Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 117 The struggle inside the hospital

Zhu Huoyan came to his office early, but couldn't help frowning when he didn't see the familiar figure.

After the morning meeting, they still didn't see Chen Qi and Lan Lijuan, and Zhu Huoyan couldn't bear it anymore.

"Where is Chen Qiren?"

Jin Peilin was baffled. Yesterday he came back from the provincial capital and went straight home. He came to work early this morning and didn't know the outcome of the meeting.

"Chen Qi? Wasn't he suspended from the medical department together with Lan Lijuan?"

"Yesterday's academic meeting has already made a decision. Chen Qi and Lan Lijuan will not be punished. Why didn't anyone inform you of this decision? No one informed Chen Qi and Lan Lijuan?"

Obviously, someone deliberately wanted to disgust Chen Qi.

As soon as these words came out, many people in the morning meeting showed expressions of surprise, only Li Jun and Zhang Jun were taken aback, and only they knew what they were thinking.

Wang Shannong raised his hand and said, "Director Zhu, then I will go and inform Chen Qi to go to work now."

Zhu Huoyan nodded: "You are classmates, it is appropriate for you to call, tell Chen Qi not to have psychological pressure, this matter is over. In addition, classmate Lan Lijuan should also inform."

Chen Qi came very quickly, and in less than half an hour, he had already appeared in the Department of Surgery in a white coat, and the rounds were not over yet.

Lan Lijuan came faster because she lived in the dormitory of the People's Hospital, one step away.

Lan Lijuan was very excited. Hearing that she would not be punished, the big stone in her heart finally fell to the ground. Although she looked calm on the surface, she was actually panicked inside.

After all, he is only 20 years old, and the later generations are only in the first or second year of college.

In comparison, Chen Qi's heart is a bit complicated.

He is a person who is afraid of trouble in his bones. Although this accident passed the test smoothly, it also let him know that the internal personnel relationship of the People's Hospital is so complicated?

As a simple surgical dog, I don't want to participate in the complicated internal political struggles of the hospital, as long as I can see a doctor with peace of mind.

Chen Qi even had doubts about whether he would work in the People's Hospital in the future, thinking that the Second Hospital would be easier and simpler?

"Director Zhu, I'm here."

Zhu Huoyan glanced at him, without consolation or encouragement, just a simple sentence: "Follow the ward rounds together."


Chen Qi consciously stood at the end with Lan Lijuan, pushing the small cart with medical records.

The two looked at each other, both laughed, and cheered each other up: "Come on!"

"Well, come on!"

When everyone came to bed 33 to bed 36, everyone's expressions were very strange, because the 4 patients Chen Qi had operated on before happened to be arranged in the same ward.

Except for Yi Zewen, the others who were present had really never had contact with these patients, mainly to avoid suspicion, and they were all afraid of being in trouble.

Zhu Huoyan didn't care what others thought, so he yelled:

"Chen Qi, Lan Lijuan, you two come here, you operated on these four patients, and you will conduct the ward rounds."

The young doctor's eyes were full of envy.

Chen Qi and Lan Lijuan squeezed up from behind, apologizing as they squeezed, "Excuse me, excuse me."

When he walked to Zhang Jun, he deliberately refused to let him go, pretending to turn his head and pretend he didn't hear it.

Chen Qi pursed his lips and did not show weakness. While yelling to excuse him, he bumped hard with his shoulder, and Zhang Jun couldn't help taking a step back.

Well, I suffered a dark loss.

The surgeon's rounds are very simple. Zhu Huoyan called them up just to let everyone see the surgical incision and how the patient is recovering.

For example, the incision, if a small appendicitis incision reaches 10cm, the level will naturally be poor; on the contrary, the smaller the incision, the higher the level.

Also, is the incision red and swollen? Are the stitches neat? and many more.

In the eyes of an insider, this is obvious at a glance.

Another one, how is the recovery of the patient?

This is more intuitive. If you are still sick after the operation, or even have fever, swelling and pus at the incision, and loss of appetite, it means that the operation is not ideal.

If you want others to be convinced, you must have real skills.

Although Zhu Huoyan protects your weaknesses, this protection is to build on your strength, otherwise he would not bother to protect you.

The people in the ward saw the two little doctors who performed emergency surgery for them the night before yesterday, and greeted each of them warmly. There is no badge these days, and the uniforms of the regular doctors and the interns are the same, so they can't tell them apart.

If it is a later life, the color and pattern of the badges of doctors and interns are different. Experienced patients will not let you touch it if they look at it as an intern.

"Old man, how is the situation today?"

"Hehe, good, I feel good. I farted yesterday, and I can drink rice soup today, and the wound doesn't hurt. Thank you Doctor Nong, you are really young and promising."

"I am young and promising, and your physical foundation is also good. Look at the two days after the operation, you are so full of energy."

The patient was even happier when he heard it. Who doesn't like to be praised: "That's right, I am an expert in production in the factory, and I have advanced every year."

As Chen Qi said, he took the dressing basin from Lan Lijuan.

As soon as the gauze on the patient's lower right abdomen was removed, the doctors around the bed all stretched out their heads and were surprised when they saw it:

"Hey, the incision is 2cm?"

Zhu Huoyan looked at it, with a little surprise in his eyes, and asked again: "How long did this operation take?"

Lan Lijuan quickly replied that it took 40 minutes from the start of anesthesia to the end of the stitches, and if counted from the laparotomy, it took less than 15 minutes. "

As soon as these words came out, college interns like Zhang Jun and Ai Kelong stuck out their tongues again and again. The speed and the size of the incision were comparable to that of a director.

If they were asked to perform the surgery, they thought they couldn't do it anyway.

Zhu Huoyan and Jin Peilin nodded at the same time, obviously very satisfied with the result.

At the same time, the two of them felt relieved, it seemed that Chen Qi didn't do it randomly, he really had two tricks.

There is no risk in this pot.

Then the second, third, and fourth patients all recovered very well. The surgical incisions were tightly stitched, the needle spacing was appropriate, and there was no infection such as redness, swelling, heat, or pain.

To put it bluntly, asking several of their directors to perform the operation is nothing more than that.

When Zhu Huoyan walked out of the ward, he couldn't help but praise him in the corridor:

"After the ward rounds, everyone saw the surgical incision with their own eyes. I think those who were not convinced before should be convinced? As surgeons, we don't pay attention to your grades and awards. The important thing is to see if you have any live?

Chen Qi and Lan Lijuan have done a very good job. They are not only courageous but also resourceful. They can stand up at critical moments and stand firmly on the front line of the clinic at the risk of being punished. The key is to save the lives and health of the people. The operation is still very good, which is worth learning for all of us. "

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