"Is it going to be a little too difficult for people in this city?"

On the way back to the apartment, Saul repeated this sentence for the thirty-second time.

Lu Jie glanced at him and said, "Sell your labor if you don't have the ability. This is how everyone lives."

"Sif is different. She is a fairy... She is our most powerful female warrior. She has gone through a lot with me. She has saved me many times. She is capable and quite outstanding."

Sol said in a muffled voice, "Just now I saw her being raped by that person..."

"Foreman, my name is Lu Deng." Lu Jie said calmly, "I introduced Xif to her when she couldn't find a job."

"When I saw her being scolded by Lu Den, I wanted to rush over and fuck him down. I didn't even know she had suffered so much."

"But you held back because you would have made the situation worse if you made a fuss."


Thor was a little melancholy. He didn't expect that losing his divine power and becoming a mortal without the protection of a prince would lead to such a rough life.

"Sif is a good girl, you should hold on tighter."

"What do you mean?"

Thor was stunned for a moment, "Sif and I are just friends."

"Don't be stupid, anyone with a discerning eye can see that Xif likes you." Lu Jie smiled, "Life is short, wouldn't it be nice to have someone by your side?"


But the average life span of Asgardians is five thousand years, which is not very short.

"My brother told me that when a girl says she likes you, she actually wants to come to me through the back door to help with things."

"Sif didn't say she liked you, I told you. And you are now poor and completely dependent on her to support you. What can she do for you? For your age or for not taking a shower?"

"I'm not old, and I take a shower every day!"

Thor retorted, lost in thought, and after a while he said awkwardly: "I don't know if I like Sif."

In the past, he would have only regarded Sif as a comrade-in-arms, but the embarrassing things that happened recently when they lived together reminded him that Sif is a beautiful and outstanding member of the opposite sex.

There is no divine power to suppress the body's instinctive reaction. Seeing Sif's body and facing her beautiful face, little Thor will always persuade his elder brother and tell him that his brother smells good.

Lu Jie struck while the iron was hot, "How about this, imagine how you would feel if Xif was hugged by another man?"

"A little uncomfortable."

"What if another man kissed her? Or even better, took her clothes off..."

Love has no entity. The great love philosopher Lu Sanjin once said that love must be described in concrete actions, but Lu Ke changed it by the way, grafting male possessiveness into it.

"Stop talking!"

Thor stopped imagining with an ugly face and breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, "It turns out I have that intention for Sif."

Lu Jie perked up and said, "Hurry up and confess your love. It would be bad if a good girl like Xif is robbed!"

"No, wait until I take her out of here."

Thor feels that he must not confess his current state of being a weakling. Only by holding Mjolnir again, returning to Asgard, and becoming the invincible God of Thunder can he have the dignity to hold the beautiful woman in his arms.

"No problem, let's push the plot!"

Lu Jie grinned, making Sol look over in confusion.

"What did you just say?"


"I've saved enough money to make a hammer for you. I've taken a leave of absence and can accompany you to the blacksmith shop tomorrow."

After returning from get off work, Sif brought good news, but Thor seemed to be uninterested and just nodded muffledly.

"What's wrong Thor, don't you have enough money?"

"No, I just miss Asgard a little bit."

"We will go back."

Thor glanced at Sif, "I don't even know when I can go back, how can you be so sure?"

"I believe in you. We have fought so many battles together, and you can defeat the enemy every time."

The two people's eyes looked at each other, a little drawn, but soon Thor's eyes turned away, and he still felt a little weird because he had evil thoughts about his former brother.

"Is the air conditioning temperature in the room a little low?"

"Don't be ridiculous, there is air conditioning only downstairs."

"Then why do I feel so cool?"

The two of them looked at each other, and the temperature dropped a lot in just a few minutes. At this time, their breath had become hot air condensed by the cold air.

"Is there something weird? Is it the 'cold wave' in the Prophecy Song?"

Sol quickly put on some clothes, then opened the window and his pupils shrank.

I saw that the sky outside had become dark at some point, the sun was covered by thick clouds, and the ground was covered with a layer of frost and snow. In the hot summer, light snow started to fall in the sky, and it kept getting heavier.

All the pedestrians on the street disappeared. I wonder if they were frightened away by such a strange sight.

In the dim sky, countless enemies slowly emerged. They were tall and their bodies were icy blue.

"It's indeed a frost giant!"

Sif pulled out her armor and sword from the corner of her horn, and completed the transformation from a handyman to a warrior in a few clicks. However, it was obvious that she had also lost her power at this moment, and the sword that she usually used so easily was extremely heavy.

"for you."

Throwing the sword to the stronger Thor, Sif picked up an abandoned baseball bat, the kind enchanted with tetanus.

The two men went downstairs fully armed and saw two little kids, Lu Ran and Mjolnir, standing at the door of the apartment. A large number of Frost Giants were surrounding them from all directions.

"You two, go and take shelter!"

Thor roared angrily and picked up the sword in his hand.

"It's just the first day of the cold wave. It's you who should take refuge."

Lu Ran glanced at the two of them, and his body rose in the astonished eyes of Thor and Sif. As his body continued to rise, an invisible pressure began to spread.

The frost giants at the front stopped advancing. Their bodies gradually trembled and then turned into rickets. Then they were pressed to the ground by the huge pressure, and they lowered their heads on all fours.

Like dominoes, spreading outward from the first row, all the Frost Giants knelt on the ground trembling, lowered their heads, and stopped moving while crawling.

"Fuck, my Brother Ran is so awesome!"

Mjolnir looked at the Frost Giant with excitement, wanting to change back and smash the enemy to pieces. In his memory, the Frost Giant felt particularly good when smashed.

Sol looked at Lu Ran, who seemed to be sitting upright in the sky, and spat out a title in a surprised tone, "Spiritual King of Heaven?"

The landlord's child is one of the seven guardians in the Prophecy Song?

Before they could react, the tall security guard Lu Jie also walked out.

"Brother Jie, you can't be the same..."

Thor asked hesitantly.

"I originally wanted to get along with you as an ordinary person, but in the end I got too close to you. I don't want to pretend anymore, I'm showing my cards!"

I saw the good brother who accompanied him to find a job grinned and pulled out a long knife that was completely black and reflected several white crescent marks on the blade.

The dark unknown substance covered the blade, and a sharp aura emerged from Lu Jie. He bowed slightly, exerted force under his feet, and his figure disappeared from the place and appeared behind the frost giant in an instant.

A few seconds later, as the cold blades were tightened, a crack appeared on the neck of each Frost Giant, and then the head rolled to the ground.

"Swordsman Immortal?"

Sif and Thor looked at each other with equally strange expressions on their faces.

"Look, I'll only demonstrate it once!"

Seemingly not satisfied with such a small fight, Lu Jie clenched the hilt of the sword, his powerful aura rising again and again. He looked at the thick clouds, exerted all his strength, and struck an extremely huge slash from the sword. pouring.


The clouds in the sky broke through a huge gap, and the sun fell through the gap. The golden beam slowly expanded, and the ice and snow on the ground melted little by little.

This blow seemed to end the invasion of the cold wave, the clouds began to collapse, the bodies of the frost giants also disappeared, and all the phenomena disappeared in a few minutes.


Thor sighed in admiration. Even with Mjolnir in hand, he might not be able to achieve this level of recovery. He didn't expect that there would be so many masters of Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon in a small apartment.

Based on their inferences, it is estimated that the landlord Lu Ban is one of the seven guardians, a master of the ninja world.

"Can you explain it to us?"

After Lu Ran and Lu Jie returned to the apartment, Sol finally spoke. He had many doubts in his heart.

"Let's talk in detail inside."

Lu Jie did not refuse, and the group walked into the house and drank a cup of tea to wake up.

"Have you ever heard of parallel time and space?"

"I've heard a little bit."

"What about the multiverse?"

"Some impression."

"Have you ever heard of the Universe's Light Shard?"

Thor and Sif looked at each other and shook their heads.


"Then let's talk about this piece of light."

Lu Jie insisted on the knowledge points they were unfamiliar with, "This place is a fragment of the universe's light. The so-called fragment of the universe's light is a small space that is similar to the original world."

"There is no Atrium here, no Asgard, no Nine Realms, only eight...well, nine planets. Our planet is the third of the nine planets."

"Wait a minute, how do you know the concepts of Atrium, Asgard and Nine Realms?"

Thor questioned.

Lu Jie: Σ

"This...of course this is what you said!"

"Did I say that?"

Thor rubbed his head. He seemed to have been talking about himself as the son of Odin and the God of Thunder from the beginning, but did he mention Asgard and the Nine Realms?

"Yes. The three of you have said a little bit, so we can gather the information to know what your world is like."

Lu Jie skipped the topic, "In short, Blue Star has been invaded by the Frost Giant King L... Laufei. He has the Ice Box of the Frost Giant clan in his hand, and he will invade every hundred years."

"And we are the guardians who protect Blue Star."

Lu Jie pointed at himself and Lu Ran, "You will see the remaining ones later. The invasion of the cold wave will last for seven days, and the intensity will gradually increase. Finally, the guardians will gather together to resist the Frost Giant King holding the Ice Box. Laufey.”

"What you said seems to have nothing to do with us." Sol didn't know why.

"The unknown person among the guardians is good at prophecy. He said that this cold wave will be unprecedentedly powerful and that we guardians will all fail, so we need to seek help from the Son of Prophecy."

"So at the call of the unknown person, the three of you were summoned to save the world."

"So that's it..."

Thor nodded thoughtfully, "So if we want to go back, we just need to defeat Laufey?"


"Then..." Thor was about to agree, but Sif immediately started to object as soon as she slapped the table.

"Why should we do such a dangerous thing? And you summoned us here without asking for our opinion. You are going too far!"

Lu Jie: ...

He said that Sif's memory should not be sealed.

Lu Jie: "Qikuo."

As these two words were uttered, the shackles of memory were released, Sif's body shook, and her face was full of embarrassment.

It seems that she is also one of the masterminds.

"Well, Thor, I think we should still help them. Although what they did is wrong, ordinary people are always innocent."

Thor: ...

Sure enough, just like what Loki said, women's thoughts are like the weather in Asgard, changing at any time!

The plot of the Marvel chapter is a bit off, and the rhythm is not well controlled. It may be because I am not in a good mood recently. I will speed up the progress in the next two days. The extra part of the usual update will be regarded as a welfare chapter. I apologize.

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