Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 535 Refractory Esophageal Reflux

A little doctor responded, and was the first to say, "This may be a gastroduodenal ulcer."

Chen Qi clapped his hands, "Yes, the possibility of gastric ulcer is high, so your department studies gastric disease, tell me what are the similarities between gastric ulcer and gastroesophageal reflux disease?"

"Stomach acid or other stomach contents!"

"Okay, since we know that these two diseases have something in common, let's check in this way, so that we can find out the cause, right? So I'm going to have a gastroscopy first in the afternoon. If others don't dare to do it, they are cowardly.

You, Dean Chen, and I are international directors, let alone a gastroscopy, even gastrectomy is done with eyes closed. In addition, you need to do such an examination, one is continuous pH impedance monitoring, high-resolution esophageal manometry and gastric function test.

In particular, esophageal pH monitoring can quantify gastroesophageal reflux and evaluate the relationship between symptoms and reflux events. I know that there are not many doctors who can do this monitoring clinically. Let me tell you that this is not possible. eliminated. "

Maybe leaders like to scold people at every turn, even if Chen Qi is more easy-going, he can't change this bad habit.

"Now you know that Wu Agou is a patient with treasures, right? Let me tell you, there are two gold mines hidden in this patient. Come on, Director Lan, record it. From Wu Agou, we can now do two big subjects,

One is whether gastric reflux may cause chronic cough? What is the mechanism? What is the clinical ratio? How should we treat it?

Another topic: What are the complications of refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease? What is the mechanism? What is the treatment plan?

Any successful research on these two topics can be published in the four top international medical journals, and can bring you a great personal reputation, and even rewrite textbooks. "

"Wow~~~Then our internal six subjects are getting rich again~~~"

"It's harder for others to find a subject than reaching the sky. Our subjects are one after another, and they are all world-class. It's amazing~~~"

The little doctor below was getting more and more excited after listening to each other.

Having a subject means having funds, and having funds means that participants can get an extra subsidy.

Even if young doctors do not have the right of authorship for the time being, this is the time to accumulate valuable experience. When they become big doctors, they can also apply for big projects.

Lan Lijuan looked at the contents of her notebook, feeling restless for a long time.

Although the topic of Helicobacter pylori has not been completely completed, she has already published 5 top international papers as the author of the paper.

And it also brought her an additional income of more than 1 million US dollars (the total sponsorship of the project reached 2 million).

Good guy, the previous subjects have not been finished yet, and her husband immediately gave her two more subjects, which made her feel like she was dreaming.

When will such international-level topics that can rewrite textbooks be like Chinese cabbage, one after another?

In fact, no one knows that what Chen Qi said just now, whether it is the content or the topic, is the content of the textbook decades later. He just took advantage of the difference between the two years to intercept other people's research.

Others are reborn as copyists, either copying novels or songs. Only Chen Qi is standing on the shoulders of his predecessors, desperately copying medical knowledge.

For doctors, it is far from enough to know how to see a doctor and how to operate.

For a hospital that only focuses on clinical practice and does not pay attention to scientific research and teaching, it will always be a second- and third-rate hospital.

Chen Qi wants to bring the People's Hospital to a new height, and must make it a "teaching hospital" and "research hospital", so that the People's Hospital can stand out among many peers.

Chen Qi either does not want to be the dean, and if he does, he must do his best.

In the afternoon, in the operating room, Wu Agou was under general anesthesia.

"Dean Chen, the anesthesia is over."

Chen Qi nodded, and with the personal assistance of Lan Lijuan, he took out a child-sized gastroscope and began to slowly insert the tube.

Mouth ulcers are all over the mouth, densely packed on the screen and very obvious, everyone in the operating room is goosebumps.

The gastroscope continued to look down, and everyone's eyes were wide open, and they saw that the esophageal mucosa was very damaged and eroded, and it was full of ulcers, and because of edema, many places were almost blocked due to detumescence.

While observing, Chen Qi lowered the tube slowly, turning his right hand left and right, trying to make the gastroscope bypass the obstruction point until it reaches the connection with the stomach.

If I changed to another doctor, I wouldn't dare to do this kind of gastroscopy even if I was killed. If I shake my hands a little, I will end up with perforation of the esophagus. Then the fun will be great, and it will be a serious medical accident.

Chen Qi didn't care. People with high arts skills are bold, and they still don't forget to teach at critical moments:

"Did you see that the esophageal mucosa is damaged and fused with each other to reach at least 75% of the esophageal diameter. This has reached grade D and is very serious. The lesions from the mouth to the throat to the esophagus can be determined to be caused by reflux disease. , now let's look at the stomach and duodenum."

Lan Lijuan glanced at her husband with a little admiration in her eyes.

Chen Qi can diagnose a patient who cannot be diagnosed by a major hospital in the capital Shanghai.

Not only can it make a diagnosis, but it can also predictively put forward various hypotheses and make sense. The current gastroscope has further confirmed the correctness of Chen Qi's previous assumptions.

Sometimes she really suspects that her husband is not from Earth, otherwise he would have graduated from a technical secondary school like her, and he hardly took classes for undergraduate and graduate students, so how could he know everything?

Is it really because of long-term reading of foreign English medical journals?

Outside the operating room, Wu Agou's family members waited impatiently.

In fact, in their minds, including many doctors, Wu Agou must have got a malignant tumor somewhere, and he will die soon.

Including Wu Agou himself thinks so. How can he be a fool if he can become the first wave of businessmen? On the contrary, he is smarter than the average person.

But the patient's mentality is like this, that is, "escape mentality", always looking forward to a miracle, so if you don't give up, you will go to various hospitals if you don't get a diagnosis one day.

Chen Qi came out of the operating room after the examination, and was immediately surrounded by family members.

"Dean Chen, how is my dog?"

"Dean Chen, does my father have some kind of cancer?"

Chen Qi looked at the eldest son of Wu Agou who was speaking in surprise:

"Hey, why do you think your father has cancer? Don't be too pessimistic. Your father's cause has been found out. In fact, there is a problem with a place called the cardia on the upper part of the stomach. Gotta relax.

In this way, all the gastric acid, pepsin, and bile in the stomach come out. Let me tell you, these gastric acids are so powerful that they can even corrode some metals. When it reaches the esophagus, the esophagus is rotten; when it reaches the throat, the throat is rotten, and even everything in the mouth is rotten.

The key is that after the contents of the stomach came up, they were sucked into the lungs. Well, this is why Boss Wu kept coughing and had repeated pneumonia. In a word, in the final analysis, it is still a problem in the stomach. "

Chen Qi's explanation, as a doctor, is easy to understand, but for family members who have no medical knowledge, it is vaguely understandable.

But they know that at this time, even if they don't understand, they have to pretend to understand.

"Oh~~~ So that's what happened. Hey, no wonder Dean Chen is an international director, and his level is high."

"That's right, that's great. The reason has been found out. Dean Chen, can my father be cured?"

Just as Chen Qi was about to answer, Wu Agou's son stuffed a thick envelope into Chen Qi's pocket.

Who is Chen Qi? It is known in the world as "death for money", and you can tell that this wallet has at least 5,000 yuan at a touch, and it is a thick answer.

A red envelope of 5,000 yuan is not considered a small red envelope even in 2023, let alone in 1988, when the average income of employees was more than 1,000 yuan.

The 5,000 yuan red envelope can be described as amazing. I am afraid that 99% of the families in China will not be able to afford this huge sum of money.

Chen Qi likes money, but he doesn't accept everything, so he grabbed Wu Agou's son's hand and returned the envelope to him.

"Take it, don't push it around, it's ugly, we are fellow villagers, and your father helped us back then, so I will definitely not accept this red envelope, and I can assure you clearly that your father's surgery package is in my pocket." body, let him leave the hospital in good health."

"Dean Chen, this, how embarrassing this is, I have inquired about it, and you need at least 50,000 US dollars to treat people abroad, and my 5,000 yuan can only be considered as an embarrassment..."

"Since you know how expensive I am, you know that I am not short of money at all, so take the money back and buy some delicious supplements for your father in the future. In addition, please be filial to your father. He is a good man, and a good man must There will be rewards."

After Chen Qi finished speaking, he waved his hands and left quickly, regardless of the expressions of the family members.

Wu Agou's eldest son held the envelope in his hand, tears streaming down his face:

"Good man, he is such a good dean. Second brother, hurry up and make silk banners. Third brother, go and buy 50 cured chickens and 50 sauced ducks immediately. I heard that Dean Chen likes bacon very much. Take the money, and we'll give you some souvenirs."

Well, no wonder the Wu family can make a fortune. This brain is really smart, with an extremely high EQ, and has thoroughly understood Chen Qi's two "hobbies".

The East is not bright and the West is bright, since Dean Chen does not charge money, but he accepts "souvenirs", then change the method and continue to give, making sure that Dean Chen is satisfied.

Is Dean Chen not satisfied?

At this time, he was standing outside the ward, quietly looking in through the crack of the door.

Bai Xue has been reassigned to a single ward. In fact, there are two beds in the ward, but the other bed is not assigned to patients. It is equivalent to a private room.

At this time, there was no one else in the ward. Bai Xue was lying on the hospital bed, tilting her head and listening to Yan Shifan talking about her life in the mountain village when she was a child.

For Bai Xue who grew up in the city, every plant and tree in the mountains, even a wild boar is so rare.

Yan Shifan also changed his previous boring look, and gradually opened up his heart, becoming a lot more cheerful.

Two young men and women who have been emotionally hurt seem to be slowly attracting each other, at least not hating each other, which is a good start.

Chen Qi looked at the two people in the room, and the "aunt smile" on his face never disappeared.

"Sister Lin fell from the sky, like a light cloud that just came out of Xiu. The demure is like a flower shining on the water, and her actions are like the wind blowing on the willow. It is clear that there is a foreign visitor in front of her eyes, but she is like an old friend in her heart~~~"

When Chen Qi was humming a Yue opera and walked out of the Department of Gastroenterology in a happy mood to get off work, he found that the lights in the laboratory building were all on.

This laboratory building belongs to the "Helicobacter pylori" research group, and most of the basic research has been completed so far, so many researchers from other places have gone back.

With the lights on at this time, the only possibility is that Lan Lijuan is working overtime again.

Chen Qi sighed, feeling helpless for his wife to be strong, work and family had to be the same, Lan Lijuan put more energy on work.

Chen Qi actually didn't want her to work so hard.

What is there to fight for? With his golden finger, others may have to study for 10 years, make countless mistakes, and repeat countless experiments to get a correct answer. Chen Qi only needs to "copy" it.

If it weren't for the fact that the experimental project required detailed recording of the process, otherwise there would be no need to set up a research group, just copy down the answers.

But Lan Lijuan's desperation was beyond his imagination, otherwise she would not have been able to escape from the countryside, and all of this was achieved by her own efforts.

Chen Qi pushed open the door and saw his wife who was reading alone, so he went over quietly and hugged her from behind.

Lan Lijuan was taken aback, she bent her elbow and hit Chen Qi on the nose.


When Chen Qi called out, Lan Lijuan recognized her husband's voice, angry, funny and distressed:

"Second Chen, are you immature? Don't move. You're bleeding. I'll get you a cotton ball."

While pressing his nose, Chen Qi hummed and said:

"Director Lan, do you want to work so hard? Our family doesn't have to worry about food and clothing. Your husband is still the dean. You are living a life of lying down. Why bother to think about work day and night? Even your husband Don't you care about the kids?"

While wiping Chen Qi's nosebleed, Lan Lijuan sighed softly:

"Maybe I'm stupid. Look at you, we are classmates. I think you don't work hard at ordinary times, but your knowledge is so profound. You even have a clear grasp of the latest medical trends in the world, and your clinical level is even higher. There is nothing to say.

But look at me, some of the achievements I have made are also completed under your guidance. As for the clinical level, it is far worse than yours. For example, Wu Agou’s condition, I took over for a week and I couldn’t find it out. Asking a doctor will be able to prepare to tell the cause.

Chen Qi, sometimes I really think you are a weirdo, an omniscient, omnipotent weirdo, in order to catch up with your footsteps, I have to work harder, otherwise I will be thrown farther and farther away by you, and I will never be able to catch up on you.

If one day you feel that the gap between the two of us is too big, or that we are of two levels, maybe then you will feel that I am not worthy of you, then..."

Chen Qi rolled his eyes angrily:

"It makes me look like Chen Shimei, you are my wife, we should help each other, and when I chose you, I will never regret or abandon you, you are the one I love, the one I choose , my baby is still too late for me to leave you? Lan Lijuan, what are you thinking?"

Lan Lijuan blushed embarrassingly, and begged for mercy:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm just expressing my feelings, please don't be angry, Mr. Dean."

"It's late, the dean is angry, unless..."

Chen Qi looked at the quiet laboratory building, then at the closed material room next to it, and whispered in his wife's ear:

"Unless you go there with me..."

Lan Lijuan blushed even more when she heard this: "Second Chen, what are you thinking, this is in the work unit, are you ashamed?"

Chen Qi quickly ran to the door of the laboratory, locked it, then grabbed his wife and ran to the materials room, saying while running:

"No, you have to let me vent my anger today, otherwise I will be unhappy, hum."

Half an hour later, Lan Lijuan lay in front of the sink in the laboratory and kept rinsing her mouth to wash off some proteins, feeling her whole mouth was sore and swollen.

Dean Chen was refreshed and waved his hand: "Let's go, let's go to the restaurant today~~~"

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