Since I Was a Special Soldier

Chapter 146: Is that a dog nose?

Chapter 146

"Instructor, I think you are a dog nose." Tian Guo couldn't help but speak directly.

After speaking, Tian Guo felt that he might have said too much, so he immediately stuck out his tongue and prepared to apologize.

But before she could speak, Jiang Yanhai followed her words directly: "No, although the dog's nose is indeed very sensitive, even its sensitivity is more than 1,000 times that of a human nose, but so many perfume scents are mixed together. It absolutely cannot tell."

"Although the sensitivity of the human nose is not so high, the memory area of ​​the human brain will form a familiar olfactory area for all smells such as perfume, just like we can form muscles when we shoot, and the human nose can also form The same is true."

"Under such circumstances, our brain can distinguish and remember these scents. You can all do it." Jiang Yanhai said seriously.

Because Jiang Yanhai believes that he can do it with his own brain.

Everyone: "..."

"Also, maybe you can't remember so much, but it is absolutely necessary to remember the most commonly used ones. In fact, the luxury items I just mentioned can be used in many times when performing tasks."

"Now these luxuries don't talk about anything else. Girls with a little financial strength may have such a set of luxuries. If you know enough about these, you can distinguish everything."

"Take disguise as an example. If you pretend to be a woman with a monthly income of one million and the cosmetics you use are a second-tier brand like SKII, then all fools know that there is a problem."

"Remember a word, for women, 99% of women will never feel wronged on cosmetics. She has a monthly income of 2,000, and maybe she will use a set of 600-800 cosmetics. So, Women with a monthly income of more than one million will never use brands such as SKII."

These words even the female soldiers below nodded frequently, and people like Thor could not be described as an eye-opener.

The so-called details determine success or failure, and pretend to sneak in behind enemy lines, these are all things that must be paid attention to. Sometimes a detail problem often leads to failure.

Similarly, if they understand these details, and if someone like Jiang Yanhai pretends to come in, they can increase the probability of spotting the enemy.

"The instructor! What if someone just likes the reverse life? Someone just likes to be different?" Shen Lanni below stood up and asked loudly.

"What are you talking about?" Hearing her words, Jiang Yanhai felt a bright light flashed in his mind, and he asked hurriedly as if something rang out suddenly.

"I said, what if someone just likes the reverse life? Someone just likes to be different?" Although Shen Lanni was a little confused, she repeated it.

Reverse string? ! This word made Jiang Yanhai a huge wave in his mind, but he quickly stabilized his emotions, then coughed dryly before continuing to speak: "Then I ask you, are you such a person? "

"I'm not, but there is no denying that there are such people." Shen Lanni choked, but she still said very simply.

"So, for you, seeing such an anomaly, even if you think that the other person is a weird person, will you think about it a few times because of it? The more you think about it, the easier it is to pay attention to it, and then The easier it is to find her flaws."

"So when you pretend to be yourself, do you have to do such a thing to make the enemy pay attention to you?"

"No." Shen Lanni didn't hesitate this time, she answered bluntly, and then sat down.

"So, the purpose of our makeup sneaking is not to attract the attention of others. If you have a place that is easily exposed, then you have to do it more delicately in other areas, attract the enemy’s attention, and then divert their attention. To cover up your most important exposure."

In this class, Jiang Yanhai didn't talk too much about makeup and disguise skills, but just told them some basic principles and so on.

Not only these female soldiers listened very seriously, but people like Thor also listened very seriously. To be honest, Thor and others didn't understand this at all before, or they didn't understand such things at all.

But the same principle works not only for women, but also for men.

After dinner, let them digest the knowledge, Jiang Yanhai went straight back to his barracks. Today, he rarely read a book, but chose to go to sleep.

The reason for this is that this afternoon, Shen Lanni's reversed words caused Jiang Yanhai to resound abruptly.

During this period of time, he died in the fantasy simulation battle system almost every day!

This is the case every day, he is dead numb, not only him, all his team members have died.

And he is the commander of the entire team, and the extremely real simulation system of illusion puts Jiang Yanhai's psychological pressure on him now.

And Shen Lanni's reversal made Jiang Yanhai suddenly react. Every time he entered, he retreated to the established route, but no matter how they retreated, they couldn't escape the enemy's three-dimensional strike net.

Jiang Yanhai has experimented with various possibilities, but none of them succeeded.

But there is one direction Jiang Yanhai has never experimented with, and that is to directly face the direction from which the enemy came, and go back into the depths of the enemy's premises.

This is also the reason why Jiang Yanhai didn't read books today. He wants to take them out today! Or take them out, take them back! This is his responsibility as the captain of the entire team!

Even if you are excited, quickly entering a state of sleep and rest is a skill that all special forces must Yanhai is naturally one of the best.

The self-hypnosis method from the special forces experience card quickly put Jiang Yanhai into a sleep state.

When Jiang Yanhai went to sleep, he actually didn't know whether he entered the phantom simulation battle system directly after falling asleep, or he would enter after a while in a deep sleep.

But when he was awakened completely, Jiang Yanhai immediately jumped up, and at the moment he jumped up, he directly pressed the second egg next to him that was about to shake him under him.

"I'm fine, don't shout." Jiang Yanhai directly rushed before Erdan opened his mouth. This is pure experience from death.

After the boring statistics that he died so many times...Don't let the second egg yell out, you can live an average of 3 minutes and 22 seconds longer than letting him yell out.

Two eggs: "..."

"Brother Hai, if you don't let me yell, don't let me yell. Why are you pressing me?" The second egg pressed under his body said dullly.

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