Simultaneous Travel: Becoming a Legend in the Heavens

Chapter 150 You said you wanted to fight

Obviously, under Odin's protection, Thor has not yet been beaten by society. He still thinks about fairness and justice in battle, and even thinks that a move that has been cracked once should not be used again.

Looking at Thor's serious expression, Luke remembered that when they were guarding the Arad continent, they both agreed not to use colorless skills in the arena, but the opponent violated the rules and killed him when his health was very low.

Then he remembered the experience of diligently collecting supplies in a shooting game and surviving all the way to the finals, but was beaten to a pulp by others using cheats such as perspective, blood lock, and head lock.

Later, Luke joined the game if he couldn't beat them, and used cheats to fight cheats. He rebelled from "cheaters must die" to the cheating camp and became a Rule Breaker despised by everyone.

After all, as long as there is no morality, people can live happily!

Now think about it, it was really a green time that makes people miss it.

Luke sighed, watching the big guy struggling under the siege of the phantoms, with more and more wounds, like a lion trapped by a pack of hyenas, he could only roar but was powerless.

The Form of Iken can create multiple clones of himself, each of which can act independently and have all the skills of the original body. It is a very powerful magic.

However, Luke is only at the entry level to proficient in this magic. At this stage, it can only be called a semi-finished Marvel version of the shadow clone, which consumes a lot of magic and is not very useful.

But who can blame Luke for his high total magic power? After ignoring this shortcoming, the Form of Iken can be considered a good skill.

The red lightning jumped on the ground, the Thunder of Bossat electrocuted Thor and made him twitch, and a variety of spells overwhelmed him.


In the light pollution of various spells, the thunder exploded in all directions, and Thor rushed out of the encirclement against the energy fluctuations. Although he looked very embarrassed, he relied on his strong body to resist and did not suffer too serious injuries.

Among them, Thor's hammer gave him a lot of help. The runes on this artifact glowed and absorbed some of the attack magic, which was fed back to Thor holding the hammer invisibly.

Thor, who has not yet awakened his divine power, is more appropriately called the God of Hammer than the title of Thor. Without Thor's hammer to help him channel his divine power and control lightning, his strength has to be discounted.

Luke looked at the hammer with a little heat in his eyes. He wanted this thing.

Don't get me wrong, I just want to learn the craft!

"So strong! Are the mages of Midgard so powerful?"

"Really? Is this magic? It seems different from Loki's."

"I always thought that magic is to add an attribute to the equipment to stab people!"

The audience on the stage were all dumbfounded. They thought that magic should be like Loki, creating an illusion and stabbing with a knife, at most some small spells that can't kill people, and they didn't hear that there are so many tricks.

For a moment, everyone's eyes turned to Loki, the first magician in the nine realms, who was leaning against the stone pillar.

Loki: (ˇ_ˇ:)

Look at what he is doing, he is injured!

Do you know what huge room for improvement means, do you know what a promising future means!

He is still young now, maybe he will be awesome when he is old, and maybe he will not need to be old, and he will suddenly become a master one day!

Another phantom was smashed, and Thor, who had been suppressed, reached the peak of anger. The dark clouds in the sky became thick again, and huge lightning fell from the sky to the hammer, and also wrapped his whole body with a layer of lightning.


Thor exhaled, and even his breath was accompanied by a little flashing lightning.

"Luke, didn't you say you wanted to have a physical collision with me? Why do you keep using spells? Let's have a contest between men!"

The audience on the stage couldn't help but shout.

"Stop the fireworks! We want to see a real fight!"

"Come on, Thor, you're the best!"

"You can do anything, chopping with a knife or an axe, but can you please stop using the disgusting method of clones!"

"I support Master Luke, but it's really boring to keep playing like this!"

There's no other way. Although it sounds stupid to ask a mage not to use spells, for the Asgardians who like close combat, long-range magic is really boring!

And Thor is the ruler of the next generation of Asgard. It's too embarrassing to lose on his own territory.

Luke glanced at the audience stand. The God King at the top was neither happy nor sad, as if what happened below had nothing to do with him, and the one being beaten was not his son at all.

This means that you can play whatever you want!

"Thor, are you sure you want to fight me?"

Luke confirmed his intention one last time.

"Of course!"

Thinking that Luke was persuaded by him, Thor swung his hammer, lightning wrapped around his body, and a look of joy appeared on his face.

"I understand."

If something really happens, just put the blame on Ancient One!

Odin would never attack a junior of his own

No longer suppressing his strength, Luke suddenly exerted force under his feet, and tiny cracks spread from the foothold. The terrifying force caused the magically protected venue to crack.

The powerful reaction force pushed his body to rush to Thor at a speed like teleportation. At this time, Thor had not yet reacted, and only saw a rapidly enlarged slap in the blurred afterimage.


With Thor's head as the starting point, a deep pit was smashed into the ground. Luke grabbed Thor's ankle and smashed him back and forth on the ground like a toy, and then threw him out.

The Asgardians on the stage were stunned. Are the mages in the atrium so good at hand-to-hand combat?

They looked at Ancient One, and couldn't help showing awe on their faces. The young one's physique was so exaggerated, so the old one would be able to fly to the sky!

Under that old body, there must be some ability to open the sky with one punch!

Thor, with blood all over his head, clenched his fist in the air while flying backwards, and the hammer flew over from the deep pit. He tried to raise his head and smiled, which looked a little hideous under the bloodstains on his face.

The thick dark clouds in the sky brought down lightning again, and the runes on the front of Thor's hammer glowed, as if charging him, making the lightning in his body and pupils brighter, and his momentum was even better than at the beginning.

Lu Ke shook his head when he saw this, which was one of the reasons why he liked to use the sword.

In film and television works, no matter how strong your physical strength is, it is really difficult to kill someone. The protagonists are all like cockroaches that cannot be killed.

Theoretically, the fist could pierce the body, but in the end, it only caused some superficial injuries. Then there was a wave of nostalgia, and even without nostalgia, he could stand up and jump to a higher level by shouting love and peace!

It's different with a sword. If you chop off the head, as long as it's not immortal as set, you can deal with 99% of the enemies.

Thor swung Thor's hammer in his hand, and stopped in the air and landed steadily in a force-bearing way that required him to hold down Newton's urn. He wiped the blood off his face and asked in a deep voice.

"Aren't you a mage? Why are you so strong!"

"Only fake mages would always think of those fancy magics. Real mages always use their physical and strength points to swing their staffs and hit people!"

At most, he would point to illumination to show his identity as a mage.

Luke raised his fist and asked with a smile: "Don't you like fighting like this?"

"Of course not, this is the best!"

Thor's blood was surging, and he was full of fighting spirit. Thor's hammer with lightning hammer went to Luke.

Luke chose to fight directly without dodging or evading. He would try the power of Mjolnir today!

The collision between the fist and the hammer made a sound of metal hitting stone, and also a sound of bone fracture. This level of injury was harmless in front of the return and reversal techniques. The two continued to collide, and they had hundreds of confrontations in a short time.


After another collision, Thor took two steps back, and the hammer spun rapidly and threw it at Luke fiercely, but he dodged it sideways and grabbed the handle with some interest.

Unexpected heavy force came, and Luke's body fell involuntarily.


Thor hadn't started yet, and Odin hadn't cast magic on the hammer yet, so why couldn't he lift it now.

Seizing this opportunity, Thor immediately kicked Luke's crotch fiercely.

It is common to attack the enemy's vital points on the battlefield, with minimal effort and great rewards.

Decisively releasing Thor's hammer to avoid Thor's fatal chicken, Luke's face turned black.

"You're not being very kind, Thor."

"I think efficiency is the art of the battlefield!"

Who did he learn this martial virtue of being strict with others and lenient with oneself from?

Luke grinned, and the idea of ​​holding back disappeared immediately. The golden light and domineering aura enveloped his body skillfully, and the huge amount of curse power strengthened his already strong body again.

After becoming the god of quasi-curse, he has never had the opportunity to test his maximum power. The opponents he met were either crushed or crushed.

Thor can be regarded as in the middle. He will be terribly strong in the future, but he is a bit weak now. The divine power in his body has not awakened, but his existence can be called resistant to beatings. Odin and Ancient One are watching him, so he is not afraid of anything happening.

As soon as the powerful punch was thrown, a huge aura rolled up, and the black light bloomed on the fist, which looked powerful.

Thor's heart was filled with alarm. The fatal threat made the divine power in his body stir. He had subconsciously used part of it to strengthen his body again, which allowed him to barely react. He clenched his fist in the air, and Thor's hammer flew over and blocked his fist.


It was like a magnitude 12 earthquake. With Luke's fist and Thor's hammer as the center, the terrifying energy fluctuations swept up the wind, and the earth made a tragic cry and was shattered, and then turned into dust under the next wave of impact.

The violent aftermath made the sky covering the arena shaky. Ancient One raised his hand slightly, and the surrounding space turned upside down, like a reflection of a mirror. At the same time, Loki, who wanted to run away in a panic but found that the entire venue was within the attack range, returned to Odin's left side.

Odin sighed at this pitiful adopted son, "Do you still want to compete?"

Loki shook his head fiercely, "No."

In the aftermath of the energy, Thor lay lifeless in the middle of the giant pit, Thor's hammer fell dimly beside him, and Luke was still standing there.

"No way, Thor lost?"

A large number of Asgardians found it hard to accept it for a while. Thor had rarely been defeated since he was born, and now he lost in a one-on-one competition. They were really surprised.

"Wait, look up, there is still a chance!"

An audience member seemed to have discovered something, and was excited from the loss, pointing to the sky.

The wind suddenly began to blow, and the range of the dark clouds in the sky expanded rapidly. In a few breaths, the scene like the end of the world enveloped the sky above Asgard.

"This time the dark clouds are completely endless. When did Thor become so powerful!"

"I knew he wouldn't lose!"

Thor off the court looked at the dark clouds in the sky and swallowed his saliva.

This thing was not brought by him!

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