Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 500 Bile duct inflammation or cancer

Chen Qi really had to make a move not because of money, but because of the friendship between the two countries. (Vomit)

Chen Qi, who received 50,000 US dollars, went to Freetown National Hospital in person the next day.

Mrs. Mbeki and Dean Bagri personally greeted Chen Qi at the gate of the hospital.

When Chen Qi came over this time, his style came out.

Yi Zewen acted as the driver himself, Zhang Xing acted as the assistant, and Chen Li and Yang Xiuxiu acted as the team's secretary and nurse.

As for He Fule, who was the oldest, he naturally played the role of a housekeeper, appearing stable.

When Chen Qi got out of the car, Zhang Xing hurriedly jumped down from the co-pilot and opened the car door for Chen Qi. Chen Li was standing beside her with a briefcase, and Yang Xiuxiu was holding a surgical kit.

Is it Shanghai style enough? Does it look authoritative?

This is what Chen Qi and the others discussed. We are a team. If we want to come together, this African dog is embarrassed not to give a red envelope? At least 1,000 US dollars, enough to eat and drink spicy food after returning home.

"Doctor Chen, hello, hello, you have kept us waiting for a long time."

Mrs. Mbeki was smiling all over her face at this time, and she did not see the previous domineering look at all. Changing face is a compulsory course for official wives.

Chen Qi also shook hands with the fat lady: "Hello Ma'am, it's a great honor to accept Mr. Mbeki's invitation, and I will definitely do my best to serve you well."

"Hehe, okay, Doctor Chen please."

"Madam please!"

The two were hypocritically polite, boasting to each other commercially, and a group of people filed into the ward.

As soon as he entered the ward, before he had time to say hello, Chen Qi saw Mbeki on the hospital bed, quickly entered the working state, and turned on the "vision" in the audio-visual diagnosis mode.

I saw that Mbeki's complexion was very yellow, waxy yellow.

Not only his face is yellow, but his whole body is also yellow, he is simply a standard little yellow man.

This kind of "yellow" may be obvious at a glance on white people or yellow people, but it is not so obvious on black people who are not black.

It was also fortunate that Chen Qi was a professional "hepatobiliary and pancreatic specialist" doctor. Others couldn't tell, but he could tell something was wrong at a glance.

What does the "little yellow man" represent? As a country with a large liver disease, even ordinary people know that it is either a liver problem or a gallbladder problem.

The patient now has fever, upper abdominal pain, and yellow skin, so the scope of diagnosis can be quickly narrowed, which is in the biliary tract.

So where is the problem with the gallbladder? This requires a series of auxiliary examinations to confirm the doctor's conjecture.

"Dean Bagley, quickly arrange for someone to test Mr. Mbeki's jaundice index."

"Okay, let's draw blood right away."

Taking advantage of the process of submitting to the laboratory for examination, Chen Qi started the whole body examination again.

On palpation of the abdomen, the tenderness point was very fixed, located at the junction of the midline of the right clavicle and the costal arch. This position has an academic name called "Mercy's point". It is a typical location of the gallbladder. No wonder it was diagnosed as "cholecystitis".

But cholecystitis generally does not cause jaundice, unless the symptoms are very severe.

But this Mbeki's pain symptoms and systemic symptoms are not so obvious, which is also one of Chen Qi's doubts.

The lab report is on the way.

When Mbeki saw the latest report, he became nervous: "Dr. Chen, me, what's going on with me?"

Chen Qi looked at the benefactor in front of him with a smile:

"Mr. Mbeki, the inspection report just now shows that your jaundice index is 10 times higher, so we have ruled out the possibility of stomach problems. Now I have reason to suspect that there is something wrong with your biliary tract, and something is blocked.

Now the B-ultrasound is not very clear, why the bile duct is blocked, why the bile flow is not smooth, generally there are two reasons, one is bile duct stones, the stones block the outlet, and the other is something bad, such as Cholangiocarcinoma. "

Mbeki grabbed the bed sheet tightly with his hands: "Bile duct tumor, can it be understood as bile duct cancer?"

"Oh my God!"

Mrs. Mbeki slumped on the chair all of a sudden, with an expression of disbelief.

Whether Mbeki is a high-ranking official, he still has a bit of city power in front of outsiders, but his face has also become very gloomy.

"Dr. Chen, if it is cholangiocarcinoma, what is the chance of survival? Can it be cured by surgery?"

Chen Qi didn't dare to laugh now.

It's hard to be a doctor. You can't do it with a smiling face or without a smile. You have to adapt to the situation.

"Bile duct cancer is a very dangerous cancer. You must have heard that gallbladder cancer and pancreatic cancer are the kings of cancers. This cholangiocarcinoma is only slightly better than liver cancer. If diagnosed, the chance of successful surgery is very small. Surgery, the chances of survival are also very unoptimistic."

"My God~~~Why am I so miserable~~~My mother is dead~~~"

Mrs. Mbeki burst into tears at this moment.

Of course, she was crying in the local dialect, and Chen Qi couldn't understand it. Think about it, there are always a few words in a woman's crying, right? (full marks for translation)

Mbeki's mind was actually blank at this time, but he knew that he must not show any weakness in front of outsiders.

"Doctor Chen, you are just guessing now, right?"

"Yes, this is my guess as a doctor. I will tell you about both possibilities, but you and your wife don't need to worry too much. It doesn't have to be a biliary tract tumor, and it may be other problems? Such as inflammation, or stones, etc. wait……"

"Excuse me, can I interject?"

Before Chen Qi finished speaking, a black doctor in a white coat suddenly stood up.

Everyone in the room looked over in surprise,

Dean Bagley became anxious and gave the black doctor a hand: "Fack, Calema, don't talk nonsense."

Dr. Calema obviously didn't care about the dean's attitude, but bravely stood up:

"Mr. Mbeki, Ma'am, I am the deputy director of surgery at Freetown National Hospital. I graduated from Pennsylvania Medical School in the United States. I have studied with the greatest surgeon in the world for 5 years. I have very rich medical knowledge and clinical experience. .

I have judged Mr. Mbeki's condition for a long time. The abdominal pain and fever were introduced because of biliary obstruction. Although the effect of B-ultrasound is not satisfactory, I can still see from my rich experience that the biliary tract is the biggest problem.

And the B-ultrasound shows non-strong echo, which can rule out the possibility of stones; it is not the kind of hypoecho, or no echo, so the possibility of inflammation can also be ruled out. The only remaining possibility is the tumor, and Dr. Chen's point of view also supports my judgment. "

Callema's remark sounds convincing and well-founded.

Chen Qi scratched his head, not knowing what to say.

There are quite a lot of such "technical nerds" in the hospital, with high IQ but low EQ, and they are very rational and stubborn.

It is estimated that this Callaima's judgment on the condition will not attract the attention of the hospital, so today he simply raised it in person.

It looks brave, but it's really reckless. Didn't you see that Mr. Mbeki's face is as black as black carbon?

(Uh, when this Vice President L is happy, his face should be dark too, right?)

People who are sick have the best experience. Who wants to be sentenced to death? As long as there is a life-saving straw and a glimmer of hope, patients are unwilling to listen to those bad results.

This is also the case for many patients with advanced diseases. It is like investing a lot of medical resources and money in unnecessary treatment as long as the hospice care is completed.


Dean Bagley let out a low howl:

"Doctor Kalema, how could you be so presumptuous in front of Mr. Mbeki? Now that everything is inconclusive, you just swear that it is a tumor, shut up!"

Mbeki ignored the eager black doctor, closed his eyes for a while, and calmed down.

"Doctor Chen, you are an expert, what do you think?"

Chen Qi had no choice but to explain:

"As doctors, we will tell patients the best and worst results, so that patient compliance will increase. I cannot deny Dr. Calema's judgment, but I need more tests to determine the cause."

"What check?"

Everyone in the ward asked in unison.

Because the inspection equipment at Freetown National Hospital is just these, what tricks can your Hua Guo doctor do?

Chen Qi raised two fingers: "I still want to have a B-ultrasound, and if possible, I would like to have a CT."

Mrs. Mbeki stood up when she heard that: "Then what are you waiting for? Hurry up and continue the inspection."

Dr. Calema curled his lips when he heard this. He is a doctor trained in European and American countries. With a strong sense of superiority, he doesn't think highly of Dr. Huaguo, which is the same as what he dared to interrupt Chen Qi just now.

Dr. Bagley was a little embarrassed:

"This, Mr. Mbeki, we have done B-ultrasound, but our machine is too old, the image clarity is not enough, and B-ultrasound also has certain limitations. In addition, our country currently does not have a CT .”

Mbeki felt relieved when he heard this:

"Without a CT machine, what should I do? Do you want me to go abroad for medical treatment?"

As a high-ranking Sierra Lean leader, Mbeki is very sensitive to go abroad, and news that he may be terminally ill will spread. This will definitely be a fatal blow in the political arena, and he will make full use of it to his political opponents.

Should he step down, both he and his family may face a series of suppression and aggression.

So Mbeki didn't want to go abroad unless it was a last resort, so he glanced at Chen Qi in embarrassment:

"Doctor, the two tests you mentioned seem to be difficult to achieve in our country, especially CT machines. What can we do? Is there an alternative?"

Chen Qi coughed a few times:

"This, this, I have the latest B-ultrasound machine in the world. I also have a CT machine. If Freetown National Hospital can offer a good price, I will supply a CT machine right away. How about it?"

Mbeki was overjoyed when he heard it: "Doctor Chen, you Huaguo is so powerful, you carry CT machines with the group?"

Chen Qi shook his head:

"No, no, these CT machines belong to me personally. They were sold to me by the Mayo Clinic, so they belong to second-hand phones. The price of new machines is between 500,000 and 600,000. I know you don't have much money. In this way, How about I charge $250,000 including shipping?"

Dean Bagley was both happy and worried. Of course he knew the price of the new CT, and he also knew how much the supporting equipment and computer room would cost.

That's why he was worried, the hospital had no money, and he wanted the machine too.

Who knew that Mbeki suddenly said at this time:

"Dr. Chen, when will your CT arrive? Our government pays for the $250,000, but I hope to see the machine as soon as possible."

With the CT machine in hand, it is not just Mbeki who enjoys the blessings. Who in the upper class of Sierralian will not get sick? Who doesn't need better and more advanced equipment?

So he paid the money in the name of the government, and even his political opponents dare not make irresponsible remarks. It must have been unanimously approved.

Chen Qi's eyes lit up when he heard it. This is 250,000 US dollars, how many original shares he can buy, and how many houses he can buy.

"Okay, as long as the money is in place, I can arrange for the CT machine to be in place the next day. Let's check it first. When an X-ray room in time and space comes out, it will be used as a temporary computer room for the time being. We must ensure that Mr. Mbeki's health needs are not ?”


This flattery was so good that even Mbeki nodded again and again, and then ordered the secretary to go through the procedure immediately.

For such a country with little legal order, don't expect any strict financial discipline. Anyway, what the leaders say is what they say, and they can take as much as they want, just like their own home.

"Doctor Chen, the money still needs to be approved, and the results will be available tomorrow at the earliest. What tests do we need to do now?"

Chen Qi was already in high spirits at this time, so he said happily:

"I have a test machine from Omicron Pharmaceutical Company that is still in the laboratory research stage. Because I am a director of the International Medical Association, I specially sent one to me for evaluation. It just so happens that I can take it out for Mu Mr Becky examines."

"Omicron Pharmaceutical Company? Why haven't I heard of it?"

Dean Bagley was full of question marks, trying to think about what kind of awesome company this is.

Chen Qi thought to himself, how do I know which company Omicron is? Why don't I just make it up? I also know about alpha, beta, gamma, delta.

Before Chen Qi could answer, Mbet stopped him:

"Don't ask too much. Since it is still in the experimental stage, it must be a confidential project. Dr. Chen is willing to bring out this advanced equipment for me. He is indeed an old friend of Sierra Lean. Thank you very much."

Chen Qi also laughed happily: "Where is it, it is my honor to serve Mr. Mbeki!"

Can you be honored, the labor fee + CT fee has earned 300,000 US dollars, even if it is called Dad, it will be fine.

At this time, the straight steel man Kalema suddenly jumped out again:

"Dr. Chen, when will the B-ultrasound machine be available? When will we do this examination?"

Callema wants to express himself too much, and is deeply influenced by the competitive thinking in the European and American workplaces.

He seems to be a straightforward boy, but he is actually a scheming bitch, just betting on his own judgment.

If the judgment is right, he can show his face in front of the leaders and surpass other colleagues, so that he can compete to be the director of the department, or even the dean.

Of course, in his cognition, he did think that this was a cancer obstruction, so he was full of confidence.

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