Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 175 Love Will Be Tested

As soon as Dean Guo walked into the office, Zhu Huoyan followed in with a smile on his face.

"Hey, Lao Zhu, why are you so happy? Is this just picking up money from the ground?"

"Dean Guo, that kid Chen Qi is in trouble again, hahaha, I laughed so hard, guess what? He performed a hemorrhoidectomy for a girl, and the family members of the family depended on him. They insisted on saying Chen Qi defiled the girl's body.

What kind of girl's body has been looked at, touched and touched, and she has done everything she should do and should not do. Anyway, this girl will not be able to marry in the future, so a big family came, and they all surrounded Chen Qi and asked him to take responsibility, otherwise Going to the Health Bureau to file a complaint, hahaha, I laughed so hard. "

Dean Guo was just about to make tea, but he was stunned when he heard that the thermos was in advance.

"That's not right. I remember that there is no surgery in Huangtan Health Center. How does he perform surgery?"

"Hey, boy, what kind of operating room do you need for surgery? You forgot, when he went to the free clinic in Hengluli Commune, he even dared to operate on intestinal obstruction directly. This guy is very brave, but the technique is really awesome !"

As the head of the department, Zhu Huoyan was naturally very concerned about the little apprentice's scandal.

But as the dean, Guo Yuanhang took a long-term view. The first thing he thought of was whether the hospital's equipment and personnel would support Chen Qi's operation? Will there be medical malpractice?

"Where did Chen Qi's surgical instruments come from? And narcotics? This Huangtan Health Center also has them?"

Zhu Huoyan took the thermos bottle and helped Dean Guo make tea while explaining:

"Before he went to Huangtan, he explained to me that he had a complete set of surgical instruments and 10 sticks of lidocaine. He said he got them from the black market. In case someone asks later, let me replace them for him. Make a cover and say I gave it to him."

Dean Guo took the teacup and nodded slightly:

"It's not easy for this kid. It seems that he went to the Huangtan Hospital for surgery, and he knew how to prepare in advance, which shows that he has never given up on himself. Not bad, not bad, you can take the blame for him.

He just went to Huangtan for a few days and started the operation. This kid is really hardworking. He has a surgical dream. It would be great if he came directly to our People's Hospital. Alas, by the way, how did you know about Huangtan? "

Zhu Huoyan chuckled:

"I'm sorry, I didn't listen to you. I quietly asked people from the County Health Bureau to get in touch with Yan Quanxin, the director of Huangtan Hospital. I wanted to keep track of Chen Qi's every move. But don't worry, director, I will never interfere with you His help will not miss your plan."

Guo Yuanhang also chuckled, and pointed at Zhu Huoyan:

"You, you, the director of surgery at the People's Hospital, personally pays attention to a small barefoot doctor. Do you think that Dean Yan will not be able to guess it? But that's fine, and proper care is fine, otherwise he will be alone in Huangtantai. Bitter."

"Yeah, he is really suffering. Yan Quanxin told me that the health center can only pay half of the salary a month. Chen Qi can't cook. He goes to the cafeteria of the guest house every day to buy a bunch of white flour steamed buns and eat them slowly. In this way, do not forget to build a new operating room.

Yan Quanxin also said that it cost tens of thousands of yuan to build an operating room, but he only got 3,000 yuan from the district management office. He is planning to go to the health bureau for alms, but I think there is little hope. Huiji county health bureau is still poor force. "

After Zhu Huoyan finished speaking, he quietly glanced at Dean Guo at the back of the office from the corner of his eyes.

Dean Guo snorted softly:

"Old Zhu, don't talk to me, I'll put the bottom line here for you. If Chen Qi comes to ask for help, we can send him a few sets of surgical instruments, and we are not allowed to sponsor anything else. I just want to see how poor he is. Under such adversity, how to build a standard operating room with bare hands.

This is a severe test for him, but it is just to test whether he has an indomitable determination and a steel-like will. As long as he overcomes all difficulties and breaks out a world in Huangtan, this is the successor we need, understand? "

Zhu Huoyan sighed softly:

"Understood, just watching him break through, watching him go through ups and downs alone, watching him mature and grow up, right?"

"Hehe, don't feel bad about it. It's only good for him, not bad. The children who grow up in the greenhouse are like Jiang Aiguo, vulnerable. What's the use? By the way, how is this kid doing now?"

"He, he was suspended by Hong Tianxing. He said that he couldn't even do the simplest electrocardiogram. When he criticized him, he even talked back to Hong Tianxing. Hong Tianxing was so angry that he asked him to go home and write a self-criticism. come to work."

Dean Guo took a sip of tea and didn't say much:

"Okay, leave this matter to Lao Hong, we don't care about it. By the way, does Chen Qi have a date?"

Without even thinking about it, Zhu Huoyan blurted out:

"Yes, that's Lan Lijuan, a pretty good little girl with good grades and good looks, and she was an intern in our hospital before, and she had a tacit understanding with Chen Qi's partner in surgery, but it doesn't matter at home, she was assigned to four hospital."

Dean Guo's heart for gossip also came up at this time.

"Hey, one is in Huangtan and the other is in Fourth Courtyard. There is more than a hundred miles between them. It seems that Chen Qi not only has to withstand the test of work, but also the test of love."

"He is going to be a door-to-door son-in-law in the mountains, and I am anxious for Chen Qi, whether to follow or not."


A dean and a director of a major department smiled happily.

Yuezhong Siyuan

Lan Lijuan was stunned for a while, sighed softly, put on her white coat, and touched her stethoscope pen to make sure she was ready, then walked out of the dormitory to the inpatient department.

She wanted to work in infectious diseases, but there was no infectious disease department in the fourth hospital, so she was finally assigned to internal medicine, and her main academic direction was gastroenterology.

But Lan Lijuan didn't complain either. Since she has already done this job, she should continue to work hard and transfer to another department when she has the opportunity.

As soon as she arrived at the entrance of the internal medicine department, she found Qian Jianye, a classmate from the medical school, standing at the entrance, a little strange:

"Hey, Qian Jianye, the shift is about to change, you don't go to work, what are you doing here?"

When Qian Jianye saw Lan Lijuan approaching, his eyes were obviously happy, and he was a little bit shy:

"I, I'm waiting for you. Here, this is the mochi I bought in Keqiao Town this morning. It's still warm. You should eat it quickly."

Lan Lijuan looked at the rice ball, took a breath, understood what was going on, and shook her head again and again.

"Thank you, classmate Qian. I've already eaten in the cafeteria. I'm leaving. I'm going to be late for work."

Qian Jianye became anxious when he heard this, and quickly chased after him two steps: "Hey, hey, Lan Lijuan, don't go, I bought this for you specially, I..."

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