Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 395 The only thing that can be done (4000 words)

"Then of course, it is necessary to analyze the logic chain and find the source of pollution."

The researcher was stunned for a moment, and said: "Now, whether it's you or what we saw just now, these people are obviously dead, but they don't know that they are dead, and they are still moving like living people. even work."

"This absurd phenomenon has at least explained two problems."

"First, they forget the fact that they have died, including the process of their own death."

"Secondly, their perception, or way of thinking, is distorted, so they can't see their own wounds, nor other people's wounds, they can't smell their own blood, and this terrifying state, Take it for granted.”

"They're missing this piece of logic."

"It's like, they forgot to eat cooked food, so they take raw meat for granted."


The researcher told Lu Xin what he understood and knew.

Judging from his analysis and thinking, he should be a person with high knowledge and quick response:

"Since their thinking is missing, it can lead them to discover the flaw in this piece, and then discover the truth."

"You can understand that the state caused by this pollution is to maintain the same behavior as normal people as much as possible in the absence of part of the logic. If it is not broken or influenced by outsiders, then this logic may be existed for a long time."

"Like those colleagues at the observation site, who are said to have decayed, but still think they are alive."

"If no one reminded them, would they continue to work like this, never find themselves dead, until their bodies completely rot and collapsed, and finally turned into dust... In fact, I doubt that their memory, logic Judging, there must have been some problems, and the interruption and loss of physiological functions will definitely have an impact on their brains."

After making these analyses, he came to the conclusion:

"So, if you want to investigate this kind of pollution, you must find a way to interrupt their logic and observe their reactions. When they discover the truth of their own death, their thinking will be vacant, and their spirits will also be stimulated. make new changes.”

"By taking this opportunity, we may be able to find the real source of the problem."


Lu Xin listened quietly, but there were many thoughts in his mind.

He knew very well that maybe the person on the other end of the walkie-talkie had an accident.

But he obviously didn't realize that he had a problem, and he was still doing his best to help himself.

The first thing he has to figure out is whether he has been affected by death and gave himself wrong information.

It looks like this is likely to happen.

However, his rationality and tone of speech did not contain such deliberate cover-ups and fabrications.

That is to say, now, like these armed soldiers, he is really working hard?

After hearing his last suggestion, Lu Xin suddenly hesitated:

"After I said it, would they... die immediately?"

After asking the question, Lu Xin himself felt that this question seemed a bit ridiculous.

But the researcher quickly understood Lu Xin's thoughts and said softly, "They are already dead, Mr. Shan Bing."

"They live because of the influence of some kind of pollution, which is also an exploit, a deception."

"Let them be deceived and continue to live, but it is against their nature."

The researcher said in a low voice: "Also, we should find out the logic of pollution as soon as possible, clean up the source of pollution, and even... just learn more about the reactions of these people when they know the truth of their own death, and record it, that's what we should do!"


Lu Xin nodded and said softly, "I haven't asked your name yet."


The researcher was stunned for a moment, then smiled: "Mr. Shan Bing is too polite, my surname is Wang, my name is Wang Song, a student of Professor Chen."


Lu Xin nodded lightly, and then said, "Professor Wang Song, how can you tell if a person is dead?"

"Hehe, don't call me professor, I haven't reached that level yet."

Researcher Wang Song smiled and continued: "There are many methods, and the difference between the living and the dead is quite big."

"It goes without saying whether the pupils have been dilated, whether the heartbeat has stopped, etc. In medicine, it is generally based on whether the brain waves have stopped as the basis for judgment. For convenience, take a pulse, test the skin temperature, and It will be all right……"

"By the way, it can also be judged by the skin and the muscles on the body."

"Hehe, did you know? After a person dies, the muscles become loose and the wrinkles on the face disappear."


Researcher Wang Song is very relaxed, even talking enthusiastically, you can still hear that he is the kind of person with a little sense of humor.

At the end, he remembered something and reminded: "However, Mr. Soldier must be careful."

Lu Xin nodded lightly and said, "Be careful of what?"

Researcher Wang Song took a breath, and Lu Xin heard the sound of "Zizi".

This sound is very strange, like a broken tire showing air.

The researcher is right. It is indeed a very simple matter to determine whether a person is dead. At this time, Lu Xin can judge that his neck has leaked just by hearing his deep breathing. This is air. A voice pouring in from the wound.

"Be careful of that momentary mood change."

Researcher Wang Song whispered: "Pointing out a person's mistakes often makes a person feel a sense of offense to his dignity, and thus gives rise to a strong sense of resistance, which we often call 'angry anger'."

"With this association, I think that when we break the fact that a person has died, he will also have similar emotions, even more intense, crazy emotions."

"after all……"

"What in the world is more cruel than pointing out that a person is dead?"


Listening to Lu Xin, he seemed to be a little chatty, and he babbled there without interrupting.

It was not until he finished speaking that he said softly: "I see, Researcher Wang Song, now I need your cooperation."

Researcher Wang Song hurriedly said, "Mr. Shan Bing, just say yes."

Lu Xin nodded, trying to keep his tone as calm as possible: "First of all, report your current location to me."

"Secondly, be sure to stay where you are, don't... don't walk around, waiting for my signal."


"Oh, this kind of thing, don't worry, I will, we usually do this kind of training a lot."

The other party suddenly realized, smiled and agreed, and said again: "But you must be careful!"

Lu Xin listened silently and lowered his head slightly: "Thank you!"

After pondering for a while, he got up and walked to the tent over the observation point.


He didn't tell Wang Song and others their reactions on the walkie-talkie, because he didn't know what kind of changes would happen to these dead people when they realized that they were dead.

If, because he broke the fact that they were dead, it caused them to panic and run around, then it is very likely to cause unknown pollution to spread.

Therefore, I can only deceive them temporarily, let them hold hope and wait in place.

And what I have to do now is to find the answer as soon as possible.

At this time, the seven staff here at the observation point... or six and a half, because one of them didn't even have his legs, he was squatting on the ground half-length, walking on two hands... ... Seeing Lu Xin approaching, he subconsciously made way for Lu Xin, nervously watching Lu Xin walk past them, and then entered their tent.

Until this time, the eyes they looked at Lu Xin were all nervous and overwhelmed.

Lu Xin motioned to them, saying that he had some secrets, and they were also very cooperative, and immediately took a few steps away from the tent.

Lu Xin lightly covered his nose and walked to the contact device.

Because the observatory needs to contact the headquarters every three hours, it is very convenient to connect.

Lu Xin took a button with an unknown body fluid on it, and soon a voice came from the walkie-talkie:

"This is the command station of the Qinggang Highway 85 observation project, please speak."

Lu Xin said: "I am a single soldier."

The other party's liaison officer was obviously relieved and said, "Mr. Shan Bing, how is the situation now?"

Lu Xin said softly: "It is confirmed that the situation in the observatory is consistent with the report. In addition, when we arrived here, we found that the first 12 members of the information collection team who had contacted the observatory had also been affected. such pollution.”

"After discovering this situation, I chose to stay, and researcher Wang Song, the pilot and assistants who were on the same plane with me immediately chose to leave. During this period, they did not conduct any contact with the polluted people such as the observation point and the vanguard. direct contact."

"But in the previous contact, I found something strange, and I suspected that Researcher Wang Song had also been contaminated."

"Now they have not reunited with the information collection force brigade, which means that the information collection force brigade should be safe, but in this case, I am not sure what will happen next, so I hope they will be notified immediately and make a decision. Warning."

"Researcher Wang Song's current location is a small town 30 miles away from the observation point, but I don't recommend sending people to contact them now. After all, this kind of pollution is too... I'm not sure about the contact with them. Will people be equally polluted?"



The answer on the other side was simple, with a slight vibrato.

The unknown pollution has begun to spread, but they dare not touch it, which makes people feel an indescribable sense of depression.

"I will notify the superior immediately."

The other side was silent for a while, and then said softly again: "Mr. Soldier, what are you going to do now?"

Lu Xin said softly, "Has the information department found any valuable clues about this type of pollution incident?"

"still has not now."

The opposite voice said with a bit of frustration: "We have too little relevant information now. People in the information analysis department are looking for various materials, but no one has made valuable suggestions. In addition, Mr. Shan Bing, you reported about Songshan before. We have also sent two investigation teams to check the anomaly in the town. Judging from the time, they should not have arrived yet."

"Let me know if you find valuable information."

Lu Xin said softly, "I'm going to carry out further investigation, and I'll let you know when I have the information."

The other party seemed to have guessed what Lu Xin was going to do, and his voice trembled slightly.

After a pause, he said softly, "Mr. Soldier, you must pay attention to your own safety."

"I know."

Lu Xin nodded lightly and said, "After all, this is my job, and I will do it well."

After closing the call, Lu Xin walked out of the tent.

The night wind blew away the strong rancid smell, and Lu Xin's brain became slightly awake.

Looking up, I saw that everyone was looking at me.

The seven staff in the observatory stood on the left at this time. Their rotten and swollen faces seemed to be vaguely able to distinguish their expressions at this time. They were already in a state of worry, fear, and even close to collapse. state.

Even if they hadn't discovered their own problems, they knew something was wrong from the reactions of the vanguard and Lu Xin.

As for the vanguard, they were getting closer at this time. They were scattered in a row and stood on the right.

They seemed to be worried about Lu Xin, so they held guns in their arms.

At this time, they were watching out for the people in the observatory, but they didn't realize that they themselves had become like this.


"The first step is sample collection to determine if they have contamination or if we have a problem ourselves."

Lu Xin thought, in fact, there is no need to collect.

The purpose of the collection was to determine whether they were dead, but Lu Xin knew very well that everything around him at this time was the truth, because not only had he seen it, but he had already shaken hands with one of them. will be false.

The second step that needs to be done is...

Lu Xin was silent for a while before looking up at these people.

They were all terrified and expectant, as if waiting for Lu Xin to give them an answer.

They are all very serious and responsible people.

They followed all the terms of the job, were careful, and something went wrong.

Facing their eyes, Lu Xin felt that he should do something for them.

However, they are already dead, so what can they do to help the dead?


After pondering for a moment, he raised his head.

Lu Xin tried his best to show the warmest smile in his life, and said softly: "Before doing this job, maybe you already know that this job is the most dangerous job in the world, and you may be subjected to Pollution."

"There is some pollution, and you can't even notice it yourself."

"So, I need to ask you a question before I'm ready to move on to the next step."

He looked to the left, then to the right.

Softly: "If, I mean if, you will all sacrifice in this mission."

"So, what last words do you most want me to bring you back?"

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