Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 354 FSSH Alternate Director

Back in the room, Professor Wu criticized:

"Xiao Chen, what you just said was too much. Wei Cheng is a professor after all. No matter how conflicted you are, you shouldn't break out abroad. You can't let foreigners see the joke."

Chen Qi smiled bitterly and said:

"Professor Wu, you don't know how much this Professor Wei has gone too far. I went to the FSSH Society to sell a palm replantation technique I made. There are papers and videos. Those foreign experts are convinced. It's a great idea.

The result is that this professor Wei has been questioning me all the time, and even deliberately led those foreign experts to think about conspiracy theories. You said that we are all compatriots and domestic counterparts. Why does he keep dismantling himself? ? "

Professor Wu also sighed when he heard this:

"Peer peers look down on each other. This is the bad atmosphere in China. If we are not united, we will only be looked down upon by foreign peers."

"That's right, I look down on myself, how can I get the recognition and respect of others? This professor Wei is too small. No wonder Huaguo's hand surgery has gone from leading the world to now lagging behind. The leader is really important. .”

"Okay, okay, stop talking about people behind their backs, you have to learn a lesson, don't be complacent just because of an ICPF director, since you like hepatobiliary surgery, you should work harder in this area."

When Chen Qi heard it, he was pleasantly surprised. Is this Professor Wu planning to mention him a few words?

He was about to flatter a few words when he heard a knock on the door.

Chen Qi opened the door and saw Professor Dewey standing outside the door, and Professor Stevenson, the president of the FSSH Society.

"Professor Dewey, Professor Stevenson, why are you here? Uh, Professor Wu, a visitor is here..."

Chen Qi didn't live in a single room, so he had to ask Professor Wu's opinion in advance, otherwise it would be too rude.

Professor Wu smiled when he came over and said, "Hey Dewey, Stevenson, why are you here? Come in quickly."

After working for a long time, the old man knew them all. No wonder, Wu Mengchao is the vice president of the International Society of Hepatobiliary Surgery.

After several people greeted, Professor Stevenson couldn't wait to take out a document.

"Chen, this is an employment contract. After urgent discussions in the past two days, the International Society for Surgery of the Hand has decided to temporarily hire you as an alternate director of our society. I hope that you can speak on behalf of our FSSH society at the plenary session tomorrow. "

As soon as these words came out, Professor Wu looked at them in surprise.

Chen Qi was also stunned. Did you think that your International Medical Association directly hired me as a director based on just one paper and one video? Is it so casual?

In fact, this is because the FSSH society has no choice, because they really can't come up with the latest cutting-edge technology to give public speeches.

Originally, the "Elementary Society" was already looked down upon by people, and if there were no eye-popping new techniques launched, it would have no status in the future.

Although the high-level executives of the FSSH society were initially attracted by Chen Qi's "heterotopic foster care and replantation", they always wanted to pick and choose in their own society, hoping to pick out more representative new technologies.

But with pearls and jade in front, those tiles and stones couldn't be seen at all.

Tomorrow is the last day of the plenary meeting, and there will be 10-minute special speeches in all major societies. This is a moment of great concern to surgeons all over the world.

Because many new surgical techniques, procedures, and inventions will be launched on this day, it is a moment for everyone to compete.

After the ass was burned, Professor Stevenson and other directors made up their minds. They could only save the country with curves. If Chen Qi wanted to show the "foster care and replantation technique" in a righteous way, he should be pulled into the organization first to resolve his identity. question.

Otherwise, when he announces this operation in his private capacity one day, FSSH will be ashamed.

Join if you can't beat it.

But Chen Qi is already a director of ICPF, if he is only given an ordinary member, it would be a bit contemptuous.

At the same time, Professor Dewey, the chairman of ICPF, also expressed his dissatisfaction strongly. Am I only worthy of being a member of your FSSH as an ICPF director? We ICPF don't want face?

So in a compromise, they came up with an "alternate director". This is also the FSSH Society's mind, that advances can be attacked, and retreat can be defended.

If Chen Qi's operation is really successful and there is no fraud, then he can naturally become an official director.

If the operation is faked or failed, then the "alternate" qualification will be cancelled. Anyway, it is a temporary worker, and it is more convenient to throw the blame.

Chen Qi was a little silly holding the letter of appointment, scratching his head and looking at Professor Dewey and Professor Wu Mengchao:

"Professor Stevenson, thank you for your trust in me, I am very honored, but I am already a director of ICPF, this, this, there is an international precedent, can a doctor concurrently work in two societies?"

As soon as these words came out, Professor Dewey was very satisfied with Chen Qi's attitude.

"Chen, don't worry, it is allowed to work as a member of multiple medical associations part-time. We are only a non-governmental organization, not a national organization, and there are not so many restrictions."

Professor Wu also smiled: "You can have multiple part-time jobs, as long as you have the ability, ha ha."

Then Chen Qi was relieved, Bai got the second director, and the first thing he thought of was that he could slap Wei Chao, Wu Jianlin and others in the face.

The anger I received in the country before has also come out.

"Okay, since the ICPF Society has no objection, then I will formally apply to join the FSSH Society."

Swish, swish, Chen Qi signed his name.

Professor Stevenson was overjoyed. Holding the contract, the stone in his heart finally landed, so he held Chen Qi's hand tightly, and said a little embarrassedly:

"Then I'll leave it to you tomorrow, and I'm very sorry, you represent our FSSH to give a speech on the latest techniques. Our society can only provide a courseware fee of 20,000 US dollars as usual. I hope you don't mind."

Chen Qi's smile was even more sincere, why would he mind? If 20,000 U.S. dollars is exchanged in the domestic black market, it will be 200,000 RMB. How many houses can you buy?

That night, Chen Qi almost didn't sleep all night.

Because the limit of the speech is only 10 minutes, the bell will ring when the time is up, and he can only end the speech before he finishes speaking, so he must precisely control the speech time.

He has already prepared a speech on the three types of cleft lip and palate surgery in China, and has rehearsed it many times, so he knows it well.

However, he had to re-extract the essence of the thesis for the hand surgery lecture he received temporarily. At the same time, he had to reorder the video clips, which parts could be played, and which parts could be fast-forwarded.

Professor Wu woke up in the middle of the night, saw Chen Qi still preparing materials on the table, and nodded slightly in his heart.

Only doctors understand doctors. There is nothing that can be achieved casually. It is all achieved by hard work and hard work behind the scenes that ordinary people can't imagine.

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