One day after the border was repaired, the next day Jiang Yanhai received a call from Ma Yunfei while they were waiting for the military plane at the military airport.

"Is it Sanye?" Ma Yunfei asked eagerly when Jiang Yanhai answered the phone.

"Nonsense, who else could I be?" Jiang Yanhai said "impatiently".

"San Ye, where are you? Is it easy to speak?" Ma Yun asked quickly.

Convenience, I am very convenient. Jiang Yanhai rolled his eyes. He was sitting on the tarmac of the military airport. He had to wait here for half an hour before a Shun Fan could send them back.

"Let's talk, what's the matter."

"It's such a San Ye, one of my subordinates has disappeared." Ma Yunfei said directly.

"Disappeared? What do you mean?" Jiang Yanhai asked "inexplicably".

"That is, I asked him to take me to help control a stronghold of Nuoka, but after he went, he completed the task that day, but on the third night, the whole person disappeared, and there were two people he took. Also disappeared."

"What are you asking me for? I didn't help you see your men." Jiang Yanhai rolled his eyes.

"San Ye, can you inquire for me?" Ma Yunfei asked immediately.

"I said, you kid thought I was a god? Then the **** is overseas, how can I ask you? That's not my strength site?" Jiang Yanhai directly said silently.

"It's not San Ye, I don't know what's going on, but that kid knows a lot about us, do you think it's Truman? Didn't we do it with them? Is it possible that they want to cross the border? "Ma Yun said quickly.

"How do I know this? You need to investigate this. Even if it is Truman, I can't help it for the time being." Jiang Yanhai took a deep breath, and then said in a deep voice.

"It's mainly San Ye. He knows a lot of our information. I'm afraid that if he is known by Chu Sect, wouldn't Chu Tiannan know a lot of our secrets?" Ma Yunfei was a little anxious.

"Don't worry, let me ask you, is it possible for him to rebel on his own initiative?" Jiang Yanhai asked.

"No, it's impossible, Sanye, don't worry, although I don't have your means, but this depends on people's eyesight." Ma Yunfei said solemnly.

"If this is the case, then you can find someone to investigate. I can't speak overseas, but I can only reluctantly talk to the border for a little bit. I am not sure what is going on. If you know his news, no matter it is. For what reason, if he is in the hands of the enemy, then he must die, understand?"


"In this way, Nuoka's side is over, and his site is now in chaos, please hurry and continue." Jiang Yanhai said solemnly.

"Yes, Sanye, don't worry, apart from this question, there are no other problems, and it has been successfully taken over." Ma Yunfei said seriously.

"That's it."

After speaking, Jiang Yanhai hung up the phone.

"Why? Did your subordinates come over to trouble you?" Song Kaifei couldn't help but teased. These people naturally know what Jiang Yanhai is now, so all of them are a little speechless.

But at the same time being speechless, you can only admire, after all, if you let them play like this, they wouldn't dare.

The main reason is that this effect cannot be pretended.

Sometimes acting requires talent.

"Yeah, the subordinates are asking for trouble again, you see sometimes it is trouble with subordinates." Jiang Yanhai said with a smile and shrugged his shoulders.

"Hey, how about sitting up on Yun 20? By the way, I haven't sat down yet." Song Kaifei asked.

"Oh, pilot, aren't you a pilot? Why haven't you even been in a plane?" Wang Yanbing, who was next to him, immediately teased.

"Go and go, what do you know, I am an army pilot, and I am not a member of the air force. Is there anything incomprehensible if I haven't taken the 20th flight? If you tell me, you don't understand." Song Kaifei said directly. Waved his hand.

"Furthermore, don't you guys know? Even though I am a pilot, we are also from the Big Brother of the Army, and we are not the flying mice of the Air Force who have eyes above the top." Song Kaifei looked into the distance with disdain. The man in uniform in the Air Force whispered quickly.

"Haha, you have the ability to speak loudly." Xu Tianlong immediately laughed a few times.

"That's right, you have the ability to say it loudly. Why didn't you say it when you first came here? How do I think you drooled at other people's fighter jets? You wouldn't have been despised by other flying mice, right?" He Chenguang over there also hit Song Kaifei with his shoulder.

"What do you know, really, I said if you were my brothers, and I told you, it was my brother, and you would despise them with me." Song Kaifei immediately yelled.

"Haha, we don't want it. We will have to take someone else's Air Force brother's plane back." Everyone laughed.

In the jokes of several people, the figure of Yun-20 in the distance has begun to slowly decline. Now the number of Yun-20 in service is very large, so they can be seen in various military airports.

Usually these military airports are also very busy, of course, the busier is the take-off and landing of these fighters.

These frontier fighter jets are tasked with combat readiness every day, which is not the same as the tasks undertaken by military airports in the interior.

After the plane landed, we waited for the cargo on the plane to be loaded and unloaded. After all the cargo was loaded and unloaded, Jiang Yanhai and the others lined up and prepared to board the plane.

Of course, before boarding the plane, they still have to sign the captain, they still carry all the weapons and equipment.

Signed, neatly saluted, lined up, and the captain gave them lined up to take off, took off the folding seats, and then everyone started to fasten their seat belts and watched the hatch slowly Closed, and everyone was waiting for the plane to take off.

When the plane began to vibrate, Jiang Yanhai’s thoughts did not know how far he had drifted. During this period of time, his spirit had always been tense, and this time, not only him, but He Chenguang, they all experienced the same. Said it was a transformation of life.

Especially when seeing the living conditions in the Golden Triangle Special Zone, everyone felt the heavy pressure on their shoulders!

Heavy responsibility, because each of them has given such cruel training, and is even ready to pay the price of his own life at any time, not just to make such a situation never appear behind him in the more than 9.6 million square kilometers. Above the land?

Oh, by the way, the terrorist attack by the four-nation coalition government did not happen, but Jiang Yanhai's mind has always flashed the scenes of the boy scouts losing their lives for various reasons.

Domestic children who are the same age as them, are carrying new schoolbags and wearing new clothes, and are sitting in bright classrooms to study. That completely confirms that sentence is **** on one side and heaven on the other.

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