Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 301 Destruction of Evidence and Biting Back

It's a bit strange that Yang Tihao didn't see his family members come back after waiting for a long time:

"Hey, have your family members finished reading it? Hurry up and return the dishes to me after you've finished reading, and the cut things need to be checked for pathology."

Zhao Wei asked "strangely" at this time: "What dishes? Why can't I understand?"

Yang Tihao's head was full of question marks, wondering if this old man has Alzheimer's disease? Forgot what happened just now? So I asked the younger family members again:

"It's the man just now. Didn't he say he had to look carefully before taking the dishes? It's a surgical specimen. It's very important. Return it to me quickly."

The youngest son of the Zhao family and the two daughters-in-law shook their heads at the same time: "What specimen? We haven't seen it before?"

Yang Tihao was dumbfounded, pointing his fingers at the family members, and he was dumbfounded for a while, ruining his three views.

Those who can be a doctor these days don't have to doubt their IQ. Suddenly, a flash of light flashed in Yang Tihao's mind, and he yelled:

"Damn, you guys are going to destroy the corpse! Dean Chen, it's not good~~~~"

Yang Tihao quickly ran into the operating room to tell everyone the shocking thing.

The eldest son of the Zhao family poked his head out immediately when he saw that there was no one there?

Zhao Wei grabbed him and asked softly, "Where's the thing?"

"Don't worry, Dad, I've already thrown it into the river. I saw it sinking with my own eyes, and I will never find it."

"Okay, there are too many people who know about this in the middle of the night. You can't hide the fact that your little sister is pregnant, and it will spread out soon. At that time, our whole family will lose face with the little beast, and we will be ashamed to live everywhere. We will be punished wherever we go." People laughed.

So now you go back and immediately call all your relatives, the more people the better, you say that the fourth hospital misdiagnosed, and that Qiao'er's stomach pain is an ectopic pregnancy. In addition, I went to the elementary school to borrow the gong at dawn, and the momentum must be loud, understand? "

"Okay Dad, I get it, I'll go right away!"

Zhao Wei called his youngest son and two daughters-in-law over again:

"After a while at dawn, you immediately go to the door to make a fuss, saying that the fourth courtyard is devoid of conscience, and it treated a stomachache into an ectopic pregnancy, just to cheat the operation fee. Remember, the more trouble you make, the worse our family's reputation will be. The more you can keep it."

"Okay Dad, we understand."

The younger daughter-in-law was a little worried: "But Dad, what if the hospital insists that she is pregnant? After all, the operation was just done."

Zhao Chuan sneered: "They said it was an ectopic pregnancy. Is there any evidence? Let them show it. If they can't show it, it's a misdiagnosis and slandering Qiao'er!"


The Zhao family all understood, then they looked at each other and nodded firmly!

In the operating room.

When Yang Tihao excitedly told about the Zhao family outside the door, Director Yu and Director Bian both exclaimed:

"No, the Zhao family is going to make trouble!"

After all, he was an old Jianghu, and he immediately realized that something was wrong.

Zhang Xingshun was young and said disapprovingly:

"If the specimen is robbed, just rob it. Anyway, we are all cured, so how dare they refuse to pay for the operation?"

Yang Tihao was so angry that he kicked over:

"Idiot, is this a problem with the operation fee? The specimens are gone, and it will be useless for us to say anything at that time, or what they say will be what they say?"

Zhang Xingshun asked in disbelief: "Could it be that they want to point a deer into a horse?"

Director Bian also stomped his feet angrily:

"It's troublesome, Zhao Wei is a shady person. If we don't have specimens, we have no evidence. Then they will definitely accuse us of misdiagnosing, so her daughter's reputation will be preserved!"

"Ah~~~ Then what should I do?"

"Why is this family like this? They are still teachers!"

"Will they make trouble next?"

"It's very likely!"

Everyone in the operating room was talking about it, and the joy of the successful operation has now turned into anger and worry.

Chen Qi stood up and kicked the trash can flying away in anger!

If things really went as everyone guessed, then the Fourth Court would be in big trouble.

These days, the B-ultrasound machine does not have an archiving function, and even the report is handwritten, which loses an important piece of evidence.

Now that the specimen has been snatched by the Zhao family, there is no doubt that it must have been completely destroyed, and the most critical evidence will be lost.

Then this rescue operation not only failed to be a result, but instead became a reminder. The Zhao family would definitely say that the fallopian tubes of a normal girl had been removed, and in order to avoid taking responsibility, they even lost the specimen!

Without probes and monitoring, who can prove that the Zhao family lost it?

Public opinion will naturally tend to sympathize with the weak, and the Four Courts will not be able to explain it clearly even if they talk too much.

What used to be an ectopic pregnancy to save lives may turn into a "medical malpractice" all of a sudden.

At that time, the people in the operating room will count as one, and none of them will be able to escape, and the punishment they will face will be very serious. The key is that the doctor's personal reputation will be completely ruined.

For a moment, everyone was confused...

The direction of the matter really developed as everyone guessed, and it can even be said to be more serious.

In the morning, the entrance of the Fourth Courtyard was already surrounded by a sea of ​​people. Many relatives of the Zhao family, neighbors, relatives and friends, and even Principal Zhao's students all gathered together to denounce the Fourth Courtyard.

There was even a banner that read:

"Fourth courtyard murdered for money, return my daughter's innocence!"

Some were pulling banners, some were beating gongs, and then they were explaining what happened to those who came to see the doctor early in the morning.

With the support of her two daughters-in-law, Mrs. Zhao burst into tears and kept complaining to the onlookers:

"Everyone has to judge my daughter. My daughter is only 18 years old this year. She has been obedient since she was a child. Yesterday, she had a stomachache. The fourth hospital didn't do any checks. They just said that my daughter is pregnant. The world There is no such reason.

It’s okay to say that we are pregnant, but in the end, without a word, my daughter was dragged into the operating room. I heard that something in the stomach was cut. I won’t live for ruining my daughter like this~~~”

Zhao Qiaoer's uncles were also cursing at the side:

"What do we common people know? To ruin my niece's reputation like this.?"

"Let's talk about it, even if you're pregnant, why do you have the surgery? You still made such a big gash in my niece's stomach, and she's still lying on the hospital bed half dead!"

"We just want an explanation, if we don't give an explanation today, this matter is endless!!!"

"Yes, it's not over!!!"

This early in the morning was the time for work, school, and work, and the hospital was full of people who came to see patients, so there were hundreds of people around at once.

Keqiao Town is small in scale, and everyone in the town knows all the residents, so everyone is angry now.

"There is such a thing? I know the little girl of the Zhao family, what an honest child!"

"That is to say, Principal Zhao's tutor is so good that he doesn't even quarrel with his neighbors. This is really a disaster."

"Now the hospital is really a bunch of unscrupulous ghosts in order to generate income. It is estimated that Mr. Zhao's family is bullying and smashed their signboard!"

"Oh, if you want money, you need money. Calling a good-looking girl pregnant is killing people."

The crowd at the gate of the Fourth Court had everything to say, and it can only be described as excited. The bursts of denunciation made the staff of the Fourth Court who went to work early in the morning baffled, and at the same time panicked.

Yan Shifan and Bianmeng hid in the crowd and heard clearly, even if they dialed back, they ran in the hospital.

In the surgery office.

"It's not good, it's not good, Mr. Chen, the patient's family is making a fuss."

"They insisted that we intentionally performed surgery for money and deliberately ruined the reputation of other girls. What should we do?"

Chen Qi, Director Bian, and Director Yu all looked pale.

Director Yu's temper was already explosive, and he couldn't bear it even more when he heard it, so he slapped the table: "It's against them, let's go, let's judge!"

Chen Qi sighed lightly, and looked at Director Bian, helplessly.

Granny Yu led a group of young doctors to the entrance of the hospital. When she saw what the Zhao family had done, she was so angry that she immediately cursed:

"Zhao Wei, you heartless old bastard, your daughter was obviously pregnant, or an ectopic pregnancy, and she was sent to our hospital in the middle of the night, we told you that you didn't listen, and even beat our vice president.

In the second half of the night, he bled profusely and brought it in for the second time. Were you the ones who almost knelt down to beg for mercy? Damn it, the doctors in three or four departments of our hospital didn't sleep. They operated on your daughter overnight and saved her life. You mad dog will bite you back?

Comrades, folks, Zhao Wei is a hypocrite, do you know what he did? After the operation, we took out the amputated fallopian tubes and gestational sac for them to see with their own eyes. As a result, the Zhao family snatched it and ran away, but now they are spitting blood?

People are watching, Zhao Wei, you are a murderer, you touch your conscience, you are a teacher in vain, is this what you are? Is this the good daughter you taught? Stealing a man by oneself and being pregnant by others, but putting the dung basin on our heads? "

Obstetricians and gynecologists belong to the top of the food chain in the hospital, who can beat them when it comes to quarreling?

Mrs. Yu was not a soft persimmon, she just told the whole story, and did not hide anything for the Zhao family.

Sure enough, when the onlookers heard that there was such a secret in the details, their voices of denouncing the Fourth Court suddenly became quieter, and they looked at the Zhao family with doubtful eyes.

The Zhao family members were all pale and guilty, but the relatives, friends and students of the Zhao family didn't know it. Seeing that the people in the fourth hospital still had such an arrogant attitude, they immediately went mad.

"Fart, Yu Yaqin, you said you were pregnant, then show me the evidence!"

"That's right, empty talk and white teeth, what do you say? Our new China has been established for 35 years, and we must give evidence for everything!"

"Yes, show the evidence. You said it was an abortion, show the fetus and let everyone see it."

Everyone in the Zhao family jumped up, desperately asking the Fourth Court to produce evidence. The onlookers were right after thinking about it. You said there was an ectopic pregnancy, but what about the aborted child?

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