Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 460 Buying time for the thesis

We must know that with so many precision instruments added up, there is no one worth hundreds of millions of dollars that cannot be taken down at all.

Even if the University of California San Francisco Medical Center (UCSF) is a big dog, one hundred million US dollars in the 1980s is definitely not a small amount, and it will make the hospital heartbroken.

It is not just money that is lost, but also the reputation of UCSF Hospital.

Once these devices are lost, the authorities will definitely investigate. After half a year and a few months, they will not be able to find out, and they will have to raise funds to buy them. When the equipment is reinstalled, the day lily will be cold.

There are so many private hospitals in the country, and the competition is fierce, okay?

What a delay, isn't it?

Besides, Dean Chen didn't just steal the imaging department and stop, no, he has now rushed to the laboratory department.

The testing center of UCSF Hospital has a separate building, the downstairs is the clinical testing department, and the upstairs is a variety of related laboratories.

Chen Qi is not polite, and he is not picky about food. Anyway, he has unlimited space, so he can take as much as he can now.

What blood cell analyzer, urine analyzer, biochemical analyzer, hemorheology analyzer, chemiluminescence immunoassay analyzer, specific protein analyzer, enzyme immunoassay analyzer, glycated hemoglobin analyzer, electrolyte analyzer.

Pack and take away all of them, leaving none behind.

Not only the instruments were not kept, but even the biological safety cabinets, centrifuges, microscopes, water purifiers, UPS, autoclaves, and medical refrigerators from the laboratory were taken away.

Don't underestimate the medical refrigerator, this thing is very particular,

It is generally used to store special medicines such as medicines, vaccines, stem cells, transplanted skin and animal tissue specimens, gene banks, and some important biochemical reagents.

There are strict requirements on temperature and humidity, which are not comparable to household refrigerators, and the price is also deadly expensive.

For example, the Helicobacter pylori research group that Lan Lijuan is working on bought one because of foreign funding. This is the first imported medical refrigerator in Vietnam.

Now Chen Qi stole all the medical refrigerators in the entire building. What was lost was not only the refrigerators, but also some precious experimental substances and biochemical agents in the refrigerators.

This is called a heavy loss.

After clearing out the imaging department and laboratory department, Chen Qi went to the most important medicine storehouse.

In addition to the most valuable equipment in a hospital, the value of drugs is even more unpredictable.

In particular, many medicines are for rare diseases, and the injection costs tens of thousands of dollars. If you throw away a refrigerator full of medicines, you can make people vomit blood.

If the stolen equipment can only be idle, and there is no way to realize it, then the effect of drugs will be greater.

Speaking more recently, there is a shortage of medicines in Africa, especially in Sierra Leone because there is no pharmaceutical factory in the country, and all medicines are imported, which also makes the price of medicines difficult to remember.

It’s okay to be expensive, sometimes there is a price but no market, and you can’t buy life-saving medicine with dollars, what a helpless thing.

As long as he got the medicine in stock at the UCSF hospital, it would be enough for Chen Qi to be in trouble in Africa for a while.

Even if he returns to the country in the future, many of the medicines in it can play a huge role. Chen Qi is not going to sell them, but it can be used to save people.

If you save someone, not only will you be able to reap the pennant, but you will also have contacts at critical moments, which will also be of great help to your career.

It's just that it's a little troublesome to enter the medicine warehouse. The door of the warehouse is obviously not comparable to the lock in the office building.

Chen Qi smashed it for a long time without breaking it open, and finally got angry, and directly took out a few "pineapples" presented by Adem, and blew up the door.

It’s fine if you smash the door, the security guards don’t want to hear it, but if you blow the gate directly in the middle of the night, if the hospital security guards can’t hear it, then it’s considered them dead.

Anyone who has been to the hospital knows that the security of the hospital is basically only a little better than the toothless security guards in the community.

The hospital is a civilian unit, and there is nothing that needs to be kept secret. In addition, there is no medical trouble in the country, so it is a security guard, but it is actually similar to a unit guarding the gate.

The huge explosion at night really attracted the staff.

When a fat security guard and an old security guard rushed over, they saw that the door of the drug storehouse had been bombed to pieces, and then took a flashlight to shine such a light into the room, and they were frightened out of their wits.

I saw that the warehouse was empty, not to mention the medicines in stock, even the iron shelves where the medicines were placed were gone.

"Fake, Fake, I must be dazzled, how is this possible?"

"God, I've seen a bank robbed. I've never seen a hospital robbed in my life. Hurry up and call the police and retreat quickly. The robbers have weapons."

"Yes, it's important to save your life, call for backup."

The two security guards ran away desperately, and then Chen Qi flashed out from the medicine storehouse, and then patted his chest with lingering fear.

Good guy, he has never played with "Pineapple". He didn't expect it to be so powerful and so loud. Not to mention the door, even part of the wall was blown down.

Although I was shocked, getting a whole warehouse of medicines basically made up for the last shortcoming of Chen Qi's "space operating room", so that it would be much more convenient to practice medicine in the future.

It's not that Chen Qi is not patriotic, it's just that the quality and curative effect of domestic medicines have left doctors speechless.

The explosion at the medicine warehouse alarmed the entire hospital. The lights in the inpatient building were turned on one after another, and sirens could already be heard in the distance.

Chen Qi knew that he had to hurry up, because he still had one most important place to go.

That is the hospital's database, also called the archives.

In 1987, hospitals in the country had not fully started computerized office automation, and doctors' prescriptions and medical records were still mainly written by hand.

In addition, all the materials of the research groups and research groups are also all paper records, and finally stored in the archives together with the medical records and medical records.

So for UCSF Hospital, what is really valuable is not equipment or medicines, but these archives and materials with a history of hundreds of years.

This is a treasure house. When a doctor encounters a medical problem and needs to answer it, he will go to the "database" to check the information.

When a researcher needs to do a certain topic, it needs a lot of data and cases to support it, which can also be found in the "database".

In addition, many scientific research projects that are in progress or have been completed all need to be archived, and the final storage place is the "database".

If equipment and drugs are tangible assets, the database is a real intangible asset, which is the real foundation of a hospital.

Chen Qi decided to empty them out for them, and let them lose their history, data, and hope, which is a real pain.

Let the gringo get a taste of what it means to have a "stolen paper".

Of course, it's useless for him to take away so many paper materials.

The treasure in the eyes of others is just a pile of rubbish in Chen Qi's place. When will so much information be researched? There are as many as five floors up and down.

In order to create a sensational effect and completely plunge UCSF into chaos, Chen Qi decided to burn his mother to the ground.

Half an hour later, when the police surrounded the entire hospital, Chen Qi had left the UCSF hospital and was standing across the street.

At this time, the fire that ignited in the database in the UCSF hospital illuminated the entire sky of San Francisco. Because the fire was too large, the fire spread to several nearby buildings.

For a while, the whole hospital was covered with paper dust, like going to a grave on Qingming Festival.

Fortunately, the building of the inpatient department was farther away, but the hospital was already organizing the evacuation of patients.

The entire UCSF hospital fell into complete chaos, and the entire San Francisco city area also sounded the alarm. Those police cars, fire trucks, and ambulances ran desperately towards the largest and most famous hospital in San Francisco.

Chen Qi whistled, hid his figure in the darkness, and left quietly, not to mention nothing captured by surveillance, so what if there was a probe?

So many things, tens of thousands of tons of supplies, how did they move away? Who moved? Just leave it to Laomei to have a headache.

When Chen Qi returned to the small hotel where the Huaguo medical delegation was located, all the old men were awake.

Seeing Chen Qi coming in from outside in a coat, everyone greeted him. Liu Chumin was the leader of the team, and he was the first to ask:

"Chen Qi, did you go out just now? What happened outside? Why are the sounds of police cars everywhere?"

Chen Qi pursed his lips, pointed to a window in one direction and said:

"See? Is the sky over there all red? It's on fire."

A group of little old men ran to the window to watch the excitement, "Hey, this fire is not small, where is it on fire?"

"I heard it's the University of California, San Francisco Medical Center," Chen Qi said casually while taking off his clothes.

"UCSF Medical Center?"

The group of little old men turned their heads one after another, pondering: "Why does this place sound familiar? Where have you heard of it..."

Professor Wu Mengchao said angrily:

"Isn't it the two doctors who targeted Professor Lu, the work units of Jesses and Hendnessen? They are also the top-ranked famous hospitals in the United States."

Professor Lu became anxious when he heard it: "Oh, the hospital is on fire, what should we do? There are so many patients and so many equipments, this has caused a catastrophe."

Chen Qi sighed beside him, thinking that Professor Lu Hezai is really an honest person.

When someone else heard that the enemy's hospital was on fire, they wished they could dance a harvest song to express their joy, but the old man was worried about whether the patients in the enemy's hospital would be harmed.

This is really a doctor's benevolence.

Chen Qi felt that he should reflect on whether the fire just now might have caused casualties. If so, it would be a pity, and he must send them two wreaths later.

At this time, Liu Chumin seemed to think of something, and suddenly clapped his hands:

"Professor Lu, your paper "Urodynamic Dual-Channel Cystometric Method" may be saved. Think about it, the hospital where Jessies is located has been burned down, and reconstruction work continues. How can they still have it?" Time to take care of this paper."

Professor Ning Mengzhu also had a smile on his face:

"That's right, Old Lu, he must be busy with emergency rescue and disaster relief, and other things have to be put on the back burner. Isn't this buying you precious time?"

Professor Lu suddenly realized, and walked around the room excitedly.

"Well, I won't hold this surgical conference. I'll go back to China first, revise the paper, and try to publish it as soon as possible."

Chen Qi interjected at this time:

"Professor Lu, it's useless for you to go back. It just so happens that Director Liu is also here. Let the leaders and the department report the problems we encountered today. When the time comes, help a team and publish it first. It's better for the department to come forward than you alone." alone.

At the same time, today's incident also reminded us, don't be stupid anymore, take out good things from home and share them, we have good intentions, and we can't stand too many bad people. After studying the confidentiality regulations for so many years, how come I forget them when I get old. "

"Yes, yes, Xiao Chen is right."

"We must remind our domestic counterparts when we go back."

All of a sudden, the atmosphere in the room became lively. Unlike the bustle and bustle of the Huaguo delegation, the people in the UCSF hospital over there were going crazy.

Dean Colin rushed to the hospital at a speed of speeding. When he saw all kinds of ambulances on the side of the street, his mind suddenly exploded.

Before he could speak, the secretary in charge of administration stumbled over.

"Dean, it's not good, the No. 5 building where we store materials has all burned down, and there is no time to rescue them!"

"What!? Fake Fake, how many times have I told you to pay attention to fire prevention and fire prevention? Now that all the information is gone, how do we explain it to the board of directors and all the medical staff in UCSF Hospital!"

This side is not as good as Fake, and there are staff members running over there.

"Dean, go and have a look, all the medicines in our medicine storehouse are gone."


Dean Colin's voice broke directly:

"How is this possible? We are San Francisco, or even a medical center in California. How could so many medicines be emptied? Who has such a big ability?"

"Really, nothing was left, not even a box of cold medicine."

Dean Ke Lin still didn't believe it, but he ran quickly towards the medicine storehouse, only to run into the crazy director of the imaging department halfway.

"My CT is gone! My MRI is gone! My B-ultrasound machine is gone! Everything is gone, have all you sons of bitches resold?"

Facing the director of the Imaging Department with red eyes, Dean Ke Lin was already numb, but his trembling hands and 180 times of mental journey reminded him of his inner unrest.

"It's gone, it's gone, what else is there? You guys are about to finish talking all at once, what else is there? Huh?"


"All the equipment in the inspection building was stolen~~~Oh no, it was robbed~~~~"

Shout out, it was like a thunderclap exploding among the crowd at UCSF Hospital, and then Dean Colin just fell straight down.


"Hurry up and put out the fire!!!"

"My imaging department has been evacuated!!!"

"Drug Depot, hurry up and find out where the medicine in the Medicine Depot has gone!!!"

"Have all the patients been transferred?!"

"Damn it, who did this?!!"

The UCSF hospital was completely in chaos. When the doctors were about to go to work the next day, they found that the hospital had become like the battlefield in Afghanistan. They all shouted:

"oh my god!"

At this time, the chairman of the hospital and the manager of the insurance company also fell to the ground, probably almost going to see their God.

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