Since 1983

Chapter 901: E-commerce Takes Off

This year, Milk Tea Girl is 10 years old.

Her husband is 30 years old, another saying is 29 years old.

It doesn't matter, anyway, it's normal not to know the beauty of a wife or age.

The shadow of Sars shrouded the whole country, and the bustling Zhongguancun was extremely deserted. All computers are reducing in price, with an average reduction of 30%-40%, and the passenger flow is still scarce.

Brother Dong thought he was dead!

Compared with many bigwigs, he really started from scratch. In 1998, he established JD Multimedia, mainly selling CDs and recorders.

Soon he became the largest distributor of opto-magnetic products in the country. Dong Ge has great ambitions and plans to lay out 500 counters, with the goal of becoming the "Gome" of the electronics industry.

The result was a click, a beheading blow.

Not to mention customers, even salespeople are afraid. He had to close all 12 counters and gather the rest of the staff for meetings.

"Our turnover has dropped by 41%, and we have to continue to pay wages, rent and other expenses. I did a rough calculation just now, and I am currently losing 8 million, while the book is only 20 to 30 million.

If SARS doesn't pass soon, I think we're going out of business. "


The office was gloomy, and many ideas were put forward, which were rejected one by one.

A manager suddenly said: "Since we dare not meet with customers, we can try selling things online! There is no risk in this way."

"Sell online?"

"Isn't it too advanced? There is no habit of online shopping yet."

"Besides, Zhongguancun is full of counterfeit products, and physical transactions may be cheated. Isn't online transactions even more worrying?"

"But we have a good reputation, and old customers know it!"

After discussing for a while, I still have to listen to the boss.

Brother Dong frowned at Crayon Shin-chan's eyebrows, and quickly made a decision: "Sell! We have no other way to go, a dead horse is a living horse doctor, we must try!"

So, let's all take action.

The method is very simple, post advertisements on portals and forums, and leave QQ numbers as contact information.

It was not ideal at first, until a forum moderator stood up and said, "I know this company. Don't worry about selling CDs in Zhongguancun. There will be no fake ones."

Received 7 orders that day.

This is a very primitive e-commerce model, with handwritten records, and after the product is shipped, the customer is sent a text message to inform the customer of the courier number. If the customer is not far from Zhongguancun, he will drive a small truck to deliver the goods...

But Dong Ge survived and opened up the two channels of Ren and Du, and the Gome dream became an e-commerce dream.

By next year, he will cut off the offline business and fully transform the e-commerce, which is astonishingly bold.

We all know the story behind.


At the same time, Hangzhou is thousands of miles away.

The old horse also felt that he was dead!

At the beginning, Mr. Xu invested in Ali's start-up capital. Then in 2000, six venture capital firms including SoftBank, Fidelity, and Huiya invested a total of US$25 million, which was considered the second round of financing.

Teacher Xu continued to follow.

Historically, there will be a third financing in the next year, totaling $82 million. Among them, Softbank contributed 60 million, accounting for 20% of the shares, Lao Ma and his team accounted for 47%, Fidelity accounted for 18%, and several other companies combined 15%.

Anyway, Teacher Xu continued to follow, and kept the most.

He invested in the name of Times Venture Capital, which is owned by a family of three.

Speaking of the present, Huaxing Technology Building.

People were panicked, and a cry suddenly burst out in the corridor full of trees and trees: "SARS is coming!"

"Stay away! Stay away!"

"Let's go!"

Faced with this situation, Ali's employees could only remain silent. They had no choice but to shoot themselves in the face.

This matter is related to the Canton Fair in Guangdong Province.

As the hardest-hit area, although the Canton Fair was held as scheduled, many exhibitors made it clear that they could not take risks.

And Lao Ma promised 50 customers earlier that he would bring their samples to promote, and felt that the contract could not be broken, so he sent employees to participate.

As a result, a female employee came back with a high fever of 39.1 degrees, and is currently diagnosed as a "suspected case".

This had a great negative impact on Ali, who was regarded as a public enemy in the building, like a mouse crossing the street.

At this moment, Lao Ma is also in a meeting:

"After the emergence of SARS, China's economy has gradually declined, and e-commerce will definitely be used. We have thought of many ways to develop and expand, but we did not expect that the first shot of SARS would hit us in the head.

I'll be the first to admit my mistake. "

He paused, and continued: "Xiao Song is still in the hospital, and he is almost inseparable. He is an official case. I guess the whole building will be sealed off soon, and we will be quarantined..."

Just as I was talking, the notification came down.

Sure enough, the building was blocked, and Ali employees were quarantined at home for two weeks, including Lao Ma.

"Don't panic, don't panic!"

He was already panicked, and commanded calmly on the surface: "All employees are working from home, and the technical department will help you install network cables, act immediately!"

In a very short period of time, hundreds of employees fled with telephones, fax machines, and computers, and the scene was like fleeing a disaster.


Lao Ma finally left, under great pressure and with a heavy heart.

He walked home in the car, thought for a moment, took out his mobile phone, and made a call to the capital. There is a guiding light there, and every time there is confusion, it will always push itself through the fog and move on.

"Hello? Teacher Xu..."

He, Balabala, talked about the matter, and said with a smile: "Okay!"


"You have no choice but to work from home. Have you ever thought that customers will be more forced to choose online transactions. Not only will your turnover not decline, but it will increase.

In the past, you were doing toB business, now the time has come.

Everyone can't go out, can't shop, and the Internet has become the only channel. You should gather people immediately to develop an online shopping platform in the toC mode. "

toB refers to enterprises, and toC refers to individuals.

"Although it is a bit inappropriate to say that, it is indeed the right time and place!"


Lao Ma experienced the sense of metaphysics that the film and television employees in the world are used to, such as enlightenment.


Here in Beijing.

Teacher Xu just hung up the phone when the phone rang again.

"Hello? Pony?"

"Okay, let me take a look."

In January of this year, Penguin launched the QQ show, and then developed Q coins.

In the past, Penguin’s biggest dilemma was that there were a large number of users, but it could not be realized. They tried "premium account payment", but the result was a hit.

But the QQ show was very successful.

In just half a year, 5 million people bought the service, spending an average of 5 yuan, and earned 25 million from this thing alone.

From then on, Penguin opened up the two channels of Ren and Du, and began to sell skins for more than ten years, ah bah, value-added service career.

But Xiao Ma's phone call is his favorite game project.

Xu Fei took a look, good guy, Chiguoguo's Shanzhai Lianzhong. There are only five games: Military Flag, Landlords, Upgrade, Stud, and Chess.


He shook his head, no wonder when the QQ game was launched, Lianzhong scoffed at it, it was really shabby.

However, Lianzhong ignored the huge QQ users behind it, so that in just over a year, the number of online QQ games surpassed the other party.

Xu Fei looked at it for a while and replied "OK".

He doesn't intend to spend energy on this, anyway, the pony is a genius, so he can find a way to copy it. In terms of games, I still care more about Changyou.

Changyou aims to develop original and good games.

Of course, the current goal is to expand influence and accumulate experience. In addition to the two Journeys to the West, we can also engage in agency, such as Shankoushan coming next year.


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