Since The Red Moon Appeared

Chapter 869 Spiritual Strength +2

"so amazing……"

It was also when people all over the world felt that invisible fluctuation of spiritual power, Lu Xin suddenly opened his eyes.

As if suddenly waking up from an oppressive and chaotic dream, he saw the real world.

The breathing was suddenly smooth, and the huge weight that was suppressed in the heart disappeared in an instant.

The twisted black granulation around it, and the singing voice that penetrated into my eardrum like a steel needle, like thick oil paint and tide, are gradually thinning out, and then all traces are lost, and there is only a peaceful wilderness around. In the sky above the wilderness, the crimson moon seemed to be getting more and more bright red, and, not far away, stood there blankly waiting for her doll. .

"Is this how it feels?"

Lu Xin panted for a while, then slowly slowed down, and began to carefully recall the feeling just now.

When the initial strength overwhelmed him, he felt the pressure and emptiness that could not be described in words, but he survived that stage, using the spiritual core he had recovered for so many years, to sustain the kind that was enough The power to break people.

Then, he felt another kind of spiritual wonder.

I once saw a wall full of strange symbols in the ward at the former site of the Red Moon Research Institute.

It appeared in my mind again.

And this time, it seemed clearer than the previous few times.

The symbols on it seem to have life, they are moving and connected, and they are reflected in their own spiritual world.

It was originally a complicated and traceless symbol, but I actually understood it.

It seems that they are becoming very familiar, and gradually resonate with them on their spiritual level.

It was also at this moment that the initial power unexpectedly became, not so terrifying anymore.

On the contrary, it seemed very close.

Lu Xin even had a feeling that he was sleeping in the warm ocean, and all the sea water was protecting him.

"Is this the way to digest the only consciousness?"

Lu Xin thought with some joy, and then this joy gradually became heavy.

I found the right way.

That's right, relying on this kind of courage to face the original one directly, can indeed speed up the digestion of the only consciousness.

And this method of speeding up the digestion of the only consciousness brought about earth-shaking changes in the level of one's own consciousness.

This state is hard to describe.

To be precise, the only consciousness does not belong to oneself originally, but is only kept in one's own mind, or spiritual level.

But as my mother helped me digest half of it before, I began to grasp this consciousness. Now, as I face the beginning, the other half is also beginning to melt and decompose a little bit, and begin to truly integrate into my spiritual world.

Or in other words, is he merging into the only consciousness?

It's hard to tell the difference between the two.

What made Lu Xin feel even more frightening was that he suddenly found that he seemed to be able to use his initial power...

Just after the huge and terrible mental pressure at the beginning, it was like being on the surface of the stormy sea. When the sun appeared, the sea level was clear and the rainbow hung in the sky. The extreme contrast formed a kind of people The heart is close to a state of intoxication, and the breeze around him seems to have turned into a close connection between himself and the world at this moment.

Lu Xin took a deep breath, as if he could feel the heartbeat of the whole world.

If you feel it carefully, you can also find that your spiritual strength seems to be a little bit more than usual.

Really not much more.

If you say that your spiritual level before was less than 10,000, and at most it was only 9,999...

So now, ten thousand and one point?

It's just two points more...

While thinking about this question, Lu Xin quickly touched his face, his body, his legs, and then he quickly calmed down from the worry just now. It's a tentacle or something.

I am still myself.

It can even be said that I am more myself than before.

Near the beginning, the most terrifying thing is to be completely obliterated by it and lose yourself.

But Lu Xin didn't know the reason for this, the only consciousness actually helped him to stabilize himself.

So, if this kind of thing happened a few more times, and the only consciousness was completely digested, what would it be like?




Seeing Lu Xin standing still in a daze, the baby became a little anxious.

She could feel that Lu Xin was in a different state from just now, calm and gentle, and knew in her heart that he should have finished what he wanted to do just now, but Lu Xin had already finished it suddenly, but She still stood there without moving, and raised her hand to touch her face from time to time. The movements seemed a little weird, which made her even more worried.

Lu Xin said just now that if she was not allowed to come over, she could only watch from afar.

But he was so concerned that he actually opened his mouth: "... How about it?"


Lu Xin was slightly taken aback, then raised his head and cast a smiling face at the baby: "I'm fine."

This smiling face was reflected in the doll's pupils, which made her expression slightly stunned.

looks great……

There is even a real feeling that directly hits the heart. The baby suddenly thinks of the stars he usually sees in film and television dramas. There seems to be a certain indescribable temperament in his body. Every gesture has a powerful impact that is charming force.

Lu Xin didn't think about it, and walked towards the baby while answering.


But when he took this step, suddenly, the whole world seemed to shake.

It's like standing on a treadmill, as you move forward, the world moves backward.

The ground trembled, and the field of vision reversed.

That kind of hugeness and unfathomable degree is like the entire ocean, which has been translated by a distance of ten centimeters. It is not obvious from the data alone, but when the volume of the entire ocean is involved, it forms an extremely terrifying force , forming a strong shaking.

Especially the doll, the closest.

He just sat on the ground with one butt pier...

She was dazed for a while, then looked at Lu Xin with her mouth pursed, her eyes seemed to be filled with resentment.



"Ah, sorry, sorry..."

Lu Xin was also taken aback and realized what was going on.

He hurriedly stood on the spot, adjusted silently, then quickly walked over to the doll, pulled her up from the ground, and saw that the doll seemed to be looking at him suspiciously, and he suddenly became very embarrassed: " I really didn't mean to..."

It really wasn't intentional.

Having just digested part of the unique consciousness, he has merged with the original spiritual power to a certain extent.

Therefore, with a slight movement of myself, a large amount of spiritual power was aroused.

As the only person in this area, the baby is the node of this area of ​​spiritual power.

Therefore, when Lu Xin was not paying attention, if he moved slightly, the doll seemed to have received a huge mental shock.

I don't know if the baby understands the principle of this.

Anyway, after being pulled up by Lu Xin, there was still some resentment in his eyes.

"It's the second time..."


"I can't tell she's holding a grudge, I didn't do it on purpose last time..."

Lu Xin complained silently in his heart.

Suddenly, he reacted abruptly: "Hey, why did I know what she was thinking at this time?"

Slightly stunned for a moment, I realized again. Is this because, after digesting part of my only consciousness, I also began to bear the huge spiritual power? In this huge spiritual power, I seem to have higher and higher authority, just like as a network administrator, I can see the content displayed on any computer device in my Internet cafe?

When this thought flashed through his mind, Lu Xin stared blankly at the beautiful computer in front of him, his face blushed slightly.

Why is it all me?

Moreover, why does she look like a big star in her eyes?

so pretty...




After being stunned for a moment, Lu Xin came to his senses, shook his head hastily, and expelled this thought.

In fact, he understood the principle, but it was just an illusion.

Although I usually look pretty good-looking, but it is definitely not so good-looking.

It's just that my mental strength has just been increased a little.

Not much, just two points.

But these two points made him break through a certain limit.

In my previous self, the spiritual power and the black particles opposed and dissolved each other, presenting an absolute balance, so no matter from which point of view, I am an ordinary person, just an ordinary person who has been polluted. But just now, I have undergone the initial baptism, and my spiritual power has begun to take a little advantage, so there has been a slight change in temperament...

The increase in spiritual strength will inevitably bring about changes in temperament.

What it looks like is no longer important. Strong spiritual power can change people's aesthetics in nature.

Therefore, it is inevitable that I become a little better.

Of course, as good-looking as the doll's eyes are, the doll's own filter is added.

... This girl's aesthetic, tsk tsk, is really good.

While thinking, Lu Xin reluctantly withdrew his perception.

It is impolite to pry into the minds of others.

Of course, more importantly, if you spy on the doll's inner self for a long time, you may also be overwhelmed by your own charm.

This has the potential to turn myself into a super narcissist.

Hey, it's scary to think about it...

"Let's go back first..."

Throwing this frightening possibility out of his mind, Lu Xin smiled and stretched out his hand to the doll.

Probably due to the burden of being an idol, the smile at this time has been slightly adjusted.

Reserved and gentle.

I have to put one hand in my pocket, and when I smile, I can only show four teeth, but it's a pity that I have to hold hands, so I can't brush my hair.

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