Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 314 The Great Doctor Chen

After Chen Qi finished speaking the three techniques, he finally looked at his watch and said:

"Unfortunately, because the time limit is only half an hour, I can't explain it too deeply. Now I want to show you a video. This is a combined lip, palate, nose and jaw operation I just completed. It is my country's Ge Minghua. done with the professor.

For the operation, I used three new surgical methods on the same person, the same operation, and different parts. As for the effect, please wait and see. Now I will show you a photo of the patient before the operation. "

After finishing speaking, Xu Xiaowei's exaggerated face before the operation appeared on the big screen, (of course the parts above the eyes are mosaic)

As soon as this photo was taken out, many doctors frowned.

It’s not that I think it’s ugly, but I think this operation is too difficult, because there are too many parts that need to be corrected and repaired, and the disciplines involved are not limited to the field of cleft lip and palate.

Everyone tried to simulate the operation process in their hearts, and many people found that they seemed a bit overwhelmed by the operation.

Due to limited time, Chen Qi went on to say: "The photo below is the postoperative photo of the patient."


As soon as the photo appeared, there was another uproar at the scene. It is really that the surgical repair effect was better than expected.

Putting the two photos together, one is ugly and the other is beautiful, under the strong contrast, everyone's hearts are beating thumpingly.

Many people simply can't imagine that Huaguo is so silent, and the level of cleft lip and palate repair and cosmetic surgery is already so high? Or was the previous secrecy work done too well?

More people were dumbfounded, and then a question arose in their hearts:

is this real? Can the backward Huaguo do it?

As if Chen Qi could understand everyone's voice, he said with a smile:

"Next, I want to play a video, which was filmed when I performed the operation on the patient, but I checked the time, and if it is all played, it will definitely be timed out. I wonder if the organizing committee of the conference can make an exception and give me more time? "

The president of the International Society for Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery, Professor Dewey from the United States said loudly:

"OK, Chen, it's okay, you can take up as much time as you want today, we are very interested."

The doctors and professors in the audience were also anxious and shouted:

"Yes, please play the video immediately!"

"I can't wait, this is really the biggest gain of this meeting."

Old technology geeks can have any bad intentions, but they are eager for a new technology and a new technique.

Chen Qi smiled, what he wanted was this effect, so he said to a certain direction in the audience:

"My dear little assistant, I hope you won't be in a daze this time, I need you to play this video immediately."


Everyone chuckled again, and as the little translator pressed the switch, the projector began to play this video on the large screen in the center of the venue.

There was no sound in the venue, everyone's mouth was wide open, their eyes were full of curiosity, and they followed the flickering of the movie screen without blinking.

Because it was a teaching operation, Chen Qi explained every step in detail to the camera during the domestic operation. Unfortunately, he spoke in Chinese, so that the assistant could write the medical record on the spot.

With an idea, Chen Qi picked up the microphone and began to translate at the same time.

When the video was played to the end, after Xu Xiaowei removed the gauze, revealing that beautiful face, Xu Xiaowei let out a scream of joy.

At this time, the sound of oh my god sounded in the venue.

Then there was thunderous applause, and everyone stood up spontaneously, paying the highest respect and praise to the young doctors on the stage.

The whole process can be seen in the video, it is the young Hua Guo doctor who performed the surgery, and now there is a video to testify, no one can doubt it anymore.

When Professor Ge and the little translator saw that Chen Qi had succeeded, they were so excited that they almost slapped their palms.

Dean Pu Zhiyong shouted excitedly to the assistants next to him:

"Very complete. The operation is perfect. This is the perfect restoration that Ms. Yingzi needs. I need to get this copy right away. I want to show it to the president right away."

The lights come on.

Professor Dewey walked up to Chen Qi, held his hand tightly and said:

"Hua Guo is really amazing. I can say that with these three new surgical methods, Hua Guo's cleft lip and palate surgery has reached the forefront of the world. And Dr. Chen also gave us a big surprise,

Chen, you have such a high surgical level at such a young age, and you can also create and invent the latest clinical treatment plan, which shows that there are successors in our career, and even your future achievements will far exceed every specialist doctor here. "

Chen Qi knew that he must be sincere at this time. He represented the entire Huaguo medical community, not just himself.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Professor. I am only standing on the shoulders of you giants to invent these new techniques. If there is no foundation laid by you and so much research work, maybe I am still in the state of groping.

I myself, as well as my motherland, are willing to make our contributions to the medical progress of mankind, and hope to bring the gospel to patients with cleft lip and palate all over the world, and the promotion of new surgical methods is also inseparable from the international team led by you, Professor. Cleft Lip and Palate Association. "

Chen Qi was a bit shameless when he said this, because he plagiarized these three new surgical techniques. Otherwise, how can a hepatobiliary surgeon perform such a cross-border operation so miraculously?

Professor Dewey was very satisfied with Chen Qi's attitude, he was successful but not arrogant, and people liked him wherever he went.

"Chen, this meeting will re-elect the Council of the ICPF Society. I welcome you very much."

When Chen Qi heard this, his heart was full of joy. Joining an international medical association is definitely the highest honor for a doctor.

Please forgive Chen Qi's vanity, although his future will not be on the path of cleft lip and palate, it does not prevent him from earning medical capital now.

With this title of member of the International Society, he will gradually have his own voice in the domestic health system.

With the right to speak, you can do whatever you want, reducing too much resistance and unnecessary trouble.

"Thank you, Mr. Professor, I am very honored to join the International Society of Cleft Lip and Palate Surgery, and will continue to work hard!"

The meeting will continue, and there will be an academic session in England. Chen Qi has already taken up too much time, so he hastened to step down.

Hey, after he got off the stage, he walked to his seat next to the arm row. Along the way, there were handshakes from colleagues from various countries.

"Hi Chen, you are awesome!"

"Chen, I'm from Germany, can we chat after the meeting?"

"Congratulations, Chen. Your three new techniques are amazing inventions. May I have the honor to read your paper?"

Chen Qi greeted him all the way, his face became stiff with a smile, and when he returned to his seat, Professor Ge grabbed his hand, tears were about to fall.

"Chen Qi, we have succeeded, you have won glory for the country."

The little translator also turned into a little girl, patting Chen Qi's arm excitedly:

"Ah, Doctor Chen, you are amazing. Your translation is more accurate than mine. The little girl admires you."

Chen Qi signaled the two to sit down quickly: "Let's drink Coke to celebrate after the meeting, and now let's listen to the latest research results from experts from other countries."

Not long after Chen Qi sat down, a staff member nodded and bowed to ask him to go out.

Chen Qi is a little strange, he doesn't seem to have any acquaintances in Bangzi Country, right? And the participants are all in the venue, who will ask him to go out?

But he didn't hold back, anyway, he wasn't a big girl, and this place wasn't in Eastern Europe, so he wasn't afraid of being sold to Sicily by convicts.

Chen Qi walked outside the meeting place and found a group of people waiting. It was obvious that they were not ordinary people by their attire.

The gray-haired elderly man who took the lead stepped forward and slightly bowed, asking politely in English:

"Hello, Dr. Chen, I'm Pu Zhiyong, the director of Hanjiang Hospital, and I take the liberty to bother you."

Hanjiang Hospital is the organizer of this meeting, and it is also the top hospital in Bangzi Country. Chen Qi knew something about it during the meeting, so he quickly extended his hand and shook it:

"Hello, Dean Park, it's a great honor, what can I do for you?"

"Doctor Chen, it's like this. I want to copy a few videos you just played at the venue."

Doctors are a group that pays great attention to intellectual property rights. Chen Qi's three new surgical methods have only been published in China, and have not yet been published in foreign authoritative magazines.

As for these videos, they are more teaching courseware, how can they just hand them over to others? What if someone else uses it for business? Or how about making money based on this video?

Seeing Chen Qi's unhappy expression, Pu Zhiyong quickly added:

"Dr. Chen, I know this request is very presumptuous. It's like this. The youngest daughter of the president of our Hanjiang Group is also a patient with cleft lip and palate. Our president has been very anxious and distressed, so the Hanjiang Group sponsored this international academic conference. .

One of the purposes is to invite the world's top cleft lip and palate doctors to treat our chairman's little daughter, so our delegation has been paying attention to the performance of doctors from various countries at this academic conference and the launch of the latest technology.

Doctors from various countries gave speeches just now. I found that the little girl in your video has been restored to perfection, just like a work of art. It’s incredible, and it best meets the requirements of our president.

So I would like to ask you to lend me the copy of the film first. Don’t worry, Dr. Chen. I’ll just show it to our president and let him witness Dr. Chen’s perfect operation. Return it immediately after watching it. Leaked.

In addition, if our president approves, we would also like to ask Dr. Chen to do a cleft lip and palate repair for our president's lady. Please rest assured that our Hanjiang Group will not treat friends from afar badly. "

Oh~~~Chen Qi understands.

A big dog is a big dog. In order to treat his daughter, he can directly sponsor an international academic conference.

The conference fees, accommodation and catering expenses, transportation expenses, red envelopes from top experts from various countries, etc., are all calculated in millions of dollars.

How many Huangtan health centers can be built with this money?

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