Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 540 Professor Zhang, Zhongshan Hospital

In the next few days, because the reflux has been controlled, the esophagus and various organs are no longer corroded by the contents of the stomach, and various drugs are used.

(There is a warehouse of imported medicines in Chen Qi's space, of course they have to be used at critical moments.)

Wu Agou's condition was quickly brought under control, and the cardia was repaired, which is a "cure for the root cause". Coupled with the "palliative treatment" of internal medicine, the patient recovered faster and faster after the combination of internal medicine and surgery.

Within half a month, Wu Agou gained a full 5kg in weight, and finally fully recovered and was discharged from the hospital.

On the day he was discharged from the hospital, the Wu family set off a truckload of firecrackers at the entrance of the hospital, and gave Chen Qi a huge pennant, which can be said to have given Chen Qi enough face.

Before leaving, Wu Agou held Chen Qi's hand tightly, and there was a lot of tears and nose.

I thought it would be a fatal ending, but I didn't expect a turnaround, and it was cured through a minor operation (common people think that it is a minor operation not to cut the belly).

From then on, I can regain my health and save a life. There is nothing more grateful than this narrow escape.

"Dean Chen, thank you, I really can't express my gratitude in words."

Holding the pennant, Chen Qi was already grinning from ear to ear:

"Uncle Agou, thank you, there is no need for our two families to say polite words. In the future, the two families will move around more, so don't break this relationship."

"Hahaha, okay, okay, let's move around more in the future."

The Wu family has also been in business for many years. There is a Poussin at home. Chen Qi and Lan Lijuan personally delivered it to the hospital gate and waved goodbye.

Looking at the Wu family who went away, Chen Qi had to say with emotion:

"Look, doing good deeds and helping others is good deeds. God will bless you at critical moments. We should learn more from him."

Lan Lijuan nodded: "Our family is not bad. We have supported 20 poor students so far. Why don't we donate another school?"

Chen Qi shook his head when he heard it:

"It's fine to donate to the school. If you want to donate, you don't want to donate to the hospital. We are members of the health system. But doing so has gained a reputation and accumulated virtue, but there will be endless troubles. At that time, all kinds of people will come to ask for donations. I can't bear to be bothered."

It is too difficult to do charity in China.

Those who are more high-profile will be called a show, have ulterior motives, and have ulterior motives.

If you keep a low profile and are called a fool, what are you trying to do? Are you out of your mind? How about donating some money to me if you have so much money?

If you dare to donate a school today, tomorrow someone will ask you to donate a hospital, a nursing home, a few cars to certain institutions, donate money to certain infrastructure, and so on.

After all, in the 1980s, there were too few people who would donate money, and it was hard to catch one who was not desperate to squeeze wool, like Ge You.

The key is the money you donate, in the end...

Think about the coat brother in later generations.

Forget it, the water of charity is too deep, it is not something that Chen Qilan and Lijuan couple can play with.

"Okay, okay, don't sigh, go back to work."

"Okay, you arrange a time to come out and send an announcement. I will tell everyone what minimally invasive surgery is."

"Obey, Master Dean~~~"

Chen Qi thought that the endoscopic gastric plication performed at Yuezhong People's Hospital only caused a sensation in the hospital, but what he didn't expect was that the news would quickly spread throughout the province and even the whole country.

The impact and the shock it brought to colleagues is really incomparable.

Endoscopy, this is nothing new abroad.

Back then, when the Qing Dynasty was still alive, and the common people were still braiding money rats and calling them slaves, the Europeans had already invented the endoscope and applied it to medicine.

Of course, the development of foreign endoscopes has been relatively slow for a long period of time, and they are only used for inspection.

It took until 1983 for the invention of the electronic endoscope, which is a kind of optical fiber image transmission bundle replaced by a miniature image sensor, and the photoelectric signal conversion is performed by a photoelectric coupling device.

Finally, the image is displayed on the monitor, and auxiliary devices can also be equipped for information input and diagnostic processing tools, etc.

With the invention of the electronic endoscope, doctors discovered that we can not only do examinations through endoscopes, but also perform various minor operations through endoscopes.

So the subject of endoscopy began to be really taken seriously.

Foreign countries started playing with endoscopic diagnosis and treatment technology in 1983, and it has been a full 6 years since 1988. Technological innovation and various surgical techniques have been developed with each passing day.

Originally, in the history of Huaguo, minimally invasive surgery was introduced until the 1990s, including laparoscopic surgery and endoscopic surgery.

But before that, many insightful people in China have realized that "minimally invasive surgery" may change surgical operations and may occupy a dominant position in the future.

It is a pity that such doctors and experts are very few.

Most doctors are still entangled in trivial matters such as the employment of professional titles, welfare allocation, overtime subsidies, etc., and cannot develop technology with peace of mind.

Professor Zhang Weizhong of Dongfang Shanghai Zhongshan Hospital is one of the few doctors in China who has vision and foresight.

He is one of the very few doctors who had the opportunity to study abroad in the 1980s, and he has seen endoscopic surgery abroad.

It's a pity that endoscopic surgery is not one of the mainstream surgeries in foreign countries. There are not many doctors who can operate it, and the equipment is expensive, so it is easy for outsiders to touch it.

Therefore, Zhang Weizhong, who is a doctor in training, did not have the opportunity to do endoscopic surgery himself, at most he just helped.

But he will never forget the first time he saw endoscopic surgery, which was a case of early gastric cancer resection, which was easily done with a single tube without surgery.

From that day on, Professor Zhang became very interested in this kind of minimally invasive surgery with less trauma, less bleeding and quicker recovery.

After returning to China, he also strongly advocated that his Zhongshan Hospital should introduce endoscopy technology, establish the first endoscopy center in China, and become a pioneer of new technology leading the trend.

It is a pity that in the 1980s, not only the basic level hospitals had financial difficulties, but even top hospitals such as Zhongshan, Ruijin, and Huashan also faced survival problems.

After all, this era is poor. Unlike later generations, patients all over the country go to these hospitals. Top hospitals are not short of sources of disease and money.

In the 1980s, the source of disease in the top hospitals in Shanghai was mainly for local people, or the surrounding counties and cities. The source of disease was limited, and the money in the pockets of ordinary people was also limited.

But there are so many top hospitals in Shanghai, Zhongshan Hospital is not a monopoly, no money.

Therefore, the introduction of endoscopic technology that Professor Zhang has called for for many years has not been completely successful, or half of the success.

The "Gastroenteroscopy Center" of Zhongshan Hospital was indeed established, and Professor Zhang became the director of the center, but the old-fashioned instruments were still used, which were mainly used for inspection and did not involve endoscopic surgery.

This has also become a heart disease for Professor Zhang Weizhong.

He is not reconciled, and he is always following the news about minimally invasive surgery at home and abroad, always thinking about how to find a breakthrough.

I went to work this day, and the Shanghai and Shanghai markets in December were still very cold.

As a coastal city in the south, the cold and damp is like a magical attack. No matter how thick people wear, the cold wind can penetrate through the layers of fabric, and the cold continues to penetrate into the bone marrow.

Professor Zhang trotted all the way into the "Gastroenteroscopy Center". Today is his outpatient clinic day.

After entering the door, he trembled a few times and complained: "Go out, mother, how can it be cold today, it's freezing."

Zhang Weizhong's job is a surgeon. After the establishment of the gastroenteroscopy center, just as he was about to do a big job and become the "father of endoscopy" in China, the reality gave him a blow.

One is that their own skills are not good enough, there are almost no endoscopic talents in China, and doctors who have gone abroad are unwilling to return to China.

The other is that all types of endoscopic instruments, especially endoscopic equipment that can be used for surgery, all need to be imported. They monopolize your technology, and the price can only be described as sky-high, often hundreds of thousands of dollars.

According to the standards of the first domestic endoscopy center, the clinical work can be carried out, and the cost of a complete set of equipment + operating room + training will be at least several million dollars.

Pay attention to this "training fee", it is really a scam. They just bully you, no one in China can operate it, so they will send a few foreign doctors to teach you.

Then the training fee is sky-high, and it costs several thousand dollars a day. If you don't have more than one hundred or two hundred thousand dollars for this month's training, you can't afford it at all.

For the poor hospitals in China in the 1980s, hundreds of thousands of RMB were reluctant to spend, let alone precious foreign exchange?

Therefore, the "Endoscopy Center" advocated by Professor Zhang is in the unfinished project. After the construction is completed, it becomes one of the many auxiliary departments. It is at the same level as the X-ray room and the B-ultrasound room.

Rather than calling it an endoscopy center, it is better to call it an "endoscopy room"

Who would have thought that such a top doctor who graduated from a famous domestic university and studied abroad would perform gastroscopy and colonoscopy on patients after returning to China.

If you fall behind, you will be beaten, even in medicine!

As soon as he entered the office, Professor Zhang saw many young doctors sitting around, arguing fiercely.

"Impossible, absolutely impossible."

"Yes, what kind of international joke are you making, you can use a gastroscope to perform such a complicated operation?"

"I don't believe it either. If you want to say that it is still possible for doctors in the United States to do it, a small grassroots hospital can do this kind of fundoplication and put satellites in."

Professor Zhang put down his coat and asked while putting on his overalls:

"What's the matter? There was a quarrel early in the morning, which hospital is putting satellites on?"

When everyone saw Professor Zhang coming, they gathered around as if they had found the backbone. The little doctor Shen Jianming held a piece of draft paper and said excitedly:

"Professor Zhang, let me tell you, can such a fundoplication be done through gastroscopic surgery?"

"Oh, let me see," Professor Zhang took the draft paper, looked at the sketch on it and asked:

"Is this the esophagus? Then the stomach here is folded upside down and sewn together with the esophagus wall? No, why is the esophagus drawn so long?"

"Professor Zhang, this operation also extended the abdominal esophagus."

Zhang Weizhong didn't care about it at first, but the more he listened to it, the more surprised he became: "You mean, a doctor in our country has already performed such an operation with an endoscope?"

Yu Guanqun, a young doctor next to him, said anxiously:

"Yes, it is said that it was a case of refractory gastroesophageal reflux disease. A doctor used this fundoplication to control the relaxation of the cardia and cured the patient. It was done with endoscopy. Just now we were still talking about this absolutely impossible."

"Yes, yes, Professor Zhang, do you think it is possible?"

Zhang Weizhong looked at this draft paper, his mind was full of how to use gastroscope to complete this kind of operation, but he couldn't figure out how to do this kind of endoscopic surgery.

"Which hospital's doctor is this? From Xiehe, or from Ruijin?"

A group of young doctors answered in a hurry: "Neither of them, they are from Yuezhong People's Hospital."

"Yuezhong People's Hospital? I've never heard of it. When did they develop so quickly?" Zhang Weizhong had more and more question marks on his head.

Shen Jianming snorted disdainfully: "Grassroots hospitals like to mess around. This movement has been going on for so many years, and they also like to release satellites, bragging and not drafting."

Professor Zhang didn't show any disdain or contempt for anyone. With the city government there, he wouldn't speak ill of others easily.

"By the way, do you know the name of the doctor who performed this operation?"

"I know, I know. Chen Qi is the only dual director of the International Medical Association in our country. However, this dual director is a director of ICPF and FSSH. Do you think it is embarrassing?"


Several young doctors laughed together. A doctor who was engaged in plastic surgery and hand surgery actually performed hand mirror surgery. This is a typical crossover, which rarely happens in hospitals.

Professor Zhang's heart beat faster when he heard Chen Qi's name. The little doctors didn't know, but he, Zhang Weizhong, knew it all.

After all, Chen Qi has published about 3 papers every year in the past few years, all of which were published in top international medical journals. It can be said that in terms of the impact factor score of papers, Chen Qi is definitely the first person in China.

The key is that this "Director Chen" basically doesn't play cards according to common sense. These papers involve both internal medicine and surgery, and even parasite papers.

Don't doubt whether the paper is fake.

Domestic journal fraud is the mainstream, but top foreign journals are not fools. Although public relations can be used, if the paper does not have two brushes, or the authenticity is not credible, it will not be published.

Thinking of this, Professor Zhang already believed in Chen Qi's endoscopic surgery.

"By the way, how did you know that Yuezhong People's Hospital is doing endoscopic surgery?"

A little doctor raised his hand and said:

"Professor Zhang, this was mentioned when my classmate in Haidong Province wrote to me. Now the major hospitals in Haidong Province are already discussing this operation enthusiastically. Oh yes, I heard that Dr. Chen Qi It was also broadcast live, and hundreds of doctors saw it with their own eyes."

"Wow, so awesome?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone was made to feel unconfident. If you dare to live broadcast the operation in front of your colleagues, it is too difficult to say that it is a fake.

For a while, the office fell silent.

Professor Zhang stood up suddenly, and ran out in a hurry without even putting on his coat.

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