After a commotion, Qianchuan Guang stood at the dining table and ate breakfast with a wronged look on his face.

After his parents' mixed doubles, his butt temporarily lost the freedom to sit down at will, but he was still not convinced, muttering things like "I really saw it".

Lu Ke patted his younger brother's shoulder earnestly.

"If your father says there is no ghost, your mother says there is no ghost, and your brother also says there is no ghost, then there must be no ghost. You will only get two more beatings if you argue and sing the opposite tune."

"No, I really saw the broom moving!"

"Then you are dazzled."

"You are completely dictatorial. Don't children have human rights!?"

The development of the matter has changed from a trivial matter such as whether there is a ghost to Qianchuan Guang's resistance to the position of the younger brother in the family.

He climbed onto the chair, trying to make up for the height difference and narrow the gap between himself and the adults, but found that even with the chair, he still couldn't compare with his unscrupulous brother, so he could only give up struggling dejectedly.

After dealing with the little devil, Lu Ke returned to the room and immediately locked the door. Then he added a rule to the test data of [Transformation] - the perception ability will disappear when transforming into a dead object.

I was really careless this time. Fortunately, it was seen by a stupid kid with no credibility. I must pay attention next time!

Lu Ke secretly reviewed and continued the experiment.

The test of transforming into an object is almost completed. Next is the experiment on animals and humans.

At first, the experiment of transforming into an animal ended in failure, which made Lu Ke a little confused. Then he realized that he could only transform after having the transformation skill to analyze the target and open the illustration book. It was useless to see it before.

Thinking of this, he opened the door and shouted, trying to trick his brother over.

"Xiao Guang, come here, brother has something good for you."

"I don't believe it!"

"Then forget it!"


Giving up on him so easily is obviously contrary to the virtue of an unscrupulous brother, Qianchuan Guang was shaken.

Maybe this time I won't lie to him!

A few seconds later, there were footsteps, and then a child with a hesitant look on his face popped out of the door.

Lu Ke pulled the child in, explained it to the child who was shy and expectant, and took out the candy in front of him.

"Thank you, brother!"

Qianchuan Guang smiled.

"You're welcome!"

Lu Ke also smiled, and he ate the candy in front of the child, then pushed the child out of the door, closed the door with a snap, and locked it.

Qianchuan Guang: ...

Listening to his brother's crying, Lu Ke shook his head. The child's psychology is too fragile. What will he do when he enters the society in the future?

In fact, this is the principle he is teaching his brother to be a human being.

People's hearts are separated from their stomachs. Anyone can deceive you, even the closest people!

After the analysis was completed, he tried to become Qianchuan Guang, and succeeded in one go. After a flash of white light, the six-year-old boy appeared with a deep face.

Lu Ke closed his eyes and felt the strength of his body now. It was reduced, but generally speaking, there was basically no big change, which was reasonable.

The transformation in the game can only copy the appearance and skills of the opponent, and the level and race value remain unchanged, so Ditto is not suitable for fighting. Its race value for each item is only 48, which is pitifully low.

Just thinking about it, Luke suddenly had an idea and looked strange.

"No way?"

Just now, he suddenly found that he had four skills that he didn't know whether they were skills or not - "playing in the mud", "acting cute", "complaining" and "shifting the blame".

Now Luke knows how to use urine and mud in a certain proportion to shape better, how to act cute in front of family members to achieve the greatest effect, how to complain to attract parents' attention and how to shift the blame to his brother.

This is Qianchuan Guang's "skill".

Considering that these skills are completely useless and the depth of knowledge is indeed only at the level of a child, it is hard to say that they are not just for the sake of numbers.

According to Ditto Luke's memory, it should have all the skills when it transforms into other Pokémon, but it seems that there has been a slight change in the use of it in the Naruto world, and it has become a fixed four skill columns.

Luke took out a pen and paper thoughtfully, wrote down the knowledge in his mind, and then canceled the transformation.

The knowledge related to skills disappears naturally in the mind, but the things that have been recorded on paper and pen will not disappear.

Lu Ke looked at the paper in front of him, and his eyes lit up little by little.

The process of transformation analysis is spontaneous, so Lu Ke did not pay attention to an important point before, that is, after the transformation, he will have the skills of the other party, not the degree of only being able to use them, but being able to master and understand the skills during the transformation.

In other words, with the transformation, he can steal everyone's ninjutsu when no one notices!

"This is about to take off."

Lu Ke was overjoyed for a while, and he didn't care about anything else, and he was about to go out without stopping.

Seeing him in a hurry to leave, his mother asked with concern: "What's wrong?"

"Oh, it's okay, I suddenly want to learn the will of fire! I want to listen to the teachings of the third generation."

Hearing his words, his mother couldn't help but smile, "I haven't seen you so active before, and I want to improve so much."

"I want to improve too much!"

Lu Ke smiled from the bottom of his heart to his mother, so sincere that it made people cry.

In the past, he was not only passive, but also completely disdainful of the Will of Fire. He just knew that his parents grew up listening to these words, so he didn't show it in front of them.

But this is a different time, and now Lu Ke suddenly feels that the will of fire is very attractive.

That is what the God of Ninja said. Can you say that people are wrong for selfless dedication? He admires this spirit that clearly illuminates others!

And the will of the root is not bad either. The protection of the nameless person is completely a step further in greatness. He really blamed Danzo before, and now he really wants to meet them.

And the will of Akatsuki, the will of Madara, and the will of Otsutsuki, they are all first-class skills... Bah, good will.

Lu Ke went out excitedly, and halfway through he remembered that he seemed, might, and could not see the third generation of Hokage for the time being.

After all, he is the shadow of a village. The third generation of Hokage usually stays in the Hokage Building most of the time to correct documents and handle official business.

Of course, he is not isolated from the world and stays in it all the time, but comes out from time to time to show his face and go shopping.

The Hokage is also a human being and has his own life. He can't be tense all the time. Moreover, the Third Hokage also needs to establish a good relationship with the people, meet the next generation of the village occasionally, and spread the will of fire.

But except for a few major festivals when the Hokage needs to appear, whether you can meet the Third Hokage is really a matter of fate.

Luke shook his head regretfully. Forget it. The Third Hokage, the Ninjutsu Doctor, can't meet him, so Kakashi can make do.

After all, he is his best friend and the top brother on the list. It is easy to meet him. The difficulty of opening the illustrated book is extremely low.

After all, he is a famous copy ninja in the future. He has so many ninjutsu in his hands. He shouldn't be disappointed.

Luke turned and walked towards the direction of the Hatake family, full of energy.

Kakashi, is the reserve of ninjutsu enough?

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