Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 30 The Disgusting School Health Student

The seats in the Lanxiang Pavilion are still the traditional Eight Immortals table, surrounded by four long benches, and two people can sit on each bench.

Sitting on this kind of bench, if one person suddenly wants to stand up, he must remind the other person sitting on the same bench, otherwise the other person may overturn.

In fact, the most famous place in Yuezhou should be the "Xianheng Hotel" written by Lu Shuren, where the decoration style is more antique.

But there is mainly traditional old wine. The customers are basically local old men with black felt hats. They buy a bowl of rice wine and a plate of dried tofu or fennel beans.

Then drink a sip of old wine, eat a fennel bean, and brag for a long time, and you can sit for an afternoon for two or three cents.

It is estimated that Kong Yiji was like this when he drank.

At this time, it was the evening dining peak of Lanxiang Restaurant, and the cooking hall on the second floor was crowded with people, pushing cups and changing dishes, so it was very lively.

The four students sitting there so timidly are very eye-catching. It is the first time that the country children actually come to Lanxiang Restaurant to order stir-fried dishes.

Probably because of the special care of the manager, the dishes at Chen Qi's table were cooked very quickly.

The fat waiter in the lobby on the first floor was still unconvinced, so he ran to the back kitchen and asked Master Chuancai, "Master Geng, what did those four country guys order?"

"Nao, what's on the tray belongs to their table."

"Damn it, where do these country folks get the money to eat such a good dish? I ordered 4 yuan just for pricking meat?"

The people in the kitchen also knew about the quarrel just now, and they were also surprised that the four health school students ordered four meat dishes in one go, and everyone talked about it.

At this time, the chef just took a bowl of "Shao San Xian" out of the pot, and shouted loudly: "The dishes are all served, it's ready to serve."

Shao San Xian, a famous dish in Vietnam. The main ingredients are meatballs, fresh fish balls, pork belly, pork skin, cabbage, black fungus, bamboo shoots, etc. It is made with chicken soup. It is delicious and rich in ingredients. Generally, the largest ones are taken. Bowl, so the price is the most expensive.

The fat waiter's eyes were red, even she couldn't afford such a good dish.

So she didn't care about it, picked up the meatballs in the bowl and stuffed them into her mouth. Normally, there are 8 meatballs and 8 fish balls. This fat waiter ate 3 of each in one go.

The chef next to him also smiled when he saw it, and didn't stop him.

With such a service attitude and work style, it is no wonder that the state-run Lanxiang restaurant, which was very popular for a while, closed down in the 1990s, and all the waiters and chefs were laid off.

Of course, this is something to say.

As soon as the dish was served, the four health school students showed exaggerated expressions of satisfaction.

"Wow, it smells so good~~"

"Look at this piece of meat, it's such a big piece, wow, is it really a piece for each person?"

The diners next to them laughed when they saw it, thinking that these country students were really interesting.

During Chen Qi's summer vacation, he ate enough wild game at home, and there was oil in his stomach, so these dishes were not attractive enough for him, so he thought carefully, trying to tease these three classmates.

"Come, come, let's test you, and only if you pass the test will you be able to eat."

"What's the test? Tell me, we're hungry!"

Chen Qi picked up a piece of pork liver and asked, "Come on, guess, is this the left lobe of the liver or the right lobe of the liver?"

The three studied for a long time, and Wang Shannong had the best anatomy result, and said firmly:

"This is the left lobe. Look, here is the branch of the portal vein. It runs relatively straight. This is the characteristic of the left lobe of the liver."

Chen Qi asked again: "Then what is the main function of the human liver?"

At this time, Ding Bitao rushed to answer: "I know this. The liver is an organ that mainly performs metabolic functions in the human body. It can store liver glycogen, synthesize secretory proteins, and produce bile, etc."

"Then do you think this piece of liver is normal?"

After finishing speaking, Chen Qi picked up another piece of pork liver and dangled it in front of the three of them.

Yin Jigang observed for a long time, and replied weakly:

"Liver cirrhosis, there will be small nodules on the surface of the liver with irregular edges. For liver cancer and polycystic liver, the surface of the liver will be thick and uneven nodules, and the thickness of the edges is inconsistent. Huge liver cancer, liver abscess and liver echinococcosis In patients, the surface of the liver is lumpy and raised.

If the liver is lobed like a banana, it is seen in hepatic syphilis. Now this piece of liver has neat edges, no nodules, normal color, uniform distribution of liver cells, and uniform thickness. It should be a normal piece of liver without disease, right? "

These few people haven't eaten yet, so let's talk a lot about the liver, even liver cancer and liver echinococcosis.

The diners who are eating deliciously next to me can't stand it anymore

Please, this is a restaurant, not an anatomy room, let alone a hospital, is it disgusting? Can we still have a good meal?

So many diners stopped their chopsticks, and what flashed in their minds was the perverted murderer who cut open the dead and took out the bloody liver, feeling that the stir-fried pork liver on the table was no longer fragrant.

People in Yuezhong love to listen to operas, including Yue opera, Shao opera, and Huangmei opera.

Master Yan, who sang Huangmei opera, had his stomach cut open after his death, and the liver and stomach were taken out to search the radio station. The common people know this.

Lenovo's rich lesbians almost felt like throwing up, and many of them complained to the waiter.

But the waiter can't help it. The four young people come to eat normally, and it's not that they don't give money. Besides, isn't it normal for students in the medical school to discuss some medical issues?

Others had a lot of opinions, and they looked at Chen Qi and the others quite badly, but the four of them didn't know it.

Chen Qi picked up another piece of braised large intestine, and asked with a smile, "Then which section of intestine do you think it is?"

As soon as this question was asked, many of the diners next to me felt skinny in an instant, oh my god, let’s have a meal, what kind of sausage is this, you ask? You want to go to heaven?

Wang Shannong took a look and smiled: "Isn't that simple? This is the sigmoid colon. It doesn't have a lot of fat and its mucous membrane is smooth, so it's easy to identify."

Suddenly, he couldn't laugh anymore, and as soon as he slapped the table, he said angrily:

"Waiter, you guys are so good at fooling people. You are bullying us. I don't understand? I finally ate braised large intestines, and you just use the sigmoid colon to perfuse me. What about the fattest and oiliest intestines?"

Wang Shannong is still negotiating here, while Ding Bitao asked strangely: "What is intestines?"

Chen Qi despises:

"You don't even know the head of the intestine? How do you learn anatomy? The head of the intestine is the rectum, which is connected to the anus. It is the place where stool is usually stored. Although it smells bad, it is also the part with the most fat and the best food."


As soon as Chen Qi finished speaking, the lesbians at the table next to him couldn't help but spit it out.

Then, a female diner on the other side couldn't help but vomited out all of a sudden, vomit~~~~

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