Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 161 Don't Want to Be a Physician

"This is a western pharmacy, this is a traditional Chinese pharmacy, and next to it is the pricing room.

The first room at the door is internal medicine. I usually sit in this office. I talk about internal medicine, but in fact it is mainly Chinese medicine. In addition, there is also Dr. Meng Jingshan Meng in the internal medicine department. This is Dr. Fu Qianwei Fu, and Ni Meiying from the pharmacy. It's a couple. . "

Chen Qi hurriedly nodded and bowed, took out a cigarette and threw it over. They are all veteran country doctors, and they should be respected.

What? Doctors don't allow smoking? Beware of being kicked out by the doctor.

Doctor Meng Jingshan just nodded after taking the cigarette, and he seemed to have a cold personality.

Dr. Fu Qianwei became a veteran after taking the cigarette, and patted Chen Qi on the shoulder directly: "Young man, do your job well, and ask us if there is anything you don't understand."

Chen Qi also couldn't tell whether the words were good intentions or pretending to be veterans, so he could only agree with them. It will take a long time to see people's hearts, and we will talk about them when the time comes.

Dean Yan walked from one consulting room to another, introducing Chen Qi and helping him meet people.

"This is the obstetrics and gynecology department. Children in our mountains are usually born at home. If they can't give birth, we will ask our obstetrician and gynecologist to take a look. The birth conditions at home are poor, and often the day lilies are cold when our doctors arrive. , so the maternal and fetal mortality rates are high.”

Chen Qi nodded. He had a personal experience of this matter. He almost risked his girlfriend's life for a pregnant woman.

"Did you just meet the obstetrician and gynecologist, Dr. Wang Adi Wang, next to him is Dr. Lu Xiaohui Lu, even though they don't have diplomas, they are very good at delivering babies."

Chen Qi clearly heard Dean Yan muttering in a low voice again: "It's just that the mouth is too stinky and loves to curse."

Wang Adi spoke quickly, and patted her chest after seeing Chen Qi: "Xiao Chen, in the future, there will be something big sister will cover you, who would dare to bully you in Huang Tan?"

Chen Qi almost spit out a mouthful of salt soda, but this is still the eldest sister.

On the contrary, Lu Xiaohui was young and thin-skinned, she just nodded with a blushing face, hoping that she would not be spoiled by this elder sister in the future.

Dean Lu brought Chen Qi to the orthopedics department again:

"These two are our orthopedic surgeons. The older one is called Dr. Sun Huisun, and the younger one is called Dr. Chang Xihuachang. He is Dr. Sun's apprentice. It is common for us mountain people to get injured when we go into the mountains. Most of them are injured. It was intercepted by the local barefoot doctor,

A small number of severe cases will be sent to our hospital, but we can’t operate here, so we usually use manual reset, and then get some dog skin plaster, and you can see that there are Dr. Sun’s secret recipes in the bottles and jars, which are used to treat trauma. . "

Chen Qi turned over again, nodded and bowed, and handed over the cigarette.

After greeting the two doctors of the Department of Orthopedics, Dean Yan took Chen Qi to the infusion room, saying that it was an infusion room, because there were too few patients for infusion, so the nurse also had to clean the medical equipment, which was equivalent to half a day. Supply room responsibilities.

"Come on, Xiao Chen, let me introduce you. This is Nurse Lu Jiayin and Lu. One of these two girls is Jieying and the other is Jin Linlin. They are big beauties in our Huangtan Town. They don't have boyfriends yet, hehe .”

Why is the little old man smiling so wickedly?

Who doesn't like beautiful women, and Chen Qi also likes them. Just now, a large group of middle-aged women were tired of looking at them, but now there are two young beauties, big girls with collagen-filled faces, which make people feel comfortable.

Nurse Lu also joked:

"Dr. Chen is an authentic technical secondary school student. You two have to hurry up. Whoever wins first will have two jobs in the family and eat two national meals. It is an enviable family in our Huangtan."

As soon as these words came out, Xie Ying and Jin Linlin's eyes really flashed a gleam.

Chen Qi is tall and big, with delicate skin, plus he graduated from a technical secondary school and is a regular employee, so he is not the best wishful man. There are not many unmarried gay men of this quality in the mountains.

Seeing that Chen Qi was prone to gossip, he hurriedly suppressed their dangerous thoughts. If they pestered him every day, or simply lay down in his dormitory, he would not be able to tell.

Don't doubt, girls in the mountains dare to love and hate, just look at Wang Adi if you don't believe me.

"Principal, Nurse Lu, you are joking. I am not worthy of the two young girls. Besides, I have a partner, so I dare not be half-hearted, haha."

Nurse Lu sighed regretfully: "Oh, have you found someone? It's a pity."

The light in the eyes of the two little girls also disappeared.

"But your partner knows that you are coming to Huangtan, so it is estimated that Huang, the conditions here are too difficult, and you have also seen that the salary is not fully paid."

The eyes of the two little girls brightened again.

Chen Qi thought to himself, is it another fast-talking mountain woman who speaks so directly?

After walking around and getting to know a lot of people, Chen Qi discovered a problem.

"President Yan, the main department of the hospital should be internal medicine and pediatrics. Now there are internal medicine and obstetrics and gynecology, but why are there no surgery and pediatrics?"

"Oh, children, they also go to the internal medicine department. As for the surgery department, isn't it the orthopedics department?"

"No, I'm talking about surgery, debridement and sutures. This kind of surgery is not the department of orthopedics."

"Hey, so you said this kind of surgery, I know, but we don't know how to perform surgery, besides, it costs a lot of money to build an operating room, and we need to hire an anesthetist, and there are not enough surgeons, right? Where did we get the money from?"

Well, after a while, there is another word: "money".

Chen Qi was a little worried at this moment. He was planning to come to Huangtan to work in surgery, but he didn't even have surgery, and he didn't have related equipment and instruments. This was a big problem.

"Dean Yan, which office should I sit in?"

"I've thought about it. Of course a high-achieving student like you should go to the Department of Internal Medicine. You can't go to the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology. As for the Department of Orthopedics, the master guides the apprentices, so it's useless for you to go in."

When he heard that he was going to the internal medicine department, Chen Qi's face collapsed, and his heart felt cold. This is not the result he wanted at all, it can be said to be the worst result.

"Dean Yan, this, this..."

Dean Yan patted Chen Qi on the shoulder:

"Let's do it first, if not, we'll make adjustments later, I know you must have your difficulties when you come to Huangtan, the biggest possibility is that you offended someone, so you have to do a good job, and you can't let others look down on you. "

Well, now that we've talked about this, what else can Chen Qi do?

"Well, I obey the organization's arrangement, and I will definitely see a doctor."

"That's right, let's go, this third room will belong to you from now on, I'll have someone give you an internal medicine sign, and you will be the fourth internal medicine doctor in our hospital from now on."

Chen Qi could only show an expression uglier than crying, and started his career as a physician.

At this moment, Song Dahai came in from the door and shouted loudly:

"Dr. Chen, I'm here. I'm going to perform an operation."

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