a fetus, why are you pretending to be pitiful now?"

Su Nuo is a pure born evil with nothing to explain.

Lu Ke, who was too lazy to talk nonsense with him, stepped forward and pulled out Su Nuo's soul neatly.

The reason why he didn't do this before was that Su Nuo's soul was too compatible with the knotweed. The two were stuck together and could not be separated accurately. He could only wait for Su Nuo to take the initiative to transfer his body before taking action. This was the reason why he stopped Jiujiu Youji.

Otherwise, how could he let Su Nuo seize Shefu Heihui? Could it be that he deliberately made it more difficult for Gojo Satoru?

He is not that kind of person!

Following Luke's movements, Fushiguro Megumi's body trembled and spit out nineteen fingers, and her body slowly returned to its original state.

Shi Weitian can handle his fingers, but Lu Ke is still a little resistant to human flesh, and pickled pepper chicken feet is the limit he can accept.

Seeing the Su Nuo spirit body, which was still a little restless in his hands and trying to bite people with its two mouths, Lu Ke took out the prison gate from his arms and threw the person in.

It would be too cheap to kill him directly. Then stuff his soul into a Fiji cup that can fit into both mouths and give it to the homeless man.

It can be made stronger, and with sterilization, drainage and other functions, it can be used as a family heirloom by homeless people.

Children and grandchildren, endless.

"Lord Su Nuo!"

Rume, who was in Ninety-nine Yuki's hands, let out a startling cry.

"It's a little noisy." Luke's eyes moved to Li Mei, and the next moment his head exploded, splattering Yuki Jiuji's blood.

"Hey, hey, how can you treat a beautiful woman like this!"

Jiujiu Yuji quit and complained angrily.

"Shut up, you little bitch who won't be affected even if you delete it."

Lu Ke looked at Kangsuo, who lowered his head and trembled, took out Yigu Youtai's body and placed it on the ground, then pulled away the suture thread, and the squirming brain jumped out, huddled up and waited for trial.

"Quite sensible."

He nodded, "Kakashi, I'll take care of this for you."

Gojo Satoru didn't say anything, his eyes were cold, he raised his foot and stepped on the brain to pieces, then crushed it hard.

"I don't even know when he died."

He looked at Yuta Otoko on the ground, his eyes a little sad, "I am not a competent teacher."

"There's no need to be so pessimistic. It's not like he can't be saved."

"Can he be rescued?" Gojo Satoru stared at Luke in surprise.

Lu Ke rubbed his chin, "Do you still remember the attack on Ming Ming before? The spirit seance ceremony can even bring back Fuhei Shi'er, who has been dead for more than ten years. What can't someone like Yi Gu who just died recently be summoned?"

The same goes for Hoshino Shizuko. Although he is not a friend and it was not his fault, it was because of him that he was involved in this turmoil. Resurrection is still necessary.

They want to have their own filthy earth reincarnation when they return to the war with magic spells!

"The spirit seance ceremony will continue to consume the power of the mantra. If the mana power is used up, people will..." Gojo Satoru stopped mid-sentence.

As for the power of Luke's curse, I'm afraid he won't be able to use it up in a lifetime.

"As for the complete resurrection, I can start preparing for it once I learn about reincarnation. It won't be long."

Luke patted Gojo Satoru on the shoulder and answered confidently.

This sentence was understood by Gojo Satoru as Luke's intention to develop a resurrection technique. Although he did not believe in such outrageous things, if it was Luke, it might be possible.

"Teacher Lu Ke, Shazhi! Shazhi, please save me too!"

Hearing this, Kugisaki hurriedly spoke, fearing that he would be a step too late.

Qihai finally couldn't help but said: "Haiyuan, can Haiyuan be saved?"

"Help, help, it's all done."

Lu Ke's head hurt from the noise, so he simply agreed.

Saving one person is also saving, and saving a group is also saving. In a world that does not limit the boundaries between life and death, resurrection is not that difficult.

After regaining consciousness, Fushiguro Megumi was woken up. After looking at Kugisaki who was intact and intact, and then at Gojo Satoru whose upper and lower bodies were still connected together, he hesitated to speak.

"Teacher Gojo, I dreamed that I summoned a full elephant to crush Kugisaki to death and cut you in half."

"It's not a dream." x2

Kugisaki sneered and rubbed his fists, Gojo Satoru also raised his fingers with a smile, and small greens condensed on his fingertips.

Megumi Fushiguro: (,, #Д)

"Knotweed, save me!"

Yuji didn't move, but smiled happily and dissuaded, "Gojo-sensei, Kugisaki, don't be too angry. You only lost your life, but Hui was possessed by Sukuna!"

Fushiguro Hui looked at Yuji in disbelief. He didn't expect to be stabbed in the back by his buddy.

Amid the noise, Luke pulled Nanami to another place and pointed at the real person who was lying on the ground and couldn't move.

"This is for you to purify."

Nanami Kento pushed his eyes, a little confused, "Don't you want to eat?"

"I ate a plate of vegetable salad, and this human-shaped cursed spirit is not on my menu." Luke waved his hand to urge, and took out his mobile phone to start recording.

"Hurry up, hurry up."

Nanami still didn't understand, but he obediently picked up the knife and hit the real person with ten strokes of the spell accurately.


With the sound of the machete chopping into the body, the real person dissipated in the air.


Luke took a long breath and looked up at the blue sky.

Finally comfortable.

I won't mention the operation of Akutami Geki in the later period.

The anime is pretty good, so it's fine to end here.

Well... it hurts my head to write the Jujutsu chapter, and my grades have been dropping, but no matter what, the story still has to have a beginning and an end.

To be honest, I think the problem with writing fan fiction is that many people haven't read the original work. Except for a few popular manga such as Death, Fire and Sea, there are people who haven't read any anime.

If you haven't read it, you can't understand it, and you won't be interested. Even if you can get into it, you have to keep writing the settings, but if you write the settings in detail, the fans of the original work will think it's too watery, so it's a bit of a headache.

To be honest, it's not necessary to write about Jujutsu.

It's just that I was a fan of anime before, and I think it's still pretty good. Before writing it, I read Jujutsu five times and read the comic commentary three times in order to write it well. I referred to the timeline organized by Tieba, and wasted a lot of time. So although the later part is very bad, I feel it's a loss if I don't write it! ! ! (╥╯﹏╰╥)

Anyway, thanks to all the readers who have read till here. I wrote this article normally, but I am really grateful to the original fans for reading this.

If you have not read the original novel but can read this, I really have to express my love to you! Thank you for your support

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