Since 1981 Health School

Chapter 60 Two thousand dollars a house

Another thing about this house is that Chen Qi is very satisfied. It is only 10 minutes by bicycle from the District People's Hospital, and it is even closer to the Second Hospital, only 5 minutes.

Chen Qi is more confident. In the future, he will be assigned work in one of the two largest hospitals in Vietnam and China.

If luck is better, Lan Lijuan will also be assigned to these two hospitals, and then it will be much more convenient for the husband and wife to go to work.

Moreover, Lu Xun Road is located in the downtown school district. Not far away, Lu Xun Primary School and Shuren Middle School are definitely the most powerful primary and secondary schools in the city, so children are guaranteed to go to school.

Chen Qi thought so well that he hadn't said anything to Lan Lijuan, and he even thought about where the child would go to school.

Seeing the classmate with a silly face who fell into fantasy, Qi Zhiyi touched his shoulder, "Hey, monitor, what are you thinking?"

Chen Qi came back to his senses, "How about it, what do you think of this house?"

Qi Zhiyi nodded: "That's right, it's better than my house. I really envy you big dogs with overseas connections."

"Hey, don't worry, my relatives probably don't come to live here very often. Then this place can become a place for our classmates to gather and have dinner. You are welcome to come and play at any time."

"Really? That's a good idea, haha."

The two talked happily, and the landlord was a little depressed.

This is a little old man. It was already December at this time, and the old man was still shaking a little in his padded jacket, so he reminded:

"Two comrades, what do you think?"

"Oh." Chen Qi nodded, and said honestly: "Master, this house is not bad. I am quite satisfied and sincerely want to buy it. I hope you will also sincerely make an offer."

Chen Qi has never done business in his two lifetimes, so he doesn't know that the real buyer should pick the thorns first and look for shortcomings everywhere, so that it is easier to bargain later, how can he just agree when he comes up?

But fortunately, the old man is also a scholar, and he doesn't have so many tricks, so he said seriously:

"Little comrade, this old man will not ask for a price all over the sky. If you sincerely ask for it, 2,000 yuan will not be counter-offered."

Chen Qi didn't say a word, because he really didn't know what the housing prices were like these days? Is the 2,000 yuan a profit or a loss?

2,000 yuan, in this era when the annual income is generally only about 400 yuan, it takes 5 years to save it without eating or drinking. If there are many children in the family and there are elderly people, it is almost impossible to save money.

So 2,000 yuan is definitely a huge sum of money, and there are very few people in the entire Vietnam-China region who can afford this money.

In his previous life, he had seen a TV interview by Ma Weidu, saying that in the early 1980s, a few thousand yuan could buy a courtyard house in the third ring road of the capital.

But this several thousand is nine thousand? Or two thousand? Chen Qi forgot, so there is no way to use it as a reference.

"Master, does the 2,000 yuan include the furniture inside?"

Unexpectedly, the old man laughed:

"Of course it is included. I'm going to other places. What's the use of this furniture? I can't move it away, but don't try to miss it. These are not red sandalwood and huanghuali, but beech fir."

Chen Qi blushed a little, thinking that sure enough, the novel said that buying a house and giving away expensive furniture is a lie, and the owner of the house is not stupid, how could it be possible to buy it cheap?

Seeing that the landlord is refreshing, Chen Qi is also refreshed.

"Okay, old man, 2000 is 2000, I will give cash, but I don't know when I can transfer the name? And your family..."

When the old man heard that the house had finally been sold after so long, he was also relieved:

"You can go to the housing management office to transfer the ownership at any time. If it weren't for the delay of this house, we would have gone to the south to settle down with our children. Don't worry, as long as the registration is transferred, my old lady and I will buy train tickets and leave immediately, and we won't charge you. room causing trouble."

Intellectuals these days have to keep their face and keep their promises.

Chen Qi also felt relieved, turned around and took a good look at the house, feeling so happy that he could finally take his elder sister and younger siblings out of the kang.

To be able to buy this house, I would also like to thank Secretary Jin for funding half of it. (Jin Kangsheng cried again and fainted in the toilet)

On the working day of the next day, Chen Qi took an unprecedented leave of absence, took Daqianmen and Wuliangye bought from the black market, and went to visit Qi Zhiyi's father who was the director of the housing management office.

In the end, it took others 3 days to complete the transfer process, but Chen Qi completed it in less than half a day here.

When paying the fee, Chen Qi would rather pay more now, and ask the housing management office to write down the floor area of ​​the house, even including the yard at home.

In the eyes of others, isn't this a fool? They do everything possible to conceal the report and underreport the area so as to pay less money, but Chen Qi wants to pay more?

In fact, people don’t understand that it’s okay if the location is not demolished. When it is demolished, the compensation will be based on the area registered in the inspection book. Now it’s only a few tens of dollars more, and it may be several million more in the future.

Of course, only the reborn knows about this, and most people can't see it so far.

Because there is no need to change the household registration, and there is no need to move food, all you need to do is to report to the neighborhood committee. At this point, the house on Lu Xun Road completely belongs to Chen Qi himself.

The landlord was also straightforward, and moved out on the third day after receiving the house payment.

Before leaving, the old couple cleaned the inside and outside of the house, up and down, all the furniture was neatly placed, and nothing was missing, even the pots and pans were not taken away.

In the end, he left the key at the gate guard of the health school, and left without even saying goodbye.

It fully embodies the nobility of old-fashioned scholars, and there is a little bit of social fear.

After Chen Qi got the key, he jumped around the door of the reception room for a long time, almost making Master Wang think that he was possessed by a ghost, and became more and more unstable.

On Saturday afternoon, Chen Qi invited Wang Shannong, Ding Bitao, Yin Jigang, Qi Zhiyi, and Lan Lijuan, Bian Hongen, Ma Xiaona, and Li Sujuan from Room 108.

A group of students came out of the health school with rags, brooms and other cleaning tools in their hands. Except for Qi Zhiyi, everyone else was baffled.

"Squad leader Chen? You don't mean to take us to do voluntary labor on Sunday, do you?"

Bian Hongen couldn't help asking.

Ding Bitao also couldn't help complaining: "That's right, second brother, it's not beautiful to sleep in this winter, why do you want us to go out to work?"

This remark resonated with everyone.

Qi Zhiyi covered his mouth and smiled secretly.

Lan Lijuan also felt strange when she saw Chen Qi's calm face, and cursed secretly in her heart: weird, crazy.

Of course Chen Qi refused to say it, he wanted to give everyone a surprise: "Okay, don't guess, anyway, you can't lose you if you work today, I will treat you to beef hot pot tonight, how about it?"

"Wow, squad leader Chen, are you picking up money on the way? Beef hot pot, I can't even think about it."

Li Sujuan yelled exaggeratedly, "Lan Lijuan, take care of your Chen Qi, he is getting better at bragging now."

Lan Lijuan's face turned red when she heard this: "Hey, I beat you to death, Chen Qi belongs to your family."

Li Sujuan looked surprised: "Hey, you said this? You don't want me, monitor, what do you think I look like? How about the two of us."

Chen Qi hurriedly shook his head desperately:

"We are revolutionary comrades, purer than distilled water. Don't think about it. I already have my name and my heart. Even if you get my people, you won't get my heart."

Hahaha, everyone laughed together.

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