Simultaneous Travel: Becoming a Legend in the Heavens

Chapter 60 On the Possibility of Ditto

Time goes back to three days ago.

After sending Ayame home, Hokage Luke went back to his room to exercise his body as usual. Late at night, he was ready to return to the mysterious space to hand over to Pirate Luke and practice ghost arts.

As soon as he came in, he saw the ice-blue bird flying in the air.


Hokage Luke was happy and a little surprised. He didn't expect that there was a Luke dressed as a beast.

The ice-blue bird had soft and gorgeous feathers and a white belly, and a beautiful long tail, which looked particularly familiar.

"This is Articuno!"

Hokage Luke's eyes lit up and rushed over anxiously, "Brother, let me rub it, just once."

To be ashamed, he was actually a beast control. He had wanted to rub Pokémon for a long time.

Articuno made a "chi~" sound. Although they didn't speak the same language, Hokage Luke still understood what it meant.

Articuno: Brother, calm down!

Can't calm down, do you know that you are rarer than a giant panda!

Naruto Luke rushed to the front in a blink of an eye and hugged Articuno tightly. The sharing function of the gold finger was activated, and a strange memory appeared in his mind.

Naruto Luke's face changed for a while, and he let go of "Articuno" in doubt, with a strange tone.

"You are not Articuno?"

That's right, the new Luke is not Articuno, but Ditto, known as Pokémon RBQ.

Articuno "bang" turned into a ball of pink plasticine-like Ditto, and two bean-sized eyes looked at Naruto Luke.

Luke in the Pokémon world is a wild Ditto without a trainer.

Ditto is a genderless Pokémon. It cannot produce offspring with another Ditto, but it can breed with almost all other non-mythical Pokémon, regardless of the other's gender. It is a very rare Pokémon.

And its transformation skills can turn into various Pokémon. Using their skills, it is a very useful tool man.

Ditto Luke has been hiding and wandering around since he crossed over. Because he has no trainer, his level is very low, and the racial value of Ditto is also poor, so he can't survive in the wild.

At first, he turned himself into a human and planned to find a job to make a living. As a result, he found that he couldn't find any job without an ID card. He finally found a job that didn't require an ID card. The boss saw that he was an illegal resident and suppressed his salary. He worked harder than a dog every day and ate less than a dog.

In anger, he decided to turn evil. He wanted to do all kinds of evil and do all kinds of evil!

So he ran to the store to steal food in a very useless way.

With the transformation skill, he lived comfortably at first, but the store owner found that the goods were stolen. After checking the surveillance, he called the police directly.

Several policemen arrived at the scene in a few seconds with the wind speed dog, which was unscientific. They were about to catch Ditto with a machine that could detect Ditto. He was so scared that he turned into Pidgeot and flew to another city overnight.

It thought about finding a trainer, but the trainer asked it to breed, which it couldn't stand. After hitting a wall repeatedly, it simply went wild and ran to the ice field where there were few people and Pokémon, and turned into a snow swallower.

This Pokémon can survive by eating snow.

It was at that time that Articuno was seen.

It saw the legendary beast passing by, and it was tempted to copy it with its transformation skill. As a result, it just succeeded in turning into Articuno, and was immediately caught by Articuno, which had never seen its kind since its birth.

Ditto Luke explained that it was not Articuno, but just a Ditto with the transformation skill.

Articuno didn't care about this. It was too lonely to stay in this quiet and lonely ice field all day, and it urgently needed a companion of the same species.

If there is a Pokémon that looks like Articuno, feels like Articuno, and smells like Articuno, then why is it not Articuno!

Until today, it had been sleeping in the cave of Articuno. When it was bored, it would fly out to hang out. With Articuno's support, it could dominate this ice field!

The only thing that bothered it was that Articuno had become more and more clingy recently, always hugging it and rubbing against it. Fortunately, Articuno had no gender, otherwise Luke would really run away.

That day, it had just teased a few ice Pokémon with its bully power. It felt a little tired and planned to make up for the sleep, and then came to the mysterious space.

After reviewing the memory of Luke in the Pokémon world, Naruto Luke smacked his lips and sighed a little. He didn't expect that the first Luke who ate gigolo food was actually a Ditto.

Ditto Luke nodded to Naruto Luke, "Hello, I am Ditto Luke."

"Oh, is it 6v? No if it's not 6v."

Don't want your grandma's legs!

A red " # " appeared in the upper left corner of Ditto Luke.

Then its body emitted a burst of white light, and it changed from plasticine to a round Pokémon like a doll, and then jumped up and slapped Naruto Luke.

Jigglypuff, use a series of slaps!


"Hiss~" x2

The series of slaps was forced to stop after just one hit.

The empathy of the gold finger.

Naruto Luke covered his face and grinned as he picked up Jigglypuff, who was also covering his face with his little paws, and rubbed him. The excellent touch made him unable to help but touch him up and down.

"I was just joking just now. It doesn't matter. It doesn't have to be 6v. Ditto is so cute! It can change into anything, multiple XP, and it's satisfying at once."

What Gardevoir, what Lady Flower Clean, what Queen Sweet and Cold...

Ditto struggled a few times, but failed due to its current size.

After feeling comfortable, Naruto Luke finally put down the Variety Monster Luke and let out a comfortable breath.


"Right." Pirate Luke also nodded. He only received Variety Monster Luke when he was about to get off work. He also masturbated before Naruto Luke came.

The Variety Monster Luke never thought that he could be so perverted. He was played by two of himself in succession. From his memory, it seemed that there were other Lukes. In order to prevent it from repeating the same mistake, it emitted white light again.

After the white light dissipated, a handsome young man wearing a white coat appeared. He looked about twenty-three or thirty-four years old, polite, with some purple eye circles, and a bit of the stupidity of a simple college student.

"It's classic original leather."

Pirate Luke and Naruto Luke widened their eyes at the same time. This image was the image of Luke before he was hit by a car in his previous life.

"I haven't seen myself for a long time, and I really miss it." Naruto Luke said with emotion, "Why can't the various monsters in the game change into humans?"

"In the game's plot, the various monsters can also change into humans, right? Have you forgotten about the mission at the police station?"

Dirk Luke rolled his eyes, "That's a battle in the game. You let Dirk use the transformation skill on a Pokémon, and it will naturally become a Pokémon. Not to mention turning into a human, I can still do it. It becomes an object.”

"Oh oh oh!!"

Naruto Luke became excited after hearing this and couldn't help but ask his doubts: "Then can you become the Fiji Cup?"

The ever-changing monster Lu Ke: (╬ ̄俣)convex

Naruto Luke: (ˇˇ)

Variety Monster Luke: "Who will take care of this guy!"

"Go, go, go! Are you talking like a human being?" Pirate Luke pushed away Hokage Luke and apologized to Variety Monster Luke, "I'm sorry, he has some brain problems. He was fine when he first came in. Yes, he changed his face within a few days, so ignore him."

Naruto Luke complained silently, did you know that he scolded everyone present at once.

A flattering smile appeared on Pirate Luke's rough and heroic face: "What's wrong, brother, can you become a Gundam? What about EVA? If not, I won't pick Optimus Prime."

I found out that the price of large iced tea has increased, how dare it!

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