The second operation begins.

In fact, the second operation was performed on two different parts by the same person.

Because a stromal tumor was found in the esophagus of this patient, and a leiomyoma was found in the colon.

Two sites, two tumors of different nature and size, now all need to be removed at the same time.

It can only be said that there are too many patients in the Texas Medical Center, with nearly 10,000 beds, and you can find the cases that doctors want by just looking around.

Facing the camera, Chen Qi asked with a smile on his face while wearing a mask:

"Everyone has seen the medical records. Now think about it, if you were the attending doctor and faced with two tumors of different nature, how would you deal with them?"

Chen Qi left it blank on purpose to give everyone time to think, and suddenly there was a lot of discussion in the venue.

For gastroenterology specialists, stromal tumors and leiomyomas are relatively common tumors, but if you are a gastroenterologist, you can only spread your hands and say that you are powerless, internal medicine PASS.

Gastrointestinal surgeons are more excited, and this is often the time for surgeons to play.

The operation is relatively simple, that is, use a scalpel to open the chest, use tools to open the sternum and ribs, then open the esophagus, take out the tumor, and finally splice and fix the bones, closing and suturing layer by layer.

The same is true for the lower side. First, the abdomen is cut open, the omentum is cut open, the colon is found and cut open, the tumor is taken out, and sutures are continued layer by layer.

To put it simply, two operations are performed at the same time, which is relatively difficult and dangerous.

Chen Qi asked again:

"If two incisions are made in the chest and abdomen at the same time, or some doctors just make one big incision, how long will it take to perform two operations? For the patient's trauma, postoperative recovery, medical expenses, and accidents caused by too long anesthesia time, I don't know. I know if there is a doctor who can help answer it."

In the venue, a gastrointestinal surgeon stood up and took the microphone:

"If I were to do it, the two operations would take at least 5 hours including the anesthesia time, and the pure operation time would generally take about 3.5 hours, and the incision would be relatively large. In order to fully expose the incision, it would need at least 40cm or more.

After the operation, a drainage tube needs to be placed for gastrointestinal decompression. It will take at least a week before discharge can be considered, but it will take at least a month to get out of bed. As for the medical expenses, I think this is not a concern of our doctors. Let the insurance Company go cry. "


There was a burst of laughter in the venue, obviously everyone agreed with the doctor's statement.

When the members of the Hua Guo delegation heard this, they were envious in their hearts. Look, doctors don't need to worry about medical expenses, they just need to operate with peace of mind. How happy they are.

Chen Qi was not in the main venue, but a staff member transmitted everything in the venue through mobile phones on the spot.

Facing the camera, Chen Qi nodded lightly:

"Thank you for the professor's answer. We focus on three key points. One is that traditional surgery takes about 4 to 5 hours. The second is that postoperative recovery takes more than one month. The third is that the incision is as long as 40cm."

All the experts and professors present at the scene understood that if these three points are followed, it means that the difficulty of the operation has reached level 4.

As long as there is uncertainty in the operation, surgical accidents and anesthesia accidents may kill the patient. The higher the level, the higher the mortality rate.

Chen Qi saw that the atmosphere was almost coaxed, so he continued:

"I also picked this patient out of hundreds of medical records last night. The preoperative preparation and planning were not so sufficient. Everyone can also believe that I have no time or possibility of cheating, and everyone can supervise.

So what I'm going to do next is that I will complete the patient's esophageal stromal tumor resection and colon smooth muscle resection within 1 hour, and there is no trauma, and he can be discharged from the hospital 3 days after the operation. "

When Chen Qi bragged about it, there was another uproar in the main venue.

The gastrointestinal surgeon who spoke just now is a famous professor of surgery in England and already represents the top level of surgery.

He said that it would take 4 to 5 hours to perform the two combined operations. Now a small doctor in Huaguo actually said that it will be completed within 1 hour without any wound.

If this is not the scene of the WCOG conference, everyone will definitely think that Chen Qi is a medical liar.

Even the old professors in Huaguo exclaimed that it was impossible.

Professor Liang Chengwu from Union Medical College Hospital said softly to Professor Tong next to him:

"Xiao Chen is so arrogant. I can't imagine completing two operations within one hour. You must know that it takes a lot of time to find two tumors in two parts. If you are unlucky, do a surgery." Five or six hour surgeries are common."

Professor Tong has inexplicable confidence:

"That's not necessarily the case. If someone dares to brag in front of so many people, there must be two tricks. Let's wait and see."

Professor Jin Puze from South Korea over there is also whispering to Professor Asan Hendricka next to him:

"Mr. Xiangde, in your Three Kingdoms, how long does it take at least for these two surgeries to be completed?"

Professor Ah San's black face was a little red: "This, this, generally takes about 4 hours."

In fact, how much better is the medical level in the Three Kingdoms than in Huaguo?

They are famous for their generic drugs, and they are better at copying homework than Chen Qi, but if you really want to talk about the level of surgery, anyway, Ah San's rich people go abroad for medical treatment.

Jin Puze curled his lips. As a stick, he also looked down on Ah Sanguo, thinking that the words of this group of people smell like curry.

"If you let me do it, my limit is 3 and a half hours!"

After finishing speaking, Jin Puze puffed out his chest, but he didn't hear the expected praise.

Dr. Ah San didn't hear what Dr. Bangzi said at all, because Chen Qi's operation had already started at this time, and everyone's eyes were attracted to him.

Chen Qi first picked up the gastroscope and stabbed it into the esophagus.

The camera at the front end of the gastroscope moved down quickly, and soon found the raised mucous membrane on the esophagus. Doctors from all over the world knew that the tumor had been found.

If it is a traditional operation, the tumor is usually found based on the image report, and it needs to be found by hand, which is not as clear as gastroscopy, which is also an advantage of endoscopy.

The tumor is found, and then the problem arises. The tumor is not on the surface of the mucosa, which can be easily removed, but inside the mucosa, which is equivalent to the dissection.

If Chen Qi cuts the esophageal mucosa now, this would actually violate the principle of non-invasive or minimally invasive endoscopic surgery.

At this time, two-thirds of the doctors in the main venue were already watching. Everyone wanted to see how this Hua Guo doctor would deal with it?

Ready to get something from a distance?

Professor Grace has already seen Chen Qi's operation completely, so he is not worried at all. Hearing all kinds of speculations from other colleagues, he still smiles knowingly, and everything is under control.

On the big screen, everyone saw that after finding the tumor, the gastroscope retracted about 8cm, and then the electric knife head gently cut a small incision on the mucosa.

In this way, the famous POEM "tunnel technology" of later generations appeared in an international academic conference for the first time.

Many doctors opened their mouths wide and their minds were full of question marks.

Many doctors still didn't close their mouths until Chen Qi opened the tunnel and directly removed the "tumor" between the mucous membrane and muscular layer, then took it out through a small incision on the mucous membrane, and then took it out through the mouth.

At this time, a voice from the operating room came from the big screen:

"It was measured that the diameter of the stromal tumor reached 3.1cm, and it took a total of 20 minutes."


There was a burst of exclamation in the conference hall. Before everyone could react, Chen Qi began to adjust the patient's position again, and replaced the colonoscope.

The operation method is the same. It also finds the location of the tumor through a colonoscope, digs a tunnel to dig out the tumor, and finally closes the wound with titanium clips.

Just when everyone was still experiencing this "tunnel technology", the sound of the operating room appeared in the stereo.

"The leiomyoma was 2.5cm in diameter, and it took a total of 31 minutes."

There was no sound in the main venue, and everyone thought of Dr. Chen's bragging before the operation: "I will complete two operations within one hour."

At this time, Professor Bradrick's excited voice appeared on the stereo again:

"The resection of esophageal stromal tumor took 20 minutes, and the colonic smooth muscle removal took 31 minutes. The two operations took a total of 51 minutes, and there were no obvious wounds. The patient's vital signs were stable. I declare that the operation was successful!!!"

From the stereo, cheers erupted from the operating room.

In the quiet main venue, every doctor's mouth was wide open and could not be closed for a long time. Except for a very few doctors who had seen Chen Qi's operation, all of them were shocked.

Jin Puze from South Korea and Hendrika from Ahsan Kingdom are all buzzing.

He kept muttering to himself: "How is this possible? How could there be such a top doctor in Huaguo? This must be like a film."

In the venue, there are definitely not a few people who have this kind of thinking.

Professor Grace stood up, looked back at the world's top gastroenterologists, and said slowly:

"Technology changes the world, science and technology change the future. Professor Chen Qi's new endoscopic surgery will change the diagnosis and treatment of our gastrointestinal system. From then on, there is a third treatment method between conservative medical treatment and traditional surgery, endoscopy !

All of you here are the world’s top gastroenterologists. Have you ever thought about whether you gave everything to pursue new technologies and dedicate yourself to the health of patients when you were young. Now that you are famous, you have become conservative. By? Instead, it has become a blocker of new technologies? "

Mountain-top doctrine and academicism are definitely not domestic patents.

Relatively speaking, it is more obvious in foreign countries, even because the major pharmaceutical companies have intensified their efforts for their own interests.

Certain doctors not only want to prevent Chen Qi from being promoted for endoscopic surgery, but also want to prevent Chen Qi from entering the WGO Council.

Not only the top position of WGO, but also pharmaceutical companies are behind the scenes.

Similarly, Lan Lijuan's theory of Helicobacter pylori has been confirmed all over the world. Why has it not been recognized by the world's mainstream medical circles after so many years?

This is also due to interests, selfishness, and even ridiculous national discrimination, racial discrimination, and gender discrimination.

These experts, professors, so-called presidents, and directors have become accomplices of conservatism and vested interest groups in disguise, and have become the biggest stumbling block to the development of new technologies.

They are afraid of losing their old interests, of being unable to keep up with the times, and of being eliminated by new technologies.

The best way is to stifle new technologies, kill new little doctors, let WGO play within the rules of their system, and only they can play.

This is what Professor Grace dislikes the most, and it is also what he, the president of the WGO, needs to change the most, and it is also the reason why he temporarily promoted Chen Qi to the position.

He needs a catfish.

At this time, there were already more than 800 participating doctors in the venue, accounting for two-thirds, all who could come came, and those who couldn't come couldn't come back.

Now hearing Professor Grace's serious warning, a small number of people with ghosts in their hearts are more guilty and keep silent.

But most of the doctors still understand the righteousness, but they don’t have the right to speak. Now that the chairman has accused him face to face, the doctors with a sense of justice in their hearts applauded one after another, and even many doctors shouted whistled.

There was already applause in the final main venue.

Director Peng was so excited that tears were about to flow out:

"Okay, okay, Comrade Chen Qi has made us proud and won glory for our country. I must report to my superiors when I go back, and I must vigorously support Comrade Chen Qi."

A handful of old professors always look at me, I look at you, and with a sigh, they know that their old era is over.

Chen Qi couldn't hear the applause in the main venue. He is now explaining the principles, advantages and disadvantages of endoscopic surgery to doctors at Houston Methodist Hospital.

It is equivalent to opening a small stove.

After this battle, Chen Qi can almost become the number one endoscopist in the world, because no one can do better than him.

The good news doesn't stop there.

At the WGO plenary meeting held on the second day, Lan Lijuan and Professor Segel from Karolinska University Hospital in Sweden gave speeches on the discovery of Helicobacter pylori, its pathogenesis, and clinical treatment guidelines.

The papers published on this topic have been published in international medical journals many times, which is almost known to everyone.

The greatest effect of this meeting is to officially write the "Helicobacter pylori theory" into the consensus of gastroenterologists, and it will also be written into clinical guidelines in the future.

It is equivalent to writing the "constitution" of gastrointestinal diseases. The international community has recognized this theory, and then it will start to revise textbooks.

The most excited ones were not Lan Lijuan and Professor Segel, but the executives of Asrila Pharmaceuticals in Sweden.

At the beginning, they did not think that the Helicobacter pylori research group could play a big role. It was only because of the guarantee of introduction from ICPF senior management and Professor Segel that they invested 2 million US dollars in Dr. Huaguo.

2 million US dollars, for a large company with a market value of several billion US dollars, and annual advertising investment and project sponsorship of no less than 500 million US dollars, it is really not worth mentioning, it is like sending a beggar.

As a result, it was this kind deed of smooth sailing that made them the final winners.

Then they felt that they should compensate Lan Lijuan more...

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