Simultaneous Travel: Becoming a Legend in the Heavens

Chapter 4 The key to the strategy is to take advantage of the opportunity

After receiving the money, the middle-aged store manager's face looked a little better, and he asked him if he wanted a value-added service.

"Do you want me to hire a ninja to deliver your things to your home?"

"No thanks, I have no money."

Lu Ke touched his deflated purse, feeling particularly distressed.

Hearing the word "no money", the middle-aged store manager immediately lost interest, and even didn't bother to look at him.

Lu Ke took a deep breath, put the sword on his waist, and then the muscles of his arms bulged, and he picked up the leggings with difficulty. His face was painful, and his veins bulged, as if he was mobilizing all his strength, and then he barely picked it up.

"It's so heavy."

Watching Lu Ke staggering out, the middle-aged store manager shook his head. This is a typical case of being too proud to live and suffering. Young people don't know how to protect their waists, but they will know how powerful they are when they are old.

A man's waist is so important!

One hundred kilograms of stuff is nothing for the daily training of the pirate Luke. Luke bought this leggings mainly because he can wear it all the time. There is no such heavy and strange metal in the pirate world. Even seastone is not that heavy.

After leaving the store, Luke wiped the non-existent sweat and reflected on whether there was anything wrong with his performance just now.

Although it is a hundred kilograms of stuff, the shape of the leggings is still very convenient to hold, and as a strong young man who has been working as a blacksmith for many years, he should be able to hold it... right.

Luke made a simple reflection, looked around and found an empty corner to put on the leggings, and his legs became much heavier in an instant.

Waving his hands lightly and twisting his flexible body, Luke felt that his upper body and lower body were out of touch.

It seems that he needs to buy weights for his arms and torso, otherwise the overall coordination is too uncoordinated, Luke thought to himself, but considering his empty wallet, he changed his mind.

Isn’t adapting to this disharmony a form of exercise?

Then there is no need to worry too much, anyway, there is no point in worrying.

His personal property is already very little, and the family's money is in the hands of his mother. It is up to his father, the head of the family, to decide where to spend it.

Thinking of his parents, he has a headache again. It is inconvenient to live with his family when he has a secret, and he is not a ninja. He also does his ironwork at home, and he has to report when he goes out.

If you can learn the Shadow Clone Technique, it will be much more convenient.

Ordinary clone techniques are not only dull, but will disappear when they encounter a little collision. The Shadow Clone Technique is independent of the consciousness of the caster's body, and has a certain degree of resistance to blows. After the release, the memory and experience of the clone will return to the body. It is one of the most practical ninjutsu.

In particular, the Shadow Clone Technique is only a B-level ninjutsu, and the preservation is relatively not so strict. Because of its own convenience, it is quite sought after by ninjas. Now it has spread in the ninja world, and there are many people in the Chunin who can do it, not to mention the Jonin and above, it is relatively not difficult to obtain.

But after all, it is a registered ninjutsu in the village. Lu Ke thought about it and realized that there is really no legal way to get the Shadow Clone Technique in a short time.

But it doesn't matter. If we can't get it through legal means, we can go through illegal means!

Seeing that it was still early, Lu Ke calculated the time, guessed where the man might appear, and turned to the direction of the Death Forest.

The depths of the Death Forest are the venue for the ninja exam, and there are also some ferocious beasts. Civilians are not allowed to enter without permission, but there are no restrictions on the periphery. It is very popular with family picnics and ninja school students who practice ninjutsu after school.

Lu Ke walked to the river and kicked a few times at an inconspicuous tree. After a few breaths, a dull male voice came from the tree.

"Qianchuan Lu Ke?"

"It's me, come down." Lu Ke kicked a few more times, and the tree shook twice with his movements, and then a figure fell quickly and stood firmly on the ground.

The man was tall and thin, with white hair standing up. He was wearing a ninja outfit and a Konoha ninja forehead protector. One eye and most of his face were covered by a mask. The exposed eyes were dull and lifeless.

Undoubtedly, this was Hatake Kakashi, the famous mana unit of Naruto, a man who could fight anyone on equal terms.

He was also Luke's best friend.

Luke knew the previous Class 7, Hatake Kakashi, Uchiha Obito and Lin. The main reason was that he always tried to get close to them to make them familiar.

After White Fang's suicide, he rushed to comfort Kakashi, saying words like recognition and friendship, and coaxed him when he was sad and dazed, becoming Kakashi's publicly acknowledged friend.

He also hinted to Kakashi and his team not to go to Kannabi Bridge, but because there was no sufficient reason, he was rather vague. In addition, he was in the village during the war, and Team 7 was fighting outside the village, so they could not communicate with each other in time and understand the real-time situation. In the end, he still failed to successfully change the course of history.

However, even if he could change it, considering that Madara and White Zetsu have been watching secretly, they would not stop until they achieve their goals, and might even get themselves involved.

Although Obito and him are just acquaintances, who knows if Madara will suddenly think of himself as a bonus and fertilizer for Obito.

Kakashi was still hit hard like in the original work.

On the night of the Nine-Tails Rebellion six years ago, after Minato Namikaze and Kushina both died, the once genius Kakashi became the decadent man he is today. He could have entered the ranks of Kage-level strongmen if he practiced well, but he has been stagnant.

There was no way, his father was dead, his gay friend was dead, his girlfriend-to-be stabbed him, and his master and mother were gone. Kakashi felt like a bad guy for a while, and he was even estranged from Luke because of this.

According to the normal timeline, it was not until four years later that he became a teacher and led students under the guidance of the third generation. His strength began to fluctuate again. Because he missed the development period, when he led the seventh class, this man who had become a high school student at the age of twelve The genius of Shinobu fought hard with Zabuza, and was later defeated by his former junior "Itachi".

Although Uchiha Itachi is just a wall hanging.

Kakashi was leaning against the tree trunk, holding a book in his hand, which was the famous "Intimate Paradise". His eyes fell on the sword on Luke's waist, and he moved away after a few seconds, speaking indifferently.

"If there's something wrong, tell me."

After Lu Ke considered it for a moment, he decided to tell the truth: "I want to learn the art of shadow clone."

I see you're thinking shit.

Kakashi looked at Luke with a look that looked like he was mentally retarded, and decisively refused, "You don't have the ability to use the Shadow Clone Technique."

The Shadow Clone Technique is also relatively difficult among B-levels. It requires precise division of chakra to complete. Luke did not have enough chakra to perform the Shadow Clone Technique in the first place, not to mention that he had to divide the chakra to form it. Split up.

"How do you know I don't have the ability to use it if you don't check it?" Luke looked at Kakashi with a serious tone.

Kakashi was silent for a few seconds, put the book in his arms, placed his palm on Luke's chest, and frowned unconsciously.

According to his perception, the amount of chakra currently held in Luke's body has slightly exceeded the average level of chuunin, which is already very powerful.

"The amount of chakra in your body now is one-fifth of what I maintain daily. How did you do that?"

OK, OK, I finally accurately determined my chakra level.

0.2 cards.

"I know that I am not talented enough, so I will find time to refine chakra every day until I faint. For ten years, I can finally maintain the current amount of chakra stably."

Lu Ke said righteously, "For people like us, who else can we rely on besides ourselves?"

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