Simultaneous Travel: Becoming a Legend in the Heavens

Chapter 168 The Differences in the World

The world is changing too fast.

Xue Pengkai walked into the base as usual, with an inexplicable chill in his eyes.

No one greeted him on the road, and everyone's eyes were on the newcomer Wang Lang. They greeted him warmly, welcomed him, and wanted to kneel down to him.

Obviously, he used to be stared at by that group of people, and he would only feel annoyed when he saw them nodding and bowing, but now no one paid attention to him, and Xue Pengkai felt even more irritated.

The boy who was in the center of the storm with a shy smile nodded in return, and when he saw Xue Pengkai, he touched his head and gave a warm greeting.

"Brother Xue, good morning."

The base is mainly white, and there are many black people doing hard labor, but there are very few yellow people. Because both of them are Chinese, Wang Lang has a good impression of him and calls him brother as soon as they meet.

It is also for this reason that Kelly directly asked him to give Wang Lang a simple training, telling him the knowledge related to the seal, some precautions, etc.

"Well, good morning. Congratulations, Xiaolang, you just came to the company and became the team leader."

Xue Pengkai's expression quickly changed to that of a warm senior, and he smiled at Wang Lang.

In just two days, this new boy has won the love of everyone in the base and has become a hot topic. Whether it is ordinary employees who are unaware of it on the ground or real employees in the base, everyone can't stop praising him.

This is normal. After all, he just came and resisted opening the first-level seal "Pandora's Box", and then he successively subdued the third-level seal "Unknown Portrait", "Emotion Covering Machine" and the first-level seal "Book of the Dead", all in less than a day.

Yesterday, after the seal of the first-level seal "Kabadun Tree" failed, he turned the tide and re-sealed the "Kabadun Tree" by himself, saving a large number of employees.

In just two days, he became the youngest, fastest promoted, and least experienced team leader of the Future Fund.

"I also want to thank Brother Xue for giving me the knowledge of the seal, otherwise I would be in the dark and know nothing."

Xue Pengkai pursed his lips and showed Wang Lang a perfect smile, "You are still very capable. Everyone in the base knows what I said, but it's not as systematic and detailed as what I said."

"But many people are still hanging around at the level of civilian personnel, unlike you who have been promoted so quickly and have become equal to me in just a few days."

Wang Lang shook his head repeatedly, and a smile inevitably appeared on his face, "Brother Xue, don't laugh at me, I just came here, what do I know."

Speaking of this, Wang Lang sighed, "In fact, I didn't expect that I could do these things."

These things happened too fast, so fast that he couldn't react, so good that he felt like he was dreaming.

Before that, he had always been cowardly, failed in all aspects, and was always unknown.

But after arriving here, everyone regarded him as a rising star and the next manager, and expectations and praise overwhelmed him.

"But this kind of life is pretty good. Although it's a little dangerous, my talents can be developed here, and I can save others and atone for my sins."

Wang Lang's whole body was filled with a kind of happiness.


How dare you say that? Obviously, at the beginning, you were just a lowest-level first-level personnel, used to test and fill the consumables of the seal, and theoretically a criminal who could not be promoted.

Xue Pengkai suppressed his thoughts and smiled apologetically, "Let's talk next time. I should go to take care of the zero-level derivatives. You know, this kind of existence is very dangerous."

"Is it derivative No. 3?"

Wang Lang's eyes lit up, and he couldn't help but take a step forward.

Xue Pengkai's smile slowly disappeared, "You know, but the information of the seal should be confidential, especially the knowledge related to the zero level."

"Director Kelly told me, because the seal seems to be intelligent, and it has something to do with what happened to my father back then, so I asked carefully."


Xue Pengkai's smile could no longer be maintained. Just because he was "asked carefully", he told the truth about the zero-level derivatives he was responsible for. What kind of thing is this?

"Brother Xue, what's wrong with you?"

Wang Lang saw that his face was not right, and asked hesitantly, "Did I say something wrong?"

Xue Pengkai nodded slightly, "Level 0 secrets cannot be disclosed casually. Kelly's behavior is against the rules. You should be careful not to talk about it everywhere, otherwise even the supervisor will be punished."

"Ah, about this."

Wang Lang hesitated, "Actually... um... nothing, Brother Xue, you go and do your work, I... I'll leave first."

When he saw Wang Lang's figure disappear around the corner, Xue Pengkai's face completely darkened, and all kinds of emotions in his eyes churned, and finally calmed down.

He went straight to the 10th floor and came to the monitor of Derivative Room 3 again.

The boy in the picture was sitting quietly reading a book like last time, and the years were peaceful.

"Luke, can you predict the future?"

He came up and asked directly in a strong tone: "Last time you told me to come back in three days, you anticipated the current situation."

Luke ignored the voice in the speaker, and still calmly flipped through the book, without any intention of paying attention.

Xue Pengkai closed his mouth and waited patiently.

After an unknown amount of time, Lu Ke finally closed the book and said calmly: "You deserve praise for being able to wait patiently, but you should be deducted for not controlling your emotions when you first came up. Your evaluation in my heart has been reduced, Mr. Xue."

He supported his head with his slender hands, "What is the situation now?"

"The whole base is discussing Wang Lang's matter. Didn't you hear it, Lu Ke?"

"But you are the only one who can come here to see me, Mr. Xue." Lu Ke lowered his eyelids and showed a faint smile.

"You told me last time to come back in three days, obviously you anticipated the current situation."

"I don't deny this."

Luke replied calmly, "I don't seem to have told others that I can see a person's fate."

Xue Pengkai was silent. The information of the sealed object is filled with human lives. It's okay for rigid mechanisms, but no one knows whether the intelligent sealed object has the ability to conceal.

Now think about it, how could Derivative No. 3 really be an ordinary person.

Lu Ke's voice floated from a distance: "Do you remember what I said? It's a pity that such an excellent person like you is not favored by the world."

Xue Pengkai's pupils shrank, "So, Wang Lang is the one favored by the world?"

"At least at this stage."

Lu Ke smiled mysteriously, "How about it, do you want to cooperate with me?"

"How can you help me?" Xue Pengkai did not refuse at the first time.

"If you can observe, you can change. If you can change, you can control." Lu Ke casually made a suggestion, "Let me out, and I will help you become the protagonist."

"What are you going to do after you come out?"

"Well, there is nothing to hide about this. I want to destroy the world." Lu Ke pointed to his feet, "The first step is to destroy the entire Future Fund."

"Do you think you are qualified to destroy the Future Fund?"

Xue Pengkai sneered, "You really have no self-knowledge. Do you know how many times the earth has experienced a world-destroying crisis? Do you know how many terrible things the Future Fund has sealed?"

"It seems that I still overestimated you, Derivative No. 3."

He lost the mood to pretend, and the contempt in his eyes poured out little by little. Looking at the boy who was locked in the hotel suite, he said bluntly: "You can't even escape the house number 1408. You can only beg me to let you out, incompetent monster."

Facing Xue Pengkai, who tore his face and directly called himself "Derivative No. 3" with a code name, Lu Ke was not angry, but looked at him with a playful look, as if he was looking at a clown who was making him laugh.

"Mr. Xue, you were born in a wealthy family, with a good family background, outstanding appearance and good health."

"You have received the best education and learned all kinds of etiquette. You are outstanding in ability, strong in execution, and have your own judgment on things. Every time you go out, the people around you will become the green leaves that set off you. You are a true child of destiny."

"Pain cannot make you surrender, and interests cannot corrupt your mind. At least for normal people, your mental state is very stable, but there is only one thing you cannot accept."

Luke slowly told the truth, "You can't accept yourself becoming a foil for others."

Xue Pengkai snorted coldly and turned away without any regrets.

The last words of Lu Ke came from behind.

"Mr. Xue, you are not the only choice."

Xue Pengkai paused for a moment, and then continued to walk.


The first floor of the base.

Eating lunch without taste, Xue Pengkai was ready to see the other two sealed objects under his name, "Son of Plenty" and "Magic Fairy".

The Son of Plenty is a handsome sixteen-year-old boy. His blood can nourish and heal everything, making everything come alive. Dead seeds, rotten dead meat, and even lifeless steel will bloom steel flowers and bear steel fruits after being watered with his blood.

But if you don't donate blood voluntarily, the blood will lose its effect.

The magic elf is a beautiful little girl 30 cm tall. She claims to be a visitor from another world on the Mam continent. She can use the magical wishing technique and claim to be able to fulfill all wishes, but her ability is relatively weak. She can only fulfill a little bit of outrageous wishes.

For example, if you ask her to destroy the sun, the sun will indeed be destroyed, but only a little bit that can hardly be measured. For example, if you ask her to resurrect the dead, she can also revive some of your cells.

Experiments show that the simpler the steps to realize a wish, the higher the degree of performance, and vice versa.

"Team Leader Xue, Supervisor Kelly asked you to go to her office."

Xue Pengkai stopped and nodded, "Okay."

As soon as he approached the office, he heard a voice from inside.

"... a badge, a wanted poster without a person, a slate with nine orders, and the last one... what kind of monster is this!"

"Sure enough, you will not be affected by any mental pollution. You are so excellent, Wang!"

Xue Pengkai clenched his five fingers and knocked on the door. He walked in after hearing the command "Come in".

Kelly's face, which always kept silent, still had excitement at this moment. She nodded to him while stuffing the paper into the shredder.

"Xue, I called you here this time to make some adjustments to the work."

Kelly's voice sounded in a natural tone.

"You will not be responsible for Derivative No. 3 from tomorrow. Hand it over to Wang. I will prepare a seal that is more suitable for you later."

Xue Pengkai felt empty inside. He opened his mouth but suddenly found that he couldn't make a sound. He remembered Wang Lang's expression of wanting to say something but not being able to.

Then he remembered what Lu Ke said.

"Mr. Xue, you are not the only choice."

So that's it.

Xue Pengkai forced a smile and nodded.


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