If a person sacrifices his reputation and face for the benefit of everyone and does something that benefits everyone, what is wrong with him?

Watanabe Zeshan held his head high. He felt that he did nothing wrong. Even if he did something wrong, it was just a mistake that all men would make!

My heart and my actions are as clear as a mirror, and everything I do is just.

This is the result of consideration for everyone. As long as he gets the secret, he will share it with other brothers, and everyone will be happy, and the three brothers will only be beaten at most.

"Very good." Lu Ke patted Watanabe Zeshan on the shoulder, "You can hide here for a while, I will go and thank the three brothers."

Seeing Lu Ke was about to leave, Watanabe Zeshan mustered up the courage to stop him bravely, his eyes firm.

"What is the secret?"

Lu Ke bypassed Watanabe Zeshan and walked out with a kind smile, his voice echoing in the room.

"The secret is to be born into a good family. If you are a giant, 100 meters tall, you can have a building, not to mention a loofah."

Been cheated.

Watanabe Zeshan fell to the ground with lifeless eyes, crying.

He knew he shouldn't make a deal with the devil!


Lu Ke's liquidation plan was not realized after all.

When he went to find the three good brothers, he was told by others that the three had applied to go out of the island to purchase supplies, and had left half a day ago, and would not come back within three days.

Lu Ke was naturally not so petty that he would wait until they came back to beat them up before leaving.

He just wanted to spend three more days with everyone in the dojo, and he had no other intentions.

Unfortunately, Koshiro didn't believe his nonsense, and took all the disciples to send him to the ship in person early the next morning.

"I really can't bear to leave everyone."

When boarding the ship, Lu Ke's eyes were full of tears, and he looked particularly reluctant.

The brothers' eyes were also full of tears, and their farewell words were more touching than each other.

"Brother Lu Ke, I can't bear to leave you either. You must always report your safety to us."

"Brother, come back often. I will always clean your room for you."

"I will keep your eating bucket and wait for you to come back to give you a snack!"

"Brother Lu Ke, please take me with you. How can I live without you?"

Luke felt warm at heart.

What? He turned out to be quite popular.


The whistle of the passenger ship sounded. When the ship gradually moved away from the land, the people on the shore began to communicate in a low voice.

"It's so far away, he shouldn't be able to come over, right?"

"I think so. Then should we..."

"Let's start arguing."


So Lu Ke, who was just lamenting his personal charm, suddenly heard the farewell words on the shore change in taste.

"Lu dog, don't come back after you leave, just wander outside for the rest of your life!"

"I'm going to use your bucket as a toilet, hehehe!"

"What do you mean your room? It's just a utility room. There's no place for you here anymore!"

The brothers in the dojo saw that Lu Ke couldn't attack them anymore, and they vented their daily resentment.


A terrifying huge sword energy suddenly came from the passenger ship in the distance. The sharp momentum that seemed to cut everything made the words on the shore stop suddenly.

Everyone's face changed drastically, and their bodies instinctively sent out signals to avoid, but the terrible sword energy gave people a feeling that there was nowhere to hide. Just one look would give people the illusion that their heads and bodies were already separated, and they couldn't help but look desperate.



Lu Ke, who kept swinging his sword, panicked. Just now, he was moved by the sincere friendship between himself and his brothers, and suddenly heard those dogs change their faces.

His mind was so angry that he felt like he had broken through something. Then his blood, spirit and the sword in his hand were integrated and unified. The falcon seemed to become an outstretched arm, and he couldn't help but slash out with the sword.

Flying slash, this is a skill that only sword masters are qualified to comprehend and use.

But Lu Ke didn't have time to be happy about the breakthrough in strength. The speed of flying slash was frightening, and he was stunned for a moment, so he didn't have time to stop it.


Even if the senior brothers were foul-mouthed, Lu Ke knew that everyone was just joking and didn't really mean it.

A layer of golden light was attached to his feet, and lightning could be vaguely seen between his legs.

Golden light spell + thunder attribute chakra blessing.

He had to try even if he didn't have time to stop it. Lu Ke gritted his teeth. He didn't want to become a sword master and kill all his senior brothers with his first sword.

Just as he was about to take action, a familiar figure walked out of the crowd.

Koshiro pushed his glasses calmly, and then he pulled out an ordinary saber from his waist with his clean, slender right hand that seemed to break with a little force.

Raised his arm and swung it down.


A more solid and sharper cherry-colored sword energy than the previous huge sword energy burst out from the sword, and the two sword energies that seemed to be able to destroy the world collided in the middle.


The originally calm sea surface was cut wildly by the chaotic sword energy, and the terrible impact caused countless water columns to rise into the sky.

Koshiro put the sword back into the sheath, and the amazement in his eyes flashed, "You have become a swordsman without even experiencing a regular battle."

What a terrible talent.

I don't know what kind of style this disciple of mine will show in this turbulent era.


"I didn't mean it!"

Luke, who was almost a small black dot on the boat, waved his hand to apologize with a little guilt. Even if his race was Luke, he was a little embarrassed.

The senior brothers stood up tremblingly, and then shouted at the top of their voices.

"Really amazing, Lu Gou! You are worthy of being a member of our dojo!"

"Humph, you can't beat Master, you still need to practice more!"

"You still want to hurt us with this, do you think the senior brothers' practice for more than ten years is fake!"

Finally, everyone looked at each other and shouted in unison.

"Be careful outside! Come back if you can't beat them! There will always be a place for you in Shimokatsuki Dojo!"

The boat became smaller and smaller amid the farewell of everyone in Shimokatsuki Dojo, and finally it could no longer be seen.

At this time, the depressed mood gradually spread.

"I don't know if that kid will be bullied outside, and what will he do if he doesn't have enough food to eat."

"You're still worried about him. It's not like you didn't notice that just now. Master, he can kill us all with one sword."

"No matter how old a child is, he's still a child. I love him as my brother."

"Then I love him as my son."

"Then I love him as my grandson!"

"Ha, if you have the guts, say it in front of him."

"Now that he's gone, I don't know what to do with the leftover food every day."

Koshiro let the disciples vent their emotions, and then clapped his hands, "Okay, don't think about it anymore now that everyone is gone. I believe that Lu Ke's name will soon be heard all over the world."

"Go back, today's homework is not finished yet. To celebrate Lu Ke's graduation, everyone will swing the sword 10,000 times today."


There was a wail from the bottom.

"That, Master."

Watanabe Zeshan ran out quietly and handed a small box to Koshiro.

"What is this?" Koshiro opened the small box, and inside was an exquisite key. He picked up the key and looked at it carefully, and could only see that it seemed to be made by Alabasta.

"There is a box hidden in the floor of Junior Brother Luke, and inside is all his savings, a total of 73 million berries. This is the key to open the box. It is said that it is the expenses of this year and the money to buy the falcon."

Where did he get so much money?

Koshiro took the key with a complicated expression and sighed, "This kid is really..."

The market price of a large sword is only between 10 million and 30 million berries.

I should have given him the old man's "that" earlier.

Koshiro sighed, forget it, I will give it to him when he comes back.

Watanabe Zezen touched his head, "He also asked me to tell you something."


"He will surpass Hawkeye and become the world's number one swordsman, and let the reputation of Shimotsuki Dojo spread throughout the Red Earth Continent."

"What a great ideal, but it's still a long way to go." Koshiro smiled, with a little nostalgia in his eyes, "Number one in the world..."

Once upon a time, his daughter also said this, and Zoro, he also said this.

"Alas, I hope Zoro won't be hit."

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