When a patient goes to a hospital to see a doctor, it costs money. This is the same all over the world, and the medical expenses abroad are even more expensive.

Some people will say that you fart, that foreigners don’t spend money to see a doctor, and they won’t return to poverty due to illness. It’s because your Chinese doctors are too black-hearted and don’t want to save them.

This is actually a misunderstanding.

People in the United States don’t spend money to see a doctor?

Just to give a few examples, it costs tens of dollars to register a community doctor for American patients; if you want to register a specialist doctor, it costs a few hundred dollars per account.

Is it expensive?

It's not too expensive, you go to take an ordinary X-ray film, one thousand dollars;

You say you have a bad cough, and the doctor will give you auscultation, but no medicine will be prescribed. When the bill arrives, it will cost thousands of dollars.

As another example, a child is dislocated.

This is a very common problem in China. If you go to the hospital to find an orthopedic doctor, you may not pay a penny if you are lucky.

In the United States, the child is dislocated, and you don’t even think about leaving without ten or twenty thousand dollars. When you receive the bill, you can vomit blood directly.

There is also the simplest appendicitis, and it is not uncommon to charge you tens of thousands of dollars.

Another example:

Call a 120 ambulance in China, and the charge is one hundred and two hundred. Everyone thinks it is expensive, and thinks it should be free and public welfare.

But if you call a 911 ambulance in the United States, the average cost is about 1,200 US dollars, and a little further away is 3,000 US dollars, do you accept it?

Many domestic international students just went to the United States. Before they fainted on the street, their last words were "don't call 911" because they couldn't afford it.

As for more serious diseases, such as the "big belly" Mrs. Jin mentioned above, multidisciplinary combined abdominal tumor resection, radical ovarian cancer surgery, it is impossible to get it without more than ten or two hundred thousand dollars.

In the future, if you have any radiotherapy and chemotherapy, the whole treatment process will cost at least 300,000 US dollars.

In China, it is estimated that the family members of the patients will soon ask reporters to expose the news and appear on "Focus Interview", what kind of black-hearted hospital accepts black-hearted money.

Of course, in China, it is entirely possible to "return to poverty due to illness".

Some readers will say, according to what you say, how can the Americans afford so much medical expenses? Is it because the Americans are too rich, or are the doctors in the United States showing mercy and not charging money?

That's because they have universal medical insurance, most of which are paid by insurance companies, and patients only need to pay a small amount of money.

(Some people don’t have medical insurance, they are black households, or they don’t have a job, but you can apply for charity benefits if you don’t have a job, provided that you will be restricted from high consumption)

There is another point. In almost all countries in the world, children and the elderly over 65 years old do not spend money to see a doctor. They are either borne by the state or covered by medical insurance. This is a matter of principle.

Here comes the important point, please pay attention, all medical expenses have nothing to do with hospitals or doctors.

The bounden duty of a doctor is to see a doctor, and their purpose is to cure your disease. As for the cost of seeing a doctor, how your patient should pay is your patient's business.

Of course, whether it is reimbursed by insurance or borne by the state welfare afterwards is another matter. Anyway, it is impossible for patients to pay so much money.

This also creates a false impression for Chinese people that foreign hospitals do not cost money to see a doctor.

Well, the US imperialism is too far away, so let me give you another close example, Xiangjiang in our country, they are a representative of the welfare system.

Citizens in Xiangjiang go to see a doctor. The emergency room charges 180 yuan per consultation, hospitalization charges 100 yuan per day, and general outpatient clinics charge 50 yuan per consultation. Those living in poverty can receive free treatment.

Other than that, there is no additional fee.

In other words, no matter what kind of disease you are, if you are hospitalized for 10 days, you only need to pay 1,000 Hong Kong dollars when you leave the hospital, which is equivalent to a few hundred yuan in RMB.

Some people in China will scold again, look at the hospitals in Xiangjiang, look at the doctors in Xiangjiang, how ethical they are, and how cheap it is to see a doctor. Compared with your domestic hospitals, it is completely dark.

Please, think about it with your brain, could things be that simple?

That's because their medical expenses are borne by the medical insurance fund led by the Xiangjiang government. His patients don't pay, and someone will pay for you.

Here comes the point again, you spend money to see a doctor, all of this has nothing to do with hospitals and doctors, it is a matter of the medical insurance center.

Doctors see a doctor, various examination fees, medicine fees, surgery fees, etc., all have to generate bills as usual, and the fees are high.

With so many examples, the central idea is actually one: seeing a doctor costs money, the difference lies in who pays for you.

Do not believe? If you don't believe me, a mainlander goes to Xiangjiang to try medical treatment at his own expense.

Ordinary general practitioner consultation fees are generally around 600-1000 Hong Kong dollars, and specialist fees will be higher, usually above 1000 Hong Kong dollars.

An ordinary B-ultrasound is usually 600-1000 Hong Kong dollars once, and the cost of an X-ray electrocardiogram is higher, usually starting from 1000 Hong Kong dollars.

A night in an ordinary ward costs about HK$1,000 for a bed alone, a night in a semi-private room costs around HK$2,300, and a night in a private ward ranges from HK$4,000-6,000.

That's all, not including the prescription of medicine. If the disease is not cured, your banknotes have been spent like running water.

Come on, dear readers and friends, do you still think it is cheaper to see a doctor abroad or in Xiangjiang, my country?

When it comes to hospital charges, there is another one that the common people in China criticize the most, and that is "emergency care".

It is often published by the media, such as a person who cannot afford the money because of an emergency, and then the hospital refuses to see him and sees him die.

Let's not say whether this is true or not, everyone can think about it again, why the hospital refuses to diagnose? Because the hospital can't get the money, right?

Then everyone may think a little more deeply, if there are emergency patients, or patients who are comatose and cannot provide identification, who should bear the rescue costs of these people?

In foreign countries, it is borne by the state or welfare institutions. Even if your hospital is rescued, someone will pay the bill, so that your doctor will not have to worry about the future.

But in China, hospitals or doctors personally pay the bill.

It’s equivalent to saving your life for a long time, and there are a lot of expenses. In the end, the doctor not only saves your life, but also pays for it personally. Which doctor do you think has so much money and pays for strangers all day long?

So this is because foreign doctors have high moral character, but domestic doctors are too dark-hearted?

Of course, foreign medical systems also have a very important and unsolvable drawback, that is, low efficiency.

It is impossible for a patient in China to go to a tertiary hospital with a common cold, and to go to the emergency room at night, which is impossible in foreign countries.

If you go to a big hospital without an appointment, people will not bird you.

Some people will say, NND, I have a fever, dare you not show it to me in your big hospital? Be careful that I will smash your doctor's head and smash your hospital.

The consequence of this is that you will go to jail, there will be a huge fine, and you will leave a life-long credit stain, and no one will hire you to work again in the future.

To see a doctor abroad is just one word: "wait"!

Unless it is an emergency, you usually have to contact your family doctor or community doctor for any illness, and it will take you a day or two, or a week, to get your turn.

If the community doctor thinks it can handle it, he will handle it. If he thinks it can’t handle it, he will issue a transfer order for you, and you will go to a specialized hospital for examination and treatment. This process is still "waiting"!

It can be as short as a week, or as long as several months. Anyway, you wait slowly.

If you just have a minor illness like a common cold, by the time your appointment arrives, you may have healed yourself.

And if your family doctor has a close cooperation with the insurance company, you think I don’t have to pay much anyway, I want to do a blood test and a film for a full set of checks.

Sorry, the doctor refuses, and it's even entirely possible, not to prescribe your medicine, telling you that the cold is self-healing.

What should you do if you are too angry or can't wait? As long as you have money, you can go to a private hospital. A pneumonia can send you a bill of tens of thousands of dollars. Do you dare to go?

In China, it is very common for a doctor to make more than 100 outpatient visits a day, and it will never happen abroad.

Foreign doctors drink coffee and chat with each other when they go to work. There may be only a few outpatients a day, a dozen or so, and they are by appointment, and they will never give patients a temporary plus sign.

Of course, when you go to see a doctor, the doctor's attitude is very good and careful, and you don't tire of asking questions, because they have a lot of time, and it's normal to spend an hour seeing a doctor.

In China, do you dare to spend an hour seeing a patient in the outpatient clinic? ? ?

Believe it or not, the patients in the back line can blow your doctor's head off? Or just yell and clamor to complain!

Doctors abroad don’t worry about their income at all. The registration fee for seeing a patient is one hundred or even hundreds of dollars.

That's why doctors can work with peace of mind, see a doctor with peace of mind, and conduct scientific research with peace of mind, and then there are a lot of Nobel Prize winners.

Back to Chen Qi in 1984, what can Chen Qi do?

As the executive vice president in charge of clinical and business operations, whether the hospital can survive, whether the medical staff can pay wages and provide subsidies normally, all must be earned by themselves.

The country is in financial difficulty and there is no allocation of funds, and no insurance company to pay for the patients, so the wool can only come from the sheep.

Patients are always the ones who suffer the most, because most of them can only pay for themselves, and only a few people can enjoy medical insurance, and a serious illness can bring the whole family back into poverty.

Similarly, domestic doctors are also the most tired.

Foreign colleagues are optimistic about the mailing of the medical bills, and they have nothing to do with the rest. They drink coffee and wait for the number on the salary card to increase.

However, domestic doctors have to keep doing business like doing business. They must try their best to make more money from patients, and they must also guard against sudden violent attacks from patients' family members.

What Chen Qi can do is to let the patients get cured as soon as possible while spending the money, so that the pain is well spent and the money is worth it.

At the same time, it is also necessary to form a good learning atmosphere in the whole hospital, and stop muddling along when seeing a doctor as before.

Here, while Dean Chen was still having a headache about his business, there was also a professor in the Third Hospital of Beijing Medical University in the distant capital who was having a headache with an invitation.

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