Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 759 Lu Xin and Doll's Private Space

The old security guard was deeply immersed in memories, and the deep fear finally disappeared from his face.

If I have to describe it, at this time, he seems to be a little more gratified because of Lu Xin's changes in his memories.

He seemed to understand Lu Xin's words, nodded, and didn't talk about the details after the re-encounter, but looked up at Lu Xin, and said in conclusion: "In short, at the beginning, I was still a little afraid of you, but not Dare to drive you away, but I have been observing, and found that you seem to have really changed, become very mediocre, very ordinary, and have the kindness of ordinary people."

"If I had to describe how I feel about you..."

The old security guard was silent for a while, then looked at Lu Xin, and said, "I have seen you in three different states."

"Other ability users often go from stable to out of control."

"As for you, you have gone through this state in reverse, from extreme loss of control to becoming normal little by little..."


The old security guard finished what he wanted to say, and the atmosphere in the restaurant became quiet again.

The hospitable owner of the small restaurant was yawning. When they finished eating, he stretched out his head to take a look. Seeing that they no longer had that tense atmosphere, he nodded in satisfaction and expressed his appreciation for the behavior of the three of them. Appreciate it.

"That's right, three elders, what can't you say?"



Lu Xin was silent for a long time, just thinking about what the old security guard said.

The first generation of researchers, from when they picked me up to leave, until I met Mr. Xiaolu again, a total of three years have passed.

To be precise, it is less than three years.

Before meeting Mr. Xiaolu, although my memory was still chaotic, in fact, I still had a little bit of memory. I remembered that I had studied in high school, and I remembered that I joined the company and lived alone for many years. ...

My own memory, from that blankness to meeting Mr. Xiaolu, became completely clear, it is a gradual process.

And from this point of view, my real free time is actually a little more than a year.

So, what happened this year?

When I went to the research institute, I did hear from Dr. An that the people who lead the research in the research institute are strictly speaking the second generation, and the first generation of researchers are all people who belonged to before the Red Moon incident. Yes, it can also be considered that they were the earliest founders of the Red Moon Research Institute at that time. They established the Red Moon Research Institute as early as the pre-civilized era.

However, that Dr. An didn't know anything about them.

Or, at that time, she lied to herself?

However, what was the reason for a generation of researchers at that time to take themselves away?

The old security guard said he knew them, how did he know them?


What concept does it represent?



My mind was gradually occupied by these different questions, and Lu Xin was silent for a long time.

No. 8 and the old security guard were silent.

They seemed to be sitting there, respectively, in a state of total disorientation, or ready to be punished.

Waiting for myself to give them the results.

However, at this time, I was also not in the mood to deal with these things.

So, after being silent for a long time, he let out a long breath and said, "Let's talk about these things later."

"It's getting late today, and I'm a little tired."


No. 8 and the old security guard raised their heads to look at him in surprise.

On the face of No. 8, there was an expression of disbelief, wanting to say something, but not sure.

The old security guard was an accident.

"Life is too complicated..."

Lu Xin got up slowly, and said with a wry smile, "But I always have to work hard, don't I?"

"So, let's take care of our own affairs..."


While talking, he turned his head and said to the restaurant owner, "Check out!"

After a pause, he said again: "Pack up the unfinished ones."



Leaving the old security guard and No. 8 in the restaurant, Lu Xin walked out of the restaurant alone with the packed dishes.

At this time, the street has once again returned to silence.

Those who plan to go home tonight have already returned home, and those who don't plan to go home have already fallen asleep in the shelter. On the narrow and long streets, you can't even see a car with lights on, only dim light, alone.

Lu Xin walked slowly on the street, not intending to ask the Special Qing Department to send him a car.

In fact, facing No. 8 and the old security just now, he didn't say a lot of things, so he could only keep them in his heart.

The communication with No. 8 and the old security guard was still very successful.

He and No. 8 were able to admit it frankly, and the old security guard did not hide anything, and told all the previous things.

This is a successful exchange, and Lu Xin can only express his praise, but I have to say, seeing that they are all suffering and fearful because of their past selves, it is inevitable that they will feel a little bit disappointed in their hearts. Is it that scary?

Whether it is No. 8 or the old security guard after repentance, they are all kind people in essence...

It's just that the me at that time only knew how to destroy and kill, and brought endless fear and pain to others...

How could it be that they were afraid of themselves?

He was in a hurry to leave, and he didn't want to express more opinions, because he felt that he really didn't have the right to criticize anything...

Perhaps, by working harder in the future, we can eliminate this impression from others, right?



Thinking about these questions, Lu Xin stopped at an intersection.

On the empty street, only the red moon in the sky has been with me.

He suddenly realized that he was more than ten kilometers away from home, relying on two legs, he didn't know when he would be able to go back.

It's like, some hope in my heart seems to be very close, and I don't know how long it will take.

After standing silently for a long time, Lu Xin took another step.

Although it is far away, I always have to go back, even if there is no one on this road...

Lonely people are shameful, but who let themselves do badly in the past?


Also when Lu Xin had these thoughts, there was a light chain collision sound behind him. Lu Xin was slightly surprised, turned his head, and saw that the doll was slowly falling from the air, and the white chains were shaking, making a pleasant sound. sound...

She hasn't rested yet?

Lu Xin looked at her, hid the packing bag in his hand behind his back, and said with a smile, "I can't give you the leftovers this time. I remember that you like to eat the ones with beautiful colors and shapes. Last time, the goose Liver is like that, I thought you must like it when I saw it at the time. This time, it is just made casually by a small roadside restaurant, it is oily and greasy, and it is fried black, you will definitely not like it."

The baby didn't seem to understand what Lu Xin was saying at all, but slowly landed beside Lu Xin.

Lu Xin walked forward, and she followed silently. When Lu Xin looked at her, she smiled, but still didn't like to talk.

Behind him, the sound of a "drum beep" helicopter sounded.

It seems that the nanny team found the doll lost, and immediately ran to the No. 2 satellite city to find someone.

However, after observing from a distance, the sound of the helicopter disappeared quickly, as if not wanting to disturb them.

"The doll's behavior today seems a little strange?"

The captain of the nanny team, with a group of members, arrived at the security hall of the No. 2 satellite city and landed.

A group of people drove towards the area where Lu Xin and Wawa were.


Someone asked suspiciously: "She met Shan Bing, isn't she always like this?"

"It's always showing closeness, but this time, it seems that there is something more than closeness..."

The captain of the nanny team said doubtfully, patted the driver in front of him on the shoulder, and said, "Don't get too close this time."

"Give them some privacy."



On a quiet street.

Lu Xin and Wa Wa walked silently on the deserted street, the two shadows were stretched long under the streetlight.

"You are really stupid..."

Lu Xin walked slowly, then said helplessly, "Don't you know that I was a monster before?"

The baby tilted her head slightly, looked at Lu Xin's expression, and then shook her head slightly.

"I'm really, really lucky..."

Lu Xin turned his head slightly, hid his eyes, and walked forward silently.

And Wa Wa still just followed Lu Xin silently, accompanying him on this long and endless night road.

Only occasionally, when he turned his head to look at Lu Xin, a distant picture appeared in his mind.



When the baby was very young, she came to Qinggang. She was wearing dirty clothes, stained with a lot of blood, and her little face was full of fear.

She was surrounded by countless crazy people, and she hid helplessly in the corner. She couldn't control her spiritual power, and she didn't know whether these people liked her, or a group of demons who only wanted to eat her, and the feeling of fear was overwhelmed whole heart...

The doll didn't know how to deal with it, so she could only hug her little head, trembling with fear, she was used to such scenes, but, there were always times when her mental strength tended to be weak due to too much pressure. On the verge of collapse.

But at this moment, another child came over from a distant street in confusion.

These people whose love for the dolls reached a point of insanity suddenly stopped moving one by one as if they were frozen.

It took a long time for the doll to carefully reveal one eye and look out.

The little boy walking from a distance was also covered in blood and was dirty, but he walked straight past the doll, looked down at the doll, his eyes were full of black particles, and instantly confused the doll's mental power Return to calm.

The mental power of the doll also affected him to some extent.

So he stopped in his tracks, and fixedly glanced at the doll. The eyes of the two intertwined, and the world seemed to come to a standstill.

After a while, he slowly stretched out his hand, pulled the doll up, and then continued to walk forward.


It was like two ripples on the surface of the water, with a light touch, they separated again.

Just this one contact doesn't even make any sense.

For many years since then, they have never met again, and even one of them, Ripple, doesn't remember this incident at all.

But who's to say they haven't collided?

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