Simultaneous Travel: Becoming a Legend in the Heavens

Chapter 139: Use magic to defeat magic

"Are you sure you don't want to choose me?"

"Do I have any reason to choose you?"

"I am a transgender vegetarian who supports LGBT, a mixed race of Asian and black, born with a disability, and grew up in a refugee camp in the Middle East!"

The black woman in front of him, with earrings and a nose ring and smoky makeup on her face, looked at Luke with a blurred and ambiguous look, as if she wanted to eat him alive.

"If you dare not let me pass the interview, you will definitely regret it."


What a powerful magic!

The magic in the Kamar-Taj library is nothing compared to the magic of this lady.

Luke took a deep breath and chose to use magic to fight magic.

"And I am a man physically, but a woman psychologically, with gender identity disorder. Secondly, I like to wear men's clothes, so I am also a transvestite. Finally, because I like women, I am a lesbian, and I am exactly the one you need to protect and support."

The woman obviously didn't expect that there would be a magic bombardment, and she stayed there at a loss.

"In addition, I am a member of the Extreme Animal Protection Association. I have adopted two weak, pitiful and helpless stray dogs at home, Xiao Hei!"

The big black dog yawned and came over, biting the trouser leg and dragging the woman out amid her screams.

Luke leaned on the chair and knocked his head.

The recruitment work in the United States is more difficult than he imagined. He thought that the hippies who performed singing, dancing and rap before were the limit, but he didn't expect that there are masters.


The shrunken white jade dog in his arms made a sound to attract the owner's attention. Luke stroked the dog twice, put it on the ground, walked to the front of the glass, and stared at the brilliant building below.

This is an office building near the Stark Building in Manhattan, the center of New York.

Tony acted quickly and helped him choose the location of the clinic in less than a day. He originally planned to vacate one of the floors of the Stark Building and give it to Luke, but he refused.

That damn place is a place where Marvel accidents happen frequently. If Luke wants to be there, he will have to take great care to prevent his home from exploding. He has no interest in protecting the building with a strong personal symbol.

At the Las Vegas awards ceremony a few days later, Tony showed up for the first time, and honestly went on stage to receive the award, and read a speech to the audience below.

Given his personality, it is rare for him to have such a good attitude.

He responded to the reporters' reports about "Sonic Stark" and claimed that these were all people with ulterior motives who threw dirty water on him. In the end, he chose a beautiful blonde reporter to spend the night with him in front of everyone.

Three hours later, in the admiring eyes of everyone, Tony walked away steadily with his head held high, breaking the legend of "Sonic Stark".

There are also some rumors that he was cured by a very powerful doctor, but such "rumors" are self-defeating due to insufficient evidence.

Only those top rich people, business tycoons or bigwigs in certain circles knew that Tony did have a handsome doctor friend with extraordinary temperament when they attended Tony's private party.

Tony's undisguised admiration for Luke made others look at Luke sideways. This favored child of heaven always puts himself first and the king second. It is extremely rare to praise someone so directly.

With his guarantee, others confirmed that Luke was a top doctor and handed him business cards and smiles. No one will not get sick. Knowing a great doctor is a business that can only make money and not lose money.

Luke's name was on the white list of all walks of life in a very short time, but what made him speechless was that most of the rich and powerful who came to him for treatment did not have any serious injuries or chronic diseases at all.

It's all because of the chaotic and unrestrained private life that caused the problem in that area!

It can only be said that rich people play with real money.

Recalling the "Hundred Regiments War and the Battle of the Top" of Luke of the Dragon Clan, Luke couldn't help shaking his head. If he played like this, ordinary people would indeed have problems.

For these people, Luke naturally would not show his all-round skills in person like he did to Tony. He chose to knock them out, then adjust his body, play with his phone for a while, and wake them up and send them out when the time was almost up.

All the bigwigs who had received treatment praised Luke and promoted him in the circle, so that Luke's reputation rose rapidly, and more and more people came to make appointments for medical treatment.

In this case, it was natural for Luke to recruit an assistant.

"Then, the next applicant is..."

Luke flipped the resume in his hand, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth.

Finally, the power that was supposed to come came.

"Natasha Romanov, 24 years old, height 160, weight 48kg, graduated from Harvard Medical School, excellent grades, outstanding ability, proficient in multiple languages, excellent administrative ability..."

The Natasha in the resume photo was quite well-behaved, gentle and quiet, which was very different from the image in his memory, which made Luke sigh at this woman's acting skills and makeup skills.

There was a knock on the door outside, and Luke put down the resume.

"Come in."

Wearing black-framed glasses, Natasha, whose beautiful features were slightly faded and showed her gentle temperament, pushed the door open and walked in. She was slightly stunned when she saw Luke's face, then she blushed and lowered her head, and spoke shyly.

"Hello, I'm Natasha who came for an interview."

"Hello, I'm Luke, please introduce yourself briefly."

"Okay, Mr. Luke."

Natasha cleared her throat and read out five minutes of false information. She spoke clearly and calmly, and performed very professionally. At the same time, she explained her family situation in both explicit and implicit ways.

Specifically, she had a gambling father, a sick mother, a sister who went to school, and a broken home. She explained her difficulties and hardships in both explicit and implicit ways, and no one loved her.

Luke planned to make her public identity a saint who tried to save the world and contribute to all mankind. Naturally, he would not reject such a miserable girl.

"I have a lot of miscellaneous work here, which may not be particularly easy."

"I can do it, Mr. Luke. I used to work three jobs a day at different times."

"You are hired, Miss Natasha. It's a pleasure to work with you."

Luke stood up and extended his hand to Natasha, who blushed and handed her hand over.

The two hands shook politely, and then Luke let go and began to introduce him to the job.

"You need to answer the incoming calls, don't miss any, do a good job of registering patients' appointments, and take the patients with appointments to the medical office when they visit."

"Okay, sir."

Natasha took out a notebook and wrote it down seriously.

"In normal times, you need to maintain the cleanliness here. It won't be particularly troublesome. You just need to clean it up every two or three days."

"Sir, with these two dogs here, it may be better to clean more frequently. After all, dogs are very energetic and can easily destroy furniture, and dog hair can easily be all over the house. If they poop, you have to clean it up in time."

Natasha pointed to the two dogs on Luke's trouser legs.

Hearing Natasha's words, Xiao Hei and Xiao Bai propped themselves up, and the four eyes looked at her at the same time, with a little unhappy look in their eyes.

Such a humane move made Natasha step back, and a glimmer flashed in the depths of her eyes.

Luke squatted down and patted the two dogs' heads soothingly, "Don't worry, they are very well behaved and won't tear down the furniture. They don't shed much hair and can go to the toilet by themselves. You don't have to worry about them."

"Can they go to the toilet by themselves?"

"They are very smart."

Natasha pushed her glasses and showed some eager expression, "Sir, can I touch your dogs? They look very cute."

"Of course, please feel free."

Luke nodded, and his warm smile like the sun made Natasha dodge for a moment.

She walked closer to Xiaobai and tentatively touched its head.

Under the master's command, Xiaobai did not resist, but just glanced at the human female and closed his eyes, out of sight, out of mind.

The soft fur shuttled through Natasha's palm, and the excellent touch made her touch it twice more, and then reluctantly let it go.

"They are very cute."

"Thank you for the compliment, Miss Natasha."

Then Luke took Natasha to a simple tour of the interior layout of the clinic.

"Working hours are from 9am to 5pm, with a break from 12pm to 2pm, and weekends off. Generally, we don't work overtime. Miss Natasha, do you have any questions?"

Natasha lowered her head slightly and said shyly: "If you must ask, Mr. Luke, do you have a girlfriend?"

"Not yet."

After hearing this, Natasha smiled charmingly. She stepped forward, stood on tiptoe, held Luke's shoulders with both hands, and kissed him gently on the cheek.

"This is to thank you for hiring me."

After saying that, she ran away with a shy blushing face and quickly disappeared around the corner.

Luke touched the kissed place, which was soft to the touch and had a faint fragrance. It was a good benefit...

If you don't count the micro-locator installed on the shoulder.

Look at her, this is called acting.

She is worthy of being the number one sister in Marvel!

Natasha walked into the elevator with a red face. The moment the elevator door closed, the shyness on her face instantly disappeared. She took out a small plastic bag and put a strand of white dog hair between her fingers into the bag.

After going out, she kept changing directions and changing her clothes. After confirming that no one was following her, she found a cafe and sat down and took out her mobile phone.

"Did the interview pass? Our ace agent."

"I have successfully penetrated the interior, but I haven't found any special abnormalities so far." Natasha thought for a while, "If I have to say something, there are two points."

"Tell me."

"First, the target is very handsome."


The other party didn't reply for a long time, and spoke again after a while.

"Natasha, are you telling a joke?"

"I'm not kidding. The target has an excellent appearance. Although he was stunning in the photo, he has an extraordinary attraction in real life. It is an extraordinary magic."

"If he can learn how to mobilize his charm, it will be very scary."

"...But he is a man. OK, OK, what is the second abnormality?"

"The two dogs he raised are very proficient in human nature. I just briefly mentioned the problems that ordinary dogs have at home. They immediately looked at me at the same time, as if they could understand human words and have a very high IQ."

"You can pay special attention to this." The voice on the other side rose by two degrees, "Some animals that look harmless to humans and animals are actually very dangerous, especially these cats and dogs!"

"I stole the hair of one of the dogs and will take it back for DNA testing later..."

Natasha took out a small bag and stopped talking suddenly.

"What's wrong, Natasha."

The person on the other side saw that Natasha didn't speak for a long time and asked.

"There's a big problem with Luke's dog."

Looking at the hair that was slowly evaporating into black smoke and disappearing, Natasha looked solemn.

Sorry, it's a little late.


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